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10-03 投稿


nowise 發(fā)音

英:[?no??wa?z]  美:[?n???wa?z]

英:  美:

nowise 中文意思翻譯



nowise 相似詞語短語

1、anodise ─── v.給(金屬,如鋁或鎂)作陽極處理,對……作陽極氧化

2、anywise ─── adv.無論如何

3、enolise ─── 烯醇分解

4、to wise ─── 智者

5、Boise ─── n.博伊西(美國愛達荷州首府)

6、endwise ─── adv.豎著;末端向前地;兩端首尾相接;向著兩端(等于endways);adj.直立著的;向前的;末端朝前或向上的(等于endways)

7、snowish ─── 下雪的

8、-wise ─── adj.明智的;聰明的;博學的;vt.使知道;教導;vi.了解;n.(Wise)人名;(英)懷斯

9、noise ─── n.[環(huán)境]噪音;響聲;雜音;vt.謠傳;vi.發(fā)出聲音;大聲議論;n.(Noise)人名;(英)諾伊斯

nowise 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、If you ask me to choose from a city without bicycle and a city without car, I will nowise to choose the latter. ─── 如果讓我來決定我們要一個沒有自行車的城市,還是要一個沒有汽車的城市,我會毫不猶豫地選擇后者.

2、Had them, I would be brave to move forward forward, will fall to bump to also be afraid nowise even if! ─── 有了他們,我會勇敢的向前邁進,即便會跌跌撞撞也毫不畏懼!

3、Fighting with a large army under your command is nowise different from fighting with a small one: it is merely a question of instituting signs and signals. ─── 雙方交戰(zhàn),一方之亂,是因為對方治軍更嚴整:一方怯懦,是因為對方更勇敢;一方弱小,是因為對方更強大。

4、Had them, I would be brave to move forward forward, will fall to bump to also be afraid nowise even if! ─── 有了他們,我會勇敢的向前邁進,即便會跌跌撞撞也毫不畏懼!

5、NowI find that I have a new sensitivity towards everyone because my softest emotions have been awakened by you. ─── 笑只不過是一種行為表現(xiàn),核心是我們因為什么而笑。

6、Goverment take nowise compromise attitude in independence problem. ─── 政府在獨立的問題上采取了毫不妥協(xié)的態(tài)度。

7、Cloud beginning snow heart is unclear embarrassment, to the Jin natural selection, she actually nowise understands and knows not a entity. ─── 云初雪內(nèi)心隱隱不安,對靳天擇,她的確毫不了解,一無所知。

8、Most Hou the spot a young girl nowise and hard to tacklely become champion. ─── 最后現(xiàn)場一名少女毫不費力地獲得勝利。

9、What do Ido? I made it up to the top, but nowI'm afraid to go down. ─── 怎么辦呢?我終于到了頂點,但現(xiàn)在不敢下來。

10、Long Lin sneers at of sneer, nowise show to weakly face to penetrate William duke the vision of the threat. ─── 龍粼嘲諷的冷笑,毫不示弱的迎視威廉公爵威脅的目光。

11、The ideal is the target of life,Make each time a personal huge problems be afraid nowise,Make each person get again satisfied answer but return. ─── 就在今天我又經(jīng)歷了一次,我的離開使同學驚訝不已,我的離開使我的朋友流下眼淚;

12、3.Use this kind of way, we can nowise the fee separates the oil and the vinegar to the utmost. ─── 3.用這種辦法,我們可以毫不費盡地把油和醋分開。

13、LOVELIEST of trees, the cherry nowIs hung with bloom along the bough,And stands about the woodland rideWearing white for Eastertide. ─── 明治時期,一個日本少女在櫻花盛開時,自飛瀑下一躍而下。

14、As long as you do not compete with them directly, people would surprisingly the generosity is nowise stingy to cherish time. ─── 只要你不與他們直接競爭,人們都會出奇地慷慨毫不吝惜時間。

15、But friend, lay up your self-confidence first, I can nowise show consideration tell of noodles you:You are wrong! ─── 但是朋友,先收起您的自信吧,俺可以毫不留情面的告訴您:您錯了!

16、Of that law of which the fourth commandment forms a part, Christ declares, "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in nowise pass from the law. ─── 基督講到包括第四條誡命在內(nèi)的全部律法時,說:“就是到天地都廢去了,律法的一點一畫也不能廢去。”

17、The parrot nowise hesitate to say:"You brag." ─── 鸚鵡毫不遲疑說道:“你吹牛?!?/p>

18、Insisting Two "Nowise Waver" and Constructing Firmly the Economic Foundation of Harmonious Society ─── 堅持兩個"必須毫不動搖"與筑牢和諧社會經(jīng)濟基礎

19、The game introduce:Small fly the wish of the dragon be the mother who crosses extensive galaxy to look for him, although cross Milky Way very difficult, small fly a dragon to discourage nowise, go forward forever. ─── 游戲介紹:小飛龍的心愿就是穿越浩瀚的銀河系尋找他的母親,雖然穿越銀河非常艱難,但小飛龍毫不氣餒,永遠前進。

20、He will cherish ground to spend money literally nowise light, not use money to the place of the necessity. ─── 他會毫不珍惜地將錢隨便花光,而不是把錢用到必要的地方。

21、I used to live in Tainan but nowI live in Taipei. ─── 我過去住在臺南,但現(xiàn)在住在臺北。

22、Because throughpart of pump adopt "the fluorine plastics alloy" to make.It can continuously transport acid alkali strong oxidant etc. Correlative corrosive medium of discretionary chroma but nowise damaged. ─── 由于泵的過流部分選用“氟塑料合金”制造??蛇B續(xù)輸送任意濃度的酸

23、The elder brothers in Peking nowise show weak:Peking is more crowded, I hear my the elder brothers wife crowded car drive all crowded pregnancy. ─── 北京哥們毫不示弱:北京更擠,我聽說我一哥們老婆擠車都被擠懷孕了。

24、"True cleverness."I nowise and illiberality give public recognition her and she be a face of satisfied facial expression. ─── “真聰明?!蔽液敛涣邌莸乇頁P她,她一臉得意的表情。

25、Nowise did Allah create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand. ─── 他為能了解的民眾而解釋一切跡象。

26、We can say on nowise the ground, the social every vocation is already inseparable with software. ─── 我們可以毫不夸張地說,社會各行各業(yè)都與軟件已經(jīng)密不可分。

27、But the result belong to pass by, succeeding to still see future, the anterior road is long very, I will investigate with my sincerity and real strenght, pursue, being slacken nowise. ─── 但成績屬于過去,成功還看未來,前面的道路很長,我會用我的真誠和實力去探索,追求,毫不松懈。

28、See her house, the man neglects nowise, I this the only one wife was helpless to have to walk into kitchen garden. ─── 看到她家男人毫不怠慢,我這惟一的妻子無奈只好走進了菜園。

29、The visible _I_ in nowise authorizes the thinker to deny the latent _I_. ─── 有形的我絕不允許思想家否認無形的我。

30、Down by the riverside I laid my burdensdown,NowI'm traveling light,Myspirit lifted high,Ifound my freedom now,AndI'm traveling light。 ─── 走在河灘上,我卸下了負重,現(xiàn)在我輕裝前行。我的精神在升騰,我終于找到了自由。我輕裝前行。

31、If really love you, he will skin a flint nowise of to pay of your material because he feel he all efforts of pains be for letting you lead up the very happy life. ─── 如果真的愛你,他會毫不吝嗇的給你物質(zhì)上的付出因為他覺得他所有辛苦的努力就是為了讓你過上很幸福的生活。

32、As long as the kid has already heard dint, ignoring him have much small, can take pain the thing that the ground enjoys it to inform from music nowise. ─── 只要孩子有聽力,不管他有多小,都能毫不費力地從音樂之中享受到它所傳達出來的東西。

33、"This nowise oddness, all dog would so."I say. ─── “這毫不奇怪,所有的狗都會這樣。”我說。

34、As long as you do not compete with them directly, people would surprisingly the generosity is nowise stingy to cherish time. ─── 只要你不與他們直接競爭,人們都會出奇地慷慨毫不吝惜時間。

35、He still nowise and flurriedly says:"Wrap a Sir, you are also educated and how let feelings literally excite?" ─── 他仍毫不慌亂地說:“包先生,你也是受過教育的,怎么讓感情隨便沖動呢?

36、In no way or degree;nowise. ─── 一點也不;決不

37、The visible I in nowise authorizes the thinker to deny the latent I ─── 有形的我絕不允許思想家否認無形的我。

38、So say that stay around "think" up is very right, really all the time not Be thinking a study, hard also is leave nowise. ─── 所以說停留在“想”上是很正確的,確實無時無刻不在想著學習,努力也是毫不離口。

39、The classmates, we want to be afraid to the difficulty nowise this kind of, know difficult but the spirit that enter uses on the study. ─── 同學們,我們要將這種對困難毫不畏懼,知難而進的精神用在學習上。

40、Want to start to unite to be all the same kind, nowise stingy cherish ground toward world to offer belongs to own of one star is light green. ─── 要聯(lián)合起所有的同類,毫不吝惜地向世界奉獻出屬于自己的一星淺綠。

41、Not that you find fault with the law, on the contrary, it commands your profoundest esteem, still you are in nowise drawn by it to God; ─── 更甚的是,它不能吸引你向上帝,反而會使你的心變得剛硬、瀕臨絕望。

42、But nowI am launching a spin off product because the customers have told meover and over this spinoff is what they want. ─── 但是現(xiàn)在我精力在于后續(xù)軟件,因為顧客已經(jīng)一次次告訴我他們就是要這套后續(xù)軟件。

43、The bosses who set up shop in the street are an all simple Yangshuo people, they are very hot liver, cheating stranger nowise. ─── 街上開店的老板都是淳樸的陽朔人,他們很熱情,毫不欺生。為方便老外,它們的招牌是用外文寫的。

44、In order to wear the success of the business, nowise rare rare delicacy of big vegetables of a western meal; ─── 為著事業(yè)的成功,毫不希罕美味的西餐大菜;

45、See her house, the man neglects nowise, I this the only one wife was helpless to have to walk into kitchen garden. ─── 看到她家男人毫不怠慢,我這惟一的妻子無奈只好走進了菜園。

46、All the love I’ve metI have no regretsIf it all ends nowI’m setWill we make a mark this time? ─── 狗是一條有著淺黃色雜毛的白色小狗,剛出生不久狗媽媽就死了,她見它可憐,怕被她的朋友喂死了,就要了來。

47、In no way or degree; nowise. ─── 一點也不;決不

48、Regardless grade, don't divide a post, we is whole heartedly peoples, with all sincerity work well a meticulous work and nowise falter ground to implement a job. ─── 無論等級、不分職位,我們?nèi)娜鉃槊?,竭誠做好細致的工作,毫不動搖地履行職責。

49、When hearing others' comments that regret makes recollections marvelous,I shrugged off then standpoint.However, nowI am convinced of the seemingly illogical proposition. ─── 記得有人說過, 回憶因為遺憾而美麗 ,我總不以為然, 但是現(xiàn)在 ,我相信了, 這種不太符合邏輯的道理。

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