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10-03 投稿


massacres 發(fā)音

英:[?m?s?k?z]  美:[?m?s?k?rz]

英:  美:

massacres 中文意思翻譯




massacres 短語詞組

1、frizzing cashiered massacres ─── 卷曲的收銀員大屠殺

massacres 詞性/詞形變化,massacres變形

動詞第三人稱單數(shù): massacres |動詞過去式: massacred |動詞過去分詞: massacred |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: massacring |名詞: massacrer |

massacres 相似詞語短語

1、mascaras ─── n.染眉毛油;染睫毛膏;vt.在…上涂染眉毛膏;n.(Mascara)人名;(意)馬斯卡拉

2、massacre ─── n.大屠殺;慘?。粡氐灼茐?;v.屠殺;徹底擊?。粡氐灼茐?;(非正式)搞砸;(非正式)笨拙地演奏;n.(Massacre)(俄、泰、馬、尼)馬薩克爾(人名)

3、massage ─── n.按摩,推拿;v.按摩;用……揉擦;篡改(數(shù)字);奉承

4、mascles ─── n.中空菱形紋

5、massacring ─── n.大屠殺;慘??;徹底破壞;v.屠殺;徹底擊敗;徹底破壞;(非正式)搞砸;(非正式)笨拙地演奏;n.(Massacre)(俄、泰、馬、尼)馬薩克爾(人名)

6、massacrer ─── 屠殺

7、massacred ─── v.殘殺;(在運動或比賽中)徹底擊?。╩assacre的過去式和過去分詞)

8、massymores ─── massymores公司

9、massages ─── n.[臨床]按摩;竄改(massage的復數(shù));v.諂媚;對…按摩(massage的單三形式)

massacres 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The fact that 10 lesser known massacres can be found is a sad indictment of what our powerful leaders can do when left unchecked. ─── 這10場大屠殺可以找到的事實證明一個悲傷的控訴,那就是當領導缺乏監(jiān)督,他們的強權就會導致屠殺。

2、and within it there will be massacres, for the land is full of violence. ─── 因為此地充滿了血債,城中充滿了殘暴。

3、A previously unknown group calling itself the "Secret Organisation al Qaeda in Europe" said it carried out the attacks as revenge for British "military massacres" in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 先前,一個未知的組織稱其自己為“在歐洲的秘密基地組織”,它聲稱是他們實行的襲擊事件,其目的是為了報復英國在伊拉克和阿富汗實行的的“軍事殘殺”行為。

4、Il-Raz began to idolize Palpatine, and initiated a series of bloody massacres in an attempt to win favor with the Emperor. ─── 伊爾-拉茲開始變得極端崇拜帕爾帕丁,甚至發(fā)動了一系列的血腥屠殺以試著取悅皇帝。

5、We have suffered exiles, massacres and the greatest massacre of them all, the holocaust. ─── 我們遭受了流亡、屠殺,以及最大的屠殺,也就是大屠殺。

6、According to the court, Fujimori was found guilty in two cases of massacres that killed a total of 25 people during his 10-year presidency. ─── 法庭宣布,藤森在擔任總統(tǒng)的10年期間,曾教唆軍事組織實施兩起大屠殺事件,造成25人被殺害。

7、They developed notorious reputations for massacres and mistreatment of civilians in general. ─── 他們通常由于大屠殺和虐待平民而臭名遠揚。

8、'It's all of twenty years since the Yangzhou massacres,' said Squinty.'How could your father have been killed by Oboi too?' Trinket at once realized that he had overdone it; ─── 崔瞎子道:“揚州大屠城,已有二十多年,怎么你爹爹也會給鰲拜殺了了?”

9、The horrible massacres of women and children and the outrageous abuse of female prisoners, still alive, call for punishment beyond human power to inflict. ─── 對女人和孩子們的可怕大屠殺和對活著的女囚徒的殘暴侵害,召喚人類力量用懲罰去反擊,對這一地區(qū)善良人們,印第安人的誓言或條約沒有和平可言。

10、"All we can think about are the massacres in Gaza of our people. And our big sorrow is that we have no influence, the whole Jewish state wants this war." ─── “我們能想到的是在加沙對我們的人民的大屠殺。我們巨大的痛苦是我們沒有影響力,整個猶太國想要這場戰(zhàn)爭?!?/p>

11、Armenian Massacres ─── 亞美尼亞人慘案

12、Although Kant had no chance to witness the holocaust at World War II and of the massacres of our age, the term he proofs to be practical. ─── 康德當時無法像我們今天一樣,有后見之明的優(yōu)勢(有時我們寧愿沒有這樣的優(yōu)勢),見證人類的浩劫,并且可以反思具體發(fā)生的事件之細節(jié)。

13、Inured to massacres, I lived in thrall for ages. ─── 漫漫歲月,屠殺和恐懼始終相隨,

14、Massacres erupt without anyone being held accountable. ─── 爆發(fā)許多屠殺案而又沒有人承擔責任。"

15、"The European Union cannot be indifferent to this war, these massacres on our doorstep," said French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. ─── “歐洲聯(lián)盟不能漠不關心,這場戰(zhàn)爭中,這些大屠殺對我們家門口,說: ”法國外長貝爾納庫什內爾。

16、What a contrast to the aftermath of the massacres themselves, which saw many decades pass before the truth began to emerge. ─── 這跟屠殺余波形成了對比,幾十年過去了,屠殺的真相才開始顯現(xiàn)。

17、For a group claiming to defend the Islamic ummah, these massacres had dealt a devastating blow to its credibility. ─── 作為一個宣稱要捍衛(wèi)那個信仰伊斯蘭教的“安拉的民族”的團體,這樣的屠殺已經對它的信用造成了毀滅性打擊。

18、All genocides, massacres, wars, tortures, sufferings are from the "sin", not God. ─── 首先,重要的是雙方在內心都明確相信他們自己是正確的。

19、Breaking the Sesret on the Two Chongqing Massacres in the War of Resistance Against Japan ─── 抗戰(zhàn)時期發(fā)生在陪都重慶的兩大慘案揭秘

20、General Bizimungu: I lead no massacres! ─── 我沒有發(fā)動屠殺!

21、But he was pressured to get involved first with the enquiry into the massacres in Rwanda, and then with the inter-Congolese dialogue. ─── 但是他在壓力之下必須首先參加盧旺達的暗殺事件的調查,然后要參加剛果的對話。

22、A new border is drawn between Hindu-dominated India and Muslim-dominated Pakistan, and the region is torn apart by massacres fuelled by ancient animosities. ─── 印度宣布獨立,一條新的邊界在印度族人占多數(shù)的印度和穆斯林人控制的巴基斯坦中間劃分開,從此,這個地區(qū)被從歷史上延續(xù)下來的仇恨所激起的種族屠殺所撕裂。

23、Serrallonga has to be hunted on, and Antich is the person in charge.Here begin years of betrayals, traps, ambushes and massacres. ─── 漸漸地,他發(fā)現(xiàn)原本在他周圍支持他的人都開始背叛了他、不信任他并且離他遠去。

24、Think about today's international community, may not still exist such circumstances, any moral to speak of any of aggression and expansion, and even massacres. ─── 想一想當今的國際社會,未嘗不仍舊存在這樣的情況,任何任何道義可言的侵略擴張,甚至是屠殺。

25、reports of massacres, rape, cholera and hunger are leaking out; ─── 每天都能看到有關殘害、強暴、霍亂以及饑餓的各種報道;

26、The school massacres bring people thinking. ─── 校園慘案給人們帶來了思考。

27、What they are watching keenly is the council's reaction to the massacres and humanitarian disaster in Darfur. ─── 他們急切想看到的是,對于目前發(fā)生在達爾福爾(蘇丹西部一地區(qū))的大屠殺和人道主義災難,聯(lián)合國人權理事會會有何反應。

28、Everywhere Christians are victims of massacres, burnings, plunderings.Countless ships sail up the Seine and evil grows in the whole region." ─── 基督教徒到處遭屠殺、遭焚燒、遭搶劫,難以計數(shù)的船只駛向塞納河上游,邪惡在整個地區(qū)蔓延。”

29、Sooner or later, the Arab world will rid itself of these furious madmen, who cling to power even if it means multiple massacres. ─── 這些狂暴的瘋子即使濫殺無辜也要緊抓權利不放,而阿拉伯世界遲早將擺脫他們的統(tǒng)治。

30、It would be very important for the international community to prevent the happenings of all the massacres or genocide. ─── 歸根結底,我們所有人,秘書處和會員國概無例外,都應該對“我聯(lián)合國人民”負責。

31、They were never made very welcome, and in 1190 a fearful wave of massacres spread from city to city, wiping out Jewish men, women and children. ─── 一開始他們就不怎么受歡迎。公元1190年,一場可怕的集體大屠殺從一個城市席卷另一個城市,猶太人不分男女老少被殺害。

32、But victims' groups were outraged that he was convicted of only two murders and a minor case of forgery, when he was known to have taken part in massacres. ─── 在人們知道他曾多次參加大屠殺之后,他還只是因犯了兩件謀殺案和一件很小的偽造案被獲罪,這讓受害者們感到很憤怒。

33、The United States characterizes the massacres as genocide; other countries and international organizations do not. ─── 美國把這些大屠少定義為種族屠殺。

34、Is murdered the scene in Leeds, Grahame, although discovery and sensation murderer"s motive, but both has night of Yu Yueyuan the besides two massacres, all cannot find way out. ─── 在利茲家的遇害現(xiàn)場,格雷厄姆雖然發(fā)現(xiàn)并感知了兇手的動機,可除了兩起慘案都發(fā)生于月圓之夜外,一切都一籌莫展。

35、Zaidi also talked of seeing "many, many massacres in every inch of our homeland" and of "witnessing the screams of victims and the cries of bereaved women". ─── 扎伊迪同時談及在戰(zhàn)爭中親眼目睹了“許多起屠殺,就發(fā)生在我們國家的每一寸土地上”以及“聽到無數(shù)受害人和失去親人的婦女們的哭喊聲”。

36、She took extraordinary risks, rushing to the scenes of massacres and questioning killers when their blades were barely dry. ─── 她冒著巨大的風險,沖到屠殺的現(xiàn)場質問刀刃上血跡未干的儈子手。

37、The rule of the last great Mongol leader was a complete contrast to the destruction and massacres carried out by his forebears ─── 蒙古最后一位大首領的治國方針,與其祖先所推行的毀滅和屠殺政策形成了鮮明的對照。

38、Leibstandarte troops were implicated in several massacres of civilians. ─── “警衛(wèi)旗隊”牽扯進了不少屠殺平民的事件。

39、Anti-Jewish economic and nationalistic policies led to deportations, ghettos, massacres, and then to the starvation, torture and gassing of Jewish people in the concentration camps of central Europe. ─── 納粹德國所制定的反猶太主義政策,致使猶太人遭放逐、隔離和屠殺,后來又被關進中歐的集中營,被集體餓死、虐殺和毒殺。

40、the massacres perpetrated against civilian protestors ─── 屠殺平民示威者事件

41、Because of a long tradition of emigration and the massacres and expulsions during the last decades of Ottoman rule, most speakers of West Armenian live outside Anatolia. ─── 東亞美尼亞語,以外高加索亞美尼亞人所說的語言為基礎。

42、For they are so utterly devoid of conscience that they are even creating "friction" and perpetrating massacres and splits after our national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory. ─── 因為這類壞蛋,已經喪盡天良,當一個民族敵人深入國土的時候,他們還要鬧磨擦,鬧慘案,鬧分裂。

43、all the same, the two massacres are one nation to another nation’s crime. ─── 都一樣的,兩個屠殺都是一個民族對另一個民族的罪行。

44、The establishment of such a court had long been on the UN agenda,but the appalling massacres in Cambodia,the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda made the need for it even more urgent. ─── 設立這一法院的工作,早已列入聯(lián)合國議程,但柬埔寨、前南斯拉夫和盧旺達境內駭人聽聞的屠殺,使得這種必要性更為緊迫。

45、Survivors of the massacres, however, have recounted how their Waffen-SS guards calmly gathered them up and machine-gunned them in cold blood after they had surrendered. ─── 大屠殺的幸存者們卻詳細敘述了武裝黨衛(wèi)隊是在他們投降后如何平靜地把他們召集在一起然后冷血地用機槍進行屠殺。

46、This list contains ten of the lesser known massacres. ─── 本榜單包含10個少人問津的大屠殺。

47、You have doubtless heard of these massacres, your excellency?" ─── 您一定也聽說過這次大屠殺吧,伯爵閣下?”

48、The establishment of such a court had long been on the UN agenda, but the appalling massacres in Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda made the need for it even more urgent. ─── 設立這一法院的工作,早已列入聯(lián)合國議程,但柬埔寨、前南斯拉夫和盧旺達境內駭人聽聞的 屠殺,使得這種必要性更為緊迫。

49、12. Massacres are often done by those unprepossessing loners. ─── 大屠殺的實行者總是那些不為人所注意的孤獨者。

50、of electoral “massacres”; ─── 或者選舉“大屠殺”;

51、He said he had found accounts from officers who refused to take part in the massacres, especially the use of sulphur dioxide to kill slaves held in ships' holds. ─── 里貝25日說:“簡單地說,拿破侖當時下令盡可能多地殺掉海地和瓜德羅普地區(qū)的黑人,用從非洲新運來的更馴服的奴隸替代他們?!?/p>

52、Why, we should ask, are the gunmen in school massacres almost always male? ─── 我們應當捫心自問,為什么在校園槍擊案中,持槍歹徒幾乎都是男性?

53、In the biggest of the massacres -- in 1972 -- 150,000 Hutus are estimated to have been slaughtered by the government army. ─── 在1972年的那次大屠殺中,估計有15萬胡圖人被政府軍隊屠殺。

54、For they are so utterly devoid of conscience that they are even creating"friction"and perpetrating massacres and splits after our national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory. ─── 因為這類壞蛋,已經喪盡天良,當一個民族敵人深入國土的時候,他們還要鬧磨擦,鬧慘案,鬧分裂。

55、The border guards who had shot at smaller numbers evidently held back because the crowds were too big, the government having always avoided massacres if possible. ─── 邊防守衛(wèi)以前對少得多的人群開過火,但這一次他們顯然收手了,因為人實在太多,而政府總是要盡量避免大規(guī)模屠殺的。

56、We went through massacres, discrimination, wars and split. ─── 最終的結果還是一樣,我們兩敗俱傷。

57、September Massacres ─── 九月大屠殺(1792)

58、The Arabs of Palestine still remember their desperate revolt in the 1930s against the British mandate and Jewish immigration from Europe, and the massacres of 1948. ─── 巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人也還是記得他們在1930年為了反對英國的管制和從歐洲來的猶太移民所做出的悲壯的斗爭,還有在1948年發(fā)生的大屠殺事件。

59、And broadcasting from Tiananmen Square, scene of the massacres, is banned from 11pm to 6am, and from 10am to 9pm. ─── 所以,2008年奧運會的主辦權被交給了中國。中國政府需要奧運會-這個世界上最大的體育盛會的原因十分明顯。

60、numberless recent massacres were still vivid in their recollection ─── 近來那些不可勝數(shù)的屠殺,在他們的頭腦中記憶猶新。

61、Both projects were pursued ruthlessly and entailed civilian massacres, torture and slavery in factories, mines and military brothels. ─── 日本殘忍地推行這兩項計劃,致使平民遭受屠戮,人們被施以酷刑并在廠礦和慰安所受人奴役。

62、The massacres led locals to the realizations that armed resistance was the only way to defend themselves and their land. ─── 此次屠殺讓當?shù)厝嗣褚庾R到武裝抵抗是保護自己和土地的唯一方法。

63、A Miscellany Of Mutinies And Massacres In India ─── 印度叛亂與慘案雜集

64、Stevenson: Yeah. I like history. But I hate wars. I know there are fourteen massacres in Chinese history. ─── 是的。我喜歡歷史,但是卻討厭戰(zhàn)爭。我知道在中國歷史共有14次大屠殺吧。

65、The school massacres reflect the problem in fostering students. ─── 校園慘案反應了在培養(yǎng)學生方面的問題。

66、Will it specifically apologize for any of Japan's many other massacres of innocents, non-combatants, and prisoners during World War II? ─── 會否專門道歉,日本的許多其他大屠殺無辜者,非戰(zhàn)斗員的,和囚犯在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間?

67、The full horror of what took place at these three locations has gone down in history as the 'Katyn massacres'. ─── 在這三個地方發(fā)生的所有的恐怖事件在歷史上被記錄為“卡廷大屠殺”。

68、But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres, occupation, or even extinction. ─── 可是英國人卻不這么想,那個時代的英國人,滿腦子都是屠殺、占領,甚至滅絕。

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