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10-03 投稿


muffs 發(fā)音

英:[m?f]  美:[m?f]

英:  美:

muffs 中文意思翻譯





muffs 短語詞組

1、ear muffs ─── [聲]耳罩耳套

muffs 詞性/詞形變化,muffs變形


muffs 相似詞語短語

1、meffs ─── 麥弗斯

2、luffs ─── n.船首彎曲部;逆風航行;縱帆前緣;vt.將船首朝上風;vi.轉船首迎風行駛;駛出上風;n.(Luff)人名;(英)勒夫;(德)盧夫

3、fuffs ─── 福夫斯

4、guffs ─── n.廢話;胡說,瞎扯

5、huffs ─── v.生氣地說;把……吹脹,吹氣;發(fā)怒,激怒;蔑視;恫嚇;嗅(汽油、溶劑)作為興奮劑;(國際跳棋中)取掉(對方本可吃棋的棋子);n.發(fā)怒,惱怒;n.(Huff)(美)胡夫(人名)

6、cuffs ─── n.袖口;手銬(cuff的復數(shù)形式);護腕

7、miffs ─── n.微怒;小爭執(zhí);vt.使……惱怒;vi.惱羞成怒

8、duffs ─── n.水果布??;(非正式)屁股;(森林地面上的)半腐層;(非正式)懷孕;v.(非正式)痛擊,毒打;把(偷盜物)改頭換面;偷盜并更改(牛身上的)烙??;誤擊,沒把(球)擊好;adj.(非正式)蹩腳的,無用的;錯誤的,不正確的;n.(Duff)(美、加、英)迪夫(人名)

9、Buffs ─── n.愛好者;黃褐色軟皮革(buff的復數(shù));v.用軟布擦亮;拋光(buff的第三人稱單數(shù))

muffs 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、She's a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter's a goner. That's what the niggers say, and they know all about these kind of things, Huck." ─── 和莫夫 - 波特一樣,她就要完了,這是那些黑鬼說的。 哈克,他們對這類事情可靈著呢。”

2、make a muff of something ─── 把事情弄糟

3、split muff coupling ─── 開口套筒聯(lián)軸節(jié)殼形聯(lián)軸節(jié)殼形筒聯(lián)軸節(jié)

4、She's a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter's a goner. ─── 和莫夫?波特一樣,她就要完了,

5、muff coupling ─── n. 套接

6、8.The experimental results indicated that using of ear plug was more discomfort than using ear muff, but in strong noise environment(higher than 80dB(A)) , ear plug had better effect on body balance. ─── 研究結果還表明,耳塞對人體的不適感大于耳罩,但是在強噪聲(80dB(A)以上)環(huán)境下,隔聲量大的耳塞的佩帶更有利于人體平衡的維持,有利于作業(yè)安全。

7、muff one's job ─── 把工作做得一團糟

8、She'd take Aunt Pitty's little seal muff and hide her bare hands in it. ─── 她想用皮蒂姑媽那個海豹皮手筒,好將自己的手戴在里面。

9、Keywords Clinical forensic medicine;Medical muff;Forensic expertise; ─── 法醫(yī)臨床學;醫(yī)療糾紛;法醫(yī)學鑒定;

10、"muff potter ll hang for this if they catch him ! ─── “莫夫波特要是給逮住了,一定會被絞死!”

11、make a muff of sth ─── 把某事弄糟

12、Now a witness was called who testified that he found Muff Potter washing in the brook, at an early hour of the morning that the murder was discovered, and that he immediately sneaked away. ─── 現(xiàn)在,一個證人被帶上來。 他作證說在謀殺案發(fā)生的那天清晨,他看見莫夫 - 波特在河里洗澡,并且很快就溜掉了。

13、Fabricio Oberto and Manu Ginobili muff a handoff and Kobe Bryant, who is guarding Ginobili, picks up the loose ball and slams it home on the other end. ─── 法布里希奧-奧博托給馬努-吉諾比利傳球時出現(xiàn)失誤,此時防守吉諾比利的科比-布萊恩特撿起球,(迅速進攻)在球場另一頭扣籃得分。

14、muff a ball ─── 處理球失誤

15、I was so grateful, that I could have kneeled before him and kissed his hands.I tore from my muff the banknotes with which you had scourged me, and thrust them upon him. ─── 影象是具體化了意境,可是那意境卻是導演在原著中體會到的意境,我害怕這種被引導的可能。

16、Hela first, then Manya threw down muff and satchel and began excitedly choosing their own apples. ─── 先是海拉,接著是瑪尼婭,都脫掉手套,放下書包,高興地挑選起自己要的蘋果來。

17、He made a muff of himself. ─── 他自招譏笑。

18、muff: Contrary to popular believe, the word muff is not associated with hair at all.Instead, the word "muff" is an inoffensive, slang word for a vagina. ─── Emma的朋友叫做Muffy,而muff在俚語中又正好有vagina的意思,所以Muffy’s muff gets stuffed.這句話寫的很妙,需要大家自己體會一下其中含義。

19、radiator muff ─── 散熱器保溫罩

20、butt muff ─── 對接套筒

21、So it's the same with Muff Potter, of course. ─── 所以莫夫 - 波特當然也不例外嘍。

22、Machine operators shall be provided with protective apparatus including ear-muffs and anti-dust aspirators. ─── 同時為機械操作人員裝備隔聲、防塵的勞動保護用品。

23、Keywords Electrical ubmersible Pump;anti-throwing off blocks impeller Electrical Submersible Pump milling muff Electrical Submersible Pump impeller; ─── 電泵;防脫塊;葉輪;電泵套銑筒;電泵葉輪撈筒;

24、Young ladies don't dare Yankee sentries to see a prisoner, just for charity's sweet sake, and come all dressed up in velvet and feathers and seal muffs too. ─── 一個年輕的太太,如果僅出于慈悲心腸,是不敢闖過北方佬崗哨來看一個犯人的,何況還整整齊平地穿著天鵝長袍、戴羽飾軟帽和海豹皮手筒呢。

25、Acoustics - Hearing protectors - Part 4 : measurement of effective sound pressure levels for level-dependent sound-restoration ear-muffs. ─── 聲學.聽力保護器.第4部分:電平相關聲音恢復耳罩有效聲壓級的測量

26、carburetor muff ─── 汽化器擴散管

27、muff an easy catch ─── 沒有接住容易接的球

28、"If anybody tells, let Muff Potter do it, if he's fool enough. ─── “要揭發(fā)就讓莫夫 - 波特那個傻瓜去干吧!

29、Safety requirement: Hardhats, Safety G!asses, Dust Mask, Face Shie!d, Ear Muff, and etc. ─── 必須佩戴下列個人防護用品:安全帽、安全眼鏡、面罩、防塵面罩、護耳器等.

30、18.Wear ear protectors (ear plugs or ear muffs) to preent hearing loss or noise induces deafness when exposed to noise leel aboe 85dB(A). ─── 當處在噪音水平高達85分貝或以上時,須戴護耳配備(耳塞或耳罩)以防聽覺受損或耳聾。

31、heating muff ─── 加熱套筒

32、Machine operators shall be provided with protective apparatus including ear-muffs and anti-dust aspirators. ─── 機械操作人員配備隔聲、防塵的勞動保護用品。

33、muff chuck ─── 套筒卡盤

34、muff (or fumble) a ball ─── 接球失誤

35、make a muff of oneself ─── 做蠢事, 出丑

36、The juniority is stupid of I, don't know gentleness village neighborhood trap many, full think those, youth beauty of small lambs can how much make up me muff of the brain comfort me weak of mind. ─── 年少無知的我,不知溫柔鄉(xiāng)里陷阱多,滿以為那些,青春美麗的小羊羔們可以多少彌補我遲鈍的大腦撫慰我脆弱的心靈。

37、Both sides have succeeded in making muffs of themselves. ─── 雙方都出了洋相。

38、MUFF (5 pts.): Faults - Too much ankle feathering, too much or too little toe feathering (exposed toes). ─── 暖手筒( 5分) :斷層-太多腳踝羽,過多或過少趾羽(暴露腳趾) 。

39、Hence people imagine to meet mutually, liking to let the mind of the muff spark an again very hot fire. ─── 于是人們憧憬相逢,好讓遲鈍的心靈再次點燃一把烈火。

40、Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 6 : ear-muffs with electrical audio input. ─── 聽力保護器.安全要求和檢驗.第6部分:帶電子音頻輸入的耳機護套

41、It says,"Muffy's muff gets stuffed." Does that mean... ─── |上面說 "Muffy的炮筒上了炮彈" 這不意味著...

42、muff heater ─── 保溫加熱器

43、Muff Cob ─── 皮手籠,是前蘇聯(lián)制造的雷達

44、double tapered muff coupling ─── 塞勒聯(lián)軸節(jié)

45、by somebody as belonging to Muff Potter -- ─── 它是莫夫?波特的。

46、Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 5: active noise reduction ear-muffs. ─── 聽力保護器。安全要求和試驗。第5部分:有源降噪耳罩。

47、He made a muff of the business. ─── 他把事情弄糟了。

48、heater muff ─── 加溫器套

49、Their press manager Muff had an assistant called duff ─── 她們的新聞經(jīng)理穆夫有一位名叫達夫的助手。

50、With no immediate improvement in sight, the only solutions are to leave the city, wear ear muffs or talk a little louder. ─── 英國廣播公司報道稱,目前該城市的噪音問題還沒有明顯改善,唯一的解決辦法就是離開此地、戴上耳套或者講話大聲點。

51、"No, you've always been fair and square with me, Muff Potter, and I won't go back on you. ─── “對。 莫夫 - 波特,你一向待我不錯,我不會對不起你。

52、A man who had studied law sat beside Muff Potter. ─── 一位學過法律的人坐在波特身邊。

53、Often I says to myself, says I, 'I used to mend all the boys' kites and things, and show 'em where the good fishin' places was, and befriend 'em what I could, and now they've all forgot old Muff when he's in trouble; ─── 我常自個兒唸叨著: ‘我過去常常給鎮(zhèn)上的孩子們修理風箏之類的玩具,告訴他們什么地方釣魚最好,盡力和他們交朋友。 但現(xiàn)在波特老頭遭難了,他們就把他給忘了;

54、But it was obvious that the dress, bonnet and muff found no favor with her. ─── 不過顯然,那衣裳、帽子和皮毛手筒并沒有贏得老太婆對她的好感。

55、Three, value of energy?The some cat live to leap disorderly jump, have of geniality muff. ─── 三、重視它的精力嗎?有的貓活蹦亂跳,有的則溫和遲鈍。

56、It is not only concerned with the muffs in Corporate governance structure design, but also much related with the tendency of imitating the relevant British and American performing styles. ─── 監(jiān)督約束機制缺失是我國公司治理機制中的主要問題,這既與最初的公司治理結構設計失誤有關,也與后來公司治理創(chuàng)新中的英美化趨勢有直接聯(lián)系。

57、No, you've always been fair and square with me, Muff Potter, ─── “對。莫夫?波特,你一向待我不錯,

58、"Muff Potter'll hang for this if they catch him!" ─── “莫夫 - 波特要是給逮住了,一定會被絞死

59、Based on the theory of sliding-tooth transmission, this paper analyses the tooth shape of the muff sliding-tooth pump. ─── 活齒端面諧波齒輪傳動是綜合傳統(tǒng)的諧波齒輪傳動和活齒傳動的優(yōu)點而發(fā)明的一種新型傳動裝置。

60、Well, it's just Muff Potter, Muff Potter, Muff Potter all the time. It keeps me in a sweat, constant, so's I want to hide som'ers." ─── 嗐,還不是莫夫 - 波特、莫夫 - 波特、莫夫 - 波特,沒完沒了。這些話讓人直冒冷汗,我想找個地方躲一躲?!?/p>

61、muff bag ─── 帶袋皮手筒

62、muff of artificial fur ─── 人造毛皮袖籠

63、to muff ─── 漏接

64、A gory knife had been found close to the murdered man, and it had been recognized by somebody as belonging to Muff Potter -- so the story ran. ─── 據(jù)傳聞,人們在死人的附近發(fā)現(xiàn)了一把帶血的刀,經(jīng)人辨認說它是莫夫 - 波特的。

65、" My lady warmed her hands once more, and then taking up the big muff which she had laid aside upon a chair, prepared to take her departure. ─── 爵士夫人再次烘烘手,接著就拿起她原來放在旁邊一把椅子上的巨大貂皮手籠,準備走了。

66、"It was within three feet of Muff Potter when it done it." ─── “當時,莫夫 - 波特離死人不到三英尺遠呢?!?/p>

67、mask might almost be a feed bag, except for the window panes and the enclosed ear muffs. (AP Photo) ─── 面具可能就是一個飼料袋,只不過眼部裝了窗玻璃同時還配備了封閉的耳套。

68、Daily Muff Potter's gratitude made Tom glad he had spoken; ─── 在白天,莫夫 - 波特的感謝使湯姆很高興自己能說出事實真相;

69、9 cases were non-medical muff. ─── 無醫(yī)療失誤9例。

70、radiator muff - joint ─── 散熱器套

71、"Huck, Muff Potter don't know it. How can he tell?" ─── “哈克,莫夫 - 波特不知道出事了,他怎么能告發(fā)呢?”

72、to muff a catch ─── 沒抓住球

73、In order to decrease the workload of the method of manual interpreter and to reduce the imprecise problem resulted from the subjective muff in the process of manual interpreter. ─── 為減輕基于人工解譯遙感應用的工作量和減少解譯過程中主觀失誤帶來的解譯結果的粗放性問題,本文就是要開發(fā)一套軟件來代替基于圖像顏色的人工解譯。

74、muff one's lines ─── 接不上臺詞

75、muff a catch ─── 漏接一個球

76、muff joint ─── n. 套筒連接

77、He said that he had found Muff Potter washing his hands in a stream. ─── 他說,就在謀殺案發(fā)生的第二天早晨,他看見波特在小河里洗手。

78、They want to have a conversation with the dentist, so they can't just put a pair of ear-muffs on, they still want to hear a voice. ─── 他們想要和牙醫(yī)進行交流,所以他們并不是單單帶上一副耳罩就夠了,他們還希望聽到某些聲音。

79、The jig can be used in the machining of eccentric shaft or eccentric muff. ─── 一種利用蝸桿蝸輪傳動無級調(diào)節(jié)偏心的雙偏心輪定位夾具。

80、The movement of People?s Commune in 1958 was the muff of construction of socialism to summarize its historical object lesson. ; [ ─── 8年的人民公社化運動 ,是我們黨對社會主義道路進行探索失誤的產(chǎn)物 ,認真總結人民公社化運動的歷史經(jīng)驗教訓 ,對我們今天進行的社會主義現(xiàn)代化建設是非常有益的。

81、Oh, it`s colder, I left my muff at home. ─── 噢,天氣冷起來了,我把保暖套忘在家里了.

82、It showed a lady, with a fur hat on and a fur stole, sitting upright and holding out to the spectator a huge fur muff into which the whole of her forearm had vanished! ─── 畫上的夫人頭帶毛帽,頸脖套著狹長的毛圍巾,一幅端坐的姿態(tài)。胳膊的下部隱藏在毛暖筒里。這幅畫高高在上,對來訪者顯示出一種俯臨人世的氣派。

83、The summer winds down, and it is time for the trial of Muff Potter. ─── 夏日將盡,審判穆夫.波特的時候到了。

84、Thank you, Bethy dear. Jo, dear, could you get my muff? I have a surprise for you. ─── 媽媽:謝謝你,親愛的佩絲。喬,親愛的,你能把我的手包拿過來嗎?我要給你一個驚喜。

85、my muff and umbrella lie on the table, and I am warming away the numbness and chill contracted by sixteen hours' exposure to the rawness of an October day: I left Lowton at four o'clock A. ─── 我把皮手筒和傘放在桌上,披著斗篷戴著帽子坐在火爐旁,讓自己在十月陰冷的天氣里暴露了十六個小時、凍得了僵的身子暖和過來。

86、double - tapered muff - joint ─── 雙圓錐聯(lián)軸套

87、exhaust muff heater ─── 廢氣加溫器

88、The main products include: assorted mechanical parts, automobile parts, cottonocracy mechanical parts, assorted powder metallurgy products like gear, cam, connecting rod clevel, muff, etc. ─── 中強度粉末鐵銅結構零件、縫紉機零件、微型電機零件、玩具車輪及玩具齒輪,油泵轉子,其他特殊材料的粉末冶金產(chǎn)品,產(chǎn)品全部銷往美國、香港臺灣等地。

89、Hearing protectors - General requirements - Part 3 : ear-muffs attached to an industrial safety helmet. ─── 護耳器.一般技術要求.第3部分:固定在工業(yè)防護帽上的耳套

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