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10-04 投稿


mistruster 中文意思翻譯



mistruster 相似詞語短語

1、mistrusts ─── v.不信任,懷疑;n.不信任,懷疑

2、mistrusted ─── v.不信任,懷疑;n.不信任,懷疑

3、mistrysted ─── 誤會(huì)的

4、mistrustless ─── 不信任的

5、mistrusting ─── v.不信任,懷疑;n.不信任,懷疑

6、mistrustful ─── adj.不信任的;深疑的,多疑的

7、distrusted ─── n.不信任,懷疑;v.不信任,懷疑

8、distruster ─── 不信任

9、mistrust ─── v.不信任,懷疑;n.不信任,懷疑

mistruster 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Everything you say seems to be pervaded with a mistrust of the human race. ─── 你說的一切似乎都滲透了對人類的不信任。

2、Consquently ,in attempting to resolve a problem without guidelines ,chaos often reigns and mistrust grows ,ultimately destroy what started out sa a positive effort. ─── 因此,在缺少指導(dǎo)原則的情況下試圖解決問題,其結(jié)果往往是一團(tuán)混亂以及更加嚴(yán)重的不信任,最終使原本是積極的努力付諸東流。

3、"Doubt and mistrust could creep into our lives, corroding personal and professional relationships" (Philip Taubman) ─── “懷疑和不信任會(huì)深入我們的生活,破壞私人的或職業(yè)聯(lián)系?!?菲利普·陶布曼)

4、They seldom watch Chinese television and mistrust everything the Government tells them. ─── 他們幾乎不看中文電視并不相信政府告訴他們的任何事情。

5、He keeps his money at home because he has a great mistrust of banks ─── 他把自己的錢放在家里,因?yàn)樗懿恍湃毋y行。

6、People make the mistake of treating experts with suspicion and mistrust, no matter how valuable their contributions might be. ─── 不管專家的貢獻(xiàn)有多大,人們總是錯(cuò)誤的懷疑和不信任他們。

7、The boy smil'd in my face and spoke so innocently that I could mistrust him; and swore to be faithful to me, and go all over the world with me. ─── "那孩子沖著我笑了,并發(fā)誓忠于我,愿隨我走遍天涯海角。他說這些話時(shí)神情天真無邪,使我沒法不信任他。

8、Not that I mistrust her virtue, but - she is a woman. There lies the suspicion . ─── 并非我懷疑她的貞操,可是--她是個(gè)女人嘛。 懷疑就在于這一點(diǎn)。

9、4.Everything he says seems to be pervaded with a mistrust of the human race. ─── 他所說的每一件事似乎都充滿了對人類的不信任。

10、a climate of mistrust and fear ─── 充滿猜疑和恐懼的氛圍

11、For it is the citadel guarded by thick walls of ignorance and of mistrust which do not fall before the trumpet's blasts, or the politicians' implications, or even the general's batons. ─── 因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在這份景象正被無知與懷疑包圍,即便是巨大的聲浪、政治家的指示、將軍的指揮棒都不能使它摧毀。

12、an instinctive mistrust of bureaucrats; offering to help was as instinctive as breathing. ─── 對官僚出于直覺的不信任;提供幫助就像呼吸一樣是一種本能。

13、We had taken a first step in breaking down the walls of mistrust of each other. ─── 在打破互不信任的隔閡方面,我們已經(jīng)邁出了第一步。

14、The more mistrust we feel, the less confidence we have. ─── 多一分對他人的疑慮,就少一分對自己的信心。

15、There were, in fact, very good reasons for mistrust and the breakdown of assurance that contributed to the crisis today. ─── 事實(shí)上,造成今日危機(jī)的不信任與信心崩潰是有充分理由的。

16、Despite his childhood mistrust of the flashbulbs,he's beginning to find his own way in the spotlight. ─── 盡管他童年時(shí)代對聚光燈表現(xiàn)出極大的不信任,但他現(xiàn)在開始在其中找到對付的辦法。

17、You will also understand the fears and tears of war.And you will realize the differences between right and wrong. You will learn to trust the people you love and keep your distance from those you mistrust. ─── 你也會(huì)懂得戰(zhàn)爭帶來的恐懼和眼淚。你會(huì)分清孰是孰非。你將學(xué)會(huì)信任你所愛的人,遠(yuǎn)離你所不信任的人。

18、And it is him who lays his eyes on me with mistrust contempt and disgust coming from no where. ─── 也就是他,總是無緣由的懷疑我,鄙視我,厭惡我。

19、The relationships between characters constantly change. Fear becomes love, which turns to mistrust, which is replaced by joy. ─── 劇中人物的關(guān)系一直處于變化中??謶肿兂蓯?,再變成猜疑,繼而被快樂替代。

20、She had an ingrained mistrust of politicians. ─── 她對政客有根深蒂固的不信任。

21、The other is to shock the markets out of their mistrust by using public money to create a floor to the market, either in housing or in asset-backed securities. ─── 另一種選擇是用公款來為市場筑底,不管是房地產(chǎn)市場還是資產(chǎn)支持證券市場,以此來沖刷市場的不信任情緒。

22、Why do you mistrust him so much? He seems honest enough to me. ─── 你為什么如此不信任他? 我覺得他似乎很老實(shí)。

23、It is one of many turns of phrase expressing the widespread mistrust of government (or contempt for it) that is deeply enrooted among Americans. ─── 它是廣為流傳的對政府表示不信任(或蔑視)并且深深植根于美國人當(dāng)中的很多說法中的一個(gè)。

24、Is he an implicit discriminator of women with obscure understanding of the feminine sex and subtle mistrust and contempt for them? ─── 孔子是否委婉地歧視了婦女?是否用對女性的模糊理解來表述了他不信任和輕視婦女?

25、Many Israelis still feel this way: indeed, their mistrust has increased since the years of intifada and the rise of Hamas and a militant Iran, which both say they seek Israel's destruction. ─── 實(shí)際上,自從巴勒斯坦的起義及哈馬斯同伊朗軍事力量的崛起,以色列人的不信任感愈發(fā)增強(qiáng),后兩者甚至叫囂著要滅掉以色列。

26、Perhaps his deep-seated mistrust of people (his doubt as to their right to decide his destiny and to judge him) had played its part in his choice of profession, a profession that excluded him from public display. ─── 也許,這種根深蒂固的對人的不信任感(他懷疑那些人有權(quán)決定他的命運(yùn)和對他給予評判),在他選擇職業(yè)時(shí)起了作用。眼下的職業(yè)使他可以回避公開露面。

27、Foreign adventurism, including a scramble for German colonies abroad and a costly naval rivalry with Britain, led to increasing mistrust of the young power by its neighbours. ─── 外國的冒險(xiǎn)性,其中包括一名爭奪德國殖民地出國留學(xué)和一項(xiàng)昂貴的海軍和英國的競爭關(guān)系,促使人們越來越不信任的年輕的權(quán)力及其鄰國。

28、The tension that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed. ─── 存在于國家間的緊張一定能被減輕,如果誤解和不信任被消除。

29、The more mistrust we feel,the less confidence we have. ─── 多一分對他人的疑慮,就少一分對自己的信心。

30、But the swings in almost all financial markets this month have made dispersed risk suddenly morph into dispersed mistrust. ─── 但是在本月,幾乎所有的金融市場出現(xiàn)了動(dòng)蕩,這使得分散的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)突然間轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榉稚⒌膽岩伞?/p>

31、Not that I mistrust her virtue, but- she is a woman. There lies the suspicion. ─── 并非我懷疑她的貞操,可是--她是個(gè)女人嘛。懷疑就在于這一點(diǎn)。


34、In my previous job, people were distant from each other and there was always mistrust in the workplace. ─── 在以往的工作,人與人之間總是充滿猜忌和防?。

35、But an adversarial relationship of mistrust and suspicion is no alternative. ─── 但不能被一種敵對,不信任和懷疑情緒所替代。

36、a strong mistrust of anything new ─── 對任何新事物的極大懷疑

37、She has a deep mistrust of strangers. ─── 她對陌生人的猜疑極深。

38、Sometimes customers just don't believe salespeople are telling the truth, and there can often be mistrust between two companies negotiating a deal. ─── 一些客戶有時(shí)就是不相信銷售人員說的話,而且兩個(gè)公司在談判時(shí)也有可能產(chǎn)生相互不信任的情況。

39、 雙語使用場景

40、Again she is unaware of how hurtful her mistrust is to him. ─── 她同樣也不知道她對他的不信任帶給了他多大的傷害。

41、Not surprisingly, the CPA and the IGC viewed one another with mistrust and not a little incomprehension. ─── 一點(diǎn)不奇怪,CPA與IGC彼此用不信任和極不了解審視對方。

42、The fact that China's panda diplomacy has partially misfired shows the mistrust that remains despite efforts by both leaders to improve relations. ─── 中國的“熊貓外交”并未完全奏效,這表明,盡管中日兩國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人作出了改善關(guān)系的努力,但不信任情緒依舊存在。

43、We mistrust him of having a hand in all that followed. ─── 因此我們疑心他和此后發(fā)生的事情有關(guān)。

44、Neither man's remarks might seem exceptional to outsiders, but they are a big advance for a power-sharing administration hobbled by long mistrust. ─── 對局外人來說,兩人的這些言論可能不算什么,但對因缺乏信任而遲遲未能實(shí)現(xiàn)的權(quán)力分享政府來說,這可算是一大進(jìn)步。

45、Trade is booming; but even that adds some new elements of mistrust ─── 兩國貿(mào)易猛進(jìn),但是卻有一些不信任因素

46、a disposition to dislike and mistrust other people. ─── 對其他人不喜歡不信任的行為方式。

47、In the United States, in particular, an“essentialist” mistrust of Islam in all its forms has been gaining ground. ─── 尤其是在美國,對伊斯蘭教各種形式的“本質(zhì)上”的不信任已經(jīng)抬頭。

48、They are naturally susceptible to overblown promises made by others and when reality creeps in their response is to seek protection in distorted mistrust. ─── 他們天生就容易相信他人所作出的言過其實(shí)的承諾,而且當(dāng)現(xiàn)實(shí)爬進(jìn)來時(shí),他們的反應(yīng)竟然是在扭曲的失信當(dāng)中尋找庇護(hù)。

49、An instinctive mistrust of bureaucrats ─── 對官僚出于直覺的不信任

50、She has a deep mistrust of anything new or strange. ─── 她對任何新奇事物皆十分懷疑。

51、You will learn to trust the people you love and keep your distance from those you mistrust. ─── 你將學(xué)會(huì)信任你所愛的人,遠(yuǎn)離你所不信任的人。

52、The smallest mistrust and unkindness, the least act of injustice, leave wounds that last for life in the heart of the child. ─── 哪怕是最微小的不信任和不友好,或者是最微小的一個(gè)不公正的行為,都會(huì)給孩子的心靈留下一生的傷痕。

53、Last year' s breakdowns of major companies in the US, China, and Europe caused an unprecedented mistrust in the conduct of companies. ─── 去年發(fā)生在美國、中國和歐洲等世界主要國家的大公司倒閉事件使人們對公司的行為產(chǎn)生了前所未有的不信任。

54、He began to mistrust and fear for his life. ─── 他開始懷疑并且為自己的生命感到擔(dān)憂。

55、Mistrust was writ large on her face. ─── 她臉上明顯流露出不信任的表情。

56、If the workers' social relations with management are pervaded by mistrust and hostility, the ever-present uncertainties of physical risks in the plant are amplified. ─── 如果工人和管理層的社會(huì)關(guān)系中充滿了不信任和敵對,那么在工廠內(nèi),身體危險(xiǎn)的不確定性會(huì)被擴(kuò)大。

57、His charm is undeniable, but I still mistrust him. ─── 他有魅力無庸置疑,但我仍對他沒有信心。

58、Her hopelessness and mistrust transform her valid needs into desperate expressions of neediness and communicate to him the message that she does not trust him to support her. ─── 她的絕望與不信任等于自動(dòng)放棄了正當(dāng)且必要的需求,傳達(dá)出去的訊息是她不信任他會(huì)支持她。

59、an instinctive mistrust of bureaucrats; offering to help was as instinctive as breathing ─── 對官僚出于直覺的不信任;提供幫助就像呼吸一樣是一種本能

60、Corporate leaders viewed the economist's recommendations with mistrust. ─── 公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)對經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家的勸告缺乏信心。

61、Will you mistrust me any more ? ─── 你是否再也不相信我?

62、Mistrust, Key Issues Hamper Peace Process in Sudan By Alisha Ryu Nairobi 09 January 2... ─── 作者:韓萱點(diǎn)擊:123發(fā)布時(shí)間:一個(gè)月前最后評論:一個(gè)月前

63、With your teaching, please change mistrust or misgivings in my mind into the conviction and confidence. ─── 在主/你的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,請求你/上帝讓我改掉我那不信任你的想法,讓我對你有信心以及一直相信你的信念。

64、Trust and Mistrust in International Relations ─── 國際關(guān)系中的信任與猜疑

65、The dispute underscores the mistrust that persists 10 years after an international agreement was reached to facilitate the return of Nazi-looted art works to their rightful owners. ─── 一項(xiàng)為了便于將納粹掠奪的藝術(shù)品還給其合法主人的國際協(xié)定達(dá)成后由于不信任導(dǎo)致的爭執(zhí)又持續(xù)了10年。

66、a visceral mistrust of their peace moves ─── 對于他們爭取和平的舉措懷有直覺的不信任.

67、Not that I mistrust her virtue, but - she is a woman. there lie the suspicion. ─── 并非我懷疑她的貞操,可是--她是個(gè)女人嘛。懷疑就在于這一點(diǎn)。

68、She has a deep mistrust of anything new or strange. ─── 她對任何新奇事物皆十分懷疑.

69、The NFU believes that much of the confusion and mistrust seen among consumers during the recent avian influenza outbreak is due to unclear labelling of meat and poultry. ─── 在全國農(nóng)民聯(lián)盟認(rèn)為,大部分的混亂和不信任,可見在消費(fèi)者中,在最近爆發(fā)禽流感,是由于不清楚標(biāo)簽的肉類及家禽。

70、Again IT is unaware not of how hurtful IT mistrust is to him. ─── 她同樣也不清楚她對他的不信任帶給了他多大的傷害。

71、Unlike their ancient predecessors, whose hearts are filled with mistrust and hate, Charlie Chaplin and the lost child are filled with yearning and affection. ─── 與以往他們的原型不同,那些人的心中充滿了猜疑與憎恨,而查理·卓別林與這個(gè)丟棄的孩子之間充滿了渴望與慈愛。

72、Consquently, in attempting to resolve a problem without guidelines, chaos often reigns and mistrust grows, ultimately destroy what started out as a positive effort. ─── 因此,在沒有指導(dǎo)方針的情況下試圖解決一個(gè)問題時(shí),他們常常會(huì)亂成一團(tuán),滋生不信任,最終摧毀初露曙光的勝利成果。

73、The perception of being unacknowledged or undervalued manifests in stuck patterns of denial, avoidance, and mistrust. ─── 不被承認(rèn)或低估的觀念以否定,逃避和不信任的形式表現(xiàn)。

74、His experience left him with a mistrust of banks. ─── 他的經(jīng)歷使他不信任銀行。

75、You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers. ─── 你堅(jiān)定了我對陌生人與生俱來的不信任。

76、“Koreans [mistrust] funds because their only object is to make a profit, and under the Confucian system profit is immoral. ─── “韓國人(不信任)基金,因?yàn)榛鸬奈ㄒ荒繕?biāo)是獲利,按照儒家體系,獲利是不道德的?!?/p>

77、Both secrecy and deception are self-protecting mechanisms due to a sense of mistrust regarding the interest or ability of others to provide useful information. ─── 守密與欺瞞都是源自一種對于利益與他人能提供有用資訊的不信任感,而生起的自我保護(hù)機(jī)制。

78、Mistrust a subordinate who never finds fault with his superior.----John Churton Collins. ─── 不要相信從不指示上司缺點(diǎn)的下屬.

79、He had a strong mistrust of anything new and strange. ─── 他對任何新奇的事物都極不信任。

80、mistrust one's own judgement ─── 不相信自己的判斷.

81、“Employees stuck in an abusive relationship experienced more exhaustion, job tension, nervousness, depressed mood and mistrust,” Hochwarter said in a press release. ─── 員工在被辱罵的關(guān)系中工作會(huì)經(jīng)受更加嚴(yán)重的疲憊,工作壓力,緊張,沮喪的情緒以及不信任感.

82、The concept of deflecting accusations of mistrust by asking to use condoms as a contraceptive method is one that heterosexual partners of both sexes should consider using, as it seems to work well. ─── 異性伙伴中的男女雙方都應(yīng)當(dāng)考慮使用避孕套作為避孕手段,以次消除不信任的偏見,這樣似乎很有效。

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