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10-02 投稿


polymorphic 發(fā)音

英:[?pɑ?l??m??rf?k]  美:[?p?l??m??f?k]

英:  美:

polymorphic 中文意思翻譯

常見釋義: 多態(tài)的


polymorphic 短語詞組

1、polymorphic variant ─── [醫(yī)]多態(tài)變異體

2、polymorphic system ─── [計] 多形系統(tǒng)

3、polymorphic colony ─── 多態(tài)群體, ─── 多態(tài)菌落

4、polymorphic programming language ─── [計] 多形程序設(shè)計語言

5、polymorphic form ─── [化] 多晶型

6、polymorphic character ─── [昆]多態(tài)性狀

7、polymorphic plexus ─── [醫(yī)] 多形 ─── [細胞]叢(大腦皮質(zhì))

8、polymorphic nucleus ─── 多形核

9、polymorphic code ─── [計] 多形代碼

10、polymorphic language ─── [計] 多種組合形式語言, 多形語言

11、polymorphic programming ─── [計] 多形程序設(shè)計

12、polymorphic prey ─── 多態(tài)獵物

13、polymorphic behavior ─── 多態(tài)行為

14、polymorphic species ─── 多態(tài)種

15、nuclei polymorphic ─── [醫(yī)] 多形核

16、polymorphic fungus ─── 多態(tài)真菌

17、polymorphic procedure ─── [計] 多形過程

18、polymorphic male ─── 多型雄螨

19、polymorphic neuron ─── [醫(yī)] 多形神經(jīng)元

polymorphic 相似詞語短語

1、polymorphous ─── adj.[生物]多形的;多形態(tài)的;多功能的

2、polymorphs ─── n.同質(zhì)多形體;多晶型物

3、polymorphically ─── adv.以多態(tài)方式;多形態(tài)地

4、holomorphic ─── adj.[數(shù)]全純的;正則的

5、polymorphism ─── n.多態(tài)性;多形性;同質(zhì)多晶

6、allomorphic ─── adj.同質(zhì)異晶的;副象的

7、protomorphic ─── adj.原形態(tài)的

8、polymorph ─── n.多形體;多晶型物;同質(zhì)異像體;多態(tài)生物,多態(tài)無機物;多型核細胞

9、polymorphistic ─── 多態(tài)的

polymorphic 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Polymorph powers change a target's physical form in some way. ─── 變形威能用某些方法改變目標的物理形態(tài)。

2、With the Clever Traps talent Freezing Trap can be as viable at crowd control as a mage's Polymorph, taking a mob out of combat for up to 26 seconds. ─── 如果加了靈巧陷阱的天賦,冰凍陷阱可以像法師的變形術(shù)一樣控制一個怪物多達26秒。

3、Polymorph - Black Cat - Transforms the enemy into a harmless black cat, forcing it to pussyfoot around for up to 50 sec. ─── 變形術(shù)-黑貓-把敵人變成一只無害的黑貓,最多持續(xù)50秒。

4、To analyze the DNA polymorphism of Malassezia Spp. by using random amplification of polymorphic DNA(RAPD) assay. ─── 應(yīng)用RAPD法對不同來源的馬拉色菌進行DNA分型。

5、After all, the ability to add such polymorphic methods is one of the key advantages of an object-oriented language. ─── 畢竟,添加這種多態(tài)方法的能力是面向?qū)ο笳Z言的關(guān)鍵優(yōu)勢之一。

6、A total of 265 bands were generated by 5 pairs of AFLP primers combinations, among them 79.25%, 73.58% and 75.85% were polymorphic in DDC, DDS-G1 and JCS-G1 respectively. ─── 5對選擇性擴增引物共擴增譜帶265條,DDC的多態(tài)位點比率為79.25%,DDS G1為73.58%,JCS G1為75.85%。

7、Seal of Wrath applies to non damaging attacks causing it tobreak Polymorph. ─── 如果法師被一個傷害吸收護盾所保護,熔巖護甲將無法對攻擊者造成傷害。

8、Polymorphic viruses that change each time the virus infects a new computer, somewhat like mutating biological viruses. ─── 多態(tài)類病毒在每次感染新計算機時變化,有些像變異生物病毒。

9、However the sequences of both IGS and SSUrRNA were polymorphic. ─── 于地理演化上,不同地區(qū)間亦無隔離分化的情況。

10、The Polymorph spell's gargoyle form will now properly categorize the caster as a monstrous humanoid. ─── 德魯伊自然變身元素型態(tài)將正確把德魯伊分類為一個元素。

11、Glyph of the Penguin - Empowers a Minor Glyph to cause your Polymorph: Sheep spell to turn the target into a baby penguin. ─── 企鵝銘文:為一個次級銘文充能,使得你的變形術(shù)可以將目標變?yōu)橐恢挥啄昶簌Z。。。。

12、The fingerprints amplification by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) with 6 polymorphic 10-based random primers selected from 40 ones was analyzed. ─── 從40個引物(10堿基的寡核苷酸)中篩選出6個引物,對它們的PCR擴增結(jié)果進行分析。

13、In the early stage the amount of C-S-H gel is little,and polymorphic C-S-H started to precipitate in the acceleration period and formed a flower structure. ─── 在水化早期C-S-H凝膠數(shù)量較少,在加速期才大量形成,最終成為花朵狀結(jié)構(gòu)。

14、In 1990 year, Willm and Welsh founded a new method in exploring genetic polymorph. ─── 1990年’if! 。

15、Percentage of polymorphic loci and average homozygosity of microsatellite DNA were higher than those obtained by biochemistry marker analysis. ─── 兩種方法測得的平均有效等位基因數(shù)趨于一致,微衛(wèi)星DNA的多態(tài)位點百分率和平均雜合度均明顯高于生化標記方法。

16、Furthermore, some characters were found to be associated with two or more polymorphic alleles, nearby in the same linkage group. ─── 此外,還發(fā)現(xiàn)有一個性狀與同一連鎖群相隔很近的多個多態(tài)性位點關(guān)聯(lián)的情況。

17、The average polymorphic information content valued 0.1974 and 0.2102, respectively. ─── 平均多態(tài)信息含量分別為0.1974、0.2102;

18、Polymorph viruses are the real masters of disguise. They change their own programming codes - and are therefore very hard to detect. ─── 多態(tài)病毒是真正的隱藏高手。他們可以改變他們自己的編程代碼-因此也非常難以被發(fā)現(xiàn)。

19、For reaching to the 'Origin', we must find the correct path to get there. My action of Polymorph is just one of the ways to search for the 'path'. ─── 為了追求‘起源’,我們不得不去找正確的通道。我把身體弄成這副奇怪的樣子,也只是對‘道路’的摸索而已。

20、Microstaellite loci Lscv043,BMS2508,300U and GC101 were polymorphic. ─── 微衛(wèi)星Lscv043、BMS2508、300U、GC101均為多態(tài)位點;

21、The human CYP2B6 gene is highly polymorphic,having many single nucleotide polymorphisms in promoters and coding regions. ─── CYP2B6具有高度基因多態(tài)性,在基因編碼區(qū)和非編碼存在許多單堿基突變。

22、Kaspersky Lab has detected that multiple variants of Kido, a polymorphic worm, are currently spreading widely. ─── 卡巴斯基實驗室偵測到多個變種馬基斯,一個多態(tài)病毒,目前正在廣泛蔓延。

23、A 40base polymorphic repeat sequence located in the 3'untranslated region of the DAT gene was purified and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). ─── 將位于多巴胺運輸器基因3'端未轉(zhuǎn)譯區(qū)段的40堿基多形性重復序列予以純化、經(jīng)聚合酶鏈鎖反應(yīng)放大。

24、In Dorset sheep,these frequencies were 0.60,0.40.The polymorphic fragment amplified by primer 2 was sequenced. ─── 小尾寒羊AA、AB基因型頻率分別為0.83和0.17,多賽特羊AA、AB基因型頻率分別為0.60和0.40。

25、The Add method's parameter must be consistent (polymorphic) with the type returned from the IEnumerator.Current property returned from the GetEnumerator method. ─── Add方法的參數(shù)必須與從GetEnumerator方法返回的IEnumerator.Current屬性所返回的類型一致(多態(tài))。

26、Both strains manifest polymorphism on G-3-PD,G -6-PD, Es-6 and Es- 8 loci, and GOT- 1 locus in DHP strain is also polymorphic. ─── 二個品系的G-3-PD,G-6-PD、ES-6和ES-8位點呈多態(tài)性,DPH品系還有GOT-1位點呈多態(tài)性。

27、In Symbian OS, the typical use of a polymorphic DLL is to implement a framework extension. ─── 多態(tài)DLL,通過實現(xiàn)某個預(yù)定義的接口為另外的程序提供插件式功能的DLL。一般由DLL用戶實時地動態(tài)加載。

28、A total of 107 polymorphic bands were detected in the RFLP analysis using 49 RFLP probes. ─── 在RFLP分析中,49個RFLP探針共檢測出107條多態(tài)性帶。

29、Do define an interface if you need to provide a polymorphic hierarchy of value types. ─── 如果需要提供多態(tài)層次結(jié)構(gòu)的值類型,則應(yīng)定義接口。

30、There are some polymorphic loci in the VDR gene and they are associated with many diseases. ─── 其基因上存在多個多態(tài)性位點,并與許多疾病發(fā)生有關(guān)。

31、Six polymorphic species: alpine, subarctic, or temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America; three species in China. ─── 6多態(tài)的種:高山,近北極,或亞洲,歐洲和北美洲的溫帶的地區(qū);中國有3種。

32、The proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean average heterozygosity of the population were 24%and 0.086,respectively. ─── 從實驗可見淮河鯉的同工酶系統(tǒng)具有明顯的多態(tài)性,多態(tài)座位比例為24%,平均雜合度為0.086。

33、Statically forbid polymorphic recursion. ─── 靜態(tài)禁止多態(tài)遞歸。

34、A total of 84 discernible loci were obtained for all populations using 10 primers, 38.10% of which were polymorphic (PPL=38.10%). ─── 10條隨機引物擴增出 84個可分析位點 ,多態(tài)位點百分比 (PPL)為 3 8.10%。

35、Title: Establishment and optimization of reaction system of random amplified polymorphic DNA in Carthamus tinctorius L. ─── 關(guān)鍵詞:紅花;隨機擴增多態(tài)性DNA;反應(yīng)體系;構(gòu)建

36、If using 0.99 and 0.95 criterion, the proportions of polymorphic loci of Taihu N. taihuensis were 18.8% and 12.5%, repectively. ─── 另外分別以最高基因頻率小于0.99和小于0.95為基準,太湖新銀魚的多態(tài)基因座位比例分別為18.8%和12.5%。

37、Forty-one out of 80 (50.5%) RAMP primers, which could produce clear and polymorphic bands, were selected for the PCR amplification of genomic DNA. ─── 80個RAMP引物組合中,有41個(占50.5%)可擴增出清晰且具多態(tài)性的條帶。

38、This fact may be obfuscated by our simple example earlier in which the polymorphic recursion occurs as a simple, direct self-reference. ─── 我們先前的簡單示例(其中,多態(tài)遞歸作為一個簡單直接的自引用發(fā)生)會使這一事實變得模糊。

39、In this paper, we discussed the roles of some relevant pharmcogenes on the basis of polymorph... ─── 盡管藥物相關(guān)基因的研究具有極大的臨床價值,但是目前的研究工作剛剛起步,更多的工作需要完成。

40、Being an amphiphile, this molecule possesses polymorphic behaviour, that is currently a topic of research in academic study. ─── ;磷脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositol,PI):是一類化合物,is a minor phospholipid component in the cytosolic side of eukaryotic cell membranes.

41、Immunities (Ex): Liches have immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph (though they can willingly use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting attacks. ─── 免疫(特殊):巫妖免疫寒冷,電擊,變形(但是他們依然可以按照自己的意愿給自己使用變形效果)以及影響心靈的攻擊.

42、We run into this most commonly between support for independent object-based and polymorphic object-oriented class programming. ─── 在對獨立的基于對象和面向多態(tài)對象的類編程的支持中,最常遇到這種情況。

43、Don't trinket too fast...they may be precasting another polymorph. ─── 他們可能繼續(xù)將你變羊。

44、Neither the inability to induce VT nor the ability of drugs to suppress inducible polymorphic VT or VF is a predictor of a favorable outcome. ─── 不能誘導室性心動過速不是,用藥物能控制的可誘導多型的VT和VF也不是良好結(jié)果的信號。

45、Methods Polymorphic analysis was used for the commercial crude drug Bulbus Lilii with RAPD technique and a tree diagram was constructed. ─── 方法采用RAPD技術(shù)對商品藥材百合進行了多態(tài)性分析,并構(gòu)建聚類樹型圖。

46、Polymorph duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds. ─── 變羊術(shù)對玩家生效時間降低為10秒。

47、The contr ibution of polymorphic CYP2C19to both N-demethylation and O-dealk ylation of fluoxetine are substrate dose-dependent and gene dose-depen dent. ─── 多態(tài)性CYP2C19對氟西汀代謝的作用均呈底物劑量依賴性和基因劑量效應(yīng)。

48、Of these bands, 114 were polymorphic, and the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 95.00%. ─── 其中,多態(tài)性譜帶114條,多態(tài)性帶百分率(PPB)為95.00%。

49、Internetware, that is software running on such execution platforms, should be autonomous, evolvable, co-operative, polymorphic and context-aware, compared to traditional software. ─── 在這種網(wǎng)絡(luò)運行環(huán)境下,網(wǎng)構(gòu)軟件具有自主性、演化性、協(xié)同性、多態(tài)性和反應(yīng)性等有別于傳統(tǒng)軟件的特性。

50、Genomic molecular differences among different strains were also analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)method with a selected effective rand om primer. ─── 同時利用隨機引物對不同啤酒酵母株的基因組DNA進行了隨機擴增多態(tài)DNA(RAPD)分析,比較不同突變株之間基因組的分子差異。

51、HLA-DQ proteins are heterodimers of Alfa and beta chains, and beta chains are encoded by the HLA-DQB1 gene which is high polymorphic mainly in the second exon. ─── HLA- DQB1基因是編碼人的HLA II類抗原DQ分子 p鏈的基因,具有高度的多態(tài)性。

52、A tutorial on a useful yet poorly understood language feature, useful as a cache or to enable a different sort of polymorph... ─── # 這篇文章很好的講述了指向成員函數(shù)的指針怎么用, 后面對性能做了分析很精彩。

53、Using 23 primers of arbitrary decamer oligonucleotide sequences were screened from 100 primers for DNA amplification, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used. ─── 利用從100個隨機引物篩選出23個穩(wěn)定性較好的10堿基引物,對來自單蒴果的7代無性繁殖種苗進行RAPD檢測。

54、A total of 92 DNA bands were amplified, 61 of which were polymorphic and the percent of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 66.30%. ─── 共獲得92條清晰條帶,其中61條具有多態(tài)性,多態(tài)條帶比(PPB)66.3%。

55、Research on extensible frame of polymorphic spatial data management locatesthe last layer of data storage object model in building VGE platform. ─── 如何在虛擬地理環(huán)境平臺建設(shè)中,把涉及的空間數(shù)據(jù)組織管理起來,是本文研究的重點。

56、A 40-base polymorphic repeat sequence located in the 3'-untranslated region of the DAT gene was purified and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). ─── 將位于多巴胺運輸器基因3'端未轉(zhuǎn)譯區(qū)段的40-堿基多形性重復序列予以純化、經(jīng)聚合酶鏈鎖反應(yīng)放大。

57、Hopkins M S,Casa A M,Wang T,et al.Discovery and characterization of polymorphic simple sequence repeat(SSRs) in peanut[J].Crop Science,1999,394:1243. ─── 唐榮華,莊偉建,高國慶,等.珍珠豆型花生的簡單序列重復(SSR)多態(tài)性[J].中國油料作物學報,2004,26(2):22-26.

58、Polymorph Self. You assume a new form. ─── 變形自己:你得到一個新的外形。

59、When all of polymorphic bands were analyzed by clustering, 50 isolates were classified into 3 groups (AFLP groups, abbreviated AGs). ─── 基于AFLP標記聚類分析表明,50個菌株被劃分為3個類群(AFLP Groups,AGs)。

60、Polymorph: Mounted creatures will no longer remain mounted while polymorphed. ─── 變形術(shù):可乘騎的生物,當被變形以后,不再維持乘騎狀態(tài)。

61、For ISSR marker, 34 polymorphic bands were generated, PPB were 53.0%. ─── ISSR引物共擴增到34條清晰的多態(tài)性條帶,多態(tài)性條帶比率為53.0%。

62、Fig.2.Dendrogram of polymorphic DNAs of 32 different genotypes of sunflower from cluster analysis(UPGMA). ─── 圖2.32個不同基因型的向日葵DNA多態(tài)性聚類分析樹型圖(UPGMA)。

63、A total of 127 DNA bands were amplified, 103 of which were polymorphic and the percent of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 81.10%. ─── 一共獲得127條清晰條帶,其中103條具有多態(tài)性,多態(tài)帶百分率(PPB)達81.10%。

64、YI Jicai,ZHUANG Chuxiong,YAO Juan,et al.DNA polymorphic analysis of rice mutation induced by space flight with molecular markers[J].Acta Biophys Sinica,2002,18:478-483. ─── [4]易繼財,莊楚雄,姚涓,等空間搭載誘導水稻種子突變的分子標記多態(tài)性分析[J].生物物理學報,2002,18:478-483.

65、For RAPD markers, 85 polymorphic bands were produced, percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) were 69.4%. ─── RAPD引物共擴增到85條清晰的多態(tài)性條帶,多態(tài)性條帶比率為69.4%。

66、Also, the rate and manner of freezing has been shown to have an affect on the physical form (polymorph) of the drug substance. ─── 冷凍的速度和方式會影響藥物組分的物理形態(tài)(同質(zhì)異構(gòu))。

67、The average heterozygosity of offspring and polymorphic information content(PIC)etc were lower than those of their parents. ─── 子代的平均期望雜合度(He)、平均觀測雜合度(Ho)和平均多態(tài)性信息含量(PIC)等指標均低于親代。

68、That means an enemy sorceress will kill herself instantly if she tries to cast polymorph on your mana flared knight. ─── 就是說,如果一個敵方女法師想在你被施加了魔法閃耀的騎士身上施加變羊法術(shù)的話,她就會馬上掛掉。

69、Multi-Shot: This ability will no longer strike any secondary targets which are under the effect of crowd-control spells that break on taking damage. i.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc. ─── 多重射擊:這個技能從第二個目標(如果第二個目標是開始是各種被隊友控制狀態(tài)下的目標將會被破壞)將不再破壞處于各種被隊友控制狀態(tài)下的目標。

70、Results showed that 45 SSR primers generated a total of 87 polymorphic bands and 25 SRAP primers generated a total of 131 polymorphic bands in seven parental lines. ─── 基于SSR標記估算的遺傳距離與產(chǎn)量雜種優(yōu)勢的相關(guān)系數(shù)為0.423,決定系數(shù)為0.179。

71、This type will be used later to dispatch polymorphic behavior. ─── 稍后,我們將利用這種類型來分派多態(tài)行為。

72、Primer TkS1-64F obtained polymorphic bands of Tian-hua-fen and its nine adulterants. Primer AfS1-100F obtained polymorphic bands of Bai-zhi and its three adulterants. ─── 引物TkS1-64F得到了天花粉及其11種偽品的多態(tài)性條帶,引物AfS1-100F得到白芷及其3種偽品的多態(tài)性條帶,均能準確鑒別各種藥材。

73、The degree of genetic variation of 10 Mangifera indica cultivars was measured at the molecular level by random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD). ─── 應(yīng)用RAPD技術(shù)在分子水平上對10個芒果品種的遺傳變異程度研究分析結(jié)果表明,10個芒果品種被聚為3個RAPD組,RAPD組與品種對炭疽病的抗性有明顯相關(guān)性。

74、Differences were found among 8 strains from RAPD analysis.Out of 23 random primers, 11 were polymorphic.Altogether 59 RAPD bands were found and the polymorphic rate was 47.5%. ─── 應(yīng)用23個隨機引物對白粉病菌8個不同生理小種進行RAPD分析,其中11個引物的擴增帶型在不同生理小種間出現(xiàn)差異,共擴增出59條譜帶,多態(tài)性為47.5%。

75、The number of globulin bands, 95% of which were polymorphic in these lines, was more than that of glutelin bands. ─── 其中鹽溶蛋白電泳譜帶數(shù)目多于酸溶蛋白,且95%為多態(tài)性譜帶,表明鹽溶蛋白在供試自交系資源中具有豐富的多樣性。

76、Totally 30 loci and 54 alleles were detected and 18 of the loci appeared to be polymorphic. ─── 共檢測出30個位點、54個等位基因,其中18個位點表現(xiàn)出多態(tài)性。

77、It is crucial to detect zero-day polymorphic worms and to generate signatures at the edge network gateways or honeynets so that we can prevent the wor. ─── 基于網(wǎng)絡(luò)的多態(tài)蠕蟲長度特征生成。

78、Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to analyse genetic relationships among New Zealand White rabbits, California rabbits and 4 lines of ELCO (A, B, C, D). ─── 應(yīng)用隨機擴增多態(tài) DNA技術(shù) ( RAPD)對新西蘭白兔、加利福尼亞兔、布列塔尼亞配套系( ELCO)進行了遺傳分析。

79、Plug-in A polymorphic interface DLL used to enhance, or extend the operation of a parent application. ─── DLL用來強化或者擴展父應(yīng)用程序操作的多態(tài)接口。

80、The genetic relationships of 64 Chinese date cultivars were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD). ─── 利用RAPD技術(shù)對棗 64個品種及類型的遺傳變異進行了研究。

81、Listing 10 Polymorphic definition of Facebook Special user. ─── 清單10 Facebook特殊用戶的多態(tài)定義。

82、Generic programming lets us write classes and functions that are polymorphic across unrelated types at compile time. ─── 在泛型編程中,我們所編寫的類和函數(shù)能夠多態(tài)地用于跨越編譯時不相關(guān)的類型。

83、RAPD fragments amplified with DNA template extracted by QIAGEN method showed clear hands, and good polymorphic, stability and repetition. ─── 以該法提取的總DNA為模板進行RAPD擴增,譜帶清晰,多態(tài)性、穩(wěn)定勝、重復性好。

84、Two polymorphic Constructors allow for persistence of either simple String values or Objects of any sort. ─── 兩個Constructors允許簡單字符串值或者任意種類Objects的持續(xù)。

85、Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) phenotypes generated by 15 primers were scored in 5 subpopulations of Anthoxanthum alpinum along an altitudinal gradient. ─── 應(yīng)用RAPD技術(shù),沿一個海拔梯度研究了阿爾卑斯山黃花茅自然居群的遺傳變異和分化。

86、The ratio of the polymorphic loci was 60% and the average allele number per loci was 1.8. ─── 在物種水平上,多態(tài)位點比率為60%,而平均每個位點的等位基因數(shù)為1.8。

87、LDH and MDH isozymes were controlled by 2 and 4 polymorphic loci respectively.GOT isozymes was under control of 2 polymorphic loci and 2 monomorphic loci. ─── LDH和MDH三種同工酶的遺傳表達穩(wěn)定,分別受4個、2個和4個位點控制。

88、A polymorphic interface DLL used to enhance, or extend the operation of a parent application. ─── DLL用來強化或者擴展父應(yīng)用程序操作的多態(tài)接口。

89、Under the prerequisite of iso-or near isoformula, space group discrim-ination is of crucial importance in deciding whether the crystals are isomorphic or polymorphic. ─── 在形式化學式相同或相似的前提下,關(guān)鍵在于正確判斷晶體的空間群。

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