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10-02 投稿


militarily 發(fā)音


英:  美:

militarily 中文意思翻譯



militarily 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adv. 在軍事上;從軍事角度;以武力;以軍事行動

militarily 短語詞組

1、Militarily Significant Fallout ─── 軍事上的重大失誤

2、Militarily Critical Technology ─── 軍事關(guān)鍵技術(shù)

militarily 相似詞語短語

1、militaria ─── n.(具有歷史意義的)軍用物品

2、military ─── adj.軍事的;軍人的;適于戰(zhàn)爭的;n.軍隊(duì);軍人

3、militarist ─── n.軍事家;軍國主義者;adj.軍國主義的

4、militarize ─── vt.軍事化;軍國主義化

5、solitarily ─── adv.寂寞地;獨(dú)自一人地

6、militarise ─── vt.軍國化;軍事化

7、militarism ─── n.軍國主義;尚武精神,好戰(zhàn)態(tài)度;職業(yè)軍人的精神

8、militantly ─── adv.好戰(zhàn)地;好斗地;強(qiáng)硬地

9、militaries ─── adj.軍事的;軍人的;適于戰(zhàn)爭的;n.軍隊(duì);軍人

militarily 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、It has few illusions that China can compete head-on with the Americans militarily. ─── 它并不指望自己能和美軍針逢相對。

2、Actually, India has quite a lot of religious extremists at home, a latent risk of nuclear war with neighboring Pakistan, and has been militarily involved in the Sri Lankan civil war, but an "Indian threat theory" was never brought up. ─── 其實(shí),印度國內(nèi)有相當(dāng)多的宗教極端份子,跟鄰國巴基斯坦也有核武戰(zhàn)爭的潛在危機(jī),并且派遣軍隊(duì)介入斯里蘭卡的內(nèi)戰(zhàn)當(dāng)中,然而印度威脅論從來不曾被提過。

3、“China has the greatest potential to compete militarily with the U.S. and field disruptive military technologies that could, over time, offset traditional U. ─── “中國是具備在軍事上和美國競爭的最有潛力的國家,假以時(shí)日,中國的區(qū)域破壞性軍事技術(shù)能夠抵消美國的傳統(tǒng)軍事優(yōu)勢?!?/p>

4、Militarily dictionary base ─── 軍用詞典庫

5、We may have to intervene militarily in the area. ─── 我們可能只好對這一地區(qū)進(jìn)行軍事干涉。

6、They are far ahead militarily. ─── 他們在軍事上遙遙領(lǐng)先。

7、At the same time, America is overstretched militarily and environmentally as well as financially. ─── 與此同時(shí),美國的軍事、環(huán)境以及經(jīng)濟(jì)都在超負(fù)荷運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。

8、Even militarily weak and small natioms have defied U.N. Decisions with impunity. ─── 即使是軍事力量簿弱的小國,也可平安無事地反抗聯(lián)合國的決定。

9、I do not think that China is a big power pursuing expansion militarily. ─── 我不認(rèn)為中國是一個(gè)在軍事上奉行擴(kuò)張主義的大國。

10、To become militarily competent is the goal of the army. ─── 尋求軍事過硬是軍隊(duì)的目標(biāo)。

11、Although China today is not so strong as Japan militarily,economically,politically and culturally,yet there are factors in China more progressive than in any other period of her history. ─── 今日中國的軍事、經(jīng)濟(jì)、政治、文化雖不如日本之強(qiáng),但在中國自己比較起來,卻有了比任何一個(gè)歷史時(shí)期更為進(jìn)步的因素。

12、What is your opinion of the probable course of development of such a war,politically and militarily? ─── 從政治上和軍事上來看,你以為這個(gè)戰(zhàn)爭的前途會要如何發(fā)展?

13、Congo's President Kabila may have to meet General Nkunda's demand for direct negotiation, simply because the Tutsi rebels are militarily dominant; ─── 剛果總統(tǒng)卡比拉也許要答應(yīng)恩昆達(dá)將軍直接談判的要求,原因很簡單,因?yàn)閳D西叛軍在軍事上占有優(yōu)勢;

14、And it is tough to stop small but militarily useful amounts of uranium being diverted for illicit purposes. ─── 何況,難以阻止少量但已滿足軍事用途的鈾被轉(zhuǎn)用于違法企圖。

15、He had already foreseen this possibility back when all the militarily gifted children were still in space. ─── 從他們這些軍事天才還在太空沒有返回的時(shí)候他就已經(jīng)預(yù)見到了這樣的可能性。

16、I hope we can find a political compromise, but the American military power we've put in in the last year has enormously turned things around politically, economically and militarily. ─── 我希望能找到一個(gè)政治折衷方案,但是我們過去一年投入的美國軍事力量已經(jīng)使政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)和軍事局面產(chǎn)生了巨大的轉(zhuǎn)變。

17、"It was by then overshadowed, militarily, by Russia." ─── 軍事上,它那時(shí)已經(jīng)處在俄國的下風(fēng)。

18、Given Mr Blair's desire to wind down Britain's presence in Iraq before he leaves office, he has probably struck a reasonable balance between the politically desirable and the militarily sensible. ─── 布萊爾先生渴望在他離職前能使得英國與伊拉克盡量減少聯(lián)系,由此可知他也許已在政治渴望和軍事敏感之間求得了平衡。

19、militarily competent ─── 軍事過硬

20、"America's back. We are ready to lead." But we're not just gonna lead militarily. ─── “美國回歸了。我們已準(zhǔn)備好領(lǐng)導(dǎo)世界?!钡覀儾恢皇窃谲娛律项I(lǐng)導(dǎo)。

21、It was by then overshadowed, militarily, by Russia. ─── 軍事上,它那時(shí)已經(jīng)處在俄國的下風(fēng)。

22、Militarily speaking, our warfare consists of the alternate use of the defensive and the offensive. ─── 在軍事上說來,我們的戰(zhàn)爭是防御和進(jìn)攻的交替的應(yīng)用。

23、Before 1956, Israel had been militarily vulnerable, but, beyond the Arab world, morally and politically unassailable. ─── 在1956年之前,以色列在軍事上很難防守,但是在精神上和政治上,以色列強(qiáng)過阿拉伯世界,是無懈可擊的。

24、The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible. ─── 檢查站因?yàn)檐娛律蠠o法防御而被舍棄。

25、Taken as a whole,our war has been an offensive against the Kuomintang,but militarily it has assumed the form of breaking the enemy's "encirclement and suppression". ─── 我們過去的戰(zhàn)爭,整個(gè)地說來是向國民黨進(jìn)攻,然而在軍事上采取了打破“圍剿”的形式。

26、While in the peaceful time, this possibility can be the great deterrent to Japan economically and militarily. ─── 在和平時(shí)期,這樣的可能性也將從經(jīng)濟(jì),軍事上極大威懾日本,帶來揮之不去的陰影。

27、After occupying the cities militarily, we began, one by one, to take total control of them. ─── 軍事占領(lǐng)后,各城市均先后進(jìn)行了接管工作。

28、Japan may have been able to bully China militarily in the 1930s, but China was busily routing it in soccer. ─── 三十年代時(shí),日本也許可以靠武力欺負(fù)中國,但是中國卻在足球上不斷擊潰日本。

29、Militarily, Turkey has NATO's biggest army after America's, and hosts a large American airbase at Incirlik. ─── 軍事上來說,土耳其在北約擁有僅次于美國的最大軍隊(duì),在印吉爾利克(Incirlik)擁有美國一個(gè)大型空軍基地。

30、It is really difficult for them to militarily involve when the whole world are watching. ─── 對他們來說,在全世界注視下進(jìn)行軍事干涉真的很難。

31、His rival here is a militarily officer who comes to confiscate his seashell, and it's liquid contents. ─── 他的對手是一個(gè)軍官,他沒收了牧師的貝殼和其中的液體。

32、He rules a multi ethnic empire that is scientifically, economically and militarily surpassing any other country. (check). ─── 他的部隊(duì)在科技,經(jīng)濟(jì)和軍事上都超過別的國家。(對)

33、The Ming Dynasty lost Lushun so that the second battle line lost the basic guarantee , thus militarily landing in a much passive position. ─── 后金占據(jù)旅順,解除了后顧之憂,并在軍事上取得了主動權(quán);明朝喪失了旅順,使第二戰(zhàn)線失去了基本保證,在軍事上陷入極大的被動。

34、He said, "There will be a military response against the threat imposed by the United States militarily. " ─── 李東一說:“北韓會對美國的軍事威脅做出軍事上的反應(yīng)”。

35、Shanxi had been noted as a militarily strategic location as it is cloaked with hills and girdled by rivers; ─── 張遼(169-222年),字文遠(yuǎn),雁門馬邑(今山西朔州)人。早年做過郡吏,后因“武力過人”受到并州刺史丁原的重用而步入軍旅。

36、They overlap again on how free their countries should be to intervene militarily (both the Tories and Labour are more hawkish than the Democrats). ─── 兩國人民在國家進(jìn)行軍事干預(yù)的自由方面意見又出現(xiàn)了一致(英保守黨和工黨都比美民主黨更鷹派)。

37、Mm-hmm. -The-The way we're gonna win over the long term is not just militarily; we've got to win over hearts and minds... ─── 嗯。-長遠(yuǎn)來講,贏得這場戰(zhàn)爭的方式不僅僅是在軍事上;我們必須贏得人心和看法...

38、Rasmussen said the rebels are advancing militarily in Libya, although it was unclear how much. ─── 拉斯穆森說,反對派在軍事上正在挺進(jìn),雖然還不清楚到什么程度。

39、Thus we could hardly understand why the United States, the world's most powerful nation economically and militarily, should be lacking a sense of security? ─── 我們不理解,為什么經(jīng)濟(jì)上、軍事上最強(qiáng)大的美國反而會缺乏安全感?

40、Even militarily weak and small nations have defied U. N. Decisions with impunity. ─── 即使是軍事力量薄弱的小國,也可平安無事地反抗聯(lián)合國的決定。

41、Militarily Critical Technology ─── 軍事重要技術(shù)

42、The area kept intact is undoubtedly important,and we should devote great efforts to developing it,not only politically,militarily and economically but,what is also important,culturally. ─── 完整區(qū)域當(dāng)然是重要的,應(yīng)集大力去經(jīng)營,不但政治、軍事、經(jīng)濟(jì)等方面,文化方面也要緊。

43、Striking at local Chiang Kai-shek forces militarily to the neglect of disintegrating them politically has usually led to failure. ─── 對土蔣只采取軍事打擊而忽視政治上的瓦解,一般都是失敗的。

44、Europe's Protestant areas, including the Netherlands, northern Germany, and England, may not have been as militarily mighty, but they did have a potent new weapon: the printing press. ─── 包括荷蘭、德國北部和英格蘭在內(nèi)的歐洲新教區(qū)域也許無法在軍事上與之匹敵,但他們卻擁有一件威力巨大的新武器:印刷機(jī)。

45、But it will not fight for Georgia militarily or force the issue of NATO membership, not least because neither country is ready. ─── 但是它也不會為格魯吉亞而使用武力,或者強(qiáng)迫推進(jìn)加入北約議題,畢竟這兩個(gè)國家都沒有準(zhǔn)備好。

46、But the last thing China wants is militarily strengthened Japanese and South Korean states that would curtail Beijing's own power in the Pacific. ─── 但中國最不想看到的是軍事力量大增的日本和韓國宣布要遏制中國在太平洋的軍事勢力。

47、Because of the Great Wall militarily noticeable function, the Chinese all previous dynasties dynasty from has not stopped to Great Wall's construction. ─── 因?yàn)殚L城在軍事上不可忽視的作用 ,中國歷代王朝從沒停止過對長城的修建。

48、In 1945, after an exhausting three decades of exertion against Germany, the United Kingdom emerged militarily victorious only to see itself economically exhausted. ─── 1945年,經(jīng)過與德國三十年的艱難對抗,英國在軍事上凱旋而歸,但在經(jīng)濟(jì)方面卻變得山窮水盡。

49、Washington seems to be concluding it cannot defeat the national resistance militarily. ─── 華盛頓似乎得出結(jié)論,他們不能在軍事上打敗阿富汗的的抵抗力量。

50、This was how the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) came into being after World War II, aimed at safeguarding Western European countries from being swallowed up militarily by the mighty Soviet Union. ─── 北大西洋公約組織就是在這樣的情況下,在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)后成立,目的是防止西歐國家受到軍力強(qiáng)大的蘇聯(lián)的并吞。

51、Four well-matched group, Cao Yuan Qiang militarily weak and politically Caocao "With the Emperor as the feudal lords", superior to Yuan Shao. ─── 四大集團(tuán)旗鼓相當(dāng),軍事上袁強(qiáng)曹弱,政治上曹操“挾天子以令諸侯”,優(yōu)于袁紹。

52、They remain unwilling to intervene militarily in what could be an unending war. ─── 他們?nèi)匀徊辉敢鈱σ粓隹赡軣o休止的戰(zhàn)爭進(jìn)行軍事干預(yù)。

53、Giustizia_Militare Presenta organigramma ed organizzazione, le circoscrizioni per consigli, corti, procure e tribunali militari italiani, normativa e codici. ─── 口腔種植醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)信息網(wǎng)第四軍醫(yī)大學(xué)口腔種植中心。含學(xué)科介紹、知識園地、專業(yè)著作,病案討論等。

54、"to meet the general requirements of Building armed forces that are qualified politically and competent militarily and that have a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support" ─── 政治合格、軍事過硬、作風(fēng) 優(yōu)良、紀(jì)律嚴(yán)明、保障有力的總要求

55、The E.U. is too divided, and Europe is militarily far behind the U.S. ─── 中國不能,歐盟太散,況且歐洲在軍事上遠(yuǎn)落后于美國。

56、Militarily, it would be a monumental mistake to allow the Chinese, Russians and others to establish bases on the moon, while we sit and twiddle our thumbs. ─── 從軍事上看,當(dāng)我們無聊的閑坐著,卻讓中國,俄國或其他國家在月球上建立基地,是重大的錯(cuò)誤!

57、Even militarily weak and small nations have defied UN decisions with impunity. ─── 就連軍事較弱的小國違抗了聯(lián)合國的決定也沒有受到懲罰。

58、Turkey is a NATO member and is also a neighbor of Georgia's and great supporter of Georgia both economically and militarily, he said. ─── 厄澤爾說:“土耳其是北約成員國,也是格魯吉亞的鄰國,從經(jīng)濟(jì)和軍事方面都是格魯吉亞重要的支持者。

59、Most of those who responded (58%) said the Taliban could not be defeated militarily, and 52% of those surveyed said troops should be withdrawn immediately. ─── 大多數(shù)受訪者(58%)說,不可能在軍事上打敗塔利班,而52%的受訪者說,英軍應(yīng)立即撤回。

60、Its implications for small and militarily weak nations cannot be over-emphasized. ─── 它對小國和軍事弱國的影響不能被過分強(qiáng)調(diào)。

61、It's not enough for us simply to be the strongest nation militarily the strongest economically and also to have firm diplomacy we must have a great goal,and that is not just to keep freedom for ourselves,but to extend it to all the world. ─── 僅僅成為頭號軍事強(qiáng)國、頭號經(jīng)濟(jì)大國,同時(shí)有強(qiáng)硬的外交政策并不夠,我們必須有一個(gè)偉人的目標(biāo),就是:不僅自己把握自由,還要把它推廣到全世界。

62、Militarily, China is a country of contrasts, with undoubtedly among the most powerful militaries in the world. ─── 從軍事上講,中國毫無疑問地是世界上最強(qiáng)大的幾個(gè)國家中的一員。

63、Militarily he took the war into the north of England , raiding around Newcastle and wreaking havoc across the north. ─── 華勒斯將戰(zhàn)事延伸到英格蘭北方,襲捲紐卡索,大肆進(jìn)攻整個(gè)英格蘭北部。

64、Militarily, our basic defense strategy is deterrence. ─── 在軍事上,我們的基本防御策略是威懾。

65、This nation will aid these islands militarily if they are threatened. ─── 如果這些島嶼受到威脅,這個(gè)國家將給予軍事上的援助。

66、is unchallenged militarily ─── 在軍事上無可匹敵

67、After three decades of reform, China has grown much stronger militarily and it has the confidence to safeguard its national interests. ─── 在改革三十年之后,中國軍事上(已經(jīng))變得比較非常強(qiáng)大和它有信心捍衛(wèi)它的國家利益.

68、10.Compared with great powers militarily, small countries are in an inferior position. ─── 10、在軍事力上與大國相比,小國處于劣勢。

69、The sense is growing that the Americans need to turn things round fast, militarily and politically, if they are to ensure that events do not spin out control. ─── 人們越來越強(qiáng)烈地感覺到,如果美國人想確保情況不逐漸失控的話,他們就需要在軍事和政治兩方面快速地扭轉(zhuǎn)形勢。

70、We have got great achievements militarily,politically and economically. ─── 我們在軍事、政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)等方面取得了巨大的成績。

71、But he rejected that approach, in part because he believes China is still dozens of years away from catching up with the U. S. militarily. ─── 但他并不同意這一看法,部分是因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為中國仍然需要幾十年時(shí)間在軍事領(lǐng)域趕超。

72、Mr Obama's team will stress that America has no intention of giving up on Ukraine and Georgia but it will not fight for Georgia militarily or force the issue of NATO membership. ─── 奧巴馬團(tuán)隊(duì)將會著重強(qiáng)調(diào),美國無意放棄烏克蘭和格魯吉亞,但也不會因格魯吉亞而同俄刀兵相見或?qū)蓢尤氡奔s問題施加影響力。

73、They are far ahead militarily . ─── 他們在軍事上遙遙領(lǐng)先.

74、Russia was prepared for the war not only militarily, but also ideologically. ─── 不僅僅在軍事上,俄國在思想上也為這場戰(zhàn)爭作了準(zhǔn)備。

75、a militarily superior country ─── 軍事強(qiáng)國

76、As the most capable militarily of NATO's European members (together with France), it helps to rally others. ─── 作為北約歐盟成員中軍事上最有實(shí)力的國家(和法國一起),它幫美國召集其他人。

77、The Northern Song Dynasty has been militarily weak and fragile in border defence due to the implementation of ill-conceived policies such as focusing on the minor and belittling the important. ─── 摘要北宋多年來貫徹實(shí)施強(qiáng)干弱枝、守內(nèi)虛外和重文輕武的基本國策,軍事力量薄弱,邊塞防衛(wèi)松弛。

78、I might have arguments with the size of Reagan's military buildup, but given the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, staying ahead of the Soviets militarily seemed a sensible thing to do. ─── 我也許對里根軍備增加有所疑問,但是由于蘇聯(lián)入侵了阿富汗,在軍事上領(lǐng)先蘇聯(lián)似乎是極為合理的選擇。

79、Outside the Muslim countries, however, there is a general consensus that it would be bad if China were to rival the U. S. militarily. ─── 不過除穆斯林國家外,人們的普遍共識是,如果中國有能力在軍事上抗衡美國,那將不是件好事。

80、Expanding the Red, complementing the cadres and construction on politics , militarily technical ability ,all accepted to the“Left”fetters in varying degrees. ─── 擴(kuò)紅工作、干部補(bǔ)充以及紅軍政治、軍事技能建設(shè)等方面,都受到不同程度“左”的束縛。

81、Militarily,in the first month we shall not seek to fight large-scale battles,but to occupy cities and towns,eliminate bandits and diehards,and win some small battles (for instance,annihilating one or two enemy regiments at a time). ─── 在軍事上,我們在最初一個(gè)月內(nèi),不求打大仗,而是占領(lǐng)城鎮(zhèn),肅清土頑,爭取打些小勝仗(一兩個(gè)團(tuán)一次的殲滅戰(zhàn))。

82、"They are qualified politically and competent militarily and having a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support" ─── 政治合格、軍事過硬、作風(fēng)優(yōu)良、紀(jì)律嚴(yán)明、保障有力.

83、Analysts, however, are skeptical that the rebels, who have waged a 25-year-long campaign for a Tamil homeland, can be vanquished militarily. ─── 不過分析人士對政府是否能夠在軍事上擊敗泰米爾猛虎組織持懷疑態(tài)度,這些反叛分子為泰米爾人建立自己的獨(dú)立國家已經(jīng)戰(zhàn)斗了25年。

84、Militarily Significant Fallout ─── 軍事嚴(yán)重副作用

85、Militarily, it is withdrawal by any other name, and not far short of precipitate. ─── 從軍事角度講,這是以一種比較體面的理由進(jìn)行撤退,但是還沒有能力達(dá)到迅速撤軍的地步。

86、Militarily,we should first and foremost concentrate our forces on striking at the most reactionary of the enemy's forces and cause the less reactionary forces to maintain a neutral stand. ─── 在軍事上,又應(yīng)集中力量,首先打擊最反動的部分,中立那些不積極反動的部分。

87、Mm-hmm. -The-The way we're gonna win over the long term is not just militarily; we've got to win over hearts and minds. . . ─── 嗯。-長遠(yuǎn)來講,贏得這場戰(zhàn)爭的方式不僅僅是在軍事上;我們必須贏得人心和看法…

88、Be qualified politically and competent militarily, have a fine style of work, maintain strict discipline and be assured of adequate logistical support ─── 政治合格,軍事過硬,作風(fēng)優(yōu)良,紀(jì)律嚴(yán)明,保障有力

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