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10-03 投稿


severities 發(fā)音

英:[s??v?r?tiz]  美:[s??v?r?tiz]

英:  美:

severities 中文意思翻譯



severities 同義詞

grievous | acute | iron | grave | intense | stringent | acid | inclement | dangerous | censorious | life-threatening |stern | stark | brutal | vehement | critical | simple | blue | caustic | cruel | cutting | drastic | plain | knockout | serious | exigent | austere | terrible | harsh | violent | wicked | undecorated | acidulous | sharp | fussy | rigorous | spartan | unadorned | afflictive | rough | exacting | stony | oppressive | strict | disastrous | hard | Spartan

severities 反義詞


severities 短語詞組

1、severities ll ─── 嚴重性ll

severities 詞性/詞形變化,severities變形

名詞復數(shù): severities |

severities 相似詞語短語

1、adversities ─── n.逆境;災難(adversity的復數(shù))

2、perversities ─── n.邪惡;任性;性變態(tài)

3、severies ─── n.穹頂?shù)姆指糸g(哥特式建筑);n.(Severy)人名;(英)西弗里

4、severalties ─── n.各別;各有各事;單獨保有

5、seventies ─── n.七十;七十個;七十歲;七十年代;adj.七十的;七十個的;七十歲的;num.七十

6、securities ─── n.[金融]有價證券;擔保;抵押物(security的復數(shù));保證人

7、verities ─── n.真實;真理;事實;真實性;n.(Verity)人名;(英)維里蒂

8、celebrities ─── n.名人(celebrity的復數(shù));名譽

9、serenities ─── n.平靜,寧靜;晴朗,風和日麗;n.(Serenity)人名;(英)塞雷妮蒂

severities 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Results applied to all baseline severities of acne (from mild to severe). ─── 結果適用于所有類型的痤瘡(從輕度到重度)。

2、Musician: Ladies and gentlemen, I now give you the man behind Shrinkarama 91, Doctor Jason Sever. ─── 樂手:女士們、先生們!請史英克拉瑪91的組織者講話,他是杰森西弗!

3、Thrombocytopenia was more caused by hematopathy, and middle or sever degree was more. ─── 妊娠合并貧血患者,血小板減少多因血液系統(tǒng)疾病引起,減低程度多為中、重度減低;

4、To address these obstacles, a sound, multifaceted model of pain assessment for elderly patients with different severities of cognitive impairment is presented. ─── 為處理上述問題,本文簡介一份適用于不等認知障礙之失智老人(可口語及非口語)的完整疼痛評估模式。

5、Yes, sever a l d a ys a go, I re a d t he newsp a per, it s a ys that a boy w a s de a d in a hosp ita l. ─── 對了,幾天前我讀報紙,上面說一個男孩在死在醫(yī)院了。

6、It is not that we have to change the world, but our inner tranquillity will sever us from the world and immune us from its influences. ─── 并不是我們改變這個世界,而我們的心里安寧,世界就和我們無關,對我們不會有影響。

7、The client inspects the information of AtoN position at intervals and transmits it to sever. ─── 客戶端定時產(chǎn)生航標位置信息(AIS 21),通過網(wǎng)絡發(fā)送到服務器端。

8、Fatima: Excuse me are you Doctor Sever? ─── 女:對不起,你是西弗醫(yī)生?

9、Enterprises meeting certain requirements during restructuring may sever all their social functions and disperse surplus employees at one time and keep no remaining enterprises. ─── 企業(yè)重組時具備一定條件的,可以一次性分離其社會職能及分流富余人員,不保留存續(xù)企業(yè)。

10、There were statistical significant differences in terms of the DMAS scoring among different severities of dementia(P01). ─── 不同癡呆嚴重程度病人的DMAS得分比較差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P0.01);

11、Because Variable refrigerant volume air-conditioning system appeared only sever al years, related design guides of it have not yet written in engineering design handbooks. ─── 變制冷劑流量多聯(lián)分體式空調(diào)系統(tǒng)由于其出現(xiàn)的時間不長,空調(diào)系統(tǒng)設計手冊都還沒有出現(xiàn)相關的設計指導。

12、Whether mitral and /or aortic regurgitation exists and their severities were evaluated by color Doppler echocardiography. ─── 以彩色多普勒檢測有無二尖瓣或主動脈瓣反流及其程度;

13、severities" are seldom ranked below 7. Is this effective risk analysis? ─── 嚴重度幾乎很少低于7,但這還是有效的風險分析嗎?

14、If you do not believe in me, then sever the connection. Go believe in someone else, and serve him with undisturbed attention. Follow his words. ─── 如果你們不相信師父,那一刀兩斷,去相信別人,一心不亂地侍奉他,聽他的話,試試看有沒有結果。

15、Under sever hypoxia HIF-1 was modest but IAP-2 was abundantly detected. ─── 復氧后HIF-1不表達,IAP-2恢復基線表達;

16、Better to reign in hell than sever in heaven. ─── 與其在天堂當仆人,不如在地獄做閻王。

17、When he was recaptured, the fresh severities inflicted on him only served to render him still more wild. ─── 他在重新被捕以后受到的新處罰,又足以使他更加驚惶失措。

18、I`ll find a way to sever Jones`s hold on you and not rest until this blade pierces his heart. ─── 我會想方設法把你從瓊斯的魔爪中救出來,不用這匕首刺入他的心臟我絕不罷休.

19、South Korea special forces training, selection, reputation worldwide, and its severities, and even the U. S. "Delta Force" is also shame. ─── 韓國特種部隊的訓練、選拔,在全球范圍內(nèi)享有盛名,其嚴酷程度,甚至連美國的“三角洲部隊”也自愧不如。

20、In the same,for a struggle for the existence with the competely of severities nowadays.even to be like a merchandise,have a packing to win more and more opportunities. ─── 同樣,在當今競爭激烈的世界,人們?yōu)榱松?,也要像商品一樣,必須包裝自己去贏取越來越多的機會。

21、The willingness to sever trade for political purposes is even stronger in Washington. ─── 為了政治目的而愿意中斷貿(mào)易的情緒在華盛頓更為強烈。

22、Kate: Mike Sever you scared me half to death. ─── 凱特:邁克西弗,你把我嚇得半死。

23、Sever frost has bound the soil. ─── 嚴寒把土壤都凍了起來。

24、But many of them don't have enough psychological preparation, so they are not satisfied physiologically or with their appearance, which consists of sever psychological burden. ─── 很多青少年往往缺乏足夠的心理準備,因?qū)ι砗屯庑蔚牟粷M,產(chǎn)生了嚴重的精神負擔。

25、Sever chest or back pain could signal a heart attack. ─── 劇烈的胸痛或背痛可能是心臟病發(fā)作的信號。

26、Any NXU-2 can be set up as a sever or a client depending on system needs. The RS-232 connection allows for different baud rates between the sever and client. ─── 任何一臺NXU-2能夠根據(jù)系統(tǒng)需要建成為一個服務器或是客戶機。RS-232接口允許在服務器和客戶機之間選用不同波特率。

27、Sever on a jury, if called on. ─── 為陪審效力如被叫到。

28、To stay with my boyfriend I had to sever all ties with my family. ─── 他來電話說他會幫我出國,說我們會有另一個孩子,我們會拿到綠卡,我們會發(fā)財。

29、He said the Vatican must sever links with Taiwan and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs. ─── 他說,梵蒂岡必須切斷與臺灣的聯(lián)系,也不能干涉中國的內(nèi)政。

30、China and Chad have re-established diplomatic relations after the Central African nation agreed to sever ties with Taiwan. ─── 中國及查得在這個中非國家同意與臺灣斷交后重新建立了外交關系。

31、Classification of environmental conditions. Part 1 : environmental parameters and their severities. ─── 環(huán)境條件的分類.第1部分:環(huán)境參數(shù)及其嚴密性

32、February's European 12 strong matches, his then miraculous glow location wins streak Belgium's Sever, Belorussia's Samusuonuofu, wins the championship. ─── 今年2月的歐洲12強賽,他便靈光一現(xiàn)地連勝比利時的塞弗、白俄羅斯的薩姆索諾夫,奪得冠軍。

33、A surgical instrument consisting of wire hoop that can be drawn tight around the base of polyps or small tumors to sever them,used especially in body cavities. ─── 可以把息肉去除或把小腫瘤取出的帶有金屬鉤的醫(yī)療儀器,特別用于體腔。

34、She wanted to sever all her connections with the firm. ─── 她想斷絕和那家公司的所有聯(lián)系。

35、Everything that the sever winter takes, early spring will give you return. ─── 嚴冬掠去的一切,新春會給你還來詩的意義。

36、The spread of weapons of mass destruction, the threat of organized crime and drug trafficking, also environment degradation and sever economic dislocation. ─── 如大規(guī)模殺傷性武器的蔓延,有組織犯罪和販毒的威脅,環(huán)境的惡化以及嚴重的經(jīng)濟錯為等問題。

37、The girls who sever in the shop are the own's daughters. ─── 在店里接待顧客的那幾個女孩都是店老板的女兒。

38、Despite their findings, the researchers said people should not sever their relationships . ─── 盡管有了這些新發(fā)現(xiàn),研究人員稱友誼還是應該維持的。

39、The child shows sever reactions to change.If a change is forced, he orr she may become extremely angry orr uncooperative andd respond with tantrums. ─── 孩子對變化產(chǎn)生嚴重的反應,當被強加改變時,孩子會變得極度憤怒和不合作,大發(fā)脾氣。

40、I love you, not to sever all his life. ─── 我要和你相愛,一輩子也不斷絕。

41、Before 1949 60 percent of families was the big ones with sever generations. ─── 1949年以前,中國幾世同堂的大家庭占總戶數(shù)的60%以上.

42、Soon I found myself trying to sever the few interpersonal connections that I did have, with my closest friends, with my mother, and my oldest brother. ─── 很快,我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己正試圖切斷僅有的人際關系,同我最要好的朋友,同我的母親,還有我的大哥。

43、I am vacuuming the floor now and have sever shirts to iron. ─── 我在用吸塵器清理地板,還有好幾件襯衣要熨燙。

44、In the most sever cases, fluence fluids are injected into the body. ─── 在最嚴重的病例中,會將體液注射到人體內(nèi)。

45、He purchased the house with the lowest price and sold out with high price sever years later. ─── 他以極低的價格購入此房,幾年后又以高價賣出。

46、A knife to sever any friendly duty, any form, was easy to his hand in that remote city. ─── 在這個遙遠的城市,同任何對朋友的責任或任何形式的禮節(jié)一刀兩斷,是件極容易的事。

47、Suppose your system comprises sever al large ICs, A through E, all fed by a central clock-repeater chip. ─── 假設系統(tǒng)包含若干大型集成電路A到E,由中央時鐘轉發(fā)芯片控制。

48、Luke confronted Shimrra himself used paired lightsabers to sever the Supreme Overlord's huge head from his body. ─── 盧克拔出雙劍與希姆拉對決,斬下了至尊君主碩大的頭顱。

49、In memory process, SQL sentences are put into the sever port to accelerate the speed of network system access and maintain the data base better. ─── 存儲過程將SQL語句存放在服務器端,使網(wǎng)頁系統(tǒng)訪問的速度提高,同時也使數(shù)據(jù)庫便于維護。

50、BUT as for me and my household, we will sever the LORD! ─── (至于我和我家,我們必定侍奉耶和華!

51、I'll call for you at sever this evening. ─── 今晚七點我來接你。

52、Team Foundation Build and the team's test rig (agents) are deployed to additional sever nodes. ─── Team Foundation Build和團隊的測試遠程測試機組(Rig)(代理)部署到其他的服務器節(jié)點上。

53、This position will provide long-term Oracle EBS service to our client, a billion dollar revenue US company.It owns sever...... ... ─── 公司名稱:上海亞盛軟件有限公司工作地點:上海市盧灣區(qū)發(fā)布時間:2009-7-15

54、If he wants to sever his connection with a bank like this to go with a man like that, it's his own lookout. ─── 假使他愿意同這樣一個銀行斷絕關系而在同那樣一個人合作,那是他自己的事情。

55、We all know how brittle ad-hoc scripts are since any small change to the database could have sever impacts on your system. ─── 我們都知道,特定的腳本是很脆弱的,對數(shù)據(jù)庫中的任何一個很小的變化都可能影響到你的系統(tǒng)。

56、We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation. ─── 我們不能割斷民族的文化血脈。

57、"The facade of her prosecution is made more monstrous because its real objective is to sever her bond with the people for whom she is a beacon of hope and resistance," Brown said. ─── “因為起訴昂山素姬的真正目的是要切斷昂山素姬和民眾的聯(lián)系。而在民眾的心目中,她是希望和抵抗的引路燈。因此這種表面的起訴行徑變得更無恥。”

58、You must take over if the bitch neglects to remove a sac or sever an umbilical cord. ─── 如果母犬沒有扯掉胎衣或者是咬斷臍帶,主人就要接手母犬的工作。

59、As a matter of principle we had to sever relations with Taiwan if we wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. ─── 如果我們想同北京建立外交關系,原則上我們必須同臺灣斷絕關系。

60、Sever itching can interfere with sleep or lead to pain for damage from scratching. ─── 嚴重的瘙癢會干擾睡眠或是導致由于抓撓引起的損傷帶來的疼痛。

61、The hurrican inflicted sever damage on the island. ─── 臺風使這個島蒙受了嚴重的損失。

62、I was using a sever liters pot.Cook until the tomato is reduced to one-third, and it's ready to pass the vegetable mill. ─── 我用的是七公升的鍋子,熬到可以輾磨的程度,大概是所有材料丟入鍋中以后的三分之一左右。

63、I decide to sever relations with him. ─── 我決定同他絕交。

64、For all severities of AKI, there was a consistent link to increased long-term risk of death. ─── 研究證明,任一級別AKI都與長期死亡率增加存在聯(lián)系。

65、Each unit can simultaneously communicate with up to sever other units per piconet. ─── 在一個微微網(wǎng)中,每個單元都能同時與其它各單元進行通信。

66、Connection was closed but your data is not lost and application is still running on the server. 。 Please connect to the terminal sever later. ─── 當主機或者網(wǎng)絡設備發(fā)生異常導致連接中斷是出現(xiàn)本信息。

67、Asynchronous COM is a kind of different asynchronous transfer mode between sender and sever components. ─── 異步COM是客戶和服務器組件之間相互通信中的異步傳輸模式。

68、As with any connection string addressing SQL Sever instances, you must point to the server by name (or IP address) and provide an instance name. ─── 對于說明SQL Sever實例的任意連接字符串,您必須按名稱(或IP地址)指向服務器并提供一個實例名。

69、The defender had threatened to sever his ties after months of haggling over a new deal. ─── 在持續(xù)數(shù)月的新合同要價中,布朗一度要挾要終止與曼聯(lián)的關系。

70、As a matter of principle we had to sever relations with Taiwan if we wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Peking. ─── 如果我們想同北京建立外交關系,原則上我們必須同臺灣斷絕關系。

71、Long is the way the leads of the voluptuary to the severities of life. ─── 將驕奢淫逸的人引到艱苦的生活中來,這條路是漫長的。

72、Sever snowstorms wreaked havoc on traffic. ─── 嚴重的暴風雪使交通癱瘓.

73、When he was recaptured, the fresh severities inflicted on him only served to render him still more wild. ─── 他在重新被捕以后受到的新處罰,又足以使他更加驚惶失措。

74、So far he has resisted a clamour in Turkey to loosen or even sever his country's close ties with Israel. ─── 到目前為止,他頂住了國內(nèi)要求放松甚至解除土耳其與以色列的緊密聯(lián)系的抗議活動。

75、She had to sever all ties with her parents. ─── 她不得不斷絕與父母的一切聯(lián)系。

76、Under certain velocities, locomotive transverse shakiness is so sever that it prevents locomotive raising speed further. ─── 在某些速度下,機車的橫向晃動問題比較嚴重,已經(jīng)嚴重影響了機車運行速度的進一步提高。

77、They even went so far as to sever the long nerve tendrils that characterize the protoss.This act symbolically and literally cut them off from the primal chord of their race. ─── 為此他們甚至不惜切斷了他們與其他神族人之間那標志性的精神聯(lián)結,而這一行為將他們與神族的精神網(wǎng)絡徹底隔絕開來。

78、You really want me to sever ties with all my close relatives? ─── 你真要我斷六親?

79、Deleting a folder with files from the sever cause an error to appear? ─── 當刪除服務器上一個含有文件的目錄時,會出錯?

80、He shall bring them to the priest, who shall offer first that which is for the sin offering and shall nip its head at the front of its neck, but he shall not sever it. ─── 利5:8把這些帶到祭司那里、司就要先把那贖罪祭獻上、鳥的頸項上揪下頭來、是不可把鳥撕斷。

81、Methods: Totally, 42 case load of the severities multiple injuries of the head chest and belly were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:對42例頭、胸、腹嚴重多發(fā)傷患者的臨床資料進行分析。

82、Facing the challenge of American cotton and the results of the genetic quality analysis of all self-bred varieties, present sever situation of cotton breeding, is discussed. ─── 從美棉對我國育種的挑戰(zhàn)及對我國所育品種遺傳品質(zhì)的分析,闡述了我國棉花育種的現(xiàn)狀及面臨的嚴峻形勢;

83、The fault of mechanical main parts usually result in production breaking and waster, the sever fault even do harm to person. ─── 在實際生產(chǎn)中,機械設備重要零部件的故障往往造成生產(chǎn)停產(chǎn)和產(chǎn)出廢品,嚴重的情況甚至造成人員的傷亡。

84、The only way to end their horrible seizures was to surgically sever their corpus callosum, the fibrous structure that links the brain's left and right hemispheres. ─── 唯一能夠終結這些人可怕的癲癇發(fā)作,就是切斷連結左右兩大腦半球、由神經(jīng)纖維組成的胼胝體。

85、Sorry,the number you dialed is out of sever now,please dialed it later. ─── 對不起,您所撥打的電話不在服務區(qū),請您稍后再撥。

86、Dr. Whiteside: Hello Doctor Sever, How are we feeling today? ─── 醫(yī)生:你好,西弗醫(yī)生,感覺怎么樣?

87、In fact, we won't bat an eyelid even if you decide to sever the transpacific information cables in order to obtain the total control you wanted. ─── 事實上,我們并不反對你通過切斷太平洋海底光纜而獲得對信息的絕對控制;

88、For example, the priorities and severities of work items are stored in the ENUMERATIONS table. ─── 例如,工作項的優(yōu)先級和嚴重性通常都存儲在ENUMERATIONS表格中。

89、He is to arrive at sever in the morning. ─── 他預訂早晨七時抵埠。

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