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10-03 投稿


mooning 發(fā)音

英:[?mu?n??]  美:[?mu?n??]

英:  美:

mooning 中文意思翻譯




mooning 常用詞組

on the moon ─── 在月球上

full moon ─── 滿月

moon cake ─── n. 月餅

mooning 詞性/詞形變化,mooning變形

形容詞最高級: mooniest |形容詞比較級: moonier |

mooning 相似詞語短語

1、Kooning ─── 庫寧

2、looning ─── n.[鳥]潛鳥;懶人;笨蛋;n.(Loon)人名;(英、瑞典)隆

3、crooning ─── v.低聲歌唱;柔情地唱;對……低聲唱;n.低吟,低吟聲;輕哼,輕哼聲;n.(Croon)(美、荷、瑞、德、比)克龍(人名)

4、nooning ─── n.午休;午餐;中午;v.午休;達到最高點(noon的ing形式)

5、mooting ─── v.提出(問題)供討論;使無實際意義(moot的現(xiàn)在分詞)

6、mooring ─── n.下錨;停泊處;系船具;v.停泊(moor的ing形式);n.(Mooring)人名;(英)穆林

7、motioning ─── v.(用手勢或頭)示意(motion的現(xiàn)在分詞)

8、mooing ─── v.(牛)發(fā)出哞哞聲(moo的現(xiàn)在分詞)

9、marooning ─── n.褐紅色;逃亡黑人奴隸;孤立的人;v.使孤立;放逐到無人島上;adj.褐紅色的

mooning 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、There can be no mooning and spooning about it. I mean to marry money. ─── 我不會浪費時間去談情說愛,我就是為了錢而結(jié)婚。

2、Spaceship make it possible to travel to the moon. ─── 宇宙飛船使去月球旅行成為可能。

3、They are honey mooning in Paris. ─── 他們正在巴黎度蜜月。

4、The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies. ─── 太陽、月亮和星星都是天體。

5、The sun, the stars and the moon are celestial bodies. ─── 太陽,星星和月亮都是天體。

6、After years of Ross mooning over Rachel, she finally found out that he was in love with her. ─── 在羅斯暗戀瑞秋多年后,這個傻丫頭終于發(fā)現(xiàn)了。

7、People can fly to the moon by spaceship. ─── 人們能夠乘宇宙飛船飛向月球。

8、Clouds mantled the moon. ─── 云把月亮遮住。

9、He can come back from the Moon and help you. ─── 他可以從月球回來幫助您。

10、The spacecraft rounded the moon. ─── 太空船環(huán)繞月球飛行。

11、An old moon was coming up over the hills. ─── 一輪下弦月正在小山上升起。

12、Not long ago rockets took men to the moon. ─── 不久前火箭載人登上了月球。

13、He spends most of his time mooning over Helen. ─── 他大部分時間都在癡想著海倫。

14、He is still mooning over her. ─── 他還在癡癡地想著她。

15、He want to know if there is atmosphere on the moon. ─── 他想知道月球上是否有大氣。

16、The sun is partly eclipsed (by the moon). ─── 太陽(被月球)遮住一部分(日偏蝕).

17、Barry only visits his parents once in a blue moon. ─── 巴里很難得去看望他父母一次。

18、The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold rays at a different phase and with varied brightness. ─── 在不同的時候,月亮以不同的亮度將她慘淡的冷光沐浴在地貌上。

19、If the sun does not shine on the moon, there will be no moonlight. ─── 如果太陽光不照射到月球上,那就沒有月光了。

20、And do you have Cantonese moon cakes and Sa-qi-ma? ─── 你們這有沒有廣式月餅和薩其瑪?

21、They obtained rock samples from the moon. ─── 他們從月球獲得巖石的樣品。

22、She spent hours mooning over her favourite actor. ─── 她一連好幾個小時癡想她喜歡的那個男演員。

23、I wish you'd stop mooning about and do something useful! ─── 但愿你不要再游手好閑了,做點有益的事情吧!

24、It once seemed inconceivable to everyone that men should travel to the moon. ─── 人們一度認為,人飛上月球似乎是不可想象的。

25、The earth, sun and moon are spheres. ─── 地球、太陽和月亮都是天體。

26、She spent the whole summer mooning about at home. ─── 她一夏天都在家中混日子。

27、He's been mooning over those holiday photos all afternoon. ─── 他整個下午呆呆地看著那些假日里拍的照片。

28、Do not cry for the moon. ─── [諺]海底撈月辦不到。

29、How much is the earth larger than the moon? ─── 地球比月球大多少?

30、The earth be 49 times the size of the moon. ─── 地球的大小是月球的四十九倍。

31、Stop mooning about and do something useful for a change! ─── 別閑逛了,改一改,做點有用的事吧!

32、The full moon deluged the town with silvery light. ─── 一輪明月使整個市鎮(zhèn)浸浴在銀色的光海里。

33、A half moon is visible at the quadrature of the moon. ─── 半形月在月弦的地方可以看得見。

34、A troubled hound was baying the moon. ─── 一條受驚不安的獵狗正在對月狂吠。

35、And the headpiece represents the moon. ─── 頭上的這個代表月亮。

36、He is no longer mooning round the house. ─── 他不再在那房子四周閑蕩了。

37、The television picture sent out from the Moon all is clearly clear so. ─── 從月球發(fā)來的電視圖像都是這樣清楚明晰的。

38、The moon when only half its disk is illuminated. ─── 半月月輪只能被看到一半時的月亮

39、Aunt Sally she stuck to the sick-room all day and all night, and every time I see Uncle Silas mooning around I dodged him. ─── 薩莉阿姨整天整夜呆在病人的房間里。每逢西拉斯姨父沒精打采走過來,我馬上就躲到一邊去。

40、The moon was above, lustrous and serene. ─── 天上的月亮皎潔肅穆。

41、Man has rocketed off to the moon. ─── 人類已利用火箭飛往月球。

42、The Moon Lake is crowded with dabblers in this summer evening. ─── 在這個夏日的黃昏戲水者云集於月湖。

43、A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon. ─── 微隕星微小的隕星顆粒,特指大量墜向地球或月球表面的微隕星

44、The landing on the moon in 1969 was an epic achievement. ─── 一九六九年的登月是一項壯舉。

45、By the light of the silvery moon. ─── 在銀色的月光下。

46、People have travelled through space to the moon. ─── 人們已經(jīng)經(jīng)由太空到了月球。

47、He compare the girl to the moon in the poem. ─── 他在詩中把那姑娘比作月亮。

48、Astronomy is the scientific study of the sun, moon, and stars and other heaven bodies. ─── 天文學是研究太陽、月亮、星星和其他天體的科學。

49、The satellite was launched into orbit around the moon. ─── 衛(wèi)星被發(fā)射進入繞月球運行的軌道。

50、The harvest moon shone clear outside. ─── 中秋的滿月在外面照得很亮。

51、One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. ─── 一位首次在月球上進行太空行走的美國宇航員讓一把錘子和一根羽毛一齊落下。

52、Soon it will be commonplace for people to travel to the moon. ─── 不用多久,人們到月球旅行會變成常見的事了。

53、He seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him. ─── 這些天來他似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他談?wù)劇?/p>

54、Oh! Uh, peculiar? - You know, mooning about. ─── 哦,恩,反常?-比如,老是幻想。

55、Clouds blotting out the moon. ─── 云彩把月亮遮得看不清楚

56、They planned to send a rocket to the moon. ─── 他們計劃向月球發(fā)射火箭。

57、Wishing our blessedness like the orbicular moon. ─── 愿我們的幸福如天上美滿的月亮.

58、We will launch the moon rocket next week . ─── 下星期,我們將發(fā)射月球火箭。

59、Certain facts have become known about the materials of the moon. ─── 關(guān)于月球的構(gòu)成物質(zhì)的某些事實已為人所知。

60、The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides. ─── 孩子們弄懂了月球與潮汐的關(guān)系。

61、But if you are mooning over her at work to the extent that your colleagues are commenting, this is more than just boring for her. ─── 可是,如果你在工作中對她朝思暮想,都到了引起同事議論的程度,那就不只是會讓她感到厭煩了。

62、The sun shines far too brighter than the moon. ─── 太陽照得比月亮明亮得多了。

63、She was mooning in school, all day. ─── 她整天都在學校里瞎混。

64、The spacecraft is orbiting the moon. ─── 宇宙飛船正繞月球飛行。

65、She spent the day mooning about her lost love. ─── 她整天都在癡癡地想她失去的愛情。

66、The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets. ─── 天體要素在古代和中古時代被認為是充滿于月球空間并且是構(gòu)成恒星和行星的元素

67、The sun, moon, stars, etc. are celestial bodies. ─── 太陽、月亮、星星等都是天體。

68、Man has sent some cosmonauts to the moon. ─── 人類已把宇航員送到月球上。

69、The earth sometimes casts a shadow over the moon. ─── 地球有時把影子投到月球上。

70、If a person of humble origins wished to marry a princess, we could say he was crying for the moon. ─── 一個出身卑微的人想娶公主為妻,我們便可以說那是異想天開。

71、The moon lake is crowded with dabbler in this summer evening. ─── 在這個夏日的黃昏戲水者云集于月湖。

72、Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon. ─── 尼爾。阿姆斯壯是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。

73、The sun is farther away from us than the moon. ─── 太陽比月亮離我們更遠。

74、My mother likes moon cake with meat. ─── 媽媽喜歡吃帶有肉餡的月餅。

75、He often cried for the moon. ─── 他經(jīng)常想要要不到的東西。

76、Mary must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about--it's pitiful, really. ─── 瑪麗肯定還在愛著那個黑頭發(fā)的小伙子;自從他離去后她就一直精神恍惚――真是可憐。

77、And of course it is your experience in Indonesia that inspired your film eastern moon. ─── 當然嘍,正是由于你在印度尼西亞的體驗使你萌發(fā)靈感寫了電影《東方的月亮》。

78、Don't be sad. The moon will become full after it wanes. ─── 不要傷感。月缺以後會有滿月。

79、The space travellers made a successful landing on the moon. ─── 太空旅行者成功地登上月球。

80、The rising of the earth above the horizon as seen from the moon. ─── 地出從月球上看到的地球從地平線上升起的現(xiàn)象

81、You can't have Joe without his mooning. ─── 你不能讓東丈不光屁股啊。

82、It is obvious that there is no life on the moon. ─── 很顯然月球上沒有生物。

83、He is still mooning over her. ─── 他還在癡癡地想著她。

84、Stop mooning and get on with some work! ─── 別閑逛了,干點正事吧!

85、It's difficult to conceive of living on the moon. ─── 很難想像在月球上生活。

86、I felt right at home on the moon. ─── 在月球上我感到完全像在家里一樣自如。

87、He has a dippy notion that the moon is inhabited. ─── 他有一個愚蠢的念頭,認為月球有人居住。

88、Man's first moon landing was a conspicuous achievement. ─── 人類的首次月球登陸是一個卓越的成就。

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