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10-03 投稿


meteorous 發(fā)音


英:  美:

meteorous 中文意思翻譯





meteorous 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、meteorites ─── n.[地質(zhì)]隕石(meteorite的復(fù)數(shù)形式);[天]隕星

2、meteorists ─── 隕石

3、meteors ─── n.[天]流星(meteor的復(fù)數(shù))

4、meteorol. ─── 流星。

5、meteoroids ─── n.[天]流星體(meteoroid的復(fù)數(shù));太空武力(游戲名)

6、-pterous ─── 翼狀的

7、metestrous ─── 米

8、metoestrous ─── 甲地孕酮

9、meteoroid ─── n.[天]流星體

meteorous 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、A giant meteor smashed into Earth and blocked out the sun, so the dinosaurs had nothing to eat and died. ─── 不是說(shuō)一個(gè)巨大的流星撞擊了地球,擋住了太陽(yáng),因此,恐龍沒(méi)有什么食物可吃,被餓死了。

2、Key words: utopia, daily life, The Meteor Garden, Cinderella. ─── 關(guān)鍵詞:烏托邦,日常生活,流星花園,灰姑娘。

3、Spawned by Halley's comet , which last buzzed the planet in 1986, the tiny space rocks are the seeds of the annual Orionid meteor shower. ─── 地球目前正穿過(guò)這個(gè)由星屑組成的空間。上次穿行是在里根總統(tǒng)任職期間。

4、Niuniu poor trapped inside the bubble, with a meteor to protect themselves. ─── 可憐的牛牛被困在泡泡里面了,要用流星保護(hù)自己。

5、How do astronomers predict meteor showers? ─── 天文學(xué)家如何預(yù)示流星雨?

6、Not every star can be the wishing star except for the meteor. ─── 不是每顆星都可以許愿,但是流星做到了。

7、I can't find any evidence of a meteor or anything like that ever being in the marsh. ─── “我找不到任何流星或任何類似物體存在沼澤內(nèi)的證據(jù)?!?/p>

8、Yet given a feeling of its own, the sword would soon burn its glow out, fleeting as a meteor. ─── 但劍若也有情,它的光芒是否也就會(huì)變得和流星一樣短促。

9、Experts believe that a meteor of that size finds its way to the earth only once in 50,000 years. ─── 專家們相信,如此巨大的隕石落地大概50000年才會(huì)發(fā)生一次。

10、Summer is the season for shooting stars, and this year could be among the best as the annual Perseid meteor shower promises to be better than usual. ─── 夏天是流星的季節(jié),而今年將是觀測(cè)流星最好的時(shí)機(jī),預(yù)計(jì)一年一度的英仙座流星雨會(huì)比往常更精彩。

11、The son said, @It looks like a meteor to me, Dad. ─── 兒子說(shuō):“爸,那看起來(lái)像是一顆流星,

12、A meteor flew across the Draco. ─── 一顆流星,橫穿蒼龍星宿。

13、A meteor has crashed onto the planet, unleashing millions of alien creatures which roam the Earth. ─── 一顆流星墜落行星上,釋放出上百萬(wàn)個(gè)異形入侵地球。

14、If you see to a meteor,Can you give it that bitter period of five days already long boy. ─── 如果你看到一顆流星,你能不能把它送給那個(gè)苦候已久的男孩。

15、Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts. ─── [參考譯文]些理論將兩極轉(zhuǎn)化現(xiàn)象歸因于諸如隕星撞擊等外部因素。

16、 雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景

17、Great achievements have been gained from Leonid Meteor Shower observations and researches during the period of 1998-1999. ─── 1998-1999年的獅子座流星雨觀測(cè)研究取得了十分豐富的成果。

18、One must be quite patient to witness such a swarm, or a meteor shower, as the swarms cross the earth's path only once every 33 years. ─── 人們必須有足夠的耐心,才能等到親眼目睹流星團(tuán)或"流星雨"發(fā)生的那一天,因?yàn)榱餍菆F(tuán)穿越地球軌道每33年才有一次。

19、The 2006 Leonid meteor shower will be much less intense than in 2002, but will be near its predicted peak this weekend. ─── 2006年獅子座流星雨的效果將比2002年稍差些,但預(yù)期流星雨高峰期將在這周末到來(lái)。

20、Experts think the meteor landed about 20,000 years ago. ─── 專家分析,這顆流星大約是在20000年前墜落于此的,

21、But photographer Tony Rowell still managed to catch one bright Lyrid meteor. ─── 但攝影師托尼仍然設(shè)法捕獲了一顆明亮的流星。

22、A meteor suddenly shot across the sky. ─── 一顆流星急速掠過(guò)天空。

23、Patty Ronney, 49, said she had never seen a single meteor before leaving home. ─── 49歲的帕蒂-龍尼說(shuō)她在離開(kāi)家趕到威爾遜山之前,從來(lái)沒(méi)有見(jiàn)到過(guò)流星。

24、The stars above broke through the canopy, streaming by like a meteor shower, and the world spun away swiftly from me in darkness. ─── 頭頂上的星星刺破天幕,如流星瀉雨般飛馳,我周圍的世界在黑暗中飛快地旋轉(zhuǎn)開(kāi)去。

25、If you like Meteor, here are some other games you should also try! ─── 如果你喜歡流星,這里有幾個(gè)類似的游戲,也許你也想試試吧!

26、Comets are probably the most numerous astronomical bodies in the solar system aside from small meteor fragments and the asteroids. ─── 在太陽(yáng)系中,除流星小碎塊和小行星之外,彗星也許可以說(shuō)是數(shù)量最多的天體了。

27、"If I yelled because I saw a meteor coming toward you, would you listen then? ─── “如果我高聲叫喊,是因?yàn)槲铱匆?jiàn)有一顆流星正朝你俯沖而來(lái),那你會(huì)不會(huì)聽(tīng)我的話?”

28、This year's Perseids meteor shower will occur from Tuesday night to early Wednesday. ─── 今年的英仙座流星雨將在12日晚至13日凌晨出現(xiàn)。

29、Oliver(1942, 1948)has followed meteor trails to measure winds. ─── 奧利弗(1942,1948)曾跟蹤流星尾跡測(cè)量風(fēng)。

30、In 1972, an unusually bright meteor from space was witnessed bouncing off Earth's atmosphere, much like a skipping stone can bounce off of a calm lake. ─── 1972年,一顆來(lái)自太空異常明亮的掠地流星被目擊到進(jìn)入了地球的大氣,有些像在一片平靜的湖面上打水漂一樣。

31、In 1996, the Geminids meteor shower generated fairly intense storms against a dark moon-less sky, which excited most observers. ─── 1996年在沒(méi)有月亮的暗空中出現(xiàn)了相當(dāng)強(qiáng)烈的雙子座流星雨,觀察者因此而興奮不已。

32、The Geminids is one of the northern skies most reliably performing meteor showers and did not disappoint last year. ─── 雙子座流星雨是北半球最可靠的流星雨之一,去年并沒(méi)有讓人失望。

33、He can tell you one about the meteor story. ─── 他會(huì)告訴你一個(gè)關(guān)于流星的故事。

34、Martian meteor and a micro-organism from Australia join forces to prove whether life could have started in outer space. ─── 一塊來(lái)自火星的隕石和澳洲的微生物組織為外太空是否可能發(fā)源生命提供了力證。

35、It was made by a meteor that fell from space. ─── 它是由流星從太空中墜落造成的。

36、At the same time, the number of large meteor impacts declined sharply. ─── 與此同時(shí),巨大隕石沖擊的次數(shù)驟然下降。

37、Because I am grown up. Trouble! Not what he was only in my life a meteor. ─── 因?yàn)槲议L(zhǎng)大了。煩!不能代表什么,他只是我生命中的一顆流星。

38、At several specific times of a year, great meteor showers occur. ─── 在一年的幾個(gè)特定時(shí)間里,會(huì)發(fā)生大規(guī)模的流星雨。

39、In the early morning of 13 th,Perseus Meteor shower appeared as it promised which made the sky beautiful. ─── 13日凌晨,英仙座流星雨如約綻放,驚艷夜空。

40、It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date. ─── 因?yàn)檫@年的流星雨成為迄今為止最為壯觀的。

41、The Perseid meteor showers, is that right? ─── |英仙座流星雨 對(duì)吧?

42、A couple is sleeping at the Stanley Beach Thousands of spectators leave garbage on Wednesday morning after watching the most spectacular meteor shower in33 years.18 Nov,98. ─── 千多人在赤柱海灘欣賞完33年難得一見(jiàn)的流星雨后,在星期三早上遺下大量垃圾。

43、Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor. ─── 從理論上講,他們的繼承人的氣象理論能解釋這種大氣現(xiàn)象。

44、Certain regions have more debris than others, so we have meteor showers on those nights. ─── 一些區(qū)域比其他區(qū)域有更多的塵埃,因?yàn)樵谀菢拥囊雇砦覀兛梢钥吹搅餍怯辍?/p>

45、There's no need to worry about such a huge meteor will ever land near you. ─── 你不用擔(dān)心這么大的隕石會(huì)降落在你的身邊。

46、Nature is now providing a Beautiful show each night for persons living in the northern half of the world. The show is a meteor shower. ─── 大自然現(xiàn)在每天晚上正在為居住在北半球的人們展示出美麗的景象。這種景象就是隕石雨。

47、Stone: The author can control this. Lightning, meteor shower, ice geysers and fire jets can all be toggled off and on. ─── 作者可以控制。閃電,流星雨,冰川或者火箭雨可以被設(shè)置成打開(kāi)或關(guān)閉。

48、As long as there is ideal in our heart ,all can make a wish toward the meteor at any time at us. ─── 只要我們心中有理想,在任何時(shí)候我們都能向流星許愿。

49、The best meteor display of the summer comes during the second week of August, during the Perseid event. ─── 夏季最精彩的流星表演將出現(xiàn)在8月的第2周、英仙座流星雨爆發(fā)期間。

51、Like bright moonlight, city lights can completely blot out a meteor shower. ─── 和明亮的月光一樣,城市的燈光也會(huì)擋住大部分流星雨的光芒。

52、At any rate,the original dragon enshrined the entire meteor that fell through the atmosphere there,through that tunnel behind you. ─── 不論如何,最初的龍將這整塊穿過(guò)大氣圈的隕石安置在穿過(guò)你身后隧道的另一側(cè)了。

53、Days later, Columbus saw a large meteor fall from the sky. ─── 幾天后,哥倫布看見(jiàn)一顆大流星從天空墜落。

54、Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Sunday Morni. ─── 周日黎明最佳觀賞獵戶座流星雨。

55、Okay, relied the crab. By the way, the meteor also caused some worms to lose their homes. I crafted a small box for you and filled it with worms. ─── 好吧,蟹說(shuō)道,順便問(wèn)一句,流星墜地還使一些蚯蚓流離失所。這是我為你精心制作的小盒子,里面裝滿了好多蚯蚓。

56、You sudden and negligent gift is,like the meteor in the night of fall,burning in my life. ─── 你剎那見(jiàn)不經(jīng)意的饋贈(zèng),像秋夜的流星,在我的身心深初著了火。

57、Played during summer nights, the dragon is like a meteor attracting a lot of insects. ─── 夏夜舞耍時(shí),流星閃爍,引來(lái)飛蟲(chóng)追逐,

58、Then a smart threshold is obtained from the minimum mean of different segments of background noise and used to detect the meteor trail echo. ─── 再根據(jù)流星干擾的分布特點(diǎn)分段計(jì)算背景噪聲均值,求取流星干擾檢測(cè)門限;

59、Combining those frames which captured meteor flashes, he produced this dramatic view of the Perseids of summer. ─── 盡管彗星塵埃顆粒是彼此平行進(jìn)入大氣層,但看到的景象是從英仙座某點(diǎn)以一定的角度發(fā)射出來(lái)。

60、Oliver (1942,1948) has followed meteor trails to measure winds. ─── 奧利弗(1942,1948)曾跟蹤流星尾跡測(cè)量風(fēng)。

61、This year's Perseids meteor shower was a good one, as it was particularly active and corresponded with the dark skies that come with a new moon. ─── 今年的英仙座流星雨很利于觀測(cè),因?yàn)榻衲炅餍怯晏貏e活躍,而且在黑暗的天空中只有一輪新月。

62、With the view of meteor shower Soundtrack Special Edition release about what time? ─── 一起來(lái)看流星雨原聲音樂(lè)特別版大概什么時(shí)間發(fā)行?

63、Looks back on past events' time, remembers these like meteor to delimit the life love. ─── 回首往事的時(shí)候,想起那些如流星般劃過(guò)生命的愛(ài)情。

64、A faint meteor was also caught in the view, but approaching a conjunction, brilliant Venus and ebright Jupiter dominate the skyscape. ─── 在日落后拍攝的這張影像里,向上延伸的楔形輝光稱為黃道光,它是太陽(yáng)系盤面塵埃反射陽(yáng)光的產(chǎn)物。

65、They both wondered whether it was indeed a meteor. ─── 他們兩個(gè)人想知道那是否真的是流星。

66、It must be a meteor,@ the farmer told his son. ─── 農(nóng)夫告訴兒子:“那一定是顆流星?!?/p>

67、Have you seen meteor shower? In the past two years, we have many opportunities to see it. ─── 你見(jiàn)過(guò)流星雨嗎?在過(guò)去的兩年里,我們有很多機(jī)會(huì)可以一睹它的風(fēng)采。

68、Skygazers are getting ready to watch the annual Perseid meteor shower, which peaks on Wednesday. ─── 天文愛(ài)好者正準(zhǔn)備觀看本年度英仙座流星雨,周三晚頻率達(dá)到最高。

69、"We only know about the ones that happen to intersect Earth's orbit and cause meteor showers such as the Perseids or Leonids. ─── “我們僅僅知道那些恰好和地球軌道相交,會(huì)引起流星雨的云團(tuán),例如英仙座和獅子座流星雨?!?/p>

70、The Lyrid meteor shower peaks this year during the predawn hours of April 22. ─── 今年4月22日黎明前數(shù)小時(shí)中天琴座流星雨將出現(xiàn)峰值。

71、If it was too small, it burned up in the bloated atmosphere, like a meteor. ─── 如果太小,它就會(huì)像流星般,在厚實(shí)的大氣層中燒掉。

72、But what didn't scare me, but was very soothing, was watching this cosmic meteor shower. ─── 但是沒(méi)有嚇著我,而是給我極大安慰的是我看到了這宇宙間的流星雨。

73、He says that he has seen a meteor at some time. ─── 他說(shuō)有一次他看到過(guò)一顆流星。

74、In fact, it is thought that a meteor killed the dinosaurs millions of years ago. ─── 事實(shí)上,有人認(rèn)為在數(shù)百萬(wàn)年前就是一塊隕石造成所有的恐龍滅絕。

75、In fact, sightings of the meteor, as bright as the Full Moon, were widely reported throughout the Netherlands and Germany at approximately 17:00 UT. ─── 事實(shí)上,這顆火流星亮如滿月,在荷蘭和德國(guó)等地有廣泛的觀測(cè)報(bào)告,報(bào)告時(shí)間在國(guó)際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時(shí)17:00左右。

76、Several people witnessed the meteor of many colors. ─── 一些人目睹了這顆色彩斑斕的流星。

77、It turns out that the Atavus were already on Earth before humans were - and that they were forced underground by a meteor shower. ─── 它說(shuō)阿塔人在地球人以前就已經(jīng)在地球上了,并且由于流星雨的緣故躲入地下。

78、At night there is a meteor shower. ─── 今天晚上有流星雨。

79、Comet dust rained down on planet Earth last August, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. ─── 8月末將有一場(chǎng)流星雨降落地球,這就是一年一次的英仙座流星雨。

80、Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere. ─── 大型隕石的撞擊則可能偶發(fā)的使大氣密度及溫度增加。

81、TOO LONG:Object could be a satellite, diffraction spike, meteor, charge bleed, CCD crosstalk or even a real fmo. ─── 太暗:如果軌跡無(wú)法在放大的圖片上被容易地辨認(rèn)出來(lái),請(qǐng)不要再次上報(bào)這個(gè)目標(biāo)。

82、To help answer this question, astronomers studied in some detail the Quadrantid meteor shower that occurred over this past weekend. ─── 為了回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題,天文學(xué)家們對(duì)上周末發(fā)生的象限儀座流星雨進(jìn)行了仔細(xì)的觀測(cè)。

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