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10-03 投稿


microphone 發(fā)音

英:[?ma?kr?fo?n]  美:[?ma?kr?f??n]

英:  美:

microphone 中文意思翻譯



microphone 詞性/詞形變化,microphone變形


microphone 短語詞組

1、ceramic microphone ─── [電] 陶瓷微音器

2、close-talking microphone ─── [電] 密談微音器

3、directional microphone ─── [電] 單向微音器

4、boom microphone ─── [電] 吊架微音器

5、combination microphone ─── [電] 組合微音器

6、condenser microphone ─── [電] 電容式微音器

7、differential microphone ─── [電] 微分微音器

8、carbon rod microphone ─── [電] 碳棒微音器

9、dynamic microphone ─── [電] 電動微音器

10、crystal microphone ─── [電] 晶體微音器

11、cardioid microphone ─── [電] 心形微音器

12、double-button carbon microphone ─── [電] 雙鈕碳粒微音器

13、carbon microphone ─── [電] 碳精微音器

14、antinoise microphone ─── [電] 反雜音微音器

15、electronic microphone ─── [電] 電子微音器

16、capacitor microphone ─── [電] 電容式微音器

17、conference microphone ─── [計] 會議傳話器

18、contact microphone ─── [電] 接觸微音器

19、bidirectional microphone ─── [電] 雙向微音器

microphone 常用詞組

wireless microphone ─── 無線話筒;無線傳聲器

condenser microphone ─── 電容式傳聲器

electret microphone ─── 駐極體麥克風(fēng)

microphone 相似詞語短語

1、microphones ─── n.[電子]麥克風(fēng)(microphone的復(fù)數(shù))

2、microphonics ─── n.顫噪聲

3、microphyte ─── n.細(xì)菌;微小植物

4、microphage ─── n.[免疫]小噬細(xì)胞

5、micropore ─── n.微孔

6、microtone ─── n.微分音

7、microprobe ─── n.[光]微探針(用以對物質(zhì)進(jìn)行微量分析的)

8、microdrone ─── 微型無人機(jī)

9、microphonic ─── adj.話筒的;顫噪效應(yīng)的

microphone 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The host a microphone in her hand. ─── 主持人手里拿著話筒走上舞臺。

2、The sounds are amplified using a variety of microphon es. ─── 他們使用各式各樣的麥克風(fēng)來放大樂器的聲音。

3、Voice over IP can also be used, and requires a suitable microphone or headset. ─── 您也可以使用通過IP的語音,這要求您使用合適的麥克風(fēng)和耳機(jī)。

4、People frequently plug the headphone plug into the microphone port, and the microphone into the headphone port. ─── 人們會經(jīng)常把頭戴耳機(jī)話筒插頭插入到麥克風(fēng)端口,并把麥克風(fēng)插入到頭戴耳機(jī)話筒端口。

5、I seem to have a microphone in my hand. Well, I'd be interested in knowing what Hillary has to say to that question. -Senator Clinton? ─── 我看起來手中還有一個麥克風(fēng)。我很想知道希拉里對此問題有什么看法。-參議員克林頓?

6、But once King took to the microphone, the crowd was electrified. ─── 但金一拿起麥克風(fēng),人群就興奮起來。

7、And the HC7 supplies a microphone input and headphone jack. ─── HC7提供了麥克風(fēng)輸入接口和耳機(jī)插孔。

8、A universal serial bus (USB) microphone with gain adjustment support is recommended. ─── 建議使用支持增益調(diào)節(jié)的通用串行總線(USB)麥克風(fēng)。

9、Get at least one microphone, and a stand to go with it. Playing songs is a lot more fun when someone's singing! ─── 至少需要一個麥克風(fēng),并為它配備一個架子。有人唱歌會給演奏帶來更多樂趣。

10、To make(a hidden microphone, for example) ineffective. ─── 使失效使(例如,隱蔽的傳聲器)失去功用

11、How much longer do you think it'll be before someone puts a microphone in front of them? ─── 從現(xiàn)在到他們拿著麥克風(fēng)說話,你覺得我們還有多少時間?

12、Try to speak clearly into the microphone. ─── 盡力清楚地在麥克風(fēng)上發(fā)言。

13、Tom: Sure. Here.(As he hands her the microphone, he bumps Lisa's Coke, which goes onto Tara's blouse.) Oops! ─── 當(dāng)然。給你。(當(dāng)他把話筒遞給麗莎的時候,他碰到了麗莎的可樂,可樂都灑到了塔拉的襯衫上。)噢!

14、An icon appears in the upper portion of the screen to indicate when the microphone is muted. ─── 當(dāng)對麥克風(fēng)進(jìn)行消音時,會在屏幕的上部出現(xiàn)一個圖標(biāo)。

15、If you do not have a headset microphone, click Finish. ─── 如果您沒有使用耳機(jī)式麥克風(fēng),請單擊“完成”。

16、Ten minutes later Sutherland grabbed a microphone. ─── 十分鐘后,薩瑟蘭抓住擴(kuò)音機(jī)話筒。

17、Which sound device do you have your microphone plugged into? ─── 您的麥克風(fēng)插入哪一種聲音設(shè)備?

18、He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking. ─── 他在講話前先輕叩了一下擴(kuò)音器。

19、Ekin puts on his microphone while Dr Porter describes the days schedule to the film crew. ─── 布博士向攝影隊解釋當(dāng)天考察程序,在旁的伊健戴上耳筒。

20、You must speak up and project your voice even if you are using a microphone. ─── 你必須聲音洪亮,發(fā)音清晰即使使用麥克風(fēng)的情況.

21、She picked up the microphone and began to experiment with the switches. ─── 她拿起話筒,試撥開關(guān),看是否靈驗。

22、Tara: Well, I guess I'll sing. Tom, can you hand me that microphone? ─── 塔拉:嗯,我想我要開始唱了。湯姆,你能把話筒遞給我嗎?

23、Speak clearly into the microphone. ─── 對著話筒說清楚些。

24、Point the microphone toward your mouth. ─── 將麥克風(fēng)對準(zhǔn)嘴部

25、An iconappears in the upper portion of the screen to indicate when the microphone is muted. ─── 當(dāng)對麥克風(fēng)進(jìn)行消音時,會在屏幕的上部出現(xiàn)一個圖標(biāo)。

26、Two jack sockets for microphone and earphone respectively. ─── 兩插口:各提供麥克風(fēng)及耳筒。

27、He lectured into a microphone. ─── 他通過麥克風(fēng)講課。

28、International meetings began to sound like a pledge banquet with a pass-around microphone. ─── 國際會議開始象在宴會上傳送麥克風(fēng)舉杯祝酒那樣發(fā)出了聲音。

29、Built-in microphone for sound-active mode DC9-12V 300mA,adap... ─── 廣州市啟明舞臺燈光音響設(shè)備廠>>類別:調(diào)光控制臺廣東省-廣州市2008-08-1400:33

30、He crooned into the microphone. ─── 他充滿柔情地對著麥克風(fēng)唱流行歌曲。

31、He is talking into a microphone. ─── 他正在對著麥克風(fēng)講話。

32、A sound card with a microphone plugged into it, if you want to include sound in your broadcast. ─── 如果想要在廣播中包括聲音,則需要一個插有麥克風(fēng)的聲卡。

33、He used a microphone so that everyone could hear him. ─── 他使用擴(kuò)音器,使人人能聽見他的講話。

34、"In life,the microphone passes your lips but once... ─── 在生命里,麥克風(fēng)只會經(jīng)過你的唇邊一次。。

35、Girard, in what for him is an ebullient mood, takes the microphone. ─── Girard,拿著話筒,是一種熱情洋溢的心情。

36、The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine. ─── 從隔壁房間傳入麥克風(fēng)的聲音。

37、His accident with the microphone bring some welcome comic relief to a very dull party. ─── 他撞上了話筒,這給極沉悶的聚會帶來了些歡樂。

38、If the line out source is set improperly it will cause feedback as the microphone input is output to the monitor. ─── 如果Line out source裝得不對,它會引起回聲,因為麥克的輸入又輸出到了監(jiān)視器上。

39、One of the features of the PJP-25UR is its movable microphone arms. ─── PJP-25UR的特點之一就是可動式麥克風(fēng)支臂。

40、He clipped the microphone(on) to his collar. ─── 他把麥克風(fēng)別在衣領(lǐng)上。

41、To distort sound recording or transmission by overloading a microphone or loudspeaker. ─── 聲音失真由于麥克風(fēng)或揚(yáng)聲器負(fù)載過重而使得聲音記錄或傳送失真

42、If even one of you had walked by this microphone and told me there was Hope, that would have been enough to listen. ─── 如果你們其中任何人到麥克風(fēng)這里來,告訴我還有希望,那就足夠了。

43、It should have a second plug which goes into the Microphone port on your computer. ─── 它應(yīng)該另有一個可以插入計算機(jī)麥克風(fēng)端口的插頭。

44、If the microphone isn't built into the computer, please make sure the microphone cable is plugged in. ─── 如果麥克風(fēng)不是內(nèi)置在計算機(jī)內(nèi),請確定麥克風(fēng)線已插入孔內(nèi)。

45、Please don't move, just listen to the words from the microphone. ─── 不要動。請按麥克風(fēng)里的提示做。

46、If your microphone has a mute button, check to see if it is turned on. ─── 如果麥克風(fēng)有靜音按鈕,檢查該按鈕是否打開。

47、The microphone preamp boosts the mic level to a line level. ─── ),既然選擇了蘋果,相信很多人,也就選擇了高貴與品質(zhì)。

48、But lawmakers, who repeatedly interrupted Mr. Paulson to ask him to move closer to his microphone, showed little faith in his answers. ─── 不過議員們不太相信鮑爾森的回答。他們反復(fù)打斷鮑爾森,請他離話筒更近一點兒。

49、Place the microphone on top of your monitor or you computer. Make sure it's facing you. ─── 將麥克風(fēng)放在您的監(jiān)視器上或計算機(jī)上。請確定它是對著你的。

50、Wedding decoration of Ballroom, audio and microphone equipment for free. ─── 免費(fèi)宴會廳婚宴場景裝飾及音響、麥克風(fēng)設(shè)施。

51、At the age of ten, dressed in a cowboy suit, and standing on a chair to reach the microphone. ─── 于十歲,身著牛仔套裝,并站在椅子上達(dá)成麥克風(fēng)。

52、Whenever the mute be active, an icon of a microphone with a slash through it will appear on the screen. ─── 只要消音起作用,就會在屏幕上出現(xiàn)一個麥克風(fēng)圖標(biāo),有一條斜線貫穿該圖標(biāo)。

53、If even one of you had walked by this microphone and told me there was Hope, that would have been enough to listen. ─── 如果你們其中任何人到麥克風(fēng)這里來,告訴我還有希望,那就足夠了。

54、The microphone screeched with feedback. ─── 麥克風(fēng)發(fā)出了尖厲的噪聲。

55、Vincent Lord took over the microphone reserved for witnesses when the afternoon session began. ─── 下午的聽證會開始后,文森特·洛德接過了為證人準(zhǔn)備的麥克風(fēng)。

56、He cracked his crown on a microphone during a performance. ─── 他在一次表演中在麥克風(fēng)上把齒冠打破了。

57、A unidirectional microphone. ─── 單向性的麥克風(fēng)

58、In order to record both sides of a conference, the local microphone input is added to the output. ─── 為了能錄下會議雙方,除了輸出,還需在當(dāng)?shù)卦黾虞斎搿?/p>

59、Function: Programming the microphone's [P4]/[P2] button assignment. ─── 功能:為話筒上的[P4]/[P2]鍵編程。具體含義見下表。

60、Both Crosby and Presley were creations of the microphone. ─── 克羅比和普萊斯利都是麥克風(fēng)的創(chuàng)新者。

61、Hearing aids components: microphone, receiver, volume control, and trimmer. ─── 助聽器部件:麥克風(fēng)、受器、量控制器和微調(diào)電阻等。

62、She behaved naturally before the microphone. ─── 她在話筒前表現(xiàn)自然。

63、We need a microphone so that people in the back can hear us. ─── 為了讓后面的人能聽得見, 我們得用個麥克風(fēng)。

64、The transduction of acoustic waves into voltages by a microphone. ─── 聲波被麥克風(fēng)轉(zhuǎn)換為電壓。

65、More than two hundred students were in the classroom, the professor had to talk into microphone. ─── 200多學(xué)生在教室,教授不得不用麥克風(fēng)講話。

66、He was obviously were very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone. ─── 他顯然十分緊張,局促不安地站在話筒前有好幾分鐘。

67、He clipped the microphone (on) to his collar. ─── 他把麥克風(fēng)別在衣領(lǐng)上。

68、International meetings began to sound like a pledge banquet with a pass-around microphone. ─── 國際會議開始象在宴會上傳送麥克風(fēng)舉杯祝酒那樣發(fā)出了聲音。

69、Cheers greeted Cleveland as he walked to the microphone. ─── 克利夫蘭走到擴(kuò)音器跟前,頓時一片歡呼。

70、It requires no special configuration,but shall not be used in conjunction with an external line level microphone mixer. ─── 它無需特別配置,但不要用來連接外線路電平麥克混音器。

71、D.Garthe, A Fiber-optic Microphone[J]. Sensor and Actuators A, 1991:25-27. ─── 張奕林.光纖壓力傳感器探頭的設(shè)計[J].光電子激光2002.

72、The Micro system is a microphone and a loudspeaker in one. ─── Micro系統(tǒng)是一個話筒和一個揚(yáng)聲器合而為一。

73、He grabbed my microphone and we tussled over that. ─── 他抓住我的話筒,我們?yōu)榇伺ご蚱饋怼?/p>

74、Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said," I'm sorry I'm so jittery. ─── 她有些不知所措,還有點尷尬,于是就靠近話筒干脆說了起來:"很抱歉我這么緊張。

75、Your microphone is muted. Would you like to unmute your microphone? ─── 您的麥克風(fēng)是靜音。您想開啟您的麥克風(fēng)嗎?

76、Do you get a microphone now? ─── 你現(xiàn)在拿到麥克風(fēng)了嗎?

77、A good omnidirectional microphone is a must. ─── 一個好的全向麥克風(fēng)是必須的。

78、"The more a plant is subjected to stress,the louder the signal we get on our microphone," he said. ─── 屈內(nèi)曼說:“植物受到的壓力越大,我們用麥克風(fēng)接收的信號就越強(qiáng)。”

79、She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone. ─── 當(dāng)她對著擴(kuò)音器講話時,她的聲音嘟嘟響。

80、Are your microphone and earphone plugs the right way round? ─── 你們的麥克風(fēng)和耳機(jī)的插頭插對了嗎?

81、The microphone, you see, acts much like a telephone transmitter . ─── 你看,傳聲器作用與電話的送話器很相像。

82、He leant towards his microphone. ─── 他是巴布亞-新幾內(nèi)亞的代表。

83、You're all finished selecting your sound card and adjusting your microphone. ─── 您已經(jīng)選好聲卡,并調(diào)整了麥克風(fēng)。

84、Would you like to talk to me on the microphone, instead of typing in the chatroom. ─── 你愿意用麥克風(fēng)跟我講話,而不是在聊天室里打字嗎?

85、Can you show me where the microphone plugs into the tape recorder? ─── 你能告訴我麥克風(fēng)要插到錄音機(jī)的那個地方?

86、A special microphone makes her voice sound like that of a child. ─── 一種特殊的話筒使她的聲音像一個小孩。

87、An open mic event is a live show where anyone can perform at the microphone. ─── “打開麥克風(fēng)”是一個現(xiàn)場表演秀,任何人都可以在活動上座現(xiàn)場表演。

88、The driver for your sound card may cause problems with the Microphone Setup Wizard and speech recognition. ─── 您聲卡的驅(qū)動程序可能造成麥克風(fēng)安裝向?qū)Ъ罢Z音識別的問題。

89、No speech recognition engines found on your machine. Close the Microphone Setup wizard and re-install your application. ─── 在您的機(jī)器上沒有找到語音識別引擎。請關(guān)閉麥克風(fēng)安裝向?qū)?重新安裝應(yīng)用程序。





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