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10-02 投稿


mistranslation 中文意思翻譯



mistranslation 詞性/詞形變化,mistranslation變形

動詞過去式: mistranslated |名詞: mistranslation |動詞過去分詞: mistranslated |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): mistranslates |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mistranslating |

mistranslation 相似詞語短語

1、mistranslated ─── vt.譯錯;vi.錯譯

2、mistranslate ─── vt.譯錯;vi.錯譯

3、mistranslating ─── vt.譯錯;vi.錯譯

4、retranslations ─── n.重譯;重新翻譯

5、retranslation ─── n.重譯;重新翻譯

6、translation ─── n.翻譯;譯文;轉(zhuǎn)化;調(diào)任

7、mistranslations ─── n.誤譯

8、misrelation ─── 關(guān)系失調(diào)

9、mistranslates ─── vt.譯錯;vi.錯譯

mistranslation 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Then misunderstanding and mistranslation in translation works will be observed from the perspective of cultural presupposition. ─── 在此基礎(chǔ)上,本文作者將對文學(xué)翻譯作品中出現(xiàn)的由文化預(yù)設(shè)引起的誤讀誤譯作一討論。

2、Positive mistranslation means the translator, in order to revitalize the original meaning of the source text, takes pains to create new equivalent in spite of the form of the source text. ─── 積極性誤譯指的是譯者為了完美再現(xiàn)原文的風(fēng)韻而進行的創(chuàng)造性翻譯,雖與原文在形式上并不完全對等,但卻能傳達最為重要的信息。

3、But not enough emphasis is laid on the status and value of English-Chinese FTT, neither is enough theory research.The above two reasons caused a lot mistranslation of FTT. ─── 但是電影片名翻譯的地位和價值未受到足夠重視,針對它的理論研究遠遠不夠,造成了很多誤譯。

4、Others say that it is a result of mistranslation from the Hebrew tappuach ha adam, which just means “male bump. ─── 這在某種程度上可以聯(lián)系起來(個人認為比較牽強);

5、This paper is an attempt at exploring the internal relationship between cultural presuppositions and mistranslation in literature. ─── 本文通過分析文化預(yù)設(shè)產(chǎn)生的原因,試圖尋求文化預(yù)設(shè)與文學(xué)誤譯之間的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系。

6、The Etiology and Elaboration of a Flagrant Mistranslation ─── 日的語言博客上貼出了自己的研究成果

7、Chapter 2 categorizes problems in IC translation, namely, misunderstanding and mistranslation, cultural neglect, Chinglish and the problem of the source text. ─── 第二章歸納了對外傳播漢英翻譯中的錯誤,包括理解和表達失誤、忽略文化因素、英文漢化等,指出這些錯誤是比較普遍和嚴重的,影響了傳播的效果。

8、Cultural classification by anthropologists supplies the theory framework for the classification of Lin Shu "s cultural mistranslation . " ─── 人類文化學(xué)對文化的分層為本文提供了林紓文化誤譯分類的理論框架。

9、The massive existence of Japanese Chinese homographs facilitates the communication between Chinese and Japanese in a certain degree,but creates misunderstanding and mistranslation at the same time. ─── 日漢同形詞的大量存在,在一定程度上方便了日漢語言的溝通,但也極易造成誤解誤譯。

10、A mistranslation by Mr Murakami opens up a common space for imagination. ─── 這不過是村上先生的誤譯,大家就約定俗成的一個幻想。

11、The mistranslation of a passage in a contract, for example, could lead to lawsuits and loss of money. ─── 如果一個譯員把自己界定為”法律翻譯人員“,那他所需要從事的業(yè)務(wù)遠不是單單翻譯一般的合同、章程這么簡單。

12、Approaches to Causes of Mistranslation in Light of Students'Translation Practice ─── 從學(xué)生翻譯練習(xí)看其誤譯原因之所在

13、Cultural mistranslation includes unconscious and conscious mistranslation, which should be treated individually. ─── 文化誤譯包括無意識的誤譯和有意識的誤譯,應(yīng)予以區(qū)別對待。

14、The Skopos theory perspective on the mistranslation and word-for-word translation of commodity instructions ─── 商品說明翻譯中誤譯與硬譯的因源分析

15、Contexts of the advertising discourse and mistranslation resulting from ignorance of them ─── 廣告語篇的語境及忽略語境因素所導(dǎo)致的誤譯

16、In film translation practice, the translator should avoid four kinds of excessive recreation, namely, mistranslation, over-domestication, over-modernization, and over-simplification. ─── 譯者在影視翻譯實踐中應(yīng)該避免誤譯、過度歸化、過度現(xiàn)代化、過度直白化這四種過度創(chuàng)造。

17、Cultural mistranslation includes unconscious and conscious mistranslation , which should be treated individually. ─── 文化誤譯包括無意識的誤譯和有意識的誤譯,應(yīng)予以區(qū)別對待。

18、Party A promises that the translated documents will be consistent with the source documents in meanings, fluent and accurate without mistranslation or missing. ─── 甲方承諾翻譯文件準確表達原文含義,用詞準確,文字通暢,不能有誤譯、漏譯等錯誤;

19、Iranian hard-liners called the mistranslation a "deliberate" act by CNN to misrepresent Iran's position at a crucial moment in international negotiations. ─── 伊朗的強硬派人士把這種翻譯錯誤稱為是美國有線電視新聞網(wǎng)蓄謀已久的行為,聲稱他們是要在目前國際談判的關(guān)鍵局勢中故意歪曲伊朗所持立場。

20、The ambiguity may reflect the intricacies of translation and mistranslation. ─── 這種模棱兩可或許反映了翻譯與誤譯的復(fù)雜性。

21、deliberate mistranslation ─── 有意誤譯

22、To a great extent, this was resulted from an assumed "mistranslation" in her work. ─── 這在很大程度上源于譯作中一個莫須有的"誤譯"。

23、positive mistranslation ─── 積極性誤譯

24、This paper is to compare it with its original version "The First of Two Letters form Chang-kan" by Li Bai and to analyze its characteristic, mistranslation and the reasons. ─── 本文試圖通過對比原詩,找到龐德譯文在結(jié)構(gòu)、手法上的特色,指出其翻譯當(dāng)中出現(xiàn)的錯誤,并且分析其原因。

25、The existence of mistranslation and rigid(word for word) translation in the translation of commodities instructions is due to the combined effect of internal factors and external factors. ─── 商品說明中誤譯與硬譯的存在一直是許多商品英譯的痼疾。誤譯與硬譯的出現(xiàn)實際是內(nèi)部因素和外部因素共同作用的結(jié)果。

26、One of the important ways to avoid mistranslation is to reveal the factors responsible for misinterpretation and cultural conflicts underlying the languages. ─── 揭示這些引起誤會和文化沖突的因素,是克服英漢誤譯的重要途徑。

27、In defense of Pearl S. Buck's "mistranslation" ─── 為賽珍珠的"誤譯"正名

28、So this paper will analyze the reasons for mistranslation in English-Chinese translations arising from faulty comprehension of English and Chinese expressions and offer advice on avoiding errors. ─── 因此,精確的理解以及恰當(dāng)?shù)谋磉_是做好翻譯的關(guān)鍵,也就是說誤解和不恰當(dāng)?shù)谋磉_都會導(dǎo)致誤譯。

29、This paper divides mistranslation (mistaken translation) into two categories: positive and negative. ─── 摘要誤譯分為積極性誤譯和消極性誤譯兩類。

30、These three theories can function harmoniously according to their affinity: theyall attach importance to the cultural character of translation, which underlies vast majority of mistranslation. ─── 這三者的契合之處在于均重視翻譯活動的文化性,正是這一文化性誘發(fā)了大量的誤譯。

31、The mistranslation is often misleading tourists, of course, not to mention also spread Chinese culture. ─── 而誤譯則往往誤導(dǎo)游客,當(dāng)然也就談不上傳播中國文化了。

32、What factors may lead to mistranslation and how can they be avoided? ─── 但是,實際中要做到精確、恰當(dāng)?shù)姆g的卻比較困難,誤譯是十分常見的。

33、phenomenon of mistranslation reflects the interaction between the culture and the translation. ─── 誤譯現(xiàn)象體現(xiàn)了文化與翻譯之間的互動關(guān)系。

34、cultural mistranslation ─── 文化誤譯

35、Mistranslation of Polysemy in Translating Chinese into Yi Language ─── 漢譯彝中一詞多義的誤譯現(xiàn)象

36、It repeats the theory that "Red Sea" is a mistranslation of the Sea of Reeds, a much shallower swamp. ─── 它重復(fù)了這一理論,即“紅?!笔抢锲澓5恼`譯,而里茲海是一個淺得多的沼澤。

37、The translator's goal is to accurately and faithfully convey the original meaning, but in practice, mistranslation often occurs. ─── 準確忠實地傳達原文意義是每位譯者的目標(biāo),但在實際翻譯工作中誤譯現(xiàn)象卻比比皆是。

38、The Cultural Gap Between English and Chinese and Mistranslation ─── 中英文化差異與誤譯

39、The author of this thesis intends to give further explanation of the influence cultural presuppositions on cultural mistranslation from the types. ─── 通過對文化預(yù)設(shè)引起的文化誤譯種類的劃分,進一步梳清了文化預(yù)設(shè)對文化誤譯的影響。

40、Mistranslation of Some Words and Expressions? ─── 我們的英語水平真有那么高嗎?

41、On the Causes for English-Chinese Mistranslation from the Perspective of Chinese Background ─── 漢語母語與英漢誤譯成因探析

42、Secondly, the name of the translator overlooked attractions of cultural information behind the result of mistranslation. ─── 其次,譯者忽略景點名稱背后的文化信息而導(dǎo)致誤譯。

43、roundness;out-of-roundness;plus or minus deviation;peaking;shell;head;internal pressure;external pressure;mistranslation ─── 圓度;不圓度;正負偏差;棱角值;殼體;封頭;內(nèi)壓;外壓;誤譯

44、Mistranslation of "zui" and "guo" in the Chinese Union Version Bible ─── “和合本”《圣經(jīng)》中“罪”與“過”的誤譯

45、Cultural classification by anthropologists supplies the theory framework for the classification of Lin Shu"s cultural mistranslation. ─── 人類文化學(xué)對文化的分層為本文提供了林紓文化誤譯分類的理論框架。

46、mistranslation of form is caused by the special form and content of poetry and the limitations of translation activity. ─── 詩歌形式誤譯的普遍性是由詩歌形式和內(nèi)容的特殊性以及翻譯活動本身的局限性決定的。

47、Causes and Countermeasures of Technological English Mistranslation ─── 科技英語誤譯的原因分析與對策探討

48、On Localization and Alienation in Translation Practice Through "Mistranslation" of Milky Way ─── 從Milky Way的“誤譯”談翻譯實踐中的歸化和異化

49、Subjectivity of the Translator and Intentional Mistranslation ─── 譯者的主體性與有意誤譯

50、The mistranslation and misleading definition of entries in some bilingual dictionaries are serious in China. ─── 國內(nèi)雙語詞典誤譯誤釋現(xiàn)象不容忽視。

51、The mistranslation of modern business English and its correction ─── 現(xiàn)代商務(wù)英語誤譯及其修改

52、On the Interaction between Culture and Translation from the Perspective of Mistranslation ─── 從誤譯看文化與翻譯的互動關(guān)系

53、To utilize Latin in the translation of botanical and zoological names is a way suggested to avoid mistranslation. ─── 以拉丁語為中介進行動植物名稱的翻譯可以在很大程度上避免錯誤的產(chǎn)生。

54、Abstract: In traditional translation theory, mistranslation is either regarded as a yardstick of the translator's language ability or a proof of the translator's betrayal against the author. ─── 摘要:在傳統(tǒng)翻譯理論中,“誤譯”往往只是被作為判斷譯者語言能力、或揭示譯者不忠的“失敗”的語言轉(zhuǎn)換行為。

55、unintentional mistranslation ─── 無意誤譯

56、Due to a mistranslation of our latest project car - the Audi RS6 V10 biturbo - there were lots of radical right-wing rumors on all different blogs and pages that received our first press report. ─── 由于誤了我們最新的項目汽車-的奧迪RS6的V10增壓-有很多激進的右翼謠言的所有不同的博客和網(wǎng)頁,收到我們的第一個新聞報道。

57、Those who have argued that this idea arose from a mistranslation of Marx and Engels’s works are mistaken. ─── [中國的一些“馬克思主義者”已經(jīng)開始主張,馬恩絕沒有真地寫過共產(chǎn)主義要廢除私人財產(chǎn)。]

58、mistranslation(miscoding, misreading) ─── 錯譯, 錯讀

59、It is essential to take cultural differences into consideration in translation, otherwise mistranslation will occur. ─── 翻譯這一跨文化交流活動的本質(zhì),要求我們把文化差異與翻譯聯(lián)系起來研究,否則就會產(chǎn)生誤譯。

60、On Factors That May Lead to Mistranslation ─── 論翻譯中導(dǎo)致誤譯的因素

61、This paper makes efforts to analyze with full and accurate examples how ideology, poetics, value and religion affect Lin Shu and induce his cultural mistranslation. ─── 本文致力于用實例具體分析意識形態(tài),詩學(xué),價值觀和宗教等方面的因素是如何作用于林紓,從而引起林紓的文化誤譯。

62、This paper explores mistranslation's historical inevitability, reasonableness and reflected deep cultural cause. ─── 摘要本文探究誤譯的歷史必然性和合理性以及由此折射的深層文化原因。

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