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10-04 投稿


meridional 發(fā)音


英:  美:

meridional 中文意思翻譯



meridional 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、obsidional ─── adj.圍困的,包圍的

2、meridionals ─── adj.南歐的;子午線(xiàn)的;南部的;n.南歐人

3、meridionality ─── n.經(jīng)向性

4、mediational ─── 中介的

5、meridian ─── n.子午線(xiàn),經(jīng)線(xiàn);中醫(yī)經(jīng)脈;頂點(diǎn);adj.子午線(xiàn)的,經(jīng)線(xiàn)的;最高點(diǎn)的

6、meridionally ─── 經(jīng)向

7、erosional ─── adj.侵蝕的;沖蝕的

8、meridians ─── n.[天]子午線(xiàn)(meridian的復(fù)數(shù));經(jīng)絡(luò)腧穴

9、decisional ─── adj.決策性;決定性

meridional 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Such local meridional circulation leads to the dry climatology over the two deserts. ─── 正是這種局地經(jīng)圈環(huán)流導(dǎo)致了該兩處干旱氣候的形成。

2、The design of impeller meridional shape influences directly efficiency of centrifugal pumps. ─── 葉輪軸面圖設(shè)計(jì)的好壞直接影響離心泵的效率。

3、Obviously these meridional planes need not be horizontal and vertical. ─── 顯然,這些子午面不一定是水平的和垂直的。

4、Uses a smooth flow potential that has a hyperbolic shape in the meridional stress ─── 使用光滑流勢(shì),在子午面上為雙曲線(xiàn)形

5、meridional contour ─── 子午線(xiàn)剖面輪廓

6、Study on CAD Modeling of the Central Curve of Meridional Acceleration Fan Blade ─── 子午加速風(fēng)機(jī)葉片中線(xiàn)的CAD建模研究

7、The intensity of meridional circulation has a long-term fluctuation with the period of 32-48 monthes. ─── 平均經(jīng)圈環(huán)流強(qiáng)度,具有周期大約48個(gè)月的長(zhǎng)期振蕩。

8、meridional plane ─── 子午線(xiàn)斷面

9、English: 546. An interesting feature is that this component is not a zonal wave type oscillation, but rather a meridional wave type fluctuation. ─── 中文:一個(gè)有趣的特征是這一分量不是緯向波型的振蕩而是經(jīng)向波型的振蕩。

10、local meridional circulation ─── 局地經(jīng)向環(huán)流

11、It is known that the Nanjing Sports Bureau meridional Upper-level department has filed the bonus application report at present. ─── 據(jù)了解,目前南京市體育局已經(jīng)向上級(jí)部門(mén)打了獎(jiǎng)金申請(qǐng)報(bào)告。

12、Twelve Groups of Meridional Branches ─── 十二經(jīng)別

13、The meridional stress in the gore centerline is considered, and a biaxial stress model is got. ─── 考慮傘衣中線(xiàn)上的子午向應(yīng)力,得到了一個(gè)雙軸應(yīng)力模型。

14、Transient response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to enhanced freshwater input to the Nordic Seas - Arctic Ocean in the Bergen Climate Model ─── 在Bergen氣候模式里大西洋歐洲南部翻轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流對(duì)提高淡水輸入到北歐北冰洋的瞬間反應(yīng)

15、Local Meridional Circulation and Deserts ─── 局地經(jīng)圈環(huán)流和沙漠

16、meridional zone ─── 子午帶

17、The transformation of one type of the mean meridional circulation to the other not only has the seasonal variation but also the non-seasonal long-term variation. ─── 它們的出現(xiàn),不僅具有明顯的季節(jié)特點(diǎn),而且還存在著一類(lèi)值得重視的非季節(jié)性的長(zhǎng)期變化。

18、winter monsoon meridional change index ─── 冬季風(fēng)經(jīng)向變化指數(shù)

19、meridional diffraction ─── 子午線(xiàn)衍射

20、The meridional wind component and zonal wind component are same important. ─── 其經(jīng)向風(fēng)分量與緯向風(fēng)分量同等重要。

21、the Pacific meridional mode ─── 太平洋經(jīng)向模

22、meridional canal ─── 子午管

23、Interannual Variability of the Cross Equatorial Meridional Overturning Circulations in Winter and Summer for the Indian Ocean ─── 冬、夏季印度洋越赤道經(jīng)向翻轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流的年際變化

24、monsoon meridional circulation ─── 季風(fēng)環(huán)流圈

25、meridional arc ─── 子午線(xiàn)弧

26、meridional ray ─── 子午光線(xiàn)子午面光線(xiàn)

27、meridional ellipse ─── 子午橢圓

28、Besides, the character of precipitation and temperature showed differences in zonal and meridional directions in tidal marsh area. ─── 此外,海涂區(qū)域降水和溫度在緯向和經(jīng)向之間也存在分布差異。

29、the monthly average of Eurasian meridional circulation index from last Jul. to this Jan. is 7 less; ─── 上年7月至當(dāng)年1月歐亞經(jīng)向環(huán)流指數(shù)月平均值偏小7;

30、meridional spot ─── 子午線(xiàn)斑點(diǎn)

31、third-order meridional diffraction ─── 三級(jí)子午線(xiàn)衍射

32、meridional aniseikonia ─── [醫(yī)] 經(jīng)線(xiàn)向物象不等

33、meridional size lenses ─── 子午線(xiàn)不等放大鏡片

34、Changing meridional shape and blade angle can have large effects on the blade loading distribution. ─── 葉輪進(jìn)口尺寸相同的情況下,子午形面和葉片角的變化對(duì)葉片負(fù)荷分布有較大影響。

35、When low index circulation prevails over subtropics and tropics in Eastern Asia, there is meridional circulation in the southern hemisphere (especially in Australia), and there is a mass transport from the southern to northern hemisphere. ─── 在東亞低緯度經(jīng)向環(huán)流期間,南半球(特別在澳洲)也盛行經(jīng)向環(huán)流,并且在澳洲附近從南半球向北半球的質(zhì)量輸送也最強(qiáng)烈;

36、meridional distance ─── 子午線(xiàn)距離

37、In July, the meridional overturning circulation in positive abnormal years is weaker and the southward meridional heat transport is smaller. ─── 7月份正異常年對(duì)應(yīng)的經(jīng)向翻轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流則偏弱,向南的經(jīng)向熱輸送減少;


39、radius of meridional section ─── 子午面曲率半徑

40、Study on the Interannual Variability of the Cross-Equatorial Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Northern Indian Ocean ─── 北印度洋越赤道經(jīng)向翻轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流的年際變化

41、meridional reflexion ─── 子午線(xiàn)反射

42、Effects of diffused meridional passage contour on loss ─── 大擴(kuò)張角子午流道型線(xiàn)對(duì)損失的影響

43、The transmeridional light intensity was above the meridional one. ─── 南北行向的香梨園樹(shù)冠東西兩側(cè)光強(qiáng)高于南北兩側(cè)。

44、meridional component ─── 子午分量

45、The main characteristics of the vertically integrated fields of mean zonal and mean meridional eddy fluxes are analyzed and corresponding contributions for the total water vapor fluxes are discussed ─── 分析了垂直積分渦旋通量場(chǎng)和它的緯、經(jīng)向分量場(chǎng)的主要特征,以及緯、經(jīng)向渦旋通量在水汽總輸送中的貢獻(xiàn)。

46、East-Asian Meridional Heat Difference and its Relations with the Summer Monsoon and the Interannual Variation of Rainfall in South China ─── 東亞經(jīng)向熱力差異與華南夏季風(fēng)及降水年際變化的關(guān)系

47、Research based on CAD system of drawing meridional plane in impeller of centrifugal pump ─── 基于CAD系統(tǒng)的離心泵葉輪軸面投影繪型

48、Twelve Meridional Muscle Groups ─── 十二經(jīng)筋

49、Meridion circulare ─── n. 環(huán)狀扇形藻

50、From the point of geography, be in because of Italy meridional, so climate wants heat than France, so the Italian's disposition should compare French extroversion passion much. ─── 從地理來(lái)看,因?yàn)橐獯罄谀蠚W,所以氣候比法國(guó)要熱,所以意大利人的性格要比法國(guó)人外向熱情得多。

51、A study of ozone variability and its connection with meridional transport in the northern Pacific lower stratosphere during summer 2002 ─── 在2002年夏季期間北部太平洋下部平流層臭氧變率和它與經(jīng)向輸送關(guān)系的研究

52、Changing meridional shape and blade angle can have large effects on the blade loading distribution. ─── 葉輪進(jìn)口尺寸相同的情況下,子午形面和葉片角的變化對(duì)葉片負(fù)荷分布有較大影響。

53、Discussed stability analysis in the context of the fixed depth, barotropic vorticity equations with a time mean zonal flow that varies in the meridional direction. ─── 在經(jīng)向上變化的時(shí)間平均緯向氣流中,固定深度正壓渦度方程的條件下,討論不穩(wěn)定分析。

54、meridional foci ─── 子午焦點(diǎn)

55、meridional X-ray diffractogram ─── 子午線(xiàn)的X射線(xiàn)衍射圖

56、meridional channel ─── 子午流道

57、The effect of Denmark Strait overflow on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation ─── 丹麥海峽溢出對(duì)大西洋歐洲反轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流的影響

58、Meridional discharging doctrine ─── 子午流注學(xué)說(shuō)

59、The impact of Northern Hemisphere polar vortex area and Eurasian meridional circulation on the epidemic of wheat power mildew is negative, while the impact of Indiaburman trough and West Pacific Subtropical high area is positive. ─── 北半球極渦面積和歐亞經(jīng)向環(huán)流對(duì)我國(guó)小麥白粉病流行影響為負(fù)效應(yīng),印緬槽和西太平洋副熱帶高壓面積對(duì)我國(guó)小麥白粉病流行影響為正效應(yīng);

60、meridional curve ─── 子午面流道

61、a meridional flow of air ─── 南北方向的氣流

62、twelve meridional dermomeres ─── 十二皮部

63、Of the total transport, the contribution from the meridional overturning circulation is overwhelming, compared with the small effect of the eddy flux. ─── 在總的經(jīng)向熱輸送中,經(jīng)向翻轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流的貢獻(xiàn)起主要作用,渦動(dòng)項(xiàng)的貢獻(xiàn)比較小;

64、meridional expansion ─── 子午擴(kuò)張

65、a child of meridional aspect ─── 南方人相貌的孩子

66、meridional tectonic belt ─── 南北向構(gòu)造帶

67、The mechanisms of the weather disasters in 2003 are analyzed quantitatively with the local meridional circulation model based on NCEP reanalysis data and observational data provided by MICAPS system. ─── 利用NCEP逐日再分析資料、Micaps系統(tǒng)提供的氣象觀(guān)測(cè)資料及局地經(jīng)向環(huán)流線(xiàn)性診斷模式,定量分析了2003年夏季東亞地區(qū)局地經(jīng)向環(huán)流的演變情況。

68、meridional tangential ray ─── 子午正切光線(xiàn)

69、Meridional stream surface ─── 子午流面

70、meridional flow ─── [海]經(jīng)向流[氣]經(jīng)向氣流

71、meridional transport of westerly momentum ─── 動(dòng)量輸送

72、meridional coma ─── 子午彗差

73、Timely detection of anthropogenic change in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation ─── 對(duì)大西洋中部翻轉(zhuǎn)環(huán)流人為變化的及時(shí)探測(cè)

74、meridional magnification ─── 子午線(xiàn)放大

75、mean meridional circulation ─── 平均徑向環(huán)流


77、meridional aberration ─── 子午圈象差

78、When light is transmitted in single mode only in the meridional plane along the long axis, single mode single polarization transmission can be achieved. ─── 光只在長(zhǎng)軸方向的子午面內(nèi)單模傳播時(shí),即可實(shí)現(xiàn)單模單偏振傳輸。

79、meridional parts ─── 子午線(xiàn)上單位數(shù)

80、meridional focal line ─── 子午焦線(xiàn)

81、Full Three Dimensional Optimization Design of Axial Fan with Meridional Acceleration ─── 子午加速軸流風(fēng)機(jī)的全三維優(yōu)化設(shè)計(jì)

82、An interesting feature is that this component is not a zonal wave type oscillation, but rather a meridional wave type fluctuation. ─── 一個(gè)有趣的特征是這一分量不是緯向波型的振蕩而是經(jīng)向波型的振蕩。

83、meridional furrow ─── [醫(yī)] 經(jīng)線(xiàn)溝

84、meridional long spacing reflection ─── 子午線(xiàn)長(zhǎng)間距反射

85、Erliao is a famous place for it's sunrise.It is located on the west of 308 high and in the meridional direction. ─── 二寮是南部著名觀(guān)賞日出的景點(diǎn),位于臺(tái)南縣龍崎鄉(xiāng),本身位于南北走向低矮的丘陵上,朝東和臺(tái)南另一著名景點(diǎn)308高地對(duì)望,岡林溪和草山溪貫穿其中。

86、On middle layer(500 hPa),the meridional movement of westly belt in high-middle latitudes strengrhen(weakened),there are +-+wave train distributions from the high latitude region to the north of Baikal to the height field near Japan. ─── 多(少)雨年,中層500 hPa中高緯西風(fēng)帶經(jīng)向運(yùn)動(dòng)加強(qiáng)(減弱),從貝加爾湖以北的高緯地區(qū)到日本附近的高度場(chǎng)呈+-+(-+-)的波列分布。

87、The Seasonal and Interannual Variabilities in the Meridional Heat Transport and Heat Budget in the Northern Indian Ocean ─── 北印度洋的經(jīng)向熱輸送與熱收支的季節(jié)與年際變化

88、meridional unit stress ─── 南歐單位壓力

89、An interesting feature is that this component is not a zonal wave type oscillation, but rather a meridional wave type fluctuation. ─── 一個(gè)有趣的特征是這一分量不是緯向波型的振蕩而是經(jīng)向波型的振蕩。

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