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10-03 投稿


masterdom 發(fā)音


英:  美:

masterdom 中文意思翻譯



masterdom 相似詞語短語

1、kaiserdom ─── n.皇帝的地位;政權(quán);皇帝的轄區(qū)

2、martyrdom ─── n.殉難,殉道;(為博同情或贊賞的)夸大痛苦的行為,苦肉計

3、maysterdome ─── 梅斯特穹頂

4、masterwork ─── n.杰作;名著

5、hipsterdom ─── 時髦

6、masterhood ─── 首長的身分

7、mastectomy ─── n.[外科]乳房切除術(shù)

8、gangsterdom ─── n.黑社會;強盜或流氓行為

9、masterwort ─── n.大星芹

masterdom 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Therefore, the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years. ─── 近些年來,沿岸各國乃至圈外國對北極主權(quán)或?qū)嶋H控制權(quán)的爭奪日趨激烈。

2、"You'll throttle me, master," whispered the boy. ─── “你要把我掐死了,老板,”小廝低聲說道。

3、He stied his master's gold watch which he stole. ─── 他把從主人那里偷來的金表藏在了豬圈里

4、He has a Master's in Business Administration. ─── 他獲得了工商管理碩士學(xué)位。

5、Carl is famous for being a master painter. ─── 卡爾是有名的繪畫大師。

6、"What about a shroud for the old master? ─── “老太爺身上穿了去的呢?

7、rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years. ─── 近些年來,沿岸各國乃至圈外國對北極主權(quán)或?qū)嶋H控制權(quán)的爭奪日趨激烈。

8、The slaves gave passive obedience to their master. ─── 奴隸們乖乖地服從他們的主人。

9、He emerges as the master of an idiom. ─── 他以獨具一格的大師的姿態(tài)立于文壇。

10、I got my master of Science in engineering in 1998. ─── 1988年我獲得了機械工程博士學(xué)位。

11、The owners, probably earnest students, had started out very seriously, determined to master the books. ─── 書原主可能是些用功的學(xué)生,他們開始讀的時候很認(rèn)真,決心要把這些書讀好。

12、Do you want to be hickoried by your master? ─── 你想叫你的主人鞭打你一頓嗎?

13、He re-read the letter from the master. ─── 他把院長那封信又看了一遍。

14、He felt resentment against his master. ─── 他對主人感到氣憤。

15、Had he not concealed Fix's errand from his master? ─── 到底我為什么要一直對??讼壬[瞞住費克斯的身份呢?

16、They felt a pressing need to master culture. ─── 他們感到迫切需要學(xué)文化。

17、Master Luke, you're standing on... ─── 你可因此獲利...或被毀滅!

18、He was unfaithful to his master. ─── 他對主人不忠。

19、He was master of full five hundred gold florins. ─── 他手里有整整500個金弗洛林。

20、He had a master's degree in business science. ─── 他獲得了商業(yè)學(xué)碩士學(xué)位。

21、She makes clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house. ─── 她使我們很清楚地了解到,她要自主處理自己的事情。

22、He is a Master of Science. ─── 他是理科碩士。

23、He is the master of a large fortune. ─── 他能隨意處置一大筆財產(chǎn)。

24、Before the master left home,he didn't say anything. ─── 主人在離家前什么也沒說。

25、Either you or Master Li has repaired the meter. ─── 不是你就是李師傅把儀表修好的。

26、You've left your master in the photocopier. ─── 你把原件留在影印機里了。

27、As a college student, it is important to master a foreign language. ─── 作為一名大學(xué)生,掌握一門外語是非常重要的。

28、You have to master your temper . ─── 你必須控制住你的脾氣。

29、He has a master rs degree in education. ─── 他有教育學(xué)碩士學(xué)位。

30、He was apprenticed to a master silversmith. ─── 他跟銀匠師傅拜師學(xué)藝。

31、Jack of all trades, and master of none. ─── 博而不精的人。

32、He expects us to sit at the feet of this master. ─── 他希望我們崇拜他的主人。

33、His crude master grudged him even the food he ate. ─── 他那殘忍的主人甚至連他的食物也不愿給他。

34、Henry is a past master at bridge. ─── 亨利是打橋牌的高手。

35、The dog cowered when its master beat it. ─── 主人打它,狗便蜷伏起來。

36、You cannot be the master of your fate. ─── 你決定不了你自己的命運。

37、A shrewd diplomat must be a master of finesse. ─── 一個精明的外交官必定是位手腕高手。

38、You cannot be the master of your own fate. ─── 你無法決定自己的命運。

39、On the plaintiff's application for summary judgment the master give the defendant unconditional leave to defend. ─── 原告一提出即判決申請后,法院書記官無條件允許被告進(jìn)行辯護(hù)。

40、His cruel master grudged him even the food he ate . ─── 他那殘忍的主人甚至連他吃的食物也不大愿意給他。

41、He is the master of the boat moored alongside. ─── 他是那條靠著碼頭停泊的船的主人。

42、She apprenticed with the great master. ─── 她師從這位著名的大師當(dāng)學(xué)徒。

43、Station Master,I failed to catch the train for B. ─── 外賓: 站長,我沒能趕上到B去的列車。

44、Master of Shuwa: That is nihilism!! Nothingness!! ─── 修瓦之主:那是虛無主義!!完全的空虛!!

45、He work all the harder because his master praise him. ─── 因為主人贊揚了他,因而他更加努力工作。

46、Of course we'll see Master Luke again. ─── 你當(dāng)然還會再見到路克主人

47、He was left to the tender mercies of his master. ─── 他受盡了主人的虐待。

48、He did me ill offices to his master. ─── 他在他的主人面前說我的壞話。

49、You can't master English in such a short time. ─── 你無法在那樣短時間內(nèi)學(xué)會英文。

50、I wish I could be a master of this subject. ─── 但愿我能精通這門學(xué)科就好了。

51、The master tied me to a pillar and whipped me savagely. ─── 主人把我捆在柱子上,用鞭子死命地抽我。

52、A file which is a collection of change records used to update a master file in batch processing. ─── 在批處理中,修改主文件的全部修改記錄的集合所構(gòu)成的文件。

53、The horse stopped instantly at the hallo of its master. ─── 主人嗨了一聲,馬就立刻停下來了。

54、The first mate was studying to become a master. ─── 大副正在學(xué)習(xí)準(zhǔn)備當(dāng)船長。

55、Well, Princess Leia is wondering about Master Luke. ─── -莉亞公主驚訝路克主人尚未回來

56、She learned to master her anger. ─── 她學(xué)會了控制自己不發(fā)火。

57、The horse stop instantly at the hallo of its master. ─── 主人嗨了一聲,馬就立刻停下來了。

58、Russian is a diffcult language to master. ─── 俄語是一種難掌握的語言。

59、In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. ─── 在交響樂曲的創(chuàng)作上,他堪稱技藝大師。

60、Foe man is man and master of his futa. ─── 人就是人,是自己命運的主人.

61、They will be master of the situation. ─── 他們將控制局勢。

62、A great poet is a master melody. ─── 大詩人也是音律大師。

63、They needed time and practice to master the skill. ─── 他們要掌握這個技術(shù),還需要時間和練習(xí)。

64、The master treated him as a distinguished guest. ─── 主人把他視為上賓。

65、He is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. ─── 他是個三腳貓--雜而不精。

66、Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school. ─── 契馬布埃,喬瓦尼1240?-1302?受訓(xùn)于拜占庭風(fēng)格的意大利畫家,被認(rèn)為是佛羅倫薩學(xué)院的首任校長

67、Jack of all trades, master of none. ─── [諺]樣樣皆通,樣樣稀松。

68、Aesop was the master of the apologue. ─── 伊索是寓言大師。

69、Are they Bao Teng of Yan Tai, Leng Yan Ju master? ─── 冷艷鋸前輩發(fā)的就是煙臺的寶騰嗎?

70、That dog is always seen tailing after its master. ─── 你老是可以看見那條狗緊緊地跟在它主人后面。

71、I wish I could be a master of this language. ─── 但愿我能精通這門語言。

72、The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area. ─── 在足球錦標(biāo)賽的最后3分鐘時,兩隊還是不分勝負(fù),突然切爾斯隊的中鋒非常出色地在罰球區(qū)之外將功贖罪球頂入了網(wǎng)內(nèi)。

73、You must master the law of conservation of energy. ─── 你必須掌握能量守衡定律。

74、He was a master of administration and diplomacy. ─── 他是行政和外交事務(wù)方面的一個杰出人物。

75、He is the master who initiated me into the craft. ─── 他是我的入門師傅。

76、The slaves slew their master with swords. ─── 奴隸們用亂刀砍死主人。

77、He is the master, and as such must be obeyed. ─── 他是主人就得服從他。

78、Why we have to master the Chinese language? ─── 為什么要學(xué)好漢語?

79、He's working on his master's thesis. ─── 他正在寫碩士論文。

80、Bards can now gain the Blade Master discipline. ─── 吟游詩人現(xiàn)在得到劍術(shù)掌握了。

81、He learned his craft from an old master. ─── 他從一位老匠人那兒學(xué)得他的手藝。

82、He is a master of caricature. ─── 他是一位漫畫大師。

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