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09-30 投稿


misperception 發(fā)音

英:[?m?sp?r?sep?(?)n]  美:[?m?sp??sep??n]

英:  美:

misperception 中文意思翻譯



misperception 網絡釋義

n. 錯誤知覺

misperception 詞性/詞形變化,misperception變形


misperception 相似詞語短語

1、apperception ─── n.[心理]統(tǒng)覺;類化;明覺

2、misconception ─── n.誤解;錯覺;錯誤想法

3、misconceptions ─── n.迷思概念;錯誤的想法

4、perception ─── n.認識能力;知覺,感覺;洞察力;看法;獲取

5、misdescription ─── n.錯誤描述;誤載,誤報

6、apperceptions ─── n.[心理]統(tǒng)覺;類化;明覺

7、interception ─── n.攔截,截??;截斷,截取;偵聽,竊聽

8、misperceptions ─── 知覺錯誤(misperception的復數)

9、imperception ─── n.無感覺;無知覺

misperception 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、This negligence of the expenditure side may imply a serious misperception of the effects of marginal tax rates. ─── 因資料加密技術之應用,使得課稅證據不易掌握;

2、In the DSSW model, the character of the noise traders’ behavior: noise traders’ stochastic misperception and sentiment can have long and significant effect on the price of financial assets. ─── DSSW噪聲交易模型中噪聲交易者錯誤預測的隨機性以及樂觀或悲觀的情緒等噪聲交易特征都可以顯著和長期影響金融產品的定價。

3、There is now talk of a G2 of China and America, implying that their global weights are nearly equal.In fact, as our special report argues, this is a misperception, and a dangerous one. ─── 現在經常以G2稱中美兩國,暗示兩國的全球實力相當,其實不然,我們的特別報告指出,這只是一個錯覺,一個非常危險的錯覺。

4、This, however, is a common misperception. ─── 這只是一個很常見的誤解。

5、Yu added that there was a misperception that local merchants don't want non-Asian customers. ─── YU提到了一個錯誤感知,就是當地店主不喜歡非亞洲顧客。

6、game with misperception ─── 有錯誤感覺的對策

7、There is a common misperception today that the fewer people there are the better. ─── 現在有一種誤解,好像人越少越好。

8、"Then people start combing through everything that I do trying to find the next mistake and misperception, " the 20-year-old told the mag. ─── 然后人們就會開始把我的所有經歷組合到一起,試圖找些錯誤和不正確的推測。

9、Yang said some people have a misperception of China -- a view they believe doesn't fit with Olympic ideals. ─── 星期一夜里發(fā)出的信,昨天(星期二)拼命查報紙,沒有刊出,很失望。

10、Lactate is not synonymous with muscle hypoxia: "The first misperception is that somehow people don't have enough oxygen when they are making lactic acid. ─── 乳酸并不等同于肌肉缺氧。Joyner博士告訴我們:“第一個錯誤觀念就是運動員在生成乳酸時即意味著他們不知何故沒有足夠的氧氣了。

11、10 Hypotheses on Misperception and the Causes of War: Hypotheses from Psychology; Militarism; Nationalism; Spirals and Deterrence; Defects in Academe and the Press; Accidental War. ─── 7 10個關于錯誤認知及戰(zhàn)爭成因的假說:包含根據心理學、軍國主義、民族主義、沖突升高及威懾、學界及媒體之缺陷及意外戰(zhàn)爭等設立的假說。

12、Perception and misperception in international politics II. ─── 國際政治中的知覺與錯誤知覺2。

13、So which was it, misperception, misrepresentation, or misallocation? ─── 那么誤讀,歪曲,抑或是分配不當到底誰是罪魁禍首呢?

14、I think sometimes there is a misperception from players that we read the forums all day and when we see someone saying "X is too good" we nerf it and when "Y is too bad" we buff it. ─── 有時候你們錯以為我們整天看論壇,當誰說“XX太OP了”我們就砍XX,誰說“YY太傻了”我們就buffYY。

15、KFC also struggled domestically because of problems with food not always being served hot and a misperception that its chicken wasn't fresh. ─── 肯德基在美國國內的銷售狀況也不理想,原因是其供應的餐食有時不夠熱,以及消費者存在誤解,認為其雞肉并不新鮮。

16、"Adding tobacco to FDA's regulatory responsibilities could also leave the public with the misperception that tobacco products are safe, or at least safer, with the FDA regulating them. ─── “把煙草添加到聯邦食品和藥品管理局的管理職責中,將使公眾誤認為煙草產品是安全的,或者至少是更安全的,因為聯邦食品和藥品管理局管理它們?!?/p>

17、MUCH OF THE confusion surrounding the values debate arises out of a misperception on the part of both politicians and the public that politics and government are equivalent. ─── 圍繞價值觀爭論的大量困惑來源于政客和民眾的誤解,認為政治就是政府。

18、Pakistan's Secretary of Defense, Syed Athar Ali, told the Asian security summit there was a misperception that Pakistan was the source of extremism in the region. ─── 巴基斯坦國防部長阿里在亞洲安全高峰會上表示,有一種誤解認為巴基斯坦是該地區(qū)極端主義的策源地。

19、I learned how the good attitude of one person can change the misperception of another. ─── 從中我學習了,一個人的好態(tài)度能夠改變對方的誤會。

20、Is there a common misperception that this only happens when kids get older? ─── 常見的的誤解是不是,這種事只會在大孩子中間發(fā)生?

21、A common misperception is that conservation cannot compete directly with most other economic uses of natural resources; ─── 一個普遍的誤解是,保育無法直接與大多數自然資源的經濟利用相競爭;

22、This fear causes a deep misperception of themselves and of other humans, a distortion in their vision of the world. ─── 這種恐懼引起了一個對他們自身、及別人的深度的錯誤感知、引起了一個對世界的看法扭曲。

23、This is about perceptions, and you don't change a perception by labeling it a misperception; you change it by providing another perception. ─── 這是對的看法,并且不改變它一種誤解標簽一種看法,你改變它提供了另一種看法。

24、It is in Asia that America risks falling prey to a final misperception. ─── 美國對亞洲的誤判將為其帶來風險。

25、The word God is limiting not only because of thousands of years of misperception and misuse, but also because it implies an entity other than you. ─── 造成”上帝“這個詞帶上局限性的不僅僅是數千年的誤解和誤用,而且還是因為它暗示出了一個不是你的實體?!?/p>

26、'In the United States, there is a misperception that the [free-trade agreement] once passed will only benefit Korea and will be detrimental to American consumers, which is not true,' Mr.Lee said. ─── 李明博說,在美國,人們有一種錯誤的觀念,以為自由貿易協定一旦達成,將只對韓國有利,而有損于美國消費者,這是不對的。

27、All fear is ultimately reducible to the basic misperception that you have the ability to usurp the power of God. ─── 歸根究柢,所有的恐懼都是出自最基本的妄見,以為自己有篡奪上主大能的本事。

28、China Threat Image in American News Media: Perception or Misperception? ─── 論文標題美國媒體的中國威脅形象:知覺還是錯覺?

29、The most common misperception is that the different types of tea come from different tea plants. Black, Green and Oolong teas are all derived from the... ─── 中國綠茶的炒制方法千變萬化,但總的來說,以“殺青”,“揉捻”,“烘焙”幾大步驟為主,以十大名茶之一的龍井茶為例,詳細說明...

30、Misperception is false knowledge, not based on what actually is. ─── 誤解是錯誤的概念,非由實相而來。

31、What is a common misperception that you think many people have about the visa application process? ─── 在簽證過程中你認為申請人存在什么樣的誤解?

32、and, indeed, that the misperception, the overlay, is like a projection of a 35mm slide on a screen. ─── 以及眼前你看到的妄見(即表層覆蓋物)就象是一頁35厘米的幻燈片在屏幕上的投影圖。

33、Here he explains how to use forgiveness to “undo” our misperception that there is something wrong with us. ─── 現在,人類的意識已經進化到準備好接受四海皆兄弟的世界了。

34、There's a misperception that the tenants here don't care and don't have an investment in the city. ─── 有這樣一種誤解,即認為這里的租客不在乎也沒有對該市進行投資。

35、Spatial extension is ultimately a misperception of infinite depth - an attribute of the one transcendental reality. ─── 空間性的范圍(或擴展)最終是對無限深度(這一卓越現實的特性)產生的一種錯誤感知。

36、One small error, one misperception, creates a world of suffering. ─── 一個小錯誤、一個小錯誤感知產生出的是無窮的痛苦。

37、The answer is no, despite the common misperception that turning a light on creates a power surge. ─── 雖然普遍的誤解是打開的時產生一個電流激增。

38、One thing that causes a general misperception is that almost all of them exagerate their success to other guys. ─── 造成常見錯覺的一個原因是:他們幾乎所有人對會在別人面前吹噓自己的成功。

39、" There is a common misperception that confuses scientific facts with scientists' opinions. ─── 這是把“科學事實”與“科學家的見解”混為一談的結果。

40、It just reinforces the common Chinese perception, or misperception, that the West does not want it to succeed. ─── 這只會強化中國人的觀點或者錯誤的觀點,而西方并不希望如此。

41、The second is to overturn the misperception that agile and architecture are incompatible. ─── 其二是想糾正一個誤解——敏捷與架構水火不容。

42、Physiological sleep activation and personality characteristics in patients with sleep state misperception ─── 睡眠知覺障礙者的睡眠生理及其人格特征

43、This misperception comes from the fact that the Buddhist concept of karma came to the West at the same time as non-Buddhist concepts, and so ended up with some of their luggage. ─── 這種誤解來自于,佛教的業(yè)力觀傳到西方時非佛教概念也同時傳入,結果前者便帶有某些非佛教的積淀。

44、So which was it, misperception, misrepresentation, or misallocation? ─── 那么誤讀,歪曲,抑或是分配不當到底誰是罪魁禍首呢?

45、Further, there is a widespread misperception of just what energy-saving is the quantifiable factor that the reducing consumption of coal, electricity and energy. ─── 此外中國人對節(jié)能存在誤解,認為“節(jié)能”就是減少多少噸煤,多少度電或者多少焦耳的用能。

46、A seemingly mutual obsession ensues, but gradually spirals downward into a web of desire and misperception. ─── 他們似真似假的互相纏綿情境一幕又一幕地出現,但事實卻是慢慢卷入一個充滿欲望及歪念的情網。

47、In one class of models, misperception of risk generates excessive demand for risky assets, housing and financial assets in particular. ─── 一類模型是,對于風險的誤讀導致人們人們對于風險資產過度需求,尤其對諸如房地產以及某些金融資產的需求。

48、However, there is a misperception of the importance of human capital, he says. ─── 他表示:“然而,人們對人力資本的重要性存在誤解?!?/p>

49、By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception, rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub. ─── 在描述銀河系中的角色時,作者情愿在某些方面含糊其詞,也不要畫蛇添足造成與正史的沖突。

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