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10-04 投稿


sulks 發(fā)音

英:[s?lks]  美:[s?lks]

英:  美:

sulks 中文意思翻譯




sulks 短語詞組

1、the sulks ─── 悶氣

2、be in the sulks ─── 在生氣, ─── 在發(fā)脾氣, 繃著臉

sulks 詞性/詞形變化,sulks變形

動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: sulking |動詞過去式: sulked |動詞過去分詞: sulked |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): sulks |

sulks 相似詞語短語

1、sulky ─── adj.生氣的;陰沉的

2、hulks ─── n.廢船;笨重的船;船體;vi.龐然大物般出現(xiàn);赫然顯現(xiàn)

3、sulk ─── vi.生氣;慍怒;n.生氣;慍怒;生氣的人

4、silks ─── n.[紡]絲織品(silk的復(fù)數(shù))

5、sucks ─── n.吸,吮;v.吮吸;舔食(suck的第三人稱單數(shù))

6、pulks ─── n.(由一頭馴鹿拖的)船型雪橇

7、sculks ─── 偷偷隱躲;偷懶

8、skulks ─── vi.潛伏;偷偷隱躲;逃避責(zé)任;偷偷摸摸地行走;n.躲藏者;逃避責(zé)任者;潛行的人或動物

9、bulks ─── n.體積,容量;大多數(shù),大部分;大塊;vt.使擴大,使形成大量;使顯得重要;n.(Bulk)(土)布爾克(人名)

sulks 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、stayed home in a sulk ─── 在家里生悶氣

2、I sit and sulk. ─── 我坐著生悶氣

3、8. Doc. Daneeka was a very neat, clean man whose idea of a good time was to sulk . ─── 丹尼卡醫(yī)生是個整潔,干凈的人,他覺得生氣是偷快的事。

4、Occupancy after that, not only did not taste the sweetness of God, but successive birth to a stomach sulk. ─── 入住之后才發(fā)覺,不但沒嘗到上帝的滋味,卻接二連三地生了一肚子悶氣。

5、Jo was in a sulk upstairs. ─── 喬在樓上生悶氣。

6、to have the sulks ─── 滿臉不高興

7、the rest will either sink or sulk, or slink back to the world. ─── 其馀的人不是隨流失去,就是回到舊路。

8、He remained impervious to all Nell's sulks and blandishments. ─── 對尼爾的慍怒和甜言蜜語,他都無動于衷。

9、Sulk: be silently bad-tempered e. G. When we told her she couldn't go with us, she went and sulked in her room. ─── 當我們告訴她她不能和我們一起去時,她回房間里生悶氣了。

10、have the sulks ─── 心里不高興; 發(fā)脾氣

11、have (a fit of) the sulks ─── 生氣,發(fā)脾氣

12、He did not sulk and grow discouraged and rebellious because "everything was against him. ─── 所以他在監(jiān)獄里并不憤懣,并不沮喪,也并不反叛。

13、Don’t sulk. ─── 不要悶悶不樂。

14、sulk after a defeat ─── 失敗后生氣

15、He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason. ─── 他的情緒容易突變,且會無緣無故地慍怒和哭泣。

16、Aries don't have the patience to draw you out the way Pisces or Cancers would; if you sulk, Aries will just grab their coat and jump ship. ─── 牧羊座沒有耐心像雙魚或巨蟹那樣讓你吐露情感;如果你慍怒,牧羊座將抓起他們的外套憤而離去。

17、sulk hat ─── 大禮帽

18、If you have any complaint, don't just sulk; speak up . ─── 乖乖!露西?瑪麗安,講大聲一點!我最討厭小孩子說話咕咕噥噥的。

19、In the conversation just alluded to, Astor tells Sulk: "Never mind, your place too low for anybody to dispute with you for it. ─── 暗示后的談話中,雅斯特告訴索克:“別介意,你的地位低下在任何人眼中都是不對的?!?/p>

20、That little girl seems to have a fit of the sulks. ─── 那個小女孩似乎在生悶氣。

21、The firm lips pouted in a sulk. ─── 緊閉的雙唇因為生悶氣撅了起來。

22、Joe opened his mouth, and put it into the form of word that looked to me like "sulks". ─── 喬張開了嘴,看看他兩片嘴唇的樣子,打的暗語仿佛是“火冒”二字。

23、be a sulk ─── 生氣

24、Like your husband I used to enjoy the adrenaline of work but now I'm at home having bouts of sulks, depression and anger. ─── 與你的丈夫一樣,我曾很享受工作帶給我的興奮感,但如今,我失業(yè)在家,經(jīng)歷著長期的郁悶、沮喪和憤懣。

25、In one sense because he is an animal. sulk animals with you? ─── 因為他從某種意義來講,只是只動物。你會跟動物慪氣嗎?

26、He said that he wanted to mop the sulk of my eyes. ─── 他看到了我眼中的憂郁...他說他想抹去我眼中的憂郁..

27、She'd either sulk or raise a stink if she did not get her own way. ─── 如果不順她的意,她不是悶悶不樂就是牢騷滿腹。

28、When you do have an error, go ahead and sulk a while, and then focus on improving whatever techniques led you to your mistake. ─── 當你犯錯誤時,生氣一段時間后,就應(yīng)該集中改進那些使你產(chǎn)生錯誤的技術(shù)。

29、in the sulks ─── adj. 發(fā)脾氣(繃著臉)

30、Like your husband I used to enjoy the adrenaline of work but now I'm at home having bouts of sulks, depression and anger. ─── 與你的丈夫一樣,我曾很享受工作帶給我的興奮感,但如今,我失業(yè)在家,經(jīng)歷著長期的郁悶、沮喪和憤懣。

31、be sulky; be in the sulks ─── 生悶氣

32、To grumble or sulk. ─── 抱怨,發(fā)牢騷

33、He sulks out of your office, knowing that it will be that much harder for him to get your job. ─── 他將不安地走出您的辦公室,因為他知道自己完成這個工作會很困難。

34、She is in (a fit of) the sulks. = She has(a fit of) the sulks. ─── 她在發(fā)脾氣; 她在生氣。

35、If you have any complaint, don't just sulk; speak up. ─── 你有意見提出來, 不要鬧意氣。

36、He was tired of Toad, and his sulks and his airs and his meanness. ─── 他厭煩托德了,厭煩他生悶氣、卑劣,厭煩他的神氣。

37、Lightly floats and drifts the boat, and the wind gently flows and flaps my gown. I inquire the road of a wayfarer, and sulk at the dimness of the dawn. ─── 舟搖搖以輕殤,風(fēng)飄飄而吹衣。問征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。

38、8 While the West goes about its business,Russia gains nothing by going off into a corner to sulk. ─── 西方依然我行我素,而俄羅斯一無所獲,只好躲在旮旯里生氣。

39、However, you won't alter your mood if you go out but sulk the whole time. ─── 不過,如果你整個時間都悶悶不樂,那么你的心情也不會變化。

40、He soon began to sulk and loaf, his batting eye went lame; ─── 很快的他便開始悶悶不樂和四處游蕩起來,他原本銳利的眼神逐漸消失,

41、to sulk for three days together ─── 一連三天都繃著臉不高興

42、The man likes sulk, and very unwilling to explain the angry reason to family members. ─── 男人喜歡悶氣,而且特別不愿向家里人講生氣的原因。

43、7.I often be in the sulks. ─── 我經(jīng)常一個人生悶氣。

44、be in the sulks ─── 生氣, 發(fā)脾氣

45、5.Do not sulk but learn. ─── 5.不是生氣而是學(xué)習(xí)。

46、Don't sulk, mope or brood. ─── 不要生氣或焦慮。

47、She's having a bit of the sulks. ─── 她在生氣。

48、The mother sulks at her son. ─── 母親在對兒子發(fā)脾氣。

49、Sulks (n.): a sulky mood or state ─── 慍怒的樣子(或狀態(tài))

50、While the West goes about its business, Russia gains nothing by going off into a corner to sulk. ─── 西方依然我行我素,而俄羅斯一無所獲,只好縮在旮旯里生氣。

51、She is having a bit of the sulks. ─── 她在生氣。

52、This may weaken the commission if big countries sulk about not having their own man inside. ─── 而如果一些大國因為沒有他們的代表參與歐盟委員會,那么該委員會就有可能受挫。

53、7.I tend to sulk when I am annoyed and I tend to be a bit oversensitive. ─── 當我生氣的時候會含怒不語,也會過分敏感。

54、Would he sulk over not having been traded? ─── 他會因為沒有被交易而生氣嗎?

55、Joe opened his mouth, and put it into the form of word that looked to me like "sulks" . ─── 喬張開了嘴,看看他兩片嘴唇的樣子,打的暗語仿佛是“火冒”二字。

56、You crossed her last wish in death and yet you sulk with me because I do not whinge like some hired mute from Lalouette's ─── 你拒絕滿足她生前最后的一個愿望,卻又跟我慪氣,因為我不肯像拉魯哀特殯儀館花錢雇來的送葬人那樣號喪。

57、But then Serbia has a choice: sulk for decades in impotent resentment, like Hungary after the treaty of Trianon, or take the European road to national reconstruction, like Hungary today. ─── 但 塞爾維亞可以選擇,他們是象匈牙利在特里亞農(nóng)條約后經(jīng)年沉浸在無助的仇恨中,還是象今天的匈牙利那樣,走上其他歐洲國家的重建家園之路?

58、The sulks may have to end. ─── 這些不快可能已經(jīng)結(jié)束了。

59、It is not meaningful to be in sulks, because banks are key organizations of modern finance. ─── 情緒化的言辭是沒有意義的,因為銀行是現(xiàn)代金融的樞紐機構(gòu)。

60、Don't sulk. ─── 不要慪氣。

61、It`s deadly fun,but will sulk in the sun! ─── 它會纏死人,可是曬到陽光就完蛋了!

62、As to patience, suspending business as usual should not be pushed to the point that drives Russia into the sort of sulk that will make its behaviour worse. ─── 說到耐心,暫停日常合作的程度要控制好,做過頭就會惹惱俄羅斯,而他的行為將會更加令人擔(dān)憂。

63、Perhaps because of the inheritance of his parents' characters, this little boy often sulks in his own room. ─── 可能是遺傳了父母的性格的原因,這個小孩常常在自己房間里生悶氣。

64、Not sulk double-sided pan, not into dust, not sulk. ─── 不悶氣雙面百葉,不會進灰塵,不會悶氣 。

65、if you sulk, Aries will just grab their coat and jump ship. ─── 如果你慍怒,牧羊座將抓起他們的外套憤而離去。

66、You must promise me that you won't sulk if I tell you all about it. ─── 你得保證你不生氣,我才肯把一切都告訴你。

67、Just being contradicted can put him into a towering rage, but I've never known him to sulk or bear grudges. ─── 只要遭到反駁就能使他勃然大怒,但我從來沒看到過他生悶氣或記恨。

68、"She sulks at me with cruel patience. ─── “她耐著性子,狠著心在和我賭氣?!?/p>

69、He is in the sulks today. ─── 他今天在生悶氣。

70、P9:How leaders comport themselves when their number is up (and afterwards: think of Edward Heath's sulk) can set the tone for their future memorialisation. ─── 是不是可以說:領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者們在執(zhí)政最后的日子里行為舉止,會給他們將來的回憶錄定下基調(diào)。

71、Why does Mrs McIntyre, despite her attachment to Mrs Shortley, discharge the Shortleys rather than Astor and Sulk? ─── 為什么麥克恩第夫人,盡管她重意索特利夫人,卻釋放索特利而不是亞斯特和索克?

72、I went off somewhere in a sulk then got a text saying it was3-3. ─── 我正在毛里求斯度假,我想很多英國人都做了一樣的事情(看下半場)我心情不好去了別的地方,然后聽說打成了3-3。

73、If I sulk for a few days, no harm is done ─── 如果我有那么幾天不高興,沒有什么妨礙。

74、Perhaps because of the inheritance of his parents' characters, this little boy often sulks in his own room. ─── 可能是遺傳了父母的性格的原因,這個小孩常常在自己房間里生悶氣。

75、He was tired of Toad, and his sulks and his airs and his meanness. ─── 他討厭他那副陰陽怪氣、裝腔作勢的卑劣相。

76、be in one's sulks ─── 在發(fā)脾氣,在生氣

77、for they all came out of their sulks in a moment, and gave a cheer that started the echo in a far-away hill, and sent the birds once more flying and squalling round the anchorage. ─── 因為他們所有的溫怒立刻一掃而光,發(fā)出的歡呼聲在遠山激起了回響,再一次地驚起了鳥群,在錨地上空盤旋著驚叫不已。

78、take (the) sulks ─── 生氣,賭氣,噘著嘴

79、Lightly floats and drifts the boat, and the wind gently flows and flaps my gown. I inquire the road of a wayfarer, and sulk ar the dimness of the dawn. ─── 舟搖搖以輕飏,風(fēng)飄飄而吹衣。問征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。

80、Leo sulks that Capricorn is at the head of the table. ─── 獅子座因被摩羯座搶占了餐桌的主位而忿忿不平。

81、He went off to sulk in his room. ─── 他回到自己屋里,生起悶氣來。

82、Don't be in the sulks, let's have it act. ─── 別生悶氣了。我們說出來解決行不行?

83、stayed home in a sulk; a case of the sulks. ─── 在家里生悶氣;令人慍怒的事

84、If you have any complaint, don't just sulk ; speak up. ─── 你有意見提出來,不要鬧意氣。

85、Carol: Ben, can't you go sulk in your own room? Ok, ok, what is it? ─── 卡羅爾:本,不高興就回自己屋里去。好吧好吧,什么事?

86、I 'cant abear a sulk. ─── 我不能容忍愛生悶氣的人。

87、These sulks are too tiring to keep up indefinitely if one is not being rewarded with a response. ─── 如果沒有得到回應(yīng),自己就會感到厭倦,不會一直賭氣下去。

88、I don't have sulk and retaliatory mind. ─── 我沒有不悅和報復(fù)心理。

89、Sometimes all you do to me is sulk, like you got something to say ─── 有時侯你所做的一切都很煩人,比如你有話要對我說

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