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10-04 投稿


materialize 發(fā)音

英:[m??t?ri?la?z]  美:[m??t??ri?la?z]

英:  美:

materialize 中文意思翻譯




materialize 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

vt. 使具體化,使有形;使突然出現(xiàn);使重物質(zhì)而輕精神vi. 實現(xiàn),成形;突然出現(xiàn)

materialize 反義詞


materialize 同義詞

materialise | occur | turn up | pop up | emerge | exist | come about |happen | show up | shape up | take shape | come into existence | appear | arrive

materialize 詞性/詞形變化,materialize變形


materialize 短語詞組

1、materialize into ─── 具體化為

2、materialize anything ─── 實現(xiàn)任何東西

materialize 相似詞語短語

1、materializer ─── 使具體化者;使物質(zhì)化者;實現(xiàn)者

2、materializes ─── vt.使具體化,使有形;使突然出現(xiàn);使重物質(zhì)而輕精神;vi.實現(xiàn),成形;突然出現(xiàn)

3、rematerialize ─── 重物質(zhì)化

4、materialised ─── 物質(zhì)化

5、materialise ─── vt.物質(zhì)化(等于materialize);vi.突然出現(xiàn)(等于materialize)

6、immaterialize ─── vt.使失去實體;使無形

7、materialized ─── 使成真;實現(xiàn);使物質(zhì)化,使具體化(materialize的過去式和過去分詞)

8、maternalize ─── vt.使成為母親

9、dematerialize ─── vt.使消失;使喪失物質(zhì)形態(tài);vi.消失;喪失物質(zhì)形態(tài)

materialize 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Visual C materialize PC and Ethernet to serial communications equipment example, can be used to test Ethernet switch serial data transceiver situation. ─── 實現(xiàn)代PC機(jī)和以太網(wǎng)轉(zhuǎn)串口設(shè)備通訊例子,可以用來測試以太網(wǎng)轉(zhuǎn)串口設(shè)備的數(shù)據(jù)收發(fā)情況。

2、Unfortunately for Wilson, such a solid phalanx did not materialize. ─── 對威爾遜來說,不幸的是這種團(tuán)結(jié)并沒有形成。

3、materialize one's ideas ─── 實現(xiàn)自己的理想

4、Looking around, as if she thought a dress might materialize from out of the air, she caught sight of her brother's sword, standing in its place upon the weapons' rack. ─── 她環(huán)顧著四周,仿佛憑空會出現(xiàn)一套禮服。她隨后看到了她兄弟的佩劍,立在武器架上。

5、His plan may materialize ─── 他的計畫可能實現(xiàn)。

6、To materialize the above five aspects, we need to respect: (1) the natural law; ─── 實現(xiàn)以上五個有利于需要五個尊重:(1)自然規(guī)律;

7、As to the effect of ERP and trade relations, they have both advantages and disadvantages.The main shortage of China"s TEP policy is that it hasn"t materialize industry"s dynamic upgrading in China . ─── 存在的最主要問題是關(guān)稅政策調(diào)整沒有反映中國經(jīng)濟(jì)階段動態(tài)發(fā)展的需要、沒有適應(yīng)產(chǎn)業(yè)動態(tài)升級的需要。

8、materialize a policy ─── 實現(xiàn)一個政策

9、Much to the mayor's relief the city employees'threatened strike did not materialize. ─── 市長很慶幸員工們威脅的示威并沒有真正發(fā)生。

10、Therefore more and more companies, that have implemented an ERP system, acknowledge that the implementation of an APS system enables them to fully materialize financial improvements. ─── 因此,越來越多的實施了ERP的公司開始認(rèn)識到APS系統(tǒng)的實施一個可以幫助他們實現(xiàn)量化的財務(wù)管理。

11、So how you compare those costs depends on how much you value costs in the distant future relative to costs that materialize much sooner. ─── 所以你如何衡量這些代價,取決于你如何看待將來的代價和眼前利益之間的關(guān)系。

12、Places marketing have inherence relations with industrial clusters, and materialize the mutual action between market and industry. ─── 區(qū)域營銷與產(chǎn)業(yè)集群的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,體現(xiàn)了市場與產(chǎn)業(yè)之間的互動。

13、Their support on the eastern flankdid not materialize. ─── 他們想支援東翼力量的計劃未能實現(xiàn)。

14、During the work of lateral economic ties ,if units or persons get reasonable in come,after notarizing by the related units,we will carryout and materialize it . ─── 在我地區(qū)橫聯(lián)工作中取得合理收入的單位或個人,一律遵照對方意愿,經(jīng)有關(guān)部門公證,以保證各條款的實施兌現(xiàn)。

15、It has nine dimensions, corresponding to the planets; they represent focal points for the dimensions, or environments in which the dimensions can express and materialize themselves - although materialization of each dimension is different. ─── 凱西解讀材料斷言:“正如你們看見他離去一樣,他會回來,他會在加利利投生(巴勒斯坦北部一多山地區(qū))?!?/p>

16、The train failed to materialize(= it did not come). ─── 列車始終沒有來。

17、How to effectively materialize these functions should be to develop self consciousness and value pursuit for contemporary instruction culture construction in China. ─── 如何有效地形成這些基本功能,應(yīng)成為當(dāng)代中國教學(xué)文化建設(shè)的自覺意識與價值追求。

18、Their much vaunted reforms did not materialize. ─── 他們大肆吹噓的改革并沒有實現(xiàn)。

19、The world is more and more materialize, and impact on environment of materialization is more abroad.Fortunately, human has recognized it and made effort on dematerialization. ─── 全球物質(zhì)化的趨勢對生態(tài)環(huán)境的影響也在日益擴(kuò)大,所幸的是人們已經(jīng)開始認(rèn)識到生態(tài)環(huán)境對人類生存的重要性,并已經(jīng)做出種種努力,盡量減少物質(zhì)和能量的消耗。

20、However, for security point of view, this proposal was not approved by the Beijing public security corps, making the plan did not materialize. ─── 但出于安全角度考慮,此方案未獲得北京市治安總隊批準(zhǔn),使得該計劃未能實現(xiàn)。

21、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保單上你被問及是否有任何易燃物被存儲在房屋里。

22、It is still under speculation whether Taiwan's dream of WHO status will eventually materialize in May during the annual convention. ─── 它仍然處于猜測中臺灣世界衛(wèi)生組織地位的夢想是否最終在年度大會期間在五月成為現(xiàn)實.

23、Materialize the Advanced Nature in Fully Practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development ─── 在全面落實科學(xué)發(fā)展觀中體現(xiàn)先進(jìn)性

24、Sweetie, do you honestly expect Byron Henry to materialize in the bar of this hotel at eleven o'clock? ─── 乖乖,難道你真以為今天十一點(diǎn)拜倫·亨利準(zhǔn)會在這家旅館的酒吧間出現(xiàn)嗎?

25、His promises failed to materialize . ─── 他的諾言未能實現(xiàn)。

26、If chances fail to materialize, then they can switch to a higher tempo system for short bursts to try to create some chances. ─── 如果機(jī)會沒有出現(xiàn),可以突然切換為快節(jié)奏以創(chuàng)造機(jī)會。

27、Three in-line and four staggered arrays of closely spaced tubes have been tested in a wind tunnel, to investigate the conditions under which acoustical resonances do or do not materialize. ─── 為了研究聲共振的條件,在風(fēng)洞中對三種順排、四種錯排的密排管束進(jìn)行了試驗。

28、Pairs of entangled photons materialize at the event horizon.One of the photons flies outward to become the Hawking radiation that an observer sees. ─── 一對纏結(jié)的光子在事件視界形成后,其中一個光子向外飛出,成為觀測者所看見的霍金輻射。

29、Spurts of potential do materialize every now and then, usually before he receives a contract extension or right before the Lakers visit FedEx Forum to face the not-so-mighty Grizzlies. ─── 他將來的潛力是不可限量的,也是考慮到長遠(yuǎn)的利益,球隊才與其簽下一份大合同。

30、To materialize the developmental ideal of"Human-First",it is indispensable for institutional innovation to play its part so that the tangible educational practice could be actualized. ─── 以人為本作為一種發(fā)展理念,只有依賴于制度創(chuàng)新才能演化為可以感受到的教育實踐。

31、For that you have Saturn to thank, the planet that helps us materialize ideas, but Saturn is also the planet that toughens us up and makes us practical and realistic. ─── 你要為此感謝土星,它是幫助我們實現(xiàn)理想的行星,但是它同時也是那個使我們更加堅韌,和變得實際的行星。

32、He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door. ─── 他突然不見了,卻又很快出現(xiàn)在門前。

33、Assuming that a recovery does not materialize this year, the European model of flexicurity will face three overlapping threats. ─── 假設(shè)今年不能實現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇,那么歐洲模式的“靈活”將面臨三個相互重疊的威脅。

34、Traditional rapid prototyping printers have helped designers to materialize these visions, although the results are inevitably destined to be display models only at a modest scale. ─── 傳統(tǒng)的快速原型打印機(jī)幫助設(shè)計師實現(xiàn)這些設(shè)想,但結(jié)果是不可避免地注定要顯示模式不僅在規(guī)模較小。

35、Do you think such a demand (General Election of all LC Members in 2008) will materialize? ─── 你估計呢個要求(2008年普選立法會議員)會唔會實現(xiàn)?

36、Second, we will formulate and materialize the policy measure of "rejuvenating trade through intellectual property". ─── 三、積極參與國家知識產(chǎn)權(quán)戰(zhàn)略制定工作。

37、The article contends that in The Wanderer Burney presents a series of corporeal styles to "embody" and "materialize" that nobody through performativity. ─── 一個無名的小人物之后成為重要人物,吊詭地成為波妮式的女性主體。

38、Financial markets may still react in an orderly way to such an outcome, if the risks of a hard landing or an inflationary spiral do not materialize. ─── 如果硬著陸或螺旋通脹的風(fēng)險沒有實現(xiàn)的話,金融市場也許還是會有序的應(yīng)對可能的結(jié)果。

39、If you cannot materialize this kind of world, then human beings cannot partake in the true happiness, true liberation and true glory. ─── 如果你們無法成就這樣的世界,那麼人類也就無法享受真幸福、真自由與真榮耀。

40、to materialize the Party's basic programme ─── 實現(xiàn)黨的基本綱領(lǐng)

41、Saturn will show you how to materialize a dream that's dear to you, and you can be sure that it will be one that will stand the test of time. ─── 土星會指引你如何去實現(xiàn)自己的夢想,這個夢想無疑是支持你走出接受考驗的艱難時光的主要動力。

42、If the money doesn’t materialize, the idea goes unreported. ─── 如果所需資金沒有兌現(xiàn),這個題材就不予報道。

43、Keywords Emulsion Flavor;Stability;Cloudiness;Raw Materi als;Application; ─── 乳化香精;穩(wěn)定性;濁度;原料;應(yīng)用;

44、Their support on the eastern flank did not materialize. ─── 他們想支援東翼力量的計劃未能實現(xiàn)

45、Their much vaunted reforms did not materialize. ─── 他們大肆吹噓的改革并沒有實現(xiàn)。

46、The clipping information, if used properly, may become business leads and materialize business. ─── 如果使用得當(dāng),剪報可以成為帶來生意的線索并最終轉(zhuǎn)變成生意。

47、Case of dividends from the current view, such a power did not materialize. ─── 從目前的分紅事件看來,這樣的權(quán)力并沒有實現(xiàn)。

48、A special area of concentration heating will soon materialize. ─── 少量特殊地區(qū)的集中供暖也將很快實現(xiàn)。

49、From Materialize to Culture--The Revolution of Product Design Mind in Chinese Enterprises ─── 從物化到文化--論中國企業(yè)產(chǎn)品設(shè)計觀念的革命

50、Your promises have failed to (ie did not) materialize. ─── 你沒有信守諾言。

51、Bush's remark cast some doubt on whether the Middle East peace conference originally scheduled to convene this summer will eventually materialize as planned. ─── 布希的談話,令人懷疑原訂今夏舉行的中東和會屆時是否可能召開。

52、Materialize: To cause to become real or actual: By building the house, we materialized a dream. ─── 使成真,實現(xiàn):使成為真的或確實的:通過建造這所房子,我們實現(xiàn)了一個夢想。

53、Bush succeeded in ousting Hussein, but at a high cost -- and the expected benefits did not materialize in Iraq or the region. ─── 小布什成功地推翻了薩達(dá)姆,但代價沉重,而且沒能在伊拉克以及這個地區(qū)實現(xiàn)預(yù)期的好處。

54、Do you think such a demand will materialize? ─── 你估計呢個要求會唔會實現(xiàn)?

55、The purpose of buying such tickets is to materialize their colorful and fanciful dreams. ─── 買彩票的目的是為了實現(xiàn)他們各式各樣的發(fā)財夢。

56、While law is made and implemented,it is significant to materialize the unity of the different values of law with justice as its fundamental one. ─── 在法的制定和實施過程中,實現(xiàn)以正義為根本的法的諸價值的統(tǒng)一具有重要意義。

57、He claimed that he could make ghosts materialize. ─── 他聲稱他可以使鬼魂現(xiàn)身。

58、The land proprietorship of the kings is the premise to carry out other polices and systems, and the base to materialize and maintain the status and rights of the kings. ─── 周天子所擁有的土地法權(quán)具有非常重要的實際意義,成為西周推行其他各項政策和制度的前提,體現(xiàn)并維護(hù)著周天子作為天下共主的地位和權(quán)利。

59、In the construction of the Olympic venues and related facilities,we will give full consideration to the special needs of the athletes and spectators with physical disabilities,to materialize the goal of"equality,participation and sharing". ─── 奧運(yùn)會場館及其相關(guān)設(shè)施建設(shè)充分考慮殘疾運(yùn)動員和殘疾人觀眾的特殊要求,為實現(xiàn)殘疾人“平等、參與、共享”的目標(biāo)創(chuàng)造條件。

60、This aspect could make you overly confident, all too ready to accept a commission-only job that will never materialize in the way you've been led to believe. ─── 它會使你過于自信,志在必得地接受一項永遠(yuǎn)不能付諸實現(xiàn)的任務(wù)。

61、How to attract foreign people in order to important business can materialize between us? ─── 如何吸引外國人,促使我們之間重要的商業(yè)活動成行?

62、A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize. ─── 激進(jìn)分子的一次叛亂未能實現(xiàn)。

63、Transact-SQL TVFs materialize the results of calling the function into an intermediate table, which can support constraints and unique indexes over the results. ─── Transact-SQL TVF將調(diào)用該函數(shù)的結(jié)果具體化為中間表,該表支持對結(jié)果的約束和唯一索引。

64、If it is too strong, it will materialize right away. If it is not strong enough, it will take some time to materialize. ─── 如果意念太強(qiáng)烈,就會馬上實現(xiàn),變化成物質(zhì)出來;如果不夠強(qiáng)烈,則一段時間后也會實現(xiàn)。

65、a.If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize. ─── 如果你方的價格做得開的話,我們相信能成大生意.

66、Using all kinds of translating tips to materialize deeper level of the cultural connotation as well as considering the acceptability of the culture. ─── 在考慮文化可接受性的同時,運(yùn)用各種翻譯技巧去體現(xiàn)深層次的文化內(nèi)涵。

67、Margins are often squeezed, they can't retain customers, and top line growth fails to materialize. ─── 他們的利潤常常被壓榨,客戶被搶走,銷售凈額的增長也不能得以實現(xiàn)。

68、Zhang Xiaoxian said: a commitment to a time when most needed did not materialize, that is sold at a later time honored, has no meaning. ─── 張小嫻說:一個承諾在最需要的時候沒有兌現(xiàn),那就是出賣,以后再兌現(xiàn),已經(jīng)沒什么意思了。

69、"There are probably some other shoes that will drop [developments that will materialize] in this process. ─── 在這個過程中還可能會有其它事態(tài)發(fā)展。

70、If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize. ─── 如果你方價格適合我方要求,我們相信,大筆交易可成。

71、He had been hoping that a truly democratic regime would soon materialize in China, and so he had also hoped for a speedy and successful conclusion of the military campaign being waged by the Enlarged Conference of the North; ─── 他是盼望民主政治真正實現(xiàn),所以他也盼望“北方擴(kuò)大會議”的軍事行動趕快成功,趕快沿津浦線達(dá)到濟(jì)南,達(dá)到徐州;

72、Application of TJ281-BEP new waterproof coiled materi als in the tunnel project ─── TJ281-BEP新型防水卷材在隧道工程中的應(yīng)用

73、If you were promised a raise that did not materialize, you can go back to see if you can get it now. ─── 如果有人曾經(jīng)允諾給你升遷,但并沒有落實,你可以再去看看現(xiàn)在你是否能得到它。

74、Places marketing have inherence relations with industrial clusters,and materialize the mutual action between market and industry. ─── 區(qū)域營銷與產(chǎn)業(yè)集群的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,體現(xiàn)了市場與產(chǎn)業(yè)之間的互動。

75、3.Stepless regulates and controls linear velocity of rewinding to materialize regulation fluffy of roll paper. ─── 復(fù)卷線速度無級調(diào)控,卷紙膨松度可控制。

76、a flash of lightning that seemed to materialize from nowhere; ─── 不知從哪里顯現(xiàn)的一道閃電;

77、Having being listed in the information network, JFS strives to materialize its motto of providing “first-class quality and first-class service”. ─── 企業(yè)進(jìn)入信息網(wǎng)絡(luò),爭創(chuàng)“一流品質(zhì),一流服務(wù)”是佳福斯公司的宗旨。

78、Even among economists who saw better-than-even chances, there was no clear agreement on where a bubble would materialize. ─── 即使在認(rèn)為可能性超過50%的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家中,對于泡沫是否會成為現(xiàn)實,也沒有一個清晰的一致意見。

79、Good market rumors over the weekend did not materialize, both indexes fell sharply. ─── 上周末市場利好傳聞沒有兌現(xiàn),股指雙雙大幅回落。

80、This life, he wrote a list of the back: a lot of my life dreams, some realized, some did not materialize due to various reasons. ─── 他在這張生命的清單后面這么寫道:我的一生有很多夢想,有的實現(xiàn)了,有的由于種種原因沒有實現(xiàn)。

81、It is no doubt that they materialize the atmosphere of culture and humanity, and these will enlighten us. ─── 他里面所散發(fā)出來的文化氣息和人情味兒無疑會對我們有所啟迪。

82、20 Years later, Bong has been dead, But the blood curse began to materialize on his descendents. ─── 20年后,邦已死,但血咒開始應(yīng)驗在其后人身上。

83、The Li-ion high power batteries with the capacity of 10Ah and 7.5Ah were introduced about their designs,performance,choice of the main raw materi als,manufacture process and their quality control. ─── 介紹了大容量動力型10Ah鋰離子電池和高功率型7.5Ah鋰離子電池的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計、技術(shù)指標(biāo)確認(rèn)、主要原材料的選擇、制造工藝過程和性能檢測情況。

84、Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous materi: al written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously tod: ay. ─── 加利福尼亞高級法院今天無異議裁決:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使用者和提供者對于發(fā)表他人所寫的誹謗材:料不必承擔(dān)責(zé)任。

85、Approaches for Selecting Views to Materialize Based on Multi-Maintenance Strategy ─── 基于多維護(hù)策略的物化視圖選擇方法

86、To materialize the Juche Idea means to maintain the position of owner of the revolution and construction and improve it from an independent and creative way. ─── 體現(xiàn)主體思想就是說要堅持革命和建設(shè)的主人翁立場,并以自主和創(chuàng)造性方式提高思想覺悟。

87、The promotion he had been promised failed to materialize. ─── 他晉升的許諾未能實現(xiàn)。

88、Sweetie, do you honestly expect Byron Henry to materialize in the bar of this hotel at eleven o'? ─── 乖乖,難道你真以為今天十一點(diǎn)拜倫·利準(zhǔn)會在這家旅館的酒吧間出現(xiàn)嗎?

89、As the Totenkopf followed on behind, its columns were strafed by waves of Russian aircraft and it was forced to take cover in nearby woods after Luftwaffe fighter support did not materialize. ─── “骷髏”師緊隨前進(jìn),,部隊遭到了蘇聯(lián)空軍的襲擊,在空軍趕來之前被迫躲進(jìn)了附近的森林。





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