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10-03 投稿


peelings 發(fā)音

英:[?pi?l??z]  美:[?pi?l??z]

英:  美:

peelings 中文意思翻譯




peelings 詞性/詞形變化,peelings變形


peelings 短語詞組

1、potato peelings un. ─── 馬鈴薯皮屑

peelings 常用詞組

peeling off ─── 剝離,剝落;剝皮

peeling machine ─── 去皮機(jī),剝皮機(jī);鋼錠修整機(jī)床

peeling strength ─── 剝離強(qiáng)度

peelings 相似詞語短語

1、ceilings ─── n.[建]天花板(ceiling的復(fù)數(shù))

2、spellings ─── n.(Spellings)人名;(英)斯佩林斯

3、seedlings ─── n.[植]籽苗(seedling的復(fù)數(shù))

4、feelings ─── n.[生理]感覺;[心理]情感;意見(feeling的復(fù)數(shù))

5、wheelings ─── n.旋轉(zhuǎn);道路的行車鑒定;v.旋轉(zhuǎn)(wheel的ing形式)

6、peeling ─── n.剝下的(一塊)皮;(生物)剝落,脫落;v.脫皮,剝落(peel的現(xiàn)在分詞)

7、dealings ─── n.交易;來往

8、popelings ─── 府綢。

9、reedlings ─── n.葦雀(一種產(chǎn)于歐洲及亞洲的長尾小鳥)

peelings 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Learn how to peel effectively. ─── 學(xué)習(xí)如何有效地糾纏。

2、She pare off the thick peel with a sharp knife. ─── 她用一把鋒利的刀削去厚厚的果皮。

3、When you realize the nature of mind, layers of confusion peel away. ─── 當(dāng)你證悟自性時(shí),你的困惑被層層剝掉了。

4、The wallpaper was beginning to peel. ─── 壁紙開始剝落了。

5、They are also urged to compost any peelings. ─── 果皮、蔬菜皮可以用作肥料。

6、I eat eel while you peel eel. ─── 你剝鰻魚皮,我來吃.

7、What is the difference between a man and a banana peel? ─── 人可以剝開香蕉皮,而香蕉皮不能剝開人。這就是區(qū)別。

8、Something, such as a skin or peel, that has been pared off. ─── 削皮,剝皮,削下物如皮膚或果皮等削下來的東西

9、Peel them first, and then slice them. ─── 先削皮,然后切片。

10、Never put nut shells, fruit peelings, etc, on the floor. ─── 不要把果殼或果皮等丟在地上。

11、Otherwise, we should take the trouble to peel the apple whenever we eat one. ─── 否則,每次吃蘋果,我們還是要不厭其煩地削掉果皮。

12、You look hot,why don't you peel off? ─── 你看來很熱,為何不脫掉衣服?

13、Leave the peelings in areas of known ant activity. ─── 把皮放在你知道螞蟻出現(xiàn)的地方。

14、Will be brought, shears, gloves, peel chestnuts come from. ─── 便拿來大剪刀,戴上手套,剝起板栗來。

15、Mince preserved tangerine peel, add to spare ribs and marinade for 2 hours. ─── 九制?皮切碎,加入一字排一齊腌兩小時(shí)。

16、Her sunBurned skin Began to peel. ─── 她那經(jīng)日光曝曬的皮膚開始剝落。

17、Would you peel me an orange? ─── 你給我剝一個(gè)橘子好嗎?

18、Tomato skin! Apples have red or green peel. ─── 土豆皮番茄皮怎么說呢?

19、Just too busy to peel oranges? ─── 太忙剝橙子都沒時(shí)間?

20、Mother: Peel and wash this onion for me then dice it. ─── 媽媽:你把洋蔥削一下,然后洗洗,再切碎。

21、When you're hungry you can peel a boiled potato like lightning. ─── 當(dāng)你餓極時(shí),能閃電般的剝煮熟的帶皮馬鈴薯。

22、The potato peelings have bunged up the sink. ─── 土豆皮塞住了洗滌槽。

23、"You peel the bananas for us and keep the change," the short one interpreted. ─── "你的剝皮,我的吃,多余的錢可以不要不要的。"小個(gè)子在充當(dāng)翻譯。

24、You have one foot in the grave and one on banana peel. ─── (你一腳踩在墳?zāi)估镆荒_踩在香蕉皮上。)想再恐嚇?biāo)幌逻€可以再加上

25、IF Mickey Mouse slips on a banana peel on TV, viewers laugh. ─── 如果電視里的米老鼠踩到香蕉皮上摔了一跤,會(huì)令觀眾開懷大笑。

26、Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap. ─── 把土豆皮扔到肥料堆上。

27、Peel the carrots and cut them into shreds. ─── 將胡羅卜削皮, 切成絲。

28、Mom: You peel the onions and wash them , then chop them. ─── 媽媽:你把洋蔥削一下,然后再洗洗,再切碎。

29、As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes. ─── 當(dāng)皮疹消退時(shí),出現(xiàn)脫屑。

30、Do not peel off horniness for sensitive skin. ─── 2、敏感性肌膚不能去角質(zhì)。

31、Why should I peel it? I know what's inside. ─── 干嗎要?jiǎng)兤?我早就知道里邊是什么。

32、His job was to peel potatoes. ─── 他的工作是削馬鈴薯皮。

33、Wrap a package; wrapped up the peelings. ─── 包裝的或去掉包裝的。

34、He turned back, though, to peel off his gloves. ─── 可是他又轉(zhuǎn)回身來肥手套脫下來。

35、I had to peel for my physical examination. ─── 體檢時(shí)我不得不脫光衣服。

36、Never put nut shells , fruit peelings ,etc, on the floor. ─── 不要把果殼或果皮等丟在地上。

37、The agricultural chemicals soak and remain in the peel wax. ─── 因?yàn)檗r(nóng)藥浸透并殘留在果皮的蠟制中。

38、Peel was by nature reserved, proud, and shy. ─── 庇爾生性很拘束,很自負(fù),又很畏怯。

39、Carefully peel away the lining paper. ─── 小心剝掉襯著的那層紙。

40、The indian peel the bark from tree to make canoe. ─── 印第安人從樹上剝下樹皮做皮舟。

41、The peeler can peel,cut slice and remove score in one time. ─── 削皮,切片,提核一次完成,簡單方便,家庭的好幫手。

42、Peel the apple and cut it into slices. ─── 剝蘋果并且切開它成切片。

43、Your mother made you peel water chestnuts and snow peas. ─── 你老娘喜歡給你準(zhǔn)備剝好的菱角和雪豆。

44、The walls have begun to peel . ─── 墻皮已開始剝落了.

45、Waste paper, vegetable peelings and fruit pits are usually thrown into the pail. ─── 廢紙、蔬菜皮和水果渣都扔在垃圾桶里。

46、Peel off the skin before you eat the orange. ─── 吃橘子前先去果皮。

47、Waste paper , vegetable peelings and fruit pits are usually thrown into the pail . ─── 廢紙、蔬菜皮和水果渣都扔在垃圾桶里。

48、Use verbs such as chop, peel, slice and dice. ─── 使用剁碎、削皮、切成薄片以及切成小方塊。

49、He likes to peel an apple before he eats it . ─── 吃蘋果前,他喜歡削皮。

50、The potato peelings have bunged up the sink. ─── 土豆皮塞住了洗滌槽。

51、Wash burdock, radish and carrot. Peel and cut into large pieces. ─── 將牛蒡、白蘿卜與胡蘿卜洗乾凈,去皮切大塊。

52、He get sunburn and his skin begin to peel. ─── 他被日光的灼傷后,皮膚開始脫落。

53、To cut an onion, you must first peel off the outer layer of skin. ─── 切洋蔥先得把外皮去掉。

54、Rinse the bacha, and drain. Then peel the bacha. ─── 將原條白霞洗凈,再去皮。

55、Could you peel the vegetables? ─── 你能把蔬菜去皮嗎?

56、She peel off the skin of a banana for the child. ─── 她替孩子剝掉香蕉皮。

57、The walls have begun to peel. ─── 墻皮已開始剝落了。

58、Peel the pineapples and I will prepare the pineapple pie. ─── 你把菠蘿皮削了,我來準(zhǔn)備菠蘿派。

59、To get at the fruit,you pare off the rather thick peel with a sharp knife. ─── 吃這種水果,你要用刀將厚皮削掉。

60、Peel and devein the prawns, leaving the tails intact. ─── 剝?nèi)ノr殼,將蝦背的莖挑出,保留蝦尾。

61、Peel he label off and send it to the make,then they will send if your money. ─── 將標(biāo)簽揭下來給廠家,然后他們會(huì)將部分錢寄給你。

62、But as time rolled by, the veneer slowly began to peel at the edges. ─── 可 時(shí) 間 一 長 , 邊 腳 的 松 木 鑲 面 開 始 慢 慢 剝 皮 。

63、Our factory also has the ability to peel and dye the peltry. ─── 同時(shí)企業(yè)還備生皮削制及染色的能力。

64、The paper was beginning to peel off the walls. ─── 墻上的紙漸漸脫落了.

65、Peel the insulator and waterdam from the door. ─── 從車門上剝落絕緣墊和擋水器。

66、Peel the honey melon, discard seeds, and chop it into rough cubes. ─── 將哈蜜瓜去皮,去籽,切成塊,放入粉碎杯中。

67、Starting at rear corner, peel weatherstrip from around door frame . ─── 從后角開始,沿著車門框剝落防水飾條。

68、Causes of surface peelings of cold mill rolls and improvement thereof ─── 淺析冷軋輥表面剝落原因及改善

69、He likes to peel an apple before he eats it. ─── 吃蘋果前,他喜歡削皮。

70、The wallpaper started to peel off. ─── 墻紙開始脫落了。

71、Peel kiwifruits and dragon fruit. Rinse and cut into big cubes. ─── 奇異果及火果去皮洗凈,切粗粒。

72、Is hearing of citric peel to cannot eat? ─── 聽說檸檬的果皮不能吃是嗎?

73、The next thing you do is peel back your trouser leg to expose the wound. ─── 你要做的第二件事是卷起褲腿讓傷口露出來。

74、Kiwi Fruit Bath Salt can assist to peel off dead cells, soothe and relax tired spirit, bring good mood. ─── 奇異果沐浴鹽可幫助死皮脫落,安撫、放松疲勞的精神,帶給你一整天的好心情。

75、It was not easy to peel them because the knife kept slipping. ─── 削去皮的時(shí)候,刀鋒過處,很不順?biāo)?/p>

76、He got sunburn and his skin began to peel. ─── 他被日光灼傷后,皮膚開始脫落。

77、Peel off the shells and put them on the plate. ─── 剝了皮,放在盤子上。

78、The paper was beginning to peel off the walls . ─── 墻上的紙漸漸脫落了。

79、Flavors of damson plum, spice and orange peel, with a long finish. ─── 和橘皮的香味搭配得完好無缺,再以悠長的余韻作點(diǎn)睛之筆,非常值得期待。

80、Peel carrots and parsnips; halve crosswise to separate thick and narrow parts. ─── 為胡蘿卜和歐防風(fēng)去皮;斜切,把厚的和薄的部分分開。

81、If my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet. ─── 如果我的手很忙我可以用腳把他們剝掉。

82、She threw the banana peel into the trash can. ─── 她將香蕉皮扔進(jìn)垃圾筒。

83、She doesn't need a knife, she can peel the skin off with her fingers. ─── 她不需要用刀,她用指甲就可以把皮剝?nèi)ァ?/p>

84、Yeah, because you've got a banana peel stuck to your foot. ─── 因?yàn)槟隳_上粘了香蕉皮。

85、Mother wanted Charlie to peel some potatoes for salad. ─── 媽媽要查理去掉土豆的皮做個(gè)沙拉。

86、Will you peel the potatoes for me? ─── 你給我削土豆皮好不好?

87、Would you peel me apple please? ─── 幫我削一個(gè)蘋果好嗎?

88、You'll know when you peel off its bark. ─── 你把它的樹皮剝開看看就知道了。

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