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10-02 投稿


manzanita 發(fā)音


英:  美:

manzanita 中文意思翻譯



manzanita 相似詞語短語

1、manzanilla ─── n.曼贊尼拉(一種略帶苦味的西班牙雪利酒);小蘋果(西班牙果樹的主要栽培品種,原產西班牙東南部的塞維利亞)

2、manzanillas ─── 洋甘菊

3、manzanitas ─── n.石蘭科常綠灌木

4、Tanzania ─── n.坦桑尼亞(東非國家)

5、tanzanite ─── n.坦桑黝簾石(產自坦桑尼亞北部)

6、gazania ─── 雜色菊屬植物

7、amanita ─── n.傘形毒菌;毒蕈之一種

8、manganite ─── n.[礦物]水錳礦;亞錳酸鹽

9、Tanzanian ─── n.坦桑尼亞人,坦桑尼亞語;adj.坦桑尼亞的,坦桑尼亞人的,坦桑尼亞語的

manzanita 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、I watch them now as they haul in the last gleanings of nectar from the final manzanita blooms of the year. ─── 陽光照射下的蜜蜂如弧形的曳光彈,發(fā)出嗡嗡的聲音,鉆進那黑暗的小洞口。

2、I watch them now as they haul in the last gleanings of nectar from the final manzanita blooms of the year. ─── 此刻,我看著它們從熊果樹今年最后的花朵上采集回最后的零星花蜜。

3、What I do know is this: If I ever end up near a manzanita bush, which is indigenous to the Sierra Nevada, it is a great source of food. ─── 我所知道的是:如果我在石蘭灌木林附近迷路---這是在內華達山脈經常發(fā)生的事情,可以吃石蘭。

4、Wait, do you think that the cosmetic industry got its skin peel idea from manzanita? ─── 老樹皮脫落后,底下的新樹皮是又滑又嫩,好摸得很!

5、The dominant plants are sages (Lamiaceae) and evergreen oaks and, in drier areas, chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum), manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens), and species of Ceanothus. ─── 優(yōu)勢樹種有薄荷屬的一些樹木,常綠的橡樹,在干旱的地區(qū)通常有薔薇屬的灌木,石蘭科的常綠灌木以及某些鼠李。

6、any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Arctostaphylos of the Pacific coast of North America,especially A. manzanita,bearing white or pink flowers in drooping panicles and producing red berrylike drupes ─── 熊果樹,任一種產于北美太平洋沿岸的熊果樹屬的常綠灌木或小樹,尤指熊果樹,開有垂落圓錐花冠形的白色或粉色花,結紅色漿果狀的核果

7、Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Arctostaphylos of the Pacific coast of North America, especially A. manzanita, bearing white or pink flowers in drooping panicles and producing red berrylike drupes. ─── 熊果樹任一種產于北美太平洋沿岸的熊果樹屬的常綠灌木或小樹,尤指熊果樹,開有垂落圓錐花冠形的白色或粉色花,結紅色漿果狀的核果

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