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10-03 投稿


merger 發(fā)音

英:['m??d??]  美:['m?d??]

英:  美:

merger 中文意思翻譯



merger 網(wǎng)絡釋義

n. (企業(yè)等的)合并;并購;吸收(如刑法中重罪吸收輕罪)n. (Merger)人名;(法)梅爾熱;(德、捷)默格

merger 詞性/詞形變化,merger變形


merger 短語詞組

1、big merger ─── [經(jīng)] 大型合并

2、consolidation by merger ─── [經(jīng)] 吸收合并

3、merger and acquisition ─── 收購兼并

4、merger by purchase ─── [經(jīng)] 收買合并

5、merger agreement ─── 合并協(xié)議

6、conglomerate merger ─── 聯(lián)合合作;多行業(yè)企業(yè)并合

7、Merger-Acquisition Improved Decisio ─── 合并-收購改進裝飾

8、mega-merger ─── 強 ─── 強聯(lián)合

9、merger clause ─── [法]合并條款

10、downstairs merger ─── [經(jīng)] 向下合并

11、merger scheme ─── 合并方案

12、de-merger n. ─── 中止合并關系;大公司分成若干小公司

13、merger trend ─── 合并趨勢

14、statutory merger ─── [經(jīng)] 法定兼并

15、consolidation and merger ─── [法] 合并與合營

16、merger of offenses ─── [法] 數(shù)罪并合

17、Merger (politics) ─── 合并(政治)

18、merger-mania ─── 合并-狂熱

19、Merger-Acquisition Improved Decision ─── 合并-收購改進決策

merger 相似詞語短語

1、verger ─── n.教堂司事;執(zhí)權標者;教堂管理人;n.(Verger)人名;(法)韋爾熱;(西)貝赫爾

2、merges ─── v.合并(merge的第三人稱單數(shù))

3、mergers ─── v.兼并;[經(jīng)]合并(merger的第三人稱單數(shù));n.吸收;企業(yè)或公司之間的合并;歸并(merger的復數(shù)形式)

4、merged ─── v.(尤指商業(yè)結構)合并;(使)融合,逐漸消失;平穩(wěn)并線(merge的過去式及過去分詞);adj.合并的

5、mergee ─── 被兼并者

6、serger ─── n.拷邊機

7、merge ─── vt.合并;使合并;吞沒;vi.合并;融合;n.(Merge)人名;(意)梅爾杰

8、mercer ─── n.綢緞商人;布商;呢絨布商;n.(Mercer)人名;(英)默瑟;(法)梅塞

9、demerger ─── n.中止合并關系;大公司分成若干小公司

merger 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The information superhighway is the merger of different technological breakthroughs made in the past 30 years. ─── 信息高速公路是在過去30年內所取得的各項技術突破的一個整合。

2、The merger of Time-Warner and America Online has annoyed Disney , who fears it will be cut out of he cable TV market. ─── “時代華納”和“美國在線”的合并案使迪斯尼非常困擾,因為他們害怕被擠出有線電視市場。

3、In 1922, he negotiated a merger between General Bakelite, Remanol and Condensite to form Bakelite Corp. ─── 1922年,他通過談判將通用膠木、雷德曼諾爾和康迪希特合并成立了膠木股份公司。

4、Mr Kinsch, for one, seems resigned to the merger going ahead. ─── 單就金希來說,他似乎已經(jīng)默許了這次合并。

5、A merger that turns five big firms into four, for example, cuts their bilateral links from ten to six. ─── 因為合并已經(jīng)另5大巨頭變成了4個,那么他們的雙邊合作也從10個方向變成了6個。

6、Last month the leader of the big three U.S. TV network meet to discuss the possibility of merger. ─── 上月美國三大電視網(wǎng)的首腦聚會討論合并的可能性。

7、As a result of the merger the company is the largest in the field. ─── 合并的結果是這家公司成為其領域中最大一家公司。

8、In 1981, as the roof was caving in, it seemed to our company a merger might be the only way out. ─── 1981年,我們的情況岌岌可危,同另一家公司合并似乎是我們公司唯一的出路。

9、The Land Fund has remained a separate government fund since the merger. ─── 合并后,土地基金仍然是獨立的政府基金。

10、Do you think the stock will go up with the merger? ─── 你認為公司合并之后股票會跟著上漲嗎? ?

11、The current staff will be retained in their current capacity after the merger. ─── 企業(yè)合并后將會保留現(xiàn)有員工的職位。

12、Yet some question whether Britain truly has the ability to fend off American regulation if there is an exchange merger. ─── 但是問題是在兩大證交所合并后,英國是否真的有能力擺脫美國的規(guī)制。

13、Are you thinking about a merger between the two companies? ─── 你是否正在考慮兩個公司的合并?

14、The same shareholders will be deciding the fate of this merger on both sides of the transaction. ─── 同一批股票持有者將決定交易雙方在這次合并中的命運。

15、Share prices took a sharp tumble following news of the merger. ─── 合并消息傳出,股價隨即暴跌。

16、The development history of world airlines is that airlines produce and merger and then reproduce and remerge again. ─── 世界航空公司發(fā)展史是航空公司生產(chǎn)、兼并,再生產(chǎn)、再兼并的歷史。

17、Lishi in 1954, the merger Katayama, county name changed from the County. ─── 1954年離石、方山合并,縣名改離山縣。

18、January 1996, the merger of all the tobacco business. ─── 1996年1月,公司合并了所有煙草業(yè)務。

19、Second, do not rush to break the existing pay system, not to make people feel merger is to take a pay cut just to save costs. ─── 其次,不要急于打破原有薪酬體系,不要讓人感覺兼并就是為了降薪,就是為了節(jié)約成本。

20、The satellite radio industry has had increasing talk of a merger between XM and Sirius, the two major companies. ─── 但是在本周,華盛頓的州電信委員會說一家公司不能擁有兩家的營業(yè)執(zhí)照。

21、The staff remained on after the merger. ─── 合并后,員工都留了下來。

22、His justification for the merger was just hot air. ─── 他提出的合并理由只是連篇空話。

23、The enterprises merger or reshuffle the inventory assets to optimize the resources distribution. ─── 企業(yè)通過并購,存量資產(chǎn)重組,進而推進資源優(yōu)化配置。

24、They are discussing the merger. ─── 他們討論合并。

25、Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger. ─── 合并一事直接導致二百人失去了工作。

26、The two businesses contracted a merger. ─── 兩家商行簽約合并了。

27、Contain the keyword "merger" in the message body or in the content of an attachment. ─── 在郵件正文或附件內容中包含關鍵字“merger”。

28、Following the ExxonMobil merger, he was appointed corporate production advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation. ─── 在??松梨诤喜⒑?他被任命為埃克森美孚公司總公司生產(chǎn)顧問。

29、Merger frenzy has also contributed mightily to the bull market. ─── 合并狂潮,也才努力的牛市。

30、COSL AWO and the merger will establish the world's largest drilling fleet of 8. ─── 中海油服和AWO公司合并后將建立世界第8大鉆井船隊。

31、Reapportionment and merger reduced the number of military area commands from eleven to seven. ─── 大軍區(qū)由11個撤并為7個。

32、Morgan Stanley and Dean Witter investment banks announce a $10 billion merger. ─── 1997年的今天,摩根-斯坦利和迪安-威特爾投資銀行宣布了一項價值100億美元的合并。

33、What are the regulations about the merger and split-up of foreign invested enterprises? ─── 外商投資企業(yè)的合并、分立有何具體規(guī)定?

34、A resolution to effect the merger and division of a company shall be passed at a meeting of the shareholders. ─── 公司合并或者分立,應當由公司的股東會作出決議。

35、As a result of the merger, the company is the largest in the field . ─── 作為合并的結果,該公司已成了本領域的最大公司。

36、Expand its tree node or merger. ─── 號展開或者合并樹節(jié)點。

37、Jobs are sometimes also cut in merger to save money. ─── 合并后,為了省錢,一些工作職位可能會被裁減。

38、We're discussing the possibilities of a company merger over a power lunch this afternoon. ─── 今天下午我們在事務餐上討論了公司合并的可能性。

39、Any conceivable merger would involve a foreign company. ─── 可能的合并伙伴應當是一家外國公司。

40、A new company which is established due to a merger or division shall apply for registration of establishment. ─── 因合并、分立而新設立的公司,應當申請設立登記。

41、As you are well aware that a merger is a major turning point. ─── 你很清楚合并是一個重要的轉折點。

42、Mr Kilts stayed on for a year after the merger to ease the transition. ─── 為了緩沖轉型期,基爾茨先生在并購之后又在任上呆了一年。

43、When asked if a merger with Kirin was one of the options under consideration, she said, "Yes. " ─── 當被問及同麒麟的合并是否是正在考慮的選項之一時,她說:“是的?!?/p>

44、Dissolution is necessary due to a merger or division of the company. ─── 因公司合并或者分立需要解散的。

45、A consolidation or merger, as of several corporations. ─── 合并,聯(lián)合幾家企業(yè)的合并或聯(lián)合

46、Plans for a merger have been scotched. ─── 合并計劃停止實行。

47、Mr Papandreou, for one, expects a full merger. ─── MrPapandreou,作為他們其中的一個,預測會出現(xiàn)一次全盤合并。

48、Merger of Two Financial Giants: What Does It Indicate? ─── 兩大金融巨頭合并說明什么?

49、Acquisition and merger of enterprise II. ─── 企業(yè)收購與兼并2。

50、And the stripping out of costs that accompanies a merger often hits this part of mining businesses hard. ─── 與合并相伴隨的成本經(jīng)常使得這種交易很難成功。

51、The abundant gas that is funneled toward the center during a merger could revive a dormant black hole. ─── 于合并過程中注入中心的豐富氣體,也許可以讓蟄伏的黑洞恢復生機。

52、On the supply side, underachieving banks, be they large or small, should be rooted out through merger or liquidation. ─── 從提供方角度,一些未達標銀行,無論大,小,應該重組或清算倒閉。

53、SDLP support for the merger of Ireland, but oppose the use of force. ─── SDLP支持愛爾蘭合并,但反對使用武力。

54、The possibility of a merger hung over the company. ─── 兼并的可能性威脅這個公司。

55、But that is no excuse to stop the merger. ─── 但那絕不是阻止合并的借口。

56、But he said the government should go further to include merger provisions in the bill. ─── 但他表示,香港政府應進一步將并購規(guī)定納入該法案。

57、Convertible way to absorb the merger and Handan Iron &Steel. ─── 唐鋼股份以換股方式吸收合并邯鄲鋼鐵和承德釩鈦。

58、The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations. ─── 合并兩個或多個商業(yè)上的利益集團或法人團體的合并

59、She was challenged on her merger plan with Compaq: "The fact that the tech industry might have to consolidate was viewed as heresy. " ─── 她與康柏的合并計劃受到挑戰(zhàn):“科技工業(yè)可能要聯(lián)合,被視為異端之說?!?/p>

60、The rumor that there'll be a company merger soon spread. ─── 公司將要合并的謠言很快就傳開了。

61、Plans for a merger have been scotched. ─── 合并計劃停止實行。

62、I recommend we accept the merger offer, as I agree with the reports findings that it would be better for the company in the longterm future. ─── 我建議我們接受合并提議。我同意報告的調查結果,合并符合公司長遠的利益。

63、That could be true of the proposed merger too, of course. ─── 上述合并案當然也是這樣。

64、The merger has been on the cards for some time now. ─── 合并的事情已經(jīng)醞釀了一段時間。

65、A merger is when two or more companies combine their operations. ─── 合并就是兩個或更多的公司共同經(jīng)營。

66、Did you get the memo about the impending merger? ─── 你收到近期要合并的備忘錄了嗎?

67、Enterprise merger has double effects to the market competition. ─── 企業(yè)合并對市場競爭具有雙重效應。

68、The merger would make us a growth company, not a dividend company. ─── 合并后電盈股東得益將主要來自股值增長,并非股息。

69、That goal can only be met with massive influxes from the mainland or some sort of merger with Shenzhen into one great metropolis. ─── 這個目標只能通過大陸人口大量涌入或者與深圳透過某種形式的融合成為大都市實現(xiàn)。

70、Lastly, the Chrysler/Daimler merger was studied. ─── 在本章的最后,筆者對戴姆勒-奔馳與克萊斯勒的跨國合并進行了案例分析。

71、The Federal Trade Commission approved the merger of AOL and Time Warner to form AOL Time Warner. ─── 2001年的今天,聯(lián)邦貿易委員會批準了美國在線和時代華納的合并及組成“美國在線時代華納”公司。

72、A major merger wipes out the disk and leaves an elliptical galaxy in its place. ─── 一個大型的并吞將會破壞星盤,而在原處留下一個橢圓星系。

73、The two companies announced Wednesday that they have signed a merger agreement. ─── 兩家公司在星期三宣布他們已經(jīng)簽訂了一項并購協(xié)議。

74、Merger or division of the joint venture. ─── 合營企業(yè)的合并、分立。

75、After tone IV lost its distinctive shortness, what is the merger result? ─── 入聲調失去短促特征以后,究竟歸向何處呢?

76、Personally with the Merger came CN. ─── 親自與合并來架CN 。

77、Yanbei area in 1993 with the merger of Datong, Datong part of Zuoyun. ─── 1993年雁北地區(qū)與大同市合并,左云縣隸屬于大同市。

78、The company is approached by an American publisher with the suggestion of a merger . ─── 一家美國出版商與該公司商談有關合并的事宜。

79、Jones Lang LaSalle was formed with the merger between Jones Lang Wootton and LaSalle Parters. ─── 仲量聯(lián)行是由仲量行與拉塞爾合并組成。

80、As a result, during a merger or acquisition, all users display the same e-mail address. ─── 因此,在合并或收購期間,所有用戶都顯示相同的電子郵件地址。

81、A number of weaker institutions were also consolicated through bankruptcy, merger and reorganization. ─── 大多數(shù)疲軟的機構也通過破產(chǎn),合并和重組來聯(lián)合。

82、Unfortunately, the CBS-CNET merger fits none of the criteria for a good deal. ─── 不幸的是,CBS-CNET的合并不符合一次好合并案的任何條件。

83、So far in January, merger and acquisition activity has remained strong. ─── 到1月份為止,并購活動仍然保持強勁的勢頭。

84、She was pressurized into agreeing to a merger. ─── 她被迫同意將公司合并。

85、What do you think about a merger between NIT and International Computer? ─── 你認為NIT和國際計算機公司的合并會怎樣?

86、Related clues from the United States and countries in 2006 and the merger review Wing-lok know. ─── 中英文對照:相關蛛絲馬跡可從2006年國美與永樂合并審查中略知一二。

87、Some analysts mutter that Phelps Dodge embarked on the merger chiefly to save itself from being taken over. ─── 一些分析人士暗自抱怨說,菲爾普斯-道奇公司進行此次合并,主要是為了讓自己免于被別人兼并。

88、CSFB changed its name to Credit Suisse immediately following the Merger. ─── 在合并事項完成后隨即更名為。

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