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10-03 投稿


peacemaker 發(fā)音


英:  美:

peacemaker 中文意思翻譯



peacemaker 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 調(diào)解者;和事佬

peacemaker 詞性/詞形變化,peacemaker變形


peacemaker 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、peacemaker dc ─── 和事佬dc

2、UN Peacemaker ─── 聯(lián)合國(guó)和平締造者

3、the peacemaker ─── 末日戒備;戰(zhàn)略殺手;和平者(游戲名)

peacemaker 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、peace maker ─── 新撰組異聞錄(動(dòng)漫名,PeaceMaker)

2、pacemakers ─── [基醫(yī)]起搏器

3、lacemaker ─── 鞋帶匠

4、peacemakers ─── n.調(diào)解者;和事佬

5、peacemaking ─── n.調(diào)停;調(diào)解;adj.調(diào)停的;調(diào)解的

6、peace-maker ─── 新撰組異聞錄(動(dòng)漫名,PeaceMaker)

7、peace makers ─── 新撰組異聞錄(動(dòng)漫名,PeaceMaker)

8、platemaker ─── (印版的)制版機(jī)

9、pacemaker ─── n.[基醫(yī)]起搏器;領(lǐng)跑者;標(biāo)兵

peacemaker 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Mr Peres, perennial peacemaker, said Mr Obama's speech had left “a feeling of elation” in the region. But has any of it rubbed off on Mr anyahu? ─── 作為多年的調(diào)停者,佩雷斯表示,奧巴馬的演講對(duì)該地區(qū)而言”令人振奮”.不過(guò),這種樂(lè)觀情緒會(huì)影響到內(nèi)塔尼亞胡嗎?

2、Jane Addams was a peacemaker even when she was criticized for her views. ─── 珍亞當(dāng)斯是一位和平促進(jìn)者,即使她因她的觀點(diǎn)而飽受批評(píng);

3、ABROAD he has a reputation as a tireless peacemaker; ─── 在國(guó)外,他給人留下了永不疲倦的和平使者的印象;

4、Short-term motivation: Give them enough space. Overdriven would lead to contrary results. It would be better to boil a frog in cold water (to motivate the Peacemaker gently). ─── 短期激勵(lì):給予他足夠的空間,過(guò)激的行為會(huì)適得其反,要采取冷水煮青蛙方式。

5、Hill tried to play the peacemaker. ─── 希爾試圖假扮成和事佬。

6、The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. ─── 歷史所能頒賜的最大榮耀,就是和平締造者這個(gè)頭銜。

7、For there is one God and one peacemaker between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, ─── 因?yàn)橹挥幸晃簧?,在神和人中間,只有一位中保,乃是降世為人的基督耶穌。

8、Makgatho began sleeping in my bed. He was a gentle child, a natural peacemaker , and he tried to bring me and his mother together again. ─── 馬可戈索開(kāi)始同我一起睡覺(jué),他是個(gè)文雅的孩子,還是個(gè)自然的調(diào)解人,他曾經(jīng)試圖讓我和他母親重歸于好。

9、Ex.: Sometimes, people who play the role of a peacemaker is also needed in one unit, so that conflicts can be settled easier. ─── 例:一個(gè)單位有時(shí)候也需要一個(gè)和稀泥的人,這樣很多矛盾容易解決。

10、played the peacemaker at the conference. ─── 在會(huì)議中扮演調(diào)解人

11、Life is not only about money and power, life is more about to bring happiness to the people around us, to help the less fortunate ones, to be a peacemaker .... ─── 生命不僅僅只是包括錢財(cái)和權(quán)力,更多的是給我們身邊的人來(lái)快樂(lè)或幸福,幫助一些不幸的人,成為一名令人和諧的人。。。

12、This makes him a skilled negotiator and peacemaker, as he showed when he intervened in the early 1990s in KwaZulu Natal, then on the brink of civil war. ─── 這是他成為一位無(wú)往不勝的談判者與和平創(chuàng)造者,諸如他在1990年代初期干預(yù)夸祖魯-納塔爾省時(shí)的表現(xiàn),及后來(lái)化解了瀕臨的內(nèi)戰(zhàn)。

13、He will be a peacemaker whenever a quarrel happens. ─── 別人一吵架,他總要充當(dāng)和事佬這一角色。

14、Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody. ─── 愿我能作你的心靈的和事佬,愿我能把你本性中那些不諧調(diào)與敵對(duì)化為一致而且調(diào)和。

15、" If you want to honor God and enjoy your life, decide to be a peacemaker. ─── 如果你要尊敬上帝并享受生活,就變成一個(gè)調(diào)節(jié)者吧!

16、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. ─── 蓋茨這時(shí)則扮演了和事佬的角色。

17、When things aren't going your way, do you throw a tantrum or are you the peacemaker? ─── 如果事情不如你的意,你大發(fā)一場(chǎng)脾氣呢,還是做個(gè)和事佬?

18、Blessed are the peacemaker, for thet will be called the child of God. ─── 帶來(lái)和睦的人有福了,因?yàn)樗麄儽胤Q為神的兒子。

19、I could blame the defeat, which would be the result of my action, on him -- and come out as the peacemaker. ─── 我能夠責(zé)備這個(gè)失敗,如果它將是我戰(zhàn)斗的結(jié)果,他——接著就會(huì)出來(lái)正如一個(gè)調(diào)解者。

20、Are you a peacemaker and try to end conflict instead of starting it. ─── 你是能夠制造平靜氛圍的人嗎?

21、I, for one, am a big peacemaker. ─── 我來(lái)說(shuō),我是個(gè)超級(jí)和事佬。

22、I often act as a peacemaker, trying to mediate disputes between the wife and the husband. ─── 我經(jīng)常充當(dāng)和事佬,設(shè)法調(diào)解他們夫妻的爭(zhēng)吵。

23、Mr Peres, perennial peacemaker, said Mr Obama's speech had left “a feeling of elation” in the region. But has any of it rubbed off on Mr Netanyahu? ─── 作為多年的調(diào)停者,佩雷斯表示,奧巴馬的演講對(duì)該地區(qū)而言"令人振奮".不過(guò),這種樂(lè)觀情緒會(huì)影響到內(nèi)塔尼亞胡嗎?

24、Who can be truly gentle, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker, and always concerned about justice? ─── 又有誰(shuí)能真正的溫柔、憐憫、清心、使人和睦、不住地饑渴慕義呢?

25、This peacemaker is involved in a project called Habitat for Humanity, an organization that builds homes for needy people. Who is this hero? ─── 這位和平制造者與人類的棲息地項(xiàng)目有關(guān),一個(gè)給有需要的人們建立家園的組織。這位英雄是誰(shuí)呢?

26、Blessed are the peacemaker,for thet will be called the child of God. ─── 清心的人有福了,因?yàn)樗麄兌芸匆?jiàn)上帝.

27、Act as peacemaker and delete disputes. ─── 盡量充當(dāng)和事佬,就沒(méi)有太多紛爭(zhēng)。

28、Lamar Odom on whether he left the bench area to act as peacemaker: "I stayed on the bench. I stood up, but I stood right there. I didn't go nowhere." ─── 拉瑪爾-奧多姆談?wù)撍欠耠x開(kāi)了板凳席準(zhǔn)備去當(dāng)個(gè)和事老:“我待在板凳席上,我只是站起來(lái)了,但是我就是站在那里,我沒(méi)有去任何地方?!?/p>

29、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. 'He'd sort of break them apart and calm things down, ' says Ms. Blake , the eldest sibling. ─── 老蓋茨則扮演了和事佬的角色。蓋茨的姐姐說(shuō),他會(huì)將他們分開(kāi),安撫他們激動(dòng)的情緒。

30、The pig is a descendent of Saizou from the anime Peacemaker Kurogane, and is an NPC in Himuragumi, an LJ-based roleplaying game where I was playing Tsubame (until I switched to playing Soujirou). ─── 那只小豬是《和平捍衛(wèi)隊(duì)鐵》里的小豬的后代?而且也是我曾經(jīng)扮演小燕的網(wǎng)路同人故事里的客串角色(后來(lái)我換了人物去當(dāng)宋次郎)。

31、Why was he called "the peacemaker"? ─── 為什么他被稱為“調(diào)解人”?

32、You’ll be a peacemaker, an administrator, perhaps even a preacher. ─── 你可以成為和平使者、行政主管、或許還可以講道。

33、Trying to be a peacemaker between them, he tried to be clever only to end up with a blunder. ─── 他想當(dāng)他們之間的調(diào)解人, 卻弄巧成拙。

34、Jane Addams was a peacemaker even when she was criticized for her views. ─── 珍亞當(dāng)斯是一位和平促進(jìn)者,即使她因她的觀點(diǎn)而飽受批評(píng);

35、Abstract This paper's theme is the village elite takes peacemaker's role function in the folk mediation system. ─── 中文摘要 本論文的研究主題是村莊精英在民間調(diào)解制度中作為調(diào)解者的糾紛解決作用。

36、honest, kind,and understanding-that's the pig,you're a natural peacemaker and will do everything you can to sort out any differences of opinion. ─── 正直,善良,善解人意,屬豬的人是一個(gè)不折不扣的和事佬,而且凡事你都可以說(shuō)出與眾不同的觀點(diǎn)來(lái)

37、Wouldn’t it be great to create a reputation for yourself as a peacemaker? ─── 為你自己贏得和事佬的美譽(yù)難道不是件很棒的事情嗎?

38、Gaza presents a unique opportunity for China to rise as a global peacemaker. ─── 加沙是中國(guó)崛起為全球協(xié)調(diào)人的一個(gè)珍貴機(jī)遇。

39、Others claim it indicates an olive sprig bearer, a peacemaker, such as John Paul's global troubleshooter, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, another Frenchman, who is 78. ─── 另外有人說(shuō),那是指持橄欖樹(shù)枝的人,代表一個(gè)締造和平的人。就像約翰保祿二世一樣,試圖解決全球的紛爭(zhēng)。

40、Game, love has always been hands-on, he went so far as to act as a peacemaker. ─── 全場(chǎng)比賽,向來(lái)愛(ài)動(dòng)手的他竟然充當(dāng)了和事佬的角色。

41、As a believer, each one knows he is called to be a peacemaker. ─── 身為宗教信徒的人都知道自己蒙召為締造和平的人。

42、He is a poet who calls himself a peacemaker. ─── 這位詩(shī)人自稱是和平使者。

43、Would that I could be the peacemaker to your soul, that I might turn the discord and rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody. ─── 多么希望我能夠成為你靈魂中的和平使者,將你本質(zhì)的一切沖突與競(jìng)爭(zhēng)都協(xié)調(diào)統(tǒng)一,并使其融洽安適,有如節(jié)奏合宜的優(yōu)美樂(lè)曲。

44、The peacemaker failed to being the two warring states into agreement. ─── 和平使者沒(méi)能使交戰(zhàn)兩國(guó)達(dá)成一致意見(jiàn)。

45、Nelson Mandela has been a lawyer and a freedom fighter. A political prisoner, peacemaker and president. ─── 納爾遜·曼德拉曾經(jīng)是律師和自由戰(zhàn)士、一個(gè)政治犯、和平締造者和總統(tǒng)、一個(gè)民族創(chuàng)傷的愈合者。

46、Ever since his visit to Chao Po-tao on the day of the demonstration he had been very careful not to involve himself in their controversy, but he was always ready to play the peacemaker should a suitable opportunity present itself. ─── 自從“五卅”那天以后,他很小心地不敢再把自己牽進(jìn)了吳蓀甫他們的糾紛,可是看見(jiàn)機(jī)會(huì)湊巧時(shí),他總打算做和事老;

47、Those who dissolve two negative is strong bottle, had better be to use masculine gender to come peacemaker, ining that case is namely become the man should pay responsibility to go mediatory. ─── 化解兩陰性之沖斗,最好是用陽(yáng)性來(lái)作和事老,然則即是做丈夫的要付責(zé)任去調(diào)停。

48、If you are not a peacemaker, at least do not be a troublemaker. ─── 如果你不是締造和平者,那麼,至少不要做麻煩的制造者。

49、I often act as a peacemaker, trying to mediate disputes between the wife and the husband. ─── 我經(jīng)常充當(dāng)和事佬,設(shè)法調(diào)解他們夫妻的爭(zhēng)吵。

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