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10-02 投稿


misrule 發(fā)音

英:[?m?s?ru?l]  美:[?m?s?ru?l]

英:  美:

misrule 中文意思翻譯




misrule 詞性/詞形變化,misrule變形


misrule 短語詞組

1、Lord of Misrule na. ( ─── 中古英國圣誕節(jié)飲宴和游戲的)司儀 [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 暴政之王;失序之王;失序之君

2、carpetbag misrule ─── 地毯袋錯誤

misrule 相似詞語短語

1、misuse ─── v.誤用,濫用;虐待;n.誤用,濫用;虐待

2、misfile ─── v.把(文件、記錄等)歸錯檔案

3、misrun ─── n.澆鑄不滿

4、misroute ─── v.使誤送;錯誤指向

5、misrate ─── %s(%s)

6、misruled ─── n.暴政;vt.施暴政

7、misrely ─── 誤用

8、misrules ─── n.暴政;vt.施暴政

9、miscue ─── n.撞歪;失誤;vi.撞歪;錯過提示

misrule 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king . ─── 該國一些地方仍有人忠于前國王.

2、Folklore Qu Yuan voted on May Chu Wu Jiang himself, for his care for the fate, dissatisfied with the misrule death, become a great man revered. ─── 民間傳說屈原于五月初五投江自盡,他為憂國憂民,不滿苛政而死,成為人們崇敬的偉人。

3、Abbot of Misrule counted the seconds off on his fingers. ─── 議員用它的手指數(shù)著秒。

4、regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule. ─── 25年的蠹政后,這個政權(quán)最終垮臺。

5、It is not surprising that it took a man who might have walked off the pages of a Greene novel to end Colorado misrule. ─── 因此這一次它選擇了一位似乎是從Greene的小說中走出來的男人來結(jié)束Colorado的混亂統(tǒng)治也不奇怪。

6、After many years of war and misrule, Liberia, the west African state founded by freed American slaves, is a shattered nation. ─── 賴比瑞亞,這個由獲得解放的美洲黑奴返回非洲所建立的國家,經(jīng)過長年內(nèi)戰(zhàn)與無政府的混亂后,已經(jīng)是一個分崩離析的悲慘世界。

7、A time of misrule, when every principle is turned on its head, is a tempting thing indeed. ─── 如果有一天人們都不按規(guī)矩辦事,把每一條原則都顛倒過來,那該是十分誘人的。

8、The King of Christmas was duly crowned, and the Lord of Misrule bore potent sway.On the Eve of St. ─── 那年頭,這片歡樂的殖民地上,充當(dāng)旗桿的還是那根五月柱!

9、Each year, a beggar or student would be crowned the "lord of misrule" and eager celebrants played the part of his subjects. ─── 每年,一個乞丐或?qū)W生會被加冕為“無序之皇”,并要求參加慶典的人扮演他的臣民。

10、Where were these people during the last eight years of Bush's misrule? ─── 在布什濫政的8年間,他們都到哪去了?

11、Misrule breeds rebellion; this is not a new idea. And yet the authorities still for the most part act as if drugs were themselves the cause of the problem. ─── 錯誤的管理導(dǎo)致叛逆反抗,這不是什么新東西.但學(xué)校管理層總是說吸毒的問題是獨(dú)立的.

12、A dubious offer, no doubt, for a country that has already lost three years to political turmoil and military misrule. ─── 鑒于泰國已經(jīng)三年深處政治混亂軍隊暴政不能自拔,這樣的宣言委實無法相信。

13、After a decade of the instability and misrule that resulted, many Pakistanis welcomed General Musharraf's coup. ─── 在一次浪漫邂逅的表面下,雙方可能還達(dá)成了條件更多且未公開的交易。

14、Twenty years of Pan Green misrule have left scars on our government and our society.These scars are obstacles to the implementation of the government’s policies. ─── 不過,二十年的綠色執(zhí)政,當(dāng)然在政府和社會的體制及結(jié)構(gòu)中,留下大量的影響,形成政府執(zhí)行政策的障礙;

15、It is not surprising that it took a man who might have walked off the pages of a Greene novel to end Colorado misrule. ─── 因此這一次它選擇了一位似乎是從Greene的小說中走出來的男人來結(jié)束Colorado的混亂統(tǒng)治也不奇怪。

16、"A nobility of the spirit," said the Abbot of Misrule, a small smile flickering across his face. "Then isn't our question not 'What is good?' but 'What is nobility?' " ─── “靈魂的高尚,”混亂評議會的議員閃著微笑說,“我們的問題不就從‘什么是善良’變成‘什么是高尚’了嗎?”

17、There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions in holiday time, and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule . ─── 那時候,每逢節(jié)日,常有成群的這種小精靈,我們都把他們叫作司戲者的孩子。

18、Those inside government have less excuse for misrule. ─── 政府也有了更少的接口來解釋其管理失當(dāng)。

19、tyranny; misrule; tyrannical government; harsh government; oppressive government ─── 苛政

20、The Abbot of Misrule counted the seconds off on his fingers. ─── 議員用它的手指數(shù)著秒。

21、Lord of Misrule ─── "糊涂道長"(中世紀(jì)主持圣誕節(jié)狂歡嬉鬧活動的人), n. 司儀

22、1. The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king. ─── 該國因國王懦弱而長期混亂不治.

23、He was one of the Abbots of Misrule, and his portfolio was to journey into the world of Krynn and dispense bad advice and terrible truths. ─── 他是混亂評議會的一名長老,他的主要職責(zé)就是在克萊恩位面上出差,像智囊團(tuán)一樣到處提供意見和建議-不過與智囊團(tuán)不同的是,他提供的大多是壞的。

24、the lord of misrule ─── n. 主持圣誕節(jié)狂歡會的人

25、"There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions, in holiday time;and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule. ─── 那時候,每逢節(jié)日,常有成群的這種小精靈,我們都把他們叫作司戲者的孩子。

26、It is a testimony to Mr Conte's 24 years of misrule that the coup was greeted at the least with equanimity by most Guineans. ─── 幾內(nèi)亞人對政變的最激烈態(tài)度也無非是泰然處之,這反襯出了孔戴24年的殘暴統(tǒng)治。

27、The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king. ─── 該國因國王懦弱而長期混亂不治。

28、Thirty years ago, China was just emerging from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution and 30 years of fratricidal misrule. ─── 年前,中國剛剛從嗡嗡嗡和自相殘殺的惡夢中解脫出來。

29、The regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule. ─── 在施行了25年的蠹政后,這個政權(quán)最終垮臺。

30、arrested last December, accused of corruption and misrule. ─── 貪污和執(zhí)政不善的指控于去年12月被捕。

31、Where were these people during the last eight years of Bush's misrule? ─── 在布什濫政的8年間,他們都到哪去了?

32、Some date the start of Mr Mugabe's misrule to the emergence of his rival as the great independence hero of Africa. ─── 一些人把穆加貝(Mugabe)的暴政開始時間定在他對手---偉大的非洲獨(dú)立英雄,出現(xiàn)的時候。

33、they are dying of cholera in Zimbabwe because of Robert Mugabe's misrule, and grants to improve the water supply won't help much as long as he remains. ─── 在津巴布韋正是由于穆加貝的專制統(tǒng)治才導(dǎo)致許多人死于霍亂,只要他在位一天,那么對于供水系統(tǒng)的改善將不會對促進(jìn)人們健康起到多大的作用;

34、Each year, a beggar or student would be crowned the "lord of misrule" and eager celebrants played the part of his subjects. ─── 每年,一個乞丐或?qū)W生會被加冕為“無序之皇”,并要求參加慶典的人扮演他的臣民。

35、abbot of misrule ─── "糊涂道長"(中世紀(jì)主持圣誕節(jié)狂歡嬉鬧活動的人)

36、It is no bad thing for Mr Karzai to know he cannot misrule with impunity. ─── 讓卡爾扎伊明白不能因為做錯事卻未受懲處而胡亂治理國家,這并不是件壞事。

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