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10-03 投稿


remunerative 發(fā)音

英:[r?'mju?n(?)r?t?v]  美:[r?'mjun?r?t?v]

英:  美:

remunerative 中文意思翻譯



remunerative 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 有利可圖的;有報(bào)酬的;合算的

remunerative 詞性/詞形變化,remunerative變形

副詞: remuneratively |名詞: remunerativeness |

remunerative 短語詞組

1、remunerative job ─── 有報(bào)酬的工作

2、remunerative price ─── [經(jīng)] 有利價(jià)格, 有報(bào)酬的價(jià)格

3、remunerative chore ─── 有償家務(wù)

4、remunerative justice ─── 有報(bào)酬的正義

5、remunerative salary ─── 有報(bào)酬的薪水

6、remunerative deal ─── 補(bǔ)償性交易

7、remunerative business ─── 有報(bào)酬的生意

8、remunerative contract ─── 有償合同

9、remunerative prices ─── 有報(bào)酬的價(jià)格

10、remunerative occupation ─── 有報(bào)酬的職業(yè)

remunerative 相似詞語短語

1、regenerative ─── adj.再生的,更生的;更新的

2、remuneration ─── n.報(bào)酬;酬勞,賠償

3、remonstrative ─── adj.抗議的;忠告的

4、unremunerative ─── adj.無報(bào)酬的;無利可圖的

5、remuneratively ─── 報(bào)酬

6、recuperative ─── adj.復(fù)原的;恢復(fù)的;有恢復(fù)力的

7、remunerate ─── vt.酬勞;給與報(bào)酬;賠償

8、nonremunerative ─── 非盈利

9、remunerating ─── vt.酬勞;給與報(bào)酬;賠償

remunerative 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、remunerative business ─── 有利可圖的買賣, 贏利企業(yè)

2、remunerative price ─── 有利的價(jià)格提供利潤的價(jià)格

3、We have, therefore, a shortage of teachers, due first to their attraction into more remunerative fields, and secondly to the inadequate status and emphasis given. ─── 因此,我們?nèi)鄙俳處煟紫仁且驗(yàn)樗麄儽晃綀?bào)酬更優(yōu)厚的地方,另一個(gè)原因是教師地位低,得不到足夠的重視。

4、Some sailings can be so remunerative that the experience might even help you to pay for your cruise. ─── 有些航海之旅能讓你大有斬獲,甚至有助你支付旅行的費(fèi)用。

5、remunerative salary ─── 優(yōu)厚的薪金,高薪

6、Through remunerative experimenting,the paper has proved the conditions ,the ways and the experices of reinforced technology of bolting and groating in complicated conditions. ─── 通過井下工業(yè)性試驗(yàn),論證了在復(fù)雜條件下采用錨注加固支護(hù)的條件、方法和經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

7、remunerative a. ─── 有報(bào)酬的;

8、A female employee on maternity leave shall not be permitted to engage in remunerative work or in any activity likely to endanger her health. ─── 休產(chǎn)假的女職員不得從事有報(bào)酬或任何可能危害其健康的活動(dòng)。

9、most remunerative choice, you fear, may not be the most meaningful and the most satisfying. ─── 你們害怕,報(bào)酬最豐厚的選擇,也許最有價(jià)值的和最令人滿意的選擇。

10、The most remunerative growing has shifted from the traditional southeastern producing region to the irrigated lands of the Southwest. ─── 經(jīng)濟(jì)效益最好的植棉業(yè)已從傳統(tǒng)的東南棉區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)移到西南部的大片灌溉地。

11、Such men, the economists argue, provided the "micro inventions necessary to make macro inventions highly productive and remunerative. " ─── 經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家認(rèn)為,這些人,提供了”使得宏觀發(fā)明得以高度高產(chǎn)和高回報(bào)的微觀發(fā)明需要“。

12、Thetruth though was that once he had hit upon his particular kinkyand highly remunerative style in Paris in the 1960s he found noincentive to develop. ─── 然而事實(shí)卻是在20世紀(jì)60年代的巴黎,當(dāng)他突然找到這一極其古怪卻又極為有利可圖的風(fēng)格時(shí),便再也沒有什么能激發(fā)他繼續(xù)發(fā)展了。

13、remunerative(offering, afford) price ─── 酬價(jià)

14、He added: "I have no regrets about leaving, it was a very remunerative and successful period, but I think it's time to move on now. ─── 岳敦補(bǔ)充說:"我沒有后悔離開,這曾是很豐厚及成功的時(shí)期。但我想是時(shí)候離開了。"

15、Remunerative Inspiration in the Organizational Conflict ─── 組織沖突中的報(bào)酬激勵(lì)

16、He is in a very remunerative job. ─── 他有個(gè)報(bào)酬高的工作。

17、The most remunerative choice, you fear, may not be the most meaningful and the most satisfying. ─── 你們擔(dān)心,最有回報(bào)的選擇并不是最有意義以及最令人舒心的選擇。

18、remunerative work; ─── 有報(bào)酬的工作;

19、The most remunerative growing has shifted from the traditional southeastern producing region to the irrigated lands of the Southwest. ─── 經(jīng)濟(jì)效益最好的植棉業(yè)已從傳統(tǒng)的東南棉區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)移到西南部的大片灌溉地。

20、remunerative justice ─── 多勞多得的公平待遇

21、A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment. ─── 一個(gè)醫(yī)生建議她去找有酬勞的工作。

22、Consumers rails against the aim of remunerative for - rather than performing for - in-game acceptance. ─── 謝亞龍:你明天能不能退賽?劉翔:龍王,您這不是毀我嗎?謝亞龍:你還想在體育圈混嗎?

23、remunerative rate ─── 有利比率

24、mutual obligations and remunerative contract, and certain postponing characteristics. ─── 醫(yī)療合同為雙務(wù)有償合同以及具有一定的延緩性。

25、An effective remunerative impellent mechanism can harmonize the target of managers with that of stock holders and make managers realize the enterprises' maximized value. ─── 有效的報(bào)酬激勵(lì)機(jī)制,能協(xié)調(diào)經(jīng)理與股東的目標(biāo),使經(jīng)理努力實(shí)現(xiàn)企業(yè)價(jià)值最大化。

26、The competitive remunerative price was hiked from Rs47 per kg to Rs89 per kg in Andhra Pradesh while in Karnataka it is Rs112 per kg, Suresh Babu told the media after signing the MoU. ─── 巴布在簽署諒解備忘錄之后告訴媒體說,在安德拉邦,具有競爭性的有利價(jià)格從每公斤47盧比上漲到每公斤89盧比,而在卡納塔克邦,具有競爭性的有利價(jià)格為每公斤112盧比。

27、Employee shall not engage in any remunerative activity during his annual leave. ─── 員工在休年假期間,不得從事任何有報(bào)酬的活動(dòng)。

28、Wearying of this, she wrote for the papers stories of a sensational nature, which were remunerative financially, but unsatisfactory to her as a literary pursuit, and she abandoned this style of writing. ─── 由于她對此感到厭煩,于是就替報(bào)刊寫些聳人聽聞的故事,這些故事是有報(bào)酬的。但是作為一個(gè)從事文學(xué)的人來說,她對此是不滿足的,因而她就放棄了這種寫作風(fēng)格。

29、Persons who have taken part in salvage operations notwithstanding theexpress and reasonable pr ohibition on the part of the vessel to which theservices were rendered, have no right to any remun eration. ─── 阻止雖經(jīng)被救船舶明白、合理的拒絕但仍參與救助活動(dòng)的人,無權(quán)要求任何報(bào)酬。

30、remunerative financially, but unsatisfactory to her as a literary pursuit, and she abandoned this style of writing. ─── 酬的。但是作為一個(gè)從事文學(xué)的人來說,她對此是不滿足的,因而她就放棄了這種寫作風(fēng)格。

31、remunerative prices ─── 報(bào)酬性價(jià)格

32、He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore. ─── 為了生計(jì),他準(zhǔn)備接受任何有酬報(bào)的雜活。

33、remunerative crop ─── 收入高的作物

34、remunerative incentive ─── 報(bào)酬激勵(lì)

35、Both the customers and I are happy!What an interesting and remunerative work!Go on, young students!” ─── “長江后浪推前浪,數(shù)風(fēng)流人物,還看今朝.

36、A highly remunerative job,post,position,etc ─── 報(bào)酬很高的工作、職務(wù)、職位等.

37、It's a vast and remunerative market even with high prices. ─── 這是一個(gè)巨大的高額利潤回報(bào)的市場,甚至價(jià)格高的離譜。

38、Due to We have, therefore, a shortage of teachers, due first to their attraction into more remunerative fields, and secondly to the inadequate status and emphasis given. ─── 因此,我們?nèi)鄙俳處?首先是因?yàn)樗麄儽晃綀?bào)酬更優(yōu)厚的地方,另一個(gè)原因是教師地位低,得不到足夠的重視。

39、This completely invalidates the ubiquitous claim that increased liberalization paired with sustained demand would ensure that prices remain stable at a remunerative level. ─── 這一結(jié)果徹底粉碎了普遍認(rèn)同的這樣一種觀點(diǎn):高度的市場自由化以及堅(jiān)穩(wěn)的市場需求會(huì)確保價(jià)格穩(wěn)定,并保持在有一定利潤的水平上。

40、remunerative occupation ─── 可獲利的職業(yè)

41、There was a significant interaction between teachers' sex and education for the employment of coercive power style, and for the employment of remunerative power style. ─── 十一、教師規(guī)范權(quán)與學(xué)生喜愛情緒有正向相關(guān),亦即學(xué)童知覺教師規(guī)范權(quán)使用較多者,其喜愛情緒越多。

42、He is prepare to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore ─── 為了生計(jì),他準(zhǔn)備接受任何有酬報(bào)的雜活

43、remunerative deal ─── 有利可圖的買賣

44、remunerative job ─── 可獲利的工作

45、Earn one's expenses while studying or while engaged in some other remunerative pursuit ─── 讀書或在從事無報(bào)酬的工作時(shí),自己賺取生活費(fèi)

46、Is it necessary to decide between remunerative work and meaningful work? ─── 是不是一定要在高回報(bào)的工作與有意義的生活中間做一個(gè)選擇呢?

47、Some sailings can be so remunerative that the experience might even help you to pay for your cruise. ─── 有些航海之旅能讓你大有斬獲,甚至有助你支付旅行的費(fèi)用。

48、But many of you are now wondering how these commitments fit with a career choice.Is it necessary to decide between remunerative work and meaningful work? ─── 金融業(yè)、華爾街、“招聘”就是這個(gè)困境的標(biāo)志,它帶來了比職業(yè)選擇更廣更深的一系列問題。

49、remunerative work ─── 有報(bào)酬的工作

50、I am sure he will be interested in your project because he is willing to undertake risks.He enjoys adventurous and remunerative jobs. ─── 我相信,他會(huì)對你的計(jì)劃感興趣,因?yàn)樗矚g冒險(xiǎn),愛做驚險(xiǎn)而有利可圖的工作。

51、They have been borrowing heavily in yen and putting the proceeds into more remunerative assets, such as antipodean bonds (see article). ─── 外來投資大量的借入日圓并將收益轉(zhuǎn)入諸如澳紐債券的較高收益資產(chǎn)。

52、A Study On Enterpreneur Remunerative Compensation Based on Economic Value Added ─── 基于經(jīng)濟(jì)附加值的企業(yè)經(jīng)營者報(bào)酬激勵(lì)研究

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