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10-02 投稿


protracts 發(fā)音

英:[pr??tr?kts]  美:[pro??tr?kts]

英:  美:

protracts 中文意思翻譯



protracts 詞性/詞形變化,protracts變形

名詞: protractedness |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: protracting |動詞過去式: protracted |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): protracts |形容詞: protractive |副詞: protractedly |動詞過去分詞: protracted |

protracts 反義詞


protracts 同義詞

spin out |aggrandize | draw out | stretch out | prolong | delay | drag out | expand | lengthen | extend | amplify

protracts 相似詞語短語

1、protracted ─── adj.拖延的;v.拖延;繪制;伸展(protract的過去分詞)

2、protract ─── v.延長;繪制;伸展(身體部位)

3、protects ─── 保護;保險

4、protractors ─── n.伸肌;分度器;傷處異物摘出器

5、protractor ─── n.伸??;分度器;傷處異物摘出器

6、protractions ─── n.伸長,延長;制圖

7、precontracts ─── n.預約;婚約;vt.預約;訂婚;vi.預約;訂婚

8、retracts ─── v.縮進;取消(retract的第三人稱單數(shù)形式);n.收縮核;可收放起落架(retract的復數(shù)形式)

9、prothoraces ─── n.(昆蟲的)前胸(prothorax的變形)

protracts 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、the malce molds and an unlimited number of machines can be build with locally protracts purchased metal points parts . ─── 這些模型,再加上在當?shù)刭徺I金屬零件就可以無數(shù)臺機器。

2、extend, lengthen, elongate, stretch, prolong, protract ─── 這組動詞的一般含義是“使延長”。

3、Manage all the technical papers and materials of the modeling center, establish and protract modeling and technical papers; ─── 管理模具中心的所有技術(shù)文件和資料,制定和繪制模具圖紙和技術(shù)文件;

4、8.To protract the suspense, he paused for a considerable period of time before telling us the result of the experiment. ─── 為了延長懸念,他在告訴我們實驗結(jié)果之前停頓了相當一段時間。

5、4.wide operation principle5,The import sapphire crystal protract longevity of service. ─── 5、 進口藍寶石晶體,壽命更長。

6、* Seeking to delay the union members' vote, the management team tried to protract the negotiations endlessly, but the union representatives saw through their strategy. ─── *為了拖延工會會員的投票,公司的管理團隊試圖拖延談判不斷,但工會代表認為通過他們的戰(zhàn)略。

7、How to Protract Standard Curve for Chemical Experiment Through Word Document ─── 如何利用Word文檔繪制化學實驗標準曲線

8、Application of Excel to analysis of the capacity of working procedure and protract of the control chart ─── 運用Excel進行工序能力分析及控制圖繪制

9、protract a visit ─── 延長訪問時間

10、Result Anshenzengzhi grain decrease the times of spontaneity of mouse, significantly increase the ratio of sleeping which is caused by pentobarbital nembutal, protract the slee. ─── 結(jié)果安神增智顆粒能減少小鼠的自發(fā)活動次數(shù),明顯增加戊巴比妥鈉誘發(fā)的入睡率,并延長睡眠時間。

11、protract a war ─── 延長戰(zhàn)爭

12、The paper mainly introduces how to use the class of CFont and the class of CDC,and connects to some knowle-dge of chromatics to protract 3D character based on VC. ─── 通過對CFont類和CDC繪圖類的使用,結(jié)合色彩學的有關(guān)知識,實現(xiàn)在VC下以簡單的代碼繪制3維立體文字。

13、to protract one's stay for some days ─── 多待幾天

14、Discuss A Kind of Method to Protract Data Active Trend Chart in VFP ─── VFP環(huán)境下繪制數(shù)據(jù)動態(tài)趨勢圖的方法

15、Manage all the technical papers and materials of the modeling workshop, establish and protract modeling and technical papers; ─── 管理模具車間的所有技術(shù)文件和資料,制定和繪制模具圖紙和技術(shù)文件;

16、Protract And Design Project for Client ─── 為客戶繪制設(shè)計方案

17、The setting-up of a model of region segmentation improves the display effect obtained by useing a grating monitor to protract a straight line or border of polygon and provides a computation method of antialiasing. ─── 本文建立的區(qū)域采樣模型改進了用光柵顯示器繪制的直線或多邊形邊界的顯示效果,并提供了一種反走樣算法。

18、protract a debate ─── [法] 延長辯論

19、manual protract wave ─── 手動任意繪制

20、In practice, we often need observe characteristic curves of all apparatus. These curves are hardly drawed by hand directly, but using MATLAB protracts the curves rapidly and briefly. ─── 在實際中,我們常常需要觀察各種器件特性曲線,這些曲線很難用手直接畫出,利用MATLAB則可以較快捷,簡單的繪制這些曲線。

21、Utilizing computer to protract installation curve of overhead line ─── 利用微機繪制架空線路安裝曲線

22、Using this method, we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism. ─── 應用此方法,可定性地繪制出行星齒輪傳動機構(gòu)速度分析圖譜。

23、Making the use of filter powder during deep-frying process can protract the oil's using time in some degree. ─── 在煎炸過程中適當使用濾油粉,可在一定程度上延長棕櫚油的使用時間;

24、The inspector informed us that he was to protract his stay for some days. ─── 督察通知我們他將在此多呆幾天。

25、Delay always breeds danger; and to protract a great design is often to ruin it. ─── 推遲經(jīng)常孕育危險;拖延一個偉大的工程常常意味著毀滅它。

26、The purse of the patient protracts the disease. ─── 病人的錢包使病延長。

27、Three hours have passed since the discussion was begun, and I' m afraid they will protract it still longer. ─── 這個討論會已經(jīng)開了3個小時了,而且恐怕他們還會拖延下去的。

28、Delay always breeds danger, and to protract a great design is often to ruin it. ─── 推遲經(jīng)常孕育危險,拖延一個偉大的工程常常意味著毀滅它。

29、The system can carries out the protract , display, demand and mimeograph for real time and history datum of electromotor rev, torque, and output power ,etc, parameters. ─── 該系統(tǒng)可完成電動機的轉(zhuǎn)速、轉(zhuǎn)矩、軸輸出功率等參數(shù)的顯示及實時、歷史曲線繪制,實時數(shù)據(jù)及歷史數(shù)據(jù)的顯示、查詢、打印。

30、Delay always breeds danger;and to protract a great design is often to ruin it. ─── 推遲經(jīng)常孕育危險;

31、finally, this paper gets the optimize parameter and scheme, and protracts the grab envelope chart. ─── 并繪制挖掘包絡(luò)圖,在計算機顯示終端上動態(tài)顯示反鏟裝置作業(yè)范圍。

32、Protract one's stay for some weeks ─── 多呆了幾個星期

33、While the reach pattern is being performed,the scapula protracts and rotates upward by the combination actions of the serratus anterior andupper and lower trapezius muscles. ─── 在伸手模式進行時,下肢及身體的軀干會保持收縮來穩(wěn)住身體,同時,視身體位置而定,身體重心也可能會轉(zhuǎn)向書架來協(xié)助動作進行。

34、The cat can protract its paws. ─── 貓能伸其爪。

35、it also can save and print all parameters, and protract changing curves of parameters with time f(t), then create data base and drill report form. ─── 完成繪制鉆進參數(shù)隨時間變化曲線,建立數(shù)據(jù)庫,并產(chǎn)生相應的鉆進報表。

36、To protract for an indefinite period. ─── 無窮無盡地延伸

37、protract war ─── 持久戰(zhàn)

38、To prolong;protract. ─── 延長;拖延

39、Simple protract method for the drawing of involute ─── 漸開線齒輪齒廓的簡便繪制

40、Large-scale direct assistance is as yet lacking and will come only in the future, but China is progressive and is a big country, and these are the factors enabling her to protract the war and to promote as well as await international help. ─── 大量的直接的援助,目前雖然還沒有,尚有待于來日,但是中國有進步和大國的條件,能夠延長戰(zhàn)爭的時間,促進并等候國際的援助。

41、The distributed test system enables to survey and protract the body pressure distribution curve of different seat cushion effectively. ─── 實驗臺中的分布式體壓測試系統(tǒng)能夠有效地測繪出不同座墊實驗中的人機接觸界面的體壓分布曲線,并發(fā)揮出很好的測試作用。

42、It is an automatic test instrument,which can automatically impose test load,protract curves,analyze and process data. ─── 它是一個能自動加載測試,自動擬合曲線,自動分析和處理數(shù)據(jù)的測試裝置。

43、Use MAPINFO software to protract electronic map, establish the elementary GISsystem, and compose the system software with nicer individual-and-computer alternation interface. ─── 3.使用MAPINFO軟件繪制電子地圖,建立了初步的GIS系統(tǒng),編制了具有良好人機交互界面的系統(tǒng)軟件。

44、The purse of the patient protracts the disease. ─── 病人的錢袋拖延了疾??;錢多病耽誤。

45、Finally, protract a scale chart (1:2000) of the xinfeng town marshalling station. ─── 最后,繪制新豐鎮(zhèn)編組站比例尺圖一張(1:2000)。

46、A system that can protract add-pressure technical curve of low-pressure die casting has been programed ,it may be used easily and quickly in the technics. ─── 開發(fā)了低壓鑄造加壓工藝規(guī)范曲線系統(tǒng),通過此系統(tǒng)可以方便快捷地繪出所需的加壓工藝規(guī)范曲線。

47、On the protract analysis of the movement chart diagram of the plane link lever mechanism ─── 平面連桿機構(gòu)運動線圖的繪制方法

48、We may protract thousands of commercial oil paintings each month.We will draw up various kinds of specifications and themes according to your request in absolutely best price. ─── 我們可以以絕對優(yōu)惠的價格,按您的要求繪制各種規(guī)格和題材的作品。

49、Let's not protract the debate any further. ─── 我們不要再繼續(xù)爭論下去了。

50、But there is much difficult to protract the bending internal force figure in rigid frame due to multitudinous reasons. ─── 而由于種種原因,目前對剛架中彎曲內(nèi)力圖的繪制存在較大的困難。

51、Try to discuss the general requirement of protract accessory and assembling drawings and the expression rules of technologic requirement ─── 再談繪制零件圖和裝配圖的一般要求及技術(shù)要求的表達方法

52、Then the software of 3D data processing (includes reference framing, to protract the grey-level histogram) has been realized. ─── 在對采集得到的數(shù)據(jù)進行處理階段,完成了包括坐標變換,繪制灰度圖等程序的設(shè)計與實現(xiàn);

53、To lengthen in duration; protract. ─── 延長增加持續(xù)時間;持久

54、However, if we protract the coordinates of time and space and see it in a slightly changed frames of reference, will you be convinced with that answer.You shouldn"t. ─── 可我們?nèi)绻褧r空坐標延長,在一個稍稍改觀的參照系中,這還會是一個讓人自信的答案嗎?應該不是。

55、This paper compares and analyzes the associated situation of the several input and output forms of China since the innovation, protracts the chart of the association of industries. ─── 采用產(chǎn)業(yè)關(guān)聯(lián)分析方法,對照分析了我國改革開放以來數(shù)張投入產(chǎn)出表所反映的產(chǎn)業(yè)關(guān)聯(lián)狀況,并采用解釋結(jié)構(gòu)模型分析、繪制了我國現(xiàn)階段的產(chǎn)業(yè)關(guān)聯(lián)圖譜。

56、Abstract:The existing software and hardware can’t protract terrain continuously in real time with massive data. ─── 摘要:為解決海量地形數(shù)據(jù)無法實現(xiàn)直接、連續(xù)地實時繪制的問題,根據(jù)小波分析的特點,提出了基于小波分析的多分辨率地形模型生成算法。

57、use ActiveX Component technology to develop the graph platform and protract the electric network based on this platform which is connective in the geometry and electricity; ─── 利用ActiveX組建技術(shù)進行圖形平臺的二次開發(fā),并且繪制了具有幾何連貫性和電力完整性的整個虛擬電網(wǎng)圖;

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