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10-03 投稿


nodal 發(fā)音

英:[?no?dl]  美:[?n??dl]

英:  美:

nodal 中文意思翻譯




nodal 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 節(jié)的;結(jié)的;節(jié)似的n. (Nodal)人名;(德、西)諾達爾

nodal 常用詞組

nodal point ─── 節(jié)點

nodal force ─── 節(jié)點力

nodal displacement ─── 節(jié)點位移

nodal 詞性/詞形變化,nodal變形

副詞: nodally |

nodal 短語詞組

1、nodal circle ─── [電] 波節(jié)圓

2、nodal displacement ─── [計] 節(jié)點位移 ─── [化] 節(jié)點位移

3、nodal fever ─── [醫(yī)] 結(jié)節(jié)性紅斑

4、nodal extrasystole ─── [醫(yī)] ─── [房室]結(jié)性期外收縮

5、nodal bigeminy ─── [醫(yī)] 結(jié)性二聯(lián)律

6、nodal bradycardia ─── [醫(yī)] 結(jié)性心搏徐緩

7、nodal method ─── [計] 節(jié)點法

8、nodal diameter ─── [電] 波節(jié)直徑

9、nodal arrhythmia ─── [醫(yī)] 結(jié)性心律失常

10、nodal load ─── [化] 節(jié)點載荷

11、generalized nodal force ─── [化] 廣義節(jié)點力

12、generalized nodal displacement ─── [化] 廣義節(jié)點位移

13、major nodal earth terminal ─── [計] 主節(jié)點地面終端

14、nodal analysis ─── [計] 節(jié)點分析

15、nodal figure ─── [電] 波節(jié)圖

16、nodal line ─── [電] 節(jié)線

17、nodal parallel processor system ─── [計] 節(jié)點并行處理系統(tǒng)

18、nodal computer ─── [計] 節(jié)點計算機

19、atrioventricular nodal rhythm ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 房室結(jié)節(jié)律

nodal 相似詞語短語

1、notal ─── 背側(cè)的;背的

2、acnodal ─── 弧點的

3、modal ─── adj.模式的;情態(tài)的;形式的;n.莫代爾(一種新型纖維素纖維)

4、noxal ─── noxal

5、nopal ─── n.胭脂仙人掌;胭脂仙人掌肉;胭脂仙人掌屬植物

6、podal ─── 通過

7、enodal ─── adj.無節(jié)的

8、anodal ─── adj.[電]陽極的

9、nidal ─── adj.巢的;n.(Nidal)人名;(阿拉伯)尼達爾

nodal 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Nantong is the nodal city where the Ning-tong urban corridor intersects with Lian-Tong urban corridor. ─── 一是歷史烙印較重,自近代工業(yè)發(fā)展以來,就形成了“一城多鎮(zhèn)”的空間形態(tài);

2、High score(3-5 points) of interstitium in patients with nodal metastasis and in patients without nodal metastasis were 32.5% and 90.4% respectively outcoming with significant difference(P

3、NODAL JETTY PLATFORM A series of the lake edge landings and nodal viewing points, will be located around the lake, and will provide access to the waters edge. ─── 親水平臺由環(huán)湖的一系列湖畔平臺和親水觀景點組成的,為人們提供親近湖畔的機會。

4、CTC with air insufflation diagnosed T1/T2 stage cancer in 13 of the 38 cases, T3 in 19, and T4 in six; nodal inolement was N0 in 18 cases, N1 in 11, and N2 in nine, Memio said. ─── CT結(jié)腸鏡成像結(jié)合空氣注入技術(shù)在38例患者中發(fā)現(xiàn)處于T1/T2期患者13例,T3期的19例,T4期的6例,有淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的患者中處于N0期的18例,N1期的11例,N2期的有9例。

5、Individual lymph nodes consist of lymphocytes clustered in lymphoid follicles and reticuloendothelial cells lining nodal sinuses. ─── 單個的淋巴結(jié)包括積聚在淋巴濾泡的淋巴細胞和沿淋巴竇分布的內(nèi)皮細胞組成。

6、A specific set of five loci linked to an increased loss of heterozygosity and allelic imbalance in the stroma of sporadic tumors was associated with nodal metastases in the absence of TP53 mutations. ─── 一套特定的5個位點的聯(lián)系,以提高雜合性缺失和等位基因失衡的基質(zhì)零星的腫瘤與淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的,在沒有tp53突變。

7、The synchronous phasor measurement unit (PMU) based on global positioning system (GPS) which can directly measure the nodal voltage phasors is a new type of measurement device. ─── 基于全球定位系統(tǒng)(Global Positioning System,GPS)的同步相量量測單元(Phasor Measurement Unit,PMU)是一種新型的量測裝置,該裝置可以直接量測節(jié)點電壓相量。

8、Mice without the Nodal gene will die due to the lack of mesoderm. ─── Nodal基因缺失的小鼠由于沒有中胚層的形成導(dǎo)致死亡。

9、Long-term follow-up study in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia after modification of the slow pathway by radiofrequency catheter ablation. ─── 關(guān)鍵詞:心動過速;房室折返性;導(dǎo)管消融術(shù);動態(tài)心電圖;隨訪研究;復(fù)發(fā)

10、On the basis of changing the SC nodal data structure and the functional modules of node system, and then the algorithm thinking for sc nodes connected into SDN is focused on. ─── 在sc節(jié)點數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)及自身系統(tǒng)功能模塊改造的基礎(chǔ)上,著重思考了供應(yīng)鏈節(jié)點連入SDN中的算法思想。

11、Invasive front grading is more valuable in predicting nodal metastasis, local recurrence and survival than conventional Broders '/WHO histologic grading system. ─── 對腫瘤侵犯前沿進行組織學(xué)分級,在預(yù)測淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移、局部復(fù)發(fā)、生存率方面的價值顯著高于傳統(tǒng)的對整個腫瘤的組織學(xué)分級;

12、Careful examination of the axillae and supraclavicular area for nodal involvement is necessary. ─── 仔細的檢查腋窩和鎖骨上區(qū)域看有否受累的淋巴結(jié)是必要的。

13、The nodal modulation is a very significant feature of the tides. ─── 交點調(diào)節(jié)是一個非常重要的潮汐特征。

14、Constructs 28 nodal casting production line control systems of integrated PLC and intellectual instrument on the basis of RS485 network technology. ─── 基于RS485網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)構(gòu)筑28個節(jié)點的集成PLC和智能儀器的鑄造生產(chǎn)線控制系統(tǒng)。

15、Based on the force-method equation, the stiffness matrix and fixed-end nodal displacement and force vector are derived. ─── 在力法方程的基礎(chǔ)上,給出了組合梁單元的剛度矩陣、桿端位移向量及桿端荷載向量并建立了剛度方程。

16、On one hand, the interpolation nodal set is described by the new profound concept-normal generating set, and the relations to fundamental system and mesh norm are given. ─── 一方面用深刻的新概念-正規(guī)生成集對插值節(jié)點集的特性進行刻畫,同時給出它與基本系統(tǒng)、網(wǎng)格范數(shù)間的關(guān)系;

17、Young culm internodes sparsely glaucous hairy; nodal sheath scars hairy; culm sheath blade erect. ─── 年輕的稈節(jié)間的疏生有白霜有毛;節(jié)的鞘痕有毛;竿籜葉片直立。

18、In these patients, AF can lead to rapid ventricular rates and, subsequently, degenerate into ventricular fibrillation, especially when AV nodal blocking agents are used. ─── 在這些患者中,房顫會導(dǎo)致快室率房顫,隨后轉(zhuǎn)為心室纖維性顫動,尤其是在接受房室節(jié)點阻塞劑治療的情況下。

19、PTEN expression was not obviously correlated with age, different gender, and TNM classification etc(P>0.05),but there was significant correlation with nodal metastases and degree of OSCC(P0.05),但與淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移、組織分化程度等臨床病理參數(shù)間有顯著性差異(P

20、Here, our focus is on individual nodal outcomes, but considered within the context of a particular social structure. ─── 我們這里關(guān)注的是個人的結(jié)果,不過是在特定社會結(jié)構(gòu)的情境中來考慮。

21、But keep in mind sigma orbitals have no nodal planes along the bond axis. ─── 但記住sigma軌道沿著,鍵軸方向是沒有節(jié)點的。

22、Patients with AF were classified by group A(25 patients),3 of which coexisted with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia(AVNRT),4 with atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia(AVRT) and 10 with paroxysmal atrial tachycardia(PAT). ─── 其中A組同時合并房室結(jié)折返性心動過速(AVNRT)3例,房室折返性心動過速(AVRT)4例,陣發(fā)性房性心動過速(PAT)10例;

23、It is one of the nodal points on the westward motorway out of London, the M4 corridor, also known as Britain's Silicon Valley. ─── 這里是出倫敦城的西向高速公路上的一個節(jié)點——M4走廊,也被稱為英國的硅谷。

24、orbitals are a molecular orbital that have a nodal plane through the bond axis. ─── 軌道是沿著鍵軸,有節(jié)面的分子軌道。

25、The tubercle of the cancer of scale form cell that differentiates with its is not smooth, and nodal brim submits translucent form. ─── 與其相鑒別的鱗形細胞癌的結(jié)節(jié)是不光滑的,且結(jié)節(jié)邊緣呈半透明狀。

26、Nodal Point Distance on Graph Theory ─── 圖論中結(jié)點距離

27、Only 2 cases (2/57)with the compact nodal type were misdiagnosis as breast fibroadenoma. ─── 其中2例致密結(jié)節(jié)型積乳囊腫誤診為纖維腺瘤。

28、This model presents the modified nodal approach (MNA) equations instead of the equivalent circuit of the structure. ─── 同時,它以描述系統(tǒng)的改進節(jié)點法方程(MNA)代替了具體的等效電路。

29、Those with unfavorable features were randomized to four or six cycles of chemotherapy plus involved field radiotherapy or subtotal nodal radiotherapy. ─── 情況較差的患者被隨機進行四療程或六療程化療加相關(guān)區(qū)域放療,或全淋巴結(jié)放療。

30、Changes and Significance of Antegrade Effective Refractory Period of the Fast and Slow Pathway During Radiofrequency Current Ablation in Patients With Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia. ─── 射頻消融術(shù)中房室結(jié)快慢徑前傳不應(yīng)期變化及其意義。

31、In this paper, a nodal system analysis method is introduced into dynamic evaluation of gas condensate well performance, and a relevant complete computer program is composed. ─── 將節(jié)點系統(tǒng)分析方法引入凝析氣井的動態(tài)分析,并編制了完整的計算軟件。

32、Nodal status correlates with disease-free and overall survival better than other prognostic factors. ─── 與其他預(yù)后因素相比,結(jié)節(jié)狀況與無病及總存活率關(guān)系更大。

33、If often sit hard bench, can cause ischiadic and nodal sex slippery bursa is phlogistic, especially the old person with emaciated body is more incidental such injury. ─── 假如老坐硬板凳,就會誘發(fā)坐骨結(jié)節(jié)性滑囊炎,尤其是身體瘦弱的老人更輕易發(fā)生這樣的損傷。

34、In 18 cases with cancer of 8cm and bigger in diameter,4 lymph node involvement (22%)around left pulmonary vein, 18 nodal involvement( 100%) at left gastric artery, 16(88%)at trachea carina and 1 at left pulmonary artery were found. ─── 8cm以上病例18例,其中左下肺靜脈淋巴結(jié)4例(22%)有轉(zhuǎn)移,胃左淋巴結(jié)18例(100%)有轉(zhuǎn)移,氣管隆突淋巴結(jié)16例(88%)有轉(zhuǎn)移. 左肺動脈淋巴結(jié)1例(5.8%)轉(zhuǎn)移.

35、The number of patients with accessory pathway (AVRT) and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) were 8344 and 4822 respectively. ─── 各類心律失常中房室折返性心動過速(AVRT)為8344例(57 。2% ),房室結(jié)折返性心動過速(AVNRT) 4822例(33% )。

36、Since the function is cubic, four nodal quantities are required to define the distribution on a side. ─── 因為函數(shù)是三次的,所以需要4個結(jié)點未知數(shù)確定每邊的分布。

37、The constraints consist of member stresses, slenderness ratios, nodal displacements and buckling stresses. ─── 其拘束條件包括元件應(yīng)力、細長比、節(jié)點位移及挫曲應(yīng)力。

38、Anselme F,Papageorgion P,Monahan K,et al.Presence and significance of the left atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia[J].Am J Cardial,1999,83 (11):1530. ─── 劉啟功,王琳,張存泰,等.多種類型房室結(jié)折返性心動過速的電生理特點[J].臨床心電學(xué)雜志,2001,10(2):89-90.

39、Objective and method: To investigate the clinical therapies of paroxysm atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia in the gravidas. ─── 摘要目的和方法:探討妊娠合并陣發(fā)性房室結(jié)折返性心動過速的臨床治療方法。

40、The Characteristics of Intracardiac Electrocardiography in Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia Complicated by Bundle Branch Block. ─── 房室結(jié)折返性心動過速合并束支阻滯時心內(nèi)電圖特征。

41、A Nonlinear Iteration Analytical Nodal Method ─── 基于非線性迭代的節(jié)塊方法

42、In order to improve the accuracy of nodal method used in PWR core power distribution calculation, the exact calculation of baffle and reflector (B/R) homogenized parameters is the key point. ─── 為了提高節(jié)塊方法在PWR堆芯功率分布計算中的精度,圍板/反射層均勻化參數(shù)的正確計算是重要關(guān)鍵。

43、Each element type has a degree of freedom set, which constitute the primary nodal unknowns to be determined by the analysis. ─── 每個單元類型都有一組節(jié)點自由度序列組成,用來指定通過分析來測定的未知的初始節(jié)點值。

44、If you are taking a panoramic image of a landscape where everything is far away, you can be considerably off the nodal point with little ill effect. ─── 如果您是拍攝風(fēng)景的全景照片,里面的景物離我們很遠,即使偏離節(jié)點程度很大,也不會有多大的負面效應(yīng)。

45、Objective: To compare the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) with palpation in the diagnosis of axillary nodal metastasis in breast cancer. ─── 摘要目的:評價彩色多普勒超聲與臨床觸診診斷乳腺癌腋窩淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的靈敏度、特異度和準(zhǔn)確度性。

46、Main outcome measures Recurrence rate, complication rate, hospital stay, nodal counts, blood loss, operating time. ─── 主要測量結(jié)果:疾病的復(fù)發(fā)率,并發(fā)癥發(fā)病率,住院時間,淋巴結(jié)節(jié)計數(shù),出血量,手術(shù)時間。

47、Besides, the selection of nodal points of hidden layer neuron network based on BP is key to the performance of image network, so it is a must to select proper nodal points of the hidden layer. ─── 另外,基于BP算法的神經(jīng)元網(wǎng)絡(luò)中隱含層節(jié)點數(shù)的選擇是影像網(wǎng)絡(luò)性能的一個關(guān)鍵因素,所以,要選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)碾[含層節(jié)點數(shù),

48、Moley J F,De Benedetti M K.Pattern of nodal metastases in palpable medullary thyroid carcinoma:recommendation for extent of node dissection[J].Ann Surg,1999,229:880-887. ─── 臨床醫(yī)學(xué)論文,醫(yī)藥學(xué)論文,免費論文,中國論文網(wǎng)->轉(zhuǎn)載"甲狀腺髓樣癌不同手術(shù)方式對預(yù)后影響"文章請注明免費論文網(wǎng)

49、Parameter estimation in water distribution system (WDS) modeling plays an important role, which includes nodal demand and pipe roughness estimation. ─── 建立較準(zhǔn)確的管網(wǎng)水力模型需要對管網(wǎng)的一些參數(shù)進行復(fù)核,主要包括對節(jié)點流量的估計和對管道摩阻的校正。

50、The key problem of producing nodal analysis for gas-water well is analysis of inflow performance of the gas -water well. ─── 基于氣水井的流入動態(tài)的研究成果,將其與流出動態(tài)相結(jié)合。

51、The influence of switching off branch on system nodal voltages and line loads is analyzed and the concept of security margin and its calculation formula are given. ─── 分析了支路斷開對系統(tǒng)節(jié)點電壓及線路負荷的影響,給出安全裕度概念和計算公式。

52、It has grown in strength in a matter of just a few years, and acts through powerful beacons of Light at the nodal points. ─── 它不斷的壯大,在未來的時間,通過光建立強大的結(jié)點。

53、For shape optimization of truss structure, the design variables are separated into two kinds of bar sectional size and nodal position by multilevel decomposition optimization method. The solution process is divided into two steps. ─── 對于桁架結(jié)構(gòu)形狀優(yōu)化,應(yīng)用層次分解優(yōu)化方法,將設(shè)計變量分成桿件截面積和節(jié)點位置兩類變量。

54、Unsynchronized atrioventricualr activation during atrioventricular nodal reentranttachycardia (AVNRT) were seen in 13 patients, 11 of which had 2: 1 AV conduction, 2 AV dissocua-tion. ─── 13倒房室結(jié)折返性心動過速(AVNRT),其心動過速時表現(xiàn)為房室非同步興奮,其中房室2:1傳導(dǎo)11例,房室分離2例。

55、They were a nodal point, perhaps, in a thoroughly globalised Christian world, embracing the Roman empire and much more. ─── 西奈山可能曾是個全球化的基督教世界的樞紐,聯(lián)結(jié)著羅馬帝國等等地方。

56、The AW of between dual AV nodal pathways,bundle branches and kent bundle were 5 times (3.6%),2 times (1.5%) and 2 times (1.5%),respectively. ─── 房室結(jié)雙徑路間、束支、房室旁束的AW分別為5,2,2例次,分別占3.6%、1.5%、1.5%。

57、We will consider this example from the nodal analysis point of view. ─── 我們從節(jié)點分析法的觀點來考慮這個例子。

58、Electrophysiologic characteristics and radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with multiple atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardias. ─── 多種類型房室結(jié)折返性心動過速的電生理特點。

59、In addition, users may “rewire” nodal outputs in order to experiment with novel receiver and formation evaluation concepts. ─── 另外,用戶可以重新布置結(jié)點輸出以便實驗新型接收線圈和地層評價概念。

60、The SLN accurately predicted the tumor status of the nodal basin in 94% of cases. ─── 94%成功檢出SLN,并正確反映了該區(qū)域淋巴結(jié)的腫瘤狀況。

61、Bilchik AJ, Nora DT. Lymphatic mapping of nodal micrometastasis in colon cancer: Putting the cart before the horse[J]? Ann Surg Oncol, 2002,9(6):529-531. ─── 任宏,鄧智平,劉剛,等.淋巴繪圖技術(shù)對胃癌前哨淋巴結(jié)定位檢測的意義[J].第四軍醫(yī)大學(xué)學(xué)報,2006,26(16):1452.

62、The occurrence of distant metastases was significantly related to locoregional control, TNM stage, N (nodal) classification, and the primary sites being the hypopharynx and nasopharynx. ─── 容易發(fā)生遠隔轉(zhuǎn)移的因子包括局部控制失敗、原發(fā)腫瘤的期別高、頸部淋巴轉(zhuǎn)移較嚴重、及原發(fā)腫瘤位在鼻咽部與下咽部者。

63、Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem ─── 外部節(jié)點轉(zhuǎn)換子系統(tǒng)

64、CEPC is a nodal agency under the Textiles Ministry that is responsible for export promotion of hand knotted carpets and other floor coverings. ─── CEPC是紡織部下屬的辦事處,他有責(zé)任促進手工編織地毯和其他地毯的出口。

65、The directivity shows that the Nodal plane I is the fault plane, and that the earthquake ruptured unilaterally from the northeast to the southwest, nearly perpendicular to the strike of the Java trench. ─── P波的這種多普勒效應(yīng)表明,走向199°的節(jié)面為斷層面. 地震是從東北向西南方向單側(cè)破裂的,破裂傳播方向幾乎垂直于爪哇海溝走向.

66、Whether the addition of para-aortic nodal dissection (PAND) to D2 lymphadenectomy for stage T2, T3, or T4 tumors improves survival is controversial. ─── 對T2、T3以及T4期胃癌患者實施增加主動脈旁淋巴結(jié)清掃的D2根治術(shù)是否能提高生存率尚未達成共識。

67、This model presents the modified nodal approach(MNA) equations instead of the equivalent circuit of the structure. ─── 同時 ,它以描述系統(tǒng)的改進節(jié)點法方程 ( MNA)代替了具體的等效電路 .

68、For each time increment, the approximation of each unknown nodal function can be solved with the matrix left division command in MATLAB. ─── 在每一個時間步長,利用MATLAB提供的矩陣左除命令即可求出各個未知節(jié)點的函數(shù)近似值。

69、Bright areas reveal undeflected or stationary nodal regions while contour lines trace out areas of constant vibrational amplitude. ─── 亮區(qū)表示未受偏轉(zhuǎn)的或穩(wěn)定的波節(jié)區(qū)而輪廓線則描繪出等振幅的區(qū)域。

70、Calculation of cabin capacity based on nodal point ─── 基于型值點的艙容計算

71、The same remarks for the ideal voltage source in nodal analysis apply to ideal current sources in loop analysis. ─── 關(guān)于節(jié)點分析法中理想電壓源的附注同樣可以應(yīng)用到回路分析法中出現(xiàn)理想電流源的情況。

72、As we have learned, often sit the old person of bench suffers from on one kind easily to call ischiadic and nodal sex the disease with slippery phlogistic bursa. ─── 據(jù)了解,經(jīng)常坐板凳的老人輕易患上一種叫做坐骨結(jié)節(jié)性滑囊炎的疾病。

73、The 1-year involved nodal failure rate was 20. 0% in ENI group and 10. 0% in IFI group( P -0. 048). The 1 -year elective node failure rate was 16.0% in ENI group versus 21.0% in IFI group(P-0. 39). ─── 1年內(nèi)累及野照射區(qū)內(nèi)淋巴結(jié)復(fù)發(fā)率IFI組為10.0%,ENI組為20.0%(P=0.048),預(yù)防性照射區(qū)內(nèi)淋巴結(jié)復(fù)發(fā)率IFI組為21.0%,ENI組為16.0%(P=0.39);

74、You have probably a bad nodal point setting (position of the camera on the tripod or the panoramic head) or some distortion in your images. ─── 你在你的圖像中或許有一個壞的節(jié)點設(shè)定(照相機的位置在三腳架或全景的磁頭上)或一些失真。

75、But, nodal in the great occasion of nation of night before last, she telephones to tell me:" She got away from the fetter, divorcing" this is really unimaginable to me..I ask her:" What is the reason? ─── 不過,我也想知道,人在結(jié)婚的時候的初衷到底是為了什么?真的只為完成任務(wù)嗎?等到離婚那天才說是因為感情上有問題,性格不合。

76、The expression of VEGF in NSCLC was 64%,there was not significantly relationship between the expression of VEGF and histologic subtype,differentiation,p-TNM stage,and lymph nodal metastases(P>0.05). ─── 100例NSCLC石蠟標(biāo)本中,VEGF陽性率為64%,不同p-TNM分期、淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移的NSCLC組織中,VEGF表達與NSCLC組織學(xué)類型和分化程度、p-TNM分期、淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移無明顯相關(guān)性。

77、We begin to develop a microlevel model of organization-level relations that accounts for nodal multiplexity. ─── 我們開始提出了一個組織間關(guān)系的微觀模型,這個模型能夠解釋節(jié)點的多樣性。

78、OBJECTIVE: To explore the prevalence, patterns and clinical significance of nodal micrometastases in patients with esophageal cancer. ─── 摘要目的:探討食管癌術(shù)后常規(guī)病理檢查無轉(zhuǎn)移性淋巴結(jié)微轉(zhuǎn)移的發(fā)生率、類型及臨床意義。

79、Thus, nodal code of Finite Element Method can be parallelized and operated in the connecting point of different groups of PVM. ─── 因此,有限元節(jié)點代碼可以被并行化、并能在基于不同的PVM機群結(jié)點上運行。

80、The APS rate was 92% (22/24) for atrioventricular nodal reetrant tachycardia(AVNRT), 88% (15/17) for left-sided accessory pathways, 83% (5/6) for right-sided accessory pathways, 100% (19/19) for atrial flutter. ─── 左、右側(cè)旁道參與的房室折返性心動過速(AVRT)的成功率分別為88%(15/17)、83%(5/6); 心房撲動的成功率為100%(19/19)。

81、Dual atrioventricular nodal pathways (DAVNP) are regarded as the basis of the presence of atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT). ─── 房室結(jié)雙徑路(DAVNP)被認為是發(fā)生房室結(jié)折返性心動過速(AVNRT)的基礎(chǔ)。

82、Patients with favorable features were randomized to subtotal nodal radiotherapy or three cycles of chemotherapy plus involved-field radiotherapy. ─── 情況較好的患者被隨機進行全淋巴結(jié)放療,或三療程化療加相關(guān)區(qū)域放療。

83、The methodology of the nonlinear iteration nodal method is based on the nodal expansion method (NEM) and nonlinear iteration strategy. ─── 它是以節(jié)塊展開法(NEM)和非線性迭代策略為基礎(chǔ)發(fā)展起來的先進節(jié)塊方法。

84、the nodal plane in this case? ─── 這種情況下的節(jié)面在哪呢?

85、Selecting all gravidas with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia who have been hospitalized in our hospital in the last dacade and analyzing the therapies of the disease. ─── 入選我院10年來因妊娠合并陣發(fā)性房室結(jié)心動過速住院治療病例,分析并總結(jié)其治療方法。

86、Based on axial CT images and multiplanar reformations, patients were staged as T1/T2, T3, and T4; nodal involvement was classified as N0, N1, and N2. ─── 基于軸向CT的成像與多平面重新成形在臨床應(yīng)用,患者據(jù)此影像資料被劃分入T1/T2,T3和T4四期;依據(jù)受累淋巴結(jié)情況分為N0,N1及N2.三種情況。

87、In this paper the nodal displacements and forces of bending bars are taken as state vectors. ─── 取柱端位移和對應(yīng)的柱端力作為狀態(tài)變量,利用傳遞矩陣和逐段分析的方法來分析多跨多層框架。

88、The crack causes discontinuity of the body. It has isolation effect on nodal points. ─── 裂紋使得彈性體具有不連續(xù)性,對體內(nèi)節(jié)點具有隔離作用。

89、According to the field strain inspection on the steel long-cantilever truss, the result shows that the effect of the nodal moment on the truss can t be ignored, especially on the web member. ─── 對一個長懸臂鋼桁架進行現(xiàn)場應(yīng)變監(jiān)測,結(jié)果表明,節(jié)點彎矩在本桁架中的影響不可忽略,特別是對腹桿的影響相對更大,在設(shè)計中必須給予考慮。

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