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10-02 投稿


lothario 發(fā)音

[l?u'θɑ:ri?u; -'θe?ri?u]

英:  美:

lothario 中文意思翻譯



lothario 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 色狼;登徒子

lothario 短語詞組

1、lothario definition lothario ─── 定義

lothario 詞性/詞形變化,lothario變形


lothario 相似詞語短語

1、litharge ─── n.一氧化鉛;鉛黃

2、Lothario ─── n.色狼;登徒子

3、Rosario ─── n.羅薩里奧(阿根廷港市);蘿莎麗奧(電影名)

4、Ontario ─── n.安大略?。幽么笫》荩?;n.安大略湖(北美五大湖之一);n.安大略市(美國加州南部城市)

5、-tharios ─── 薩里奧斯。

6、lethargy ─── n.無精打采,死氣沉沉;昏睡,嗜眠(癥)

7、lethargic ─── adj.無精打采的,懶洋洋的;昏睡的

8、Cathari ─── 清潔派

9、Lotharios ─── 色狼

lothario 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、From current " the gender is taught " in light of, how many is there " Lothario " be normal " is the gender taught " below the knot " evil consequence " ? ─── 從目前的“性教育”來看,有多少“色狼”是正規(guī)“性教育”結(jié)下的“惡果”?

2、Bert van Marwijk has the steely look of Mad Men lothario Roger Sterling. In real life he is Van Bommels father in law. ─── 范馬爾維克那冷酷的樣子很像電視劇《廣告狂人》中浪蕩的羅杰·斯特林。在現(xiàn)實生活里,他是范博梅爾的岳父大人。

3、Now they have nothing: just an ageing Lothario clinging to power. ─── 現(xiàn)在意大利人一無所獲:只有一個日漸衰老并且緊握政權(quán)的好色之徒。

4、He is a self-absorbed lothario punk. ─── 他是個剛愎自用的浪蕩子。

5、He's the thrice-married Lothario of the pocket-protector set. ─── 他是結(jié)過三次婚的口袋護套登徒子。

6、Poor clever boy besides it is a big big eater, still be a big Lothario. ─── 瘦猴除了是個大飯桶,還是個大色狼。

7、Still press, you a big hoodlum, big Lothario, I calculate see through you! ─── 還按,你個大流氓,大色狼,我算看透你了!

8、"One of my customers was an American interior designer and aging Lothario, " Lachter recalls. ─── 我有一個客人,是個美國室內(nèi)設(shè)計師,也是一個老色鬼。

9、e.g. He told all the women that he was sincere, but they knew he was just a lothario. ─── 他告訴所有的女人他是真心誠意的,然而她們都心知肚明,知道他一位好色男。

10、Who knows, just took below one piece of picture, the girl that is annoyed got off, "Lothario " all round remain a man only, do not know how to start. ─── 誰知,剛拍下一張照片,被騷擾的女孩就下車了,“色狼”周圍只剩下男人,無從下手。

11、Then, Slim discovers that Mitch is actually a lothario who has been sleeping with other women behind her back. ─── 受過連番虐打后,窈窕決定帶同女兒逃離這個家。

12、'The golden era of the Italian beach Lothario was in the Sixties and Seventies when no women could go any distance without being propositioned or having her bottom pinched. ─── 而宣稱害怕遭到對方拒絕的被調(diào)查者的比例達到了52%;

13、81 Obsessing about your ex-girlfriends enough to make you feel like a lothario. ─── 81糾纏于你的前女友讓你感覺像個浪子。

14、Curiosity rises, ask husband: If how you come up against female Lothario to do? ─── 好奇心起,問老公:要是你碰到女色狼怎么辦?

15、Jim Jarmusch"s "Broken Flowers," starring Bill Murray as a middle-aged Lothario, took second place. ─── 吉姆·賈木許的《破碎之花》緊隨其后,著名影星比爾·默里在片中扮演一位中年好色之徒。

16、Your boss has now breached all the usual divides between professional and personal life and by treating you like an intimate, she makes you feel you ought to tell her about your lothario flatmate. ─── 你的老板如今違反了職業(yè)與個人生活之間所有的傳統(tǒng)分界線,她待你就像一位密友,令你感到有義務(wù)告訴她有關(guān)那位浪蕩合租者的事情。

17、David Schwimmer, who starred as hapless lover Ross in the TV hit" Friends," will play a louche lothario on the London stage next month. ─── 下個月,《老友記》中羅斯的扮演者戴維·蒙即將登上英國倫敦吉爾古德劇院的舞臺,出演他第一部舞臺劇.與古板又倒霉的羅斯相反,這次在劇中他將扮演一名浪蕩公子哥.

18、He will, however, demurely admit that he's "not exactly" the lascivious lothario of his TV alter ego. ─── 然而,他將鄭重地承認,他完全不是如劇中個性中的好色之徒。

19、Dramatic retelling of the life and loves of the eighteenth-century lothario, Casanova. ─── 本劇講述了18世紀著名的風(fēng)流浪子的生活和愛情故事。

20、Even a broken-hearted lothario needs to make ends meet, so Mo-wan serializes a story set in 2046, the year of Hong Kong's final reintegration into the mainland. ─── 即使是一個花花公子,他心碎的時候也需要心理上的宣泄,于是周慕云開始寫一個發(fā)生在2046的故事,那一年香港將完全大陸化。

21、He will, however, demurely admit that he's "not exactly" the lascivious lothario of his TV alter ego. ─── 然而,他將鄭重地承認,他完全不是如劇中個性中的好色之徒。

22、He has a reputation as the office Lothario. ─── 他在辦公室泡妞亂搞是出了名的。

23、pretty woman up front didn't seem to give a damn about this Lothario. ─── 這個站在臺前的漂亮女子看起來對這位登徒子根本不屑一顧。

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