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10-02 投稿


masted 發(fā)音

英:[mɑ?st?d]  美:[?m?st?d]

英:  美:

masted 中文意思翻譯




masted 詞性/詞形變化,masted變形

名詞復(fù)數(shù): mastectomies |

masted 常用詞組

mast cell ─── 肥大細(xì)胞;柱狀細(xì)胞

at half mast ─── ◎下半旗(志哀)

before the mast ─── ◎在前桅的前部分,在艏;在艏樓

masted 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、two-masted boat ─── 雙桅船

2、two-masted a. ─── 雙桅的

3、two masted sailing vessel ─── 雙桅帆船

4、two-masted ship ─── 雙桅船

5、two-masted craft ─── 雙桅艇

6、two-masted vessel ─── 雙桅船

7、two-masted brig ─── 雙桅 ─── 雙桅帆船

8、two masted vessel crossword ─── 雙桅船縱橫字謎

masted 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、basted ─── v.在(烤肉)上滴油;粗縫;(非正式)毒打(某人)(baste的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞)

2、-masted ─── adj.有桅的;…桅的;v.在…上裝桅桿(mast的過(guò)去式)

3、misted ─── v.起薄霧,被蒙上薄霧;(淚水)使(眼睛)模糊不清;朝(植物)噴霧(mist的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞)

4、hasted ─── v.使快,催促(haste的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞);n.(Hasted)哈斯特德(人名)

5、gasted ─── v.使驚訝;恐嚇;n.(Gast)(美、德、法、荷、英、瑞)加斯特(人名)

6、lasted ─── vbl.持續(xù)

7、master ─── n.主人;大師;碩士;男教師;原件;院長(zhǎng);主宰者;船長(zhǎng);著名畫(huà)家;少爺;桅船;v.精通;控制;征服;制作……母版;adj.主人的;主要的;熟練的;原始版的;n.(Master)馬斯特(人名)

8、fasted ─── adj.快速的,迅速的;緊的,穩(wěn)固的;adv.迅速地;緊緊地;徹底地;vi.禁食,齋戒;n.齋戒;絕食;n.(Fast)人名;(德、英、俄、芬、捷、瑞典)法斯特

9、casted ─── 澆注型;鑄造的

masted 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、She tied on the flag and ran it up the mast. ─── 她把旗子系上,順桿升起。

2、You will have to go forward of the mast. ─── 你必須向船頭走去。

3、The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship. ─── 大橫帆帶有橫帆裝置的船桅桿的最低的帆

4、Never hoist on uneven ground with the mast tilted away from vertical position. ─── 不要在不平地面上桅架傾斜的狀態(tài)下舉重。

5、By clinching nails over the canvas they held the torn sail to the mast. ─── 他們用針把帆布釘牢,把這個(gè)破裂的帆升到桅桿上。

6、The weather continuing clear, I applied myself to get up my mast and spread my sail. ─── 天氣始終睛和,于是我趕緊豎起桅桿,張起帆來(lái)。

7、The main cabin is situated forward of(= in front of)the mast. ─── 主艙在桅桿的前面。

8、The middle one is not a flag, is the girdle used to gird the mast and decorations. ─── 中間的不是旗,是束住的旗桿與裝飾的飄帶.

9、A pennant lolling from the mast. ─── 信號(hào)旗松散地從桅桿上垂下來(lái)

10、He decided to make politics his career and nailed his colours to the mast of Socialism. ─── 他決定選擇政治生涯,并宣布堅(jiān)持社會(huì)主義的主張。

11、She tied on the flag and run it up the mast. ─── 她把旗子系上,順桿升起。

12、He is watching the sea on the mast. ─── 他從桅桿上面遠(yuǎn)望著大海 .

13、Main-Shrouds: Shows the shrouds put over the mast head. ─── 主桅上下桅連接索:安置在主桅頭的上下桅連接索。

14、The mast snapped off under the pressure of the wind. ─── 在風(fēng)的壓力下,桅桿喀嚓一聲斷了。

15、On the anniversary of president Lincoln's assassination,flags are hung at half mast in the United States. ─── 在林肯總統(tǒng)被害的紀(jì)念日美國(guó)國(guó)內(nèi)下半旗致哀。

16、The taller mast, whether forward or aft, of a two-masted sailing vessel. ─── 主桅雙桅帆船中較高的桅桿,無(wú)論是位于船頭的還是船尾的

17、Your rigging hangs loose: The mast is not held secure, the sail is not spread. ─── 23你的繩索松開(kāi)不能栽穩(wěn)桅桿,也不能揚(yáng)起篷來(lái),那時(shí)許多擄來(lái)的物被分了。

18、Forestay: The rigging that secures the mast forward. ─── 前支索:從前面固定桅桿的索具。

19、The space under the three-masted ship will be home to an interactive museum where visitors can learn about its history. ─── 船艙將會(huì)變成一座互動(dòng)的博物館,游客可以在那里了解到該船的歷史。

20、Flags were flown at half mast on the day of his funeral. ─── 他安葬那天,降了半旗。

21、The roof the boy was standing on turned out to be the cabin of the Shy Maid, an old ramshackle single-masted pole boat. ─── 那男孩站的屋頂其實(shí)是破舊不堪的單桅撐船“害羞小姐”號(hào)的一個(gè)船艙。

22、All the flags were at half mast(= in honour of a famous person who has died). ─── 到處都下半旗致哀。

23、He has yet to nail his colors to the mast. ─── 他還需要闡明他的觀點(diǎn)。

24、He unstepped the mast and furled the sail and tied it. ─── 他拔下桅桿,把帆卷起,系

25、Your house shall be not an anchor but a mast. ─── 你們的房屋別讓它變成錨,而要它成為桅桿。

26、A two - masted sailing ship,square - rigged on the foremast and having a fore - and - aft mainsail with square main topsails. ─── 雙桅帆船帶兩根桅桿的帆船,前桅掛橫帆,縱帆裝置的船掛方形斜桁帆

27、A stroke of lightning shattered their mast, which in its fall killed the pilot. ─── 一擊閃電打斷了桅桿,倒下的桅桿砸死了舵手。

28、A cable-stayed, masted structure, the bridge is delicate, transparent, and has the optimum span between columns. ─── 該橋采用桅柱式斜拉結(jié)構(gòu)形式,精致、通透,柱間采用最佳跨距。

29、The Home Secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of arming police. ─── 內(nèi)政大臣就武裝警察問(wèn)題公開(kāi)發(fā)表意見(jiàn)并堅(jiān)持不退讓。

30、He spent ten years before the mast. ─── 他當(dāng)了十年的海員.

31、For this purpose, I might do everything with discretion, I fitted up a little mast to my boat. ─── 為了達(dá)到這個(gè)目的,為了把樣樣事情做得又周到又慎重,我在我的小船上安裝了一根小小的桅桿。

32、A two - masted fore - and - aft - rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder. ─── 雙桅帆船一種有縱帆裝置的雙桅航船,類(lèi)似于雙桅縱帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一種較小的補(bǔ)助帆桅

33、With prudent Resolution I will so my Will and Fancy tye,that stronger to the Mast not he. ─── 以謹(jǐn)慎克制的決心,我將堅(jiān)決縛住我的意志和想像,比他把自己縛于桅桿更緊。

34、A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen. ─── 帆桁吊在桅桿上一頭漸細(xì)的長(zhǎng)柱,用來(lái)支撐和展開(kāi)橫帆、梯形帆或三角帆的頂端

35、The Home Secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of arming the police. ─── 內(nèi)政大臣公開(kāi)表示,主張把警察武裝起來(lái),并堅(jiān)持不讓步。

36、Probably was so masted when she set forth. ─── 在她啟程時(shí),大概桅桿直立,帆完全扯起。

37、They had ships, with one mast, probably used to sail around the Arabian Sea. ─── 他們還有船,很可能是用來(lái)在阿拉伯海周?chē)叫小?/p>

38、three-masted ship used by Spain and Portugal for long voyages of exploration. ─── 艦是小型三桅快艦,易于操縱,西班牙和葡萄牙人常將其用于遠(yuǎn)洋探險(xiǎn)。

39、Lateen Yard &Cross-Jack Yard: Shows the blocks stropped to the Mizen Mast. ─── 三角帆桁和后桅下桁:顯示了滑輪環(huán)索到后桅上。

40、She was intended to have a double island superstructure, with a funnel in each, as well as a tripod mast. ─── 她原擬裝兩個(gè)島式上層建筑,每個(gè)上層建筑有一個(gè)煙囪和三腳桅。

41、Finally he put the mast down and stood up. ─── 臨了,他放下桅桿,站起身來(lái)。

42、Finally, here's a large three-masted square-rigger flying five tiers of square sails and several head sails, with a lateen sail aft. ─── 最后,來(lái)介紹這種巨大的三桅桿方帆船,帶有五對(duì)方形帆和數(shù)面前帆,船尾還有一面大三角帆(lateensail)。

43、The mast that is above the foretop. ─── 前桅的中段前桅平臺(tái)上部的桅

44、The answer is, yesterday evening the Pope died. The half mast flag is Polish. ─── 因?yàn)樽蛱焱砩狭_馬教皇去世了,所以波蘭要降半旗。

45、Their son-in-law has gone to sea afore the mast. ─── 他們的女婿當(dāng)水手去了。

46、The mast below the topgallant mast in a square - rigged ship and highest in a fore - and - aft - rigged ship. ─── 中桅在縱帆裝船的緊挨下桅上頭的中桅,而在橫帆裝船上則指在上桅之上的桅

47、There was an expensive price tag on the mast feed. ─── 在橡樹(shù)果實(shí)的飼料上有個(gè)高價(jià)標(biāo)簽。

48、Run up a red flag on the mast. ─── 在旗桿上升起一面紅旗。

49、A small, highly manoeuvrable, three-masted ship used by Spain and Portugal for long voyages of exploration. ─── 卡拉維爾快艦是小型三桅快艦,易于操縱,西班牙和葡萄牙人常將其用于遠(yuǎn)洋探險(xiǎn)。

50、To remove(a mast) from a step. ─── 從桅座上取下(桅桿)

51、The forward mast on a sailing vessel. ─── 前桅帆船前部的桅桿

52、Main Topsail: Shows the topsail added to the Main Mast. ─── 主上桅帆:顯示了主桅上的上桅帆。

53、A long pole extending upward at an angle from the mast of a derrick to support or guide objects lifted or suspended. ─── 吊桿從起重機(jī)的豎檣上以一定角度向上伸出的長(zhǎng)桿,用來(lái)支持或牽引物體豎立或吊起

54、A large, FAST, heavily armed three - masted Mediterranean galley of the16th and17th centuries. ─── 快速帆船16、17世紀(jì)時(shí)期裝有武器的地中海大型快速三桅船

55、He had sailed before the mast for nearly30 years before he became a captain. ─── 他當(dāng)了將近30年的水手后才被提拔為船長(zhǎng)。

56、A mobile-phone mast is erected in a village. ─── 在一個(gè)村子里豎了一個(gè)手機(jī)信號(hào)塔。

57、If equipped, remove the radio antenna mast, and components from the fender. ─── 如果裝備了無(wú)線電天線罩和零件,從擋泥板拆下它們。

58、Two-masted vessel square-rigged on the foremast and fore - and-aft rigged on the mainmast. ─── 桅的船成直角的垂在前桅并且船頭和船尾在主桅上。

59、The insects have hibernated in beech mast on the ground. ─── 一些昆蟲(chóng)在地上的山毛櫸果實(shí)中冬眠。

60、The Home Secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of armingthe police. ─── 內(nèi)政大臣公開(kāi)表示,主張把警察武裝起來(lái),并堅(jiān)持不讓步。

61、You mast weigh it carefully. That's why you need the lab. ─── 你必須小心地稱(chēng)好它們.這就是為什么你需要實(shí)驗(yàn)室.

62、The principal mast of a vessel. ─── 主桅船舶的主要桅桿

63、It initially served double duty as a zeppelin mooring mast and an observatory. ─── 它最初是作為齊柏林飛艇的碇泊桿和觀景臺(tái)的兩重責(zé)任。

64、A wave caught the mast and slamming it down on the cabin roof. ─── 一個(gè)波浪打在桅桿上,把桅桿砰地一下甩到船艙頂部。

65、A square sail set above the lowest sail on the mast of a square-rigged ship. ─── 中桅帆在方索船桅桿上,位于最低帆之上的方形帆

66、He wants to sail before the mast. ─── 他想當(dāng)一名普通海員。

67、A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail. ─── 帆下桁從桅桿上伸出的長(zhǎng)桿,用來(lái)支撐或伸展帆的下端

68、Back of Main Mast: Shows the aft side of the Main Mast. ─── 卷起的帆:顯示了帶卷帆的主桅,和安置在主桅頭的上下桅連接索。

69、The keel and the mast of the daring sail? ─── 以及大船龍骨和桅桿的樹(shù)??

70、One mast, next return Ralph found himself alone on a limb with Jack. ─── 又一個(gè)來(lái)回時(shí)拉爾夫發(fā)現(xiàn)自己同杰克一塊兒扛一根大樹(shù)枝。

71、He has served before the mast for 20 years. ─── 他已當(dāng)了20年海員。

72、A rope or shroud extending from the top of a mast aft to a ship's side or stern to help support the mast. ─── 后支索從桅桿頂部向船邊或船尾延伸以幫助支撐桅桿的繩子或支索

73、Shows the start of the topsail shroud being put over the topsail mast top. ─── 上桅帆的始端安置在上桅帆主桅桅樓上。

74、A two - masted fore - and - aft - rigged sailing vessel with a mizzenmast stepped aft of a taller mainmast but forward of the rudder. ─── 雙桅縱帆船一種兩桅桿的縱向帆船,后桅豎于較高的主桅后的桅座上,同時(shí)又位于船舵前面

75、A rope passed through an overhead pulley, as at the top of a mast, that is used for hoisting. ─── 吊繩用于提升事物的穿過(guò)高架滑輪的繩索,如在桿的頂端

76、You mast listen to his, Do you know? He is dresser! ─── 你必須聽(tīng)他的,知道嗎?他是化妝師。

77、The number of mast cells with UC was significantly higher than that of the healthy contol group (P

78、Headsail: The sail in front of the mast. ─── 前帆:桅桿前面的帆。

79、Bad as his-clothes were,and coarsely as he spoke,he had none of the appearance of a man who sailed before the mast. ─── 他雖然衣衫襤摟,談吐粗魯,但外貌卻絲毫不像當(dāng)水手的人。

80、Of,relating to,or being the mast above the topmast,its sails,or its rigging. ─── 上桅的高過(guò)中桅的桅桿的,上桅帆的,上桅索具的;與上桅及其帆或索具有關(guān)的

81、The second mast aft of a sailing ship with three or more masts. ─── 主桅有三根桅或更多桅帆船的第二根船尾桅

82、And foundered droves of masted ships. ─── 大群地船只就會(huì)覆亡。

83、He sailed for two years before the mast. ─── 他作為普通水手出海航行了兩年.

84、When he takes turns,he tries to keep his boat flat,that is,to keep the mast vertical. ─── 他在拐彎時(shí),盡量保持帆船平穩(wěn)。也就是盡量使桅桿保持垂直。

85、Advances in Genetic Improvement of Spruce in Abroad and Breeding Strategies of Picea asperata Mast. ─── 國(guó)外云杉遺傳改良現(xiàn)狀和粗枝云杉育種策略。

86、Of, relating to, or being the mast above the topmast, its sails, or its rigging. ─── 上桅的高過(guò)中桅的桅桿的,上桅帆的,上桅索具的;與上桅及其帆或索具有關(guān)的

87、Your flag must be nailed to the mast, for obviously you'd run it down if it wasn't. ─── 你的旗幟必須牢牢釘在桅桿上,否則顯得你會(huì)把它扯下來(lái)的。

88、When traveling up on ramps, the forks should be raised and the mast tilted back to clear the slope of the ground. ─── 上坡時(shí),貨叉抬起離地面,架后傾。

89、It is stored in cells called mast cells, in almost all tissues of the body. ─── 它儲(chǔ)存在肥大細(xì)胞內(nèi),幾乎遍布人體的所有組織。

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