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10-03 投稿


mortgagee 發(fā)音

英:[?m??rɡ??d?i?]  美:[?m??ɡ??d?i?]

英:  美:

mortgagee 中文意思翻譯

常見釋義: 承受抵押人


mortgagee 短語詞組

1、mortgagee in possession ─── 于債務人違約時取得抵押品的受押債權(quán)人

2、mortgagee's insurable interest ─── [經(jīng)] 受押人保險利益

3、mortgagee following next ─── [法] 次位抵押權(quán)人, 次位質(zhì)權(quán)人

4、preceding mortgagee ─── 前抵押權(quán)人

5、mortgagee's rights ─── [法] 受抵押人的權(quán)利, 受質(zhì)人的權(quán)利

6、mortgagee of shares ─── [法] 股票抵押權(quán)人, 股票質(zhì)權(quán)人

7、mortgagee clause ─── [經(jīng)] 承受抵押條款

8、new mortgagee ─── [法] 新質(zhì)權(quán)人

9、subsequent mortgagee ─── [法] 次質(zhì)權(quán)人

mortgagee 詞性/詞形變化,mortgagee變形

動詞第三人稱單數(shù): mortgages |動詞過去式: mortgaged |動詞過去分詞: mortgaged |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mortgaging |

mortgagee 相似詞語短語

1、mortgagor ─── n.抵押人(等于mortgager)

2、mortgages ─── n.抵押貸款;房屋貸款(mortgage的復數(shù));財產(chǎn)貸款;v.[經(jīng)]抵押(mortgage的三單形式)

3、mortgageable ─── 可抵押

4、mortgagees ─── n.[會計]承受抵押人;押入者貸款人

5、remortgaged ─── n.轉(zhuǎn)抵押;再抵押權(quán);轉(zhuǎn)抵押借款;vt.再抵押

6、mortgaged ─── n.抵押;抵押貸款額;v.抵押;以某人的前途作代價

7、mortgage ─── n.抵押;抵押貸款額;v.抵押;以某人的前途作代價

8、mortgager ─── n.抵押人

9、mortgagers ─── n.抵押人

mortgagee 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、and (4) the written documentation issued by the mortgagee consenting to the transfer of ship (if the ship has been mortgaged). ─── 抵押權(quán)人同意船舶轉(zhuǎn)讓的書面文件(如船舶已設立抵押權(quán))。

2、He had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs. ─── 他不得不把房子抵押出去來付訴訟費。

3、When the Code of or encumber period, the debtor fails to repay some debt Chengdianren or mortgagee on the property of legal powers enjoyed. ─── 另一方面,典當物的評估價值高,典當行收益也會相應提高。而他們考慮更多的是風險規(guī)避的問題。在房產(chǎn)評估上也會體現(xiàn)這一原則。

4、They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage. ─── 他們負擔了一筆很高的按揭借款。

5、How much interest do you pay on your mortgage? ─── 你抵押物品的利息是多少?

6、She applies all her money to her mortgage. ─── 她把所有的錢都用來付抵押貸款。

7、The mortgagee would have lost a thousand pounds, and the owner of the land would have gained it. ─── 受抵人會損失1000鎊,土地所 有者會得到這1000鎊。

8、E The home buyer cannot obtain an FHA mortgage. ─── 幫忙翻譯一下這道題的意思吧。

9、Do you have any mortgage for the loan? ─── 您有什么可以做貸款的抵押?

10、The original owner of the land use right is the mortgagor and themortgage holder is the mortgagee. ─── 原擁有土地使用權(quán)的一方稱為抵押人,抵押債權(quán)人稱為抵押權(quán)人。

11、S:Which is your mortgage loan bank? ─── 你們在哪一間銀行申請按揭?

12、if the mortgagor fails to notify the mortgagee or inform the transferee of the fact, the transfer shall be null and void. ─── 抵押人未通知抵押權(quán)人或者未告知受讓人的,轉(zhuǎn)讓行為無效。

13、Building society is warning of mortgage rationing . ─── 住宅互助協(xié)會警告說要限額分配抵押借款。

14、Mortgagee should choose one of the two rights to exercise when the claim of additional mortgage reencountered with the right of subrogation in another thing. ─── 增擔保請求權(quán)與物上代位權(quán)發(fā)生競合時,抵押權(quán)人得擇一行使;在增擔保請求權(quán)不能實現(xiàn)時,抵押權(quán)人得要求債務人提前清償債務;

15、Do you mean that he is just a mortgage slave? ─── 你的意思是說,他僅僅是一個房奴?

16、If the mortgagee or chargee is a body corporate, please supply the address of the registered or principal office. ─── 如承按人或承押記人屬法人團體,請注明其注冊辦事處或主要營業(yè)地點的地址。

17、They had to rent out the upstairs to make mortgage payments. ─── 他們不得不將二樓租出去以償付抵押借款。

18、How to handle the procedures of real estate mortgage hock? ─── 如何辦理房地產(chǎn)抵押典當有關手續(xù)?

19、He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. ─── 他不得不將土地抵押來申請貸款。

20、They had fallen behind with their mortgage repayments. ─── 他們拖欠了按揭還款。

21、If I can not afford to pay my monthly mortgage, what would happen? ─── 如果我付不出每月的房子貸款,會怎樣呢?

22、What Kind of Mortgage Loan Should You Get? ─── 何種抵押貸款更適合你?

23、I have to repay my mortgage in monthly instalment for my new house. ─── 我不得不為我的房子每月分期付款償還抵押借款。

24、Note 1 : If there are more than one mortgagee, each mortgagee must complete a separate form. ─── 註釋1:如抵押權人超過一名,則每名抵押權人必須分別填寫一份表格。

25、Another casualty in the sub-prime mortgage mess. ─── 低收入貸款又出現(xiàn)新的問題.

26、I want to apply for a home mortgage. ─── 個人住房抵押貸款。

27、He fell behind with his mortgage payments. ─── 他沒有按時付抵押款。

28、Of course, a mortgage can be resold. ─── 當然,房貸是可以轉(zhuǎn)讓的。

29、Study of the Priority Rights of Guarantor, Mortgagee and beneficiary. ─── 保證人、物上擔保人與第三取得人之責任優(yōu)先問題研究。

30、If there are two or more mortgage on one ship, the said agreement between the mortgagee and the mortgagor maybe impairs the benefit of other mortgagee who has preferred order to be paid. ─── 如果一船舶上存在著兩個或者兩個以上的抵押權(quán),船舶抵押權(quán)人與抵押人協(xié)議約定實現(xiàn)抵押權(quán)可能會損害優(yōu)先順位抵押權(quán)人的利益。

31、How do I get a mortgage from the bank? ─── 怎能樣申請銀行的按揭貸款呢?

32、Article 49: A written mortgage contract shall be signed between a mortgagor and a mortgagee for the mortgage of real property. ─── 第四十九條房地產(chǎn)抵押,抵押人和抵押權(quán)人應當簽訂書面抵押合同。

33、You must pay off the mortgage this year. ─── 你今年必須歸還抵押借款。

34、Study of the Priority Rights of Guarantor , Mortgagee and beneficiary . ─── 保證人、物上擔保人與第三取得人之責任優(yōu)先問題研究。

35、Payment to payments available from our current mortgage options. ─── 付款金額可從目前的按揭方案。

36、As a mortgagee bank for housing loans were repaid to the person with the purchase of mortgage contracts are reasonable. ─── 作為抵押權(quán)人,銀行要求買房人還清貸款,才能解除其與購房人的抵押合同是合理合法的。

37、Which is your mortgage loan bank? ─── 你們在哪家銀行申請按揭?

38、Henry's company asked him to retire early but he was able to pay off his mortgage with the golden handshake they gave him. ─── 亨利的公司要他提前退休,不過他能夠用他們付給他的退職金歸還抵押款。

39、He is unable to meet his mortgage repayment. ─── 他無力支付他所抵押款的償還。

40、Hung Kai Finance established to offer a one-stop mortgage service. ─── 成立鴻基財務有限公司,提供一站式樓按服務。

41、The mortgagee shall be the first beneficiary to receive any insurance compensation within the mortgage period. ─── 在抵押時代,抵押權(quán)人為保險賠償?shù)牡谝皇芤嫒恕?/p>

42、His estate is encumbered with a heavy mortgage. ─── 他的地產(chǎn)作了高額抵押,為此承擔沈重債務。

43、We lifted the mortgage on the house last month. ─── 我們上個月付清了房屋的抵押貸款。

44、Information on your NEW mortgage. ─── 關于你的新樓。

45、The building society will be forced to foreclose on this mortgage because regular payments have not been made. ─── 住宅互助協(xié)會被迫取消這項抵押的贖取權(quán),因為沒有交納定期的付款。

46、If the mortgage isn't paid, we will be in default. ─── 如抵押沒有支付的話,我們就會拖欠款項。

47、He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. ─── 他把那筆意外的收入用於償付抵押。

48、In case the mortgagee is in possession of the mortgaged property, he is liable to deliver possession to the mortgagor. ─── 主要為中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展、融資和個人的小額資金貸款提供服務,架起企業(yè)與銀行之間的橋梁。

49、To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage. ─── 取消贖回抵押品的權(quán)利

50、A bank is a creditor when it issues a $30,000 mortgage. ─── 當銀行發(fā)放一筆三萬美元的房屋抵押貸款時,它是債權(quán)人。

51、The bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home. ─── 當銀行接受了我們的新房抵押時,銀行就成了我們的承受抵押人。

52、The Registrar may serve on the owner, demise charter or representative person, and on each mortgagee (if any) of the ship, a notice . ─── 注冊官可向該船舶的船東、轉(zhuǎn)管租約承租人或代表人及每名抵押權(quán)人(如有的話)送達通知書。

53、We will have more money to spend after we pay off our mortgage. ─── 在付清貸款後,我們會有更多錢花。

54、If default is made by the mortgagor and not rectified the mortgagee has power to foreclose. ─── 如果抵押人不履行債務且并不糾正,抵押權(quán)人有權(quán)取消(抵押人的)回贖權(quán)。

55、He has paid off the mortgage. ─── 他已歸還抵押借款。

56、I can buy the house only if a mortgage for 2000 dollars is available. ─── 只有拿到兩千美元的抵押貸款,我才買得起那棟房子。

57、May I have your advice on mortgage loans? ─── 你能告訴我一些有關抵押貸款的事嗎?

58、He said he should pay off mortgage this year. ─── 他說他今年必須還清抵押貸款。

59、It pays to shop around when you are planning to ask for a mortgage. ─── 當你正打算申請抵押貨款時,應多方參考,比較,這樣做是值得的。

60、The lender, the person receiving the benefit of the security, is called the mortgagee. ─── 出借人,即取得擔保利益的人,被稱為抵押權(quán)人。

61、Do you think we can afford the mortgage? ─── 你覺得我們能承擔抵押貸款嗎?

62、It's difficult to get a mortgage on an old house. ─── 以舊房作抵押很難獲準。

63、To appoint a receiver is more convenient for the mortgagee than taking possession. ─── 對承受抵押人而言,聘用一位產(chǎn)業(yè)清算人比接管財產(chǎn)方便些。

64、It also can shave years off your mortgage. ─── 它同時宿短你支付抵押年限。

65、They will foreclose our mortgage. ─── 他們將取消我們贖回抵押品的權(quán)利。

66、Only there's a chattel mortgage on my machine equipment. ─── 在我的機器設備上只有一項動產(chǎn)抵押。

67、He raised a mortgage on a house from a bank. ─── 他用房子作抵押向銀行借款。

68、The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property. ─── 債權(quán),要求權(quán)索回被抵押財產(chǎn)的抵押權(quán)的請求

69、Furthermore, the risks that the under-construction mortgagee suffers are more various, the preventive measurements are more special as well. ─── 在建船舶抵押權(quán)人遭遇的風險也更加多樣化,對風險的防范措施也更具特色。

70、The taxpayer or tax guarantor as referred to in the preceding Paragraph is the mortgagor;the taxation authority is the mortgagee;and the properties used for surety is the objects of mortgage. ─── 前款規(guī)定的納稅人或者納稅擔保人為抵押人,稅務機關為抵押權(quán)人,提供擔保的財產(chǎn)為抵押物。

71、He's having a lot of trouble paying his mortgage every month. ─── 他付每月的抵押借款利息有很大的困難。

72、I have to mortgage my house to pay off the debt. ─── 我不得不將房子抵押以還清債務。

73、They should not overextend themselves on the mortgage. ─── 他們不應該用抵押借款過多。

74、Do you have any other bank mortgage loa ? ─── 你有沒有其他銀行按揭貸款?

75、A people's court may adopt the measure of property preservation to the object under mortgage or lien, but the mortgagee or lienor has the priority of compensation. ─── 人民法院對抵押物、留置物可以采取財產(chǎn)保全措施,但抵押權(quán)人、留置權(quán)人有優(yōu)先受償權(quán)。

76、They will answer all the mortgage and legal questions you may have. ─── 他們會為客人解答有關買賣手續(xù)及銀行按揭貸款的問題.

77、He was so poor at that time that he had to lend money on mortgage. ─── 他那時窮得以至于靠低押來借錢。

78、Should you refinance your mortgage? ─── 你要你轉(zhuǎn)按揭?

79、In the mortgage proceedings, mortgage beneficiaries to participate in the ownership of the name and identity of the proceedings, and collateral litigation, mortgagee identity only mortgagee. ─── 在按揭訴訟中,按揭受益人以所有權(quán)人的身份和名義參加訴訟,而抵押訴訟中,抵押權(quán)人的身份只是抵押權(quán)人。

80、The mortgage is a drain on our financial resources. ─── 償還抵押借款是我們財務上的一大負擔.

81、If land use rights are mortgaged, the mortgagee bank of financial institution shall register with the State Land bureau. ─── 受理抵押的銀行或金融機構(gòu),在辦理抵押時應向國土局履行登記。

82、Mineral rights are not mortgage in this jurisdiction. ─── 在該司法管轄區(qū),礦業(yè)權(quán)益不能用作按揭貸款.

83、Claim of additional mortgage is the right that mortgagee enjoys to save his mortgage from damage when the value of guaranty cut down. ─── 增擔保請求權(quán)是在抵押物價值減少的情況下,抵押權(quán)人所享有的保全抵押權(quán)的一種權(quán)利;

84、What Kind of Home Mortgage Insurance System Should China Adopt? ─── 中國需要什么樣的住宅抵押保險機制?

85、He would like to ask you details about mortgage loans. ─── 他希望查詢有關銀行按揭的詳細內(nèi)容。

86、Are you through with our mortgage loan booklet? ─── 你看完關于抵押貸款的小冊子了嗎?

87、A mortgage on personal property. ─── 個人財產(chǎn)的抵押貸款。

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