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10-02 投稿


parishioner 發(fā)音

英:[p??r???n?r]  美:[p??r???n?(r)]

英:  美:

parishioner 中文意思翻譯



parishioner 網絡釋義

n. 教區(qū)居民

parishioner 詞性/詞形變化,parishioner變形


parishioner 相似詞語短語

1、marathoner ─── n.馬拉松運動員

2、fashioner ─── n.裁縫;創(chuàng)造者

3、prisoner ─── n.囚犯,犯人;俘虜;刑事被告

4、fashioned ─── adj.……式的;……樣的;v.把……塑成;制作(fashion的過去式及過去分詞)

5、parishioners ─── n.教區(qū)居民

6、partitioner ─── n.瓜分者,分割者

7、fashioners ─── n.裁縫;創(chuàng)造者

8、parish clerk ─── n.教區(qū)執(zhí)事

9、nonparishioner ─── 非專利

parishioner 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、One of the couple planning to get married must be our registered parishioner who attends our church regularly. ─── 預備結婚的男方或女方必須為本堂已注冊的熱心教友。

2、"Thunder! It was not so very long ago that I was a parishioner of the parish of die-of-hunger-if-you-have-a-fire,-die-of-cold-if-you-have-bread! I have had enough of misery! ─── 我可受夠窮罪了!我受罪,別人也受罪!我不愿再開玩笑,我已不覺得那有什么好玩的,好話聽夠了,

3、When a mountain preacher came to call, he was surprised to find his parishioner attired in heavy mourning. ─── 當一個山上的布道者來拜訪時,他驚訝看到一個他教區(qū)的人身穿嚴重的喪服。

4、I'll discover the parish of that parishioner. ─── 我會找到這個教民所屬的教區(qū)。

5、Asking whether the old woman can drink, Doumeki brought sake that he got from a parishioner. ─── 問過老婆婆是否能喝[酒],百目鬼便去拿從教區(qū)居民得來的酒。

6、not so very long ago that I was a parishioner of the parish of die-of-hunger-if-you-have-a-fire, -die-of-cold-if-you-have-bread! ─── 時間不短了,我老在這個‘不挨凍你就得挨餓不挨餓你就得挨凍’的教區(qū)里當一個教民!

7、Taking questions recently after a speech at a downtown church in Washington, D.C., Marian Wright Edelman was confronted by a conservative parishioner. ─── 最近,埃德爾曼在華盛頓市中心一座教堂發(fā)表演講之后接受了別人的提問。

8、And finally we visited a church in Marietta. Virtually every parishioner has either lost a job, or a family member has. ─── 而最后我們訪問了瑪利埃塔的一家教堂。幾乎每個教民或其家人都失去了工作。

9、The Chicago priest whose comments about Hillary Clinton reignited the controversy over Barack Obama's former church has apologized to his parishioner s. ─── 芝加哥的牧師表示希拉里再次對奧巴馬以前的教堂進行了爭議。

10、"It was a huge explosion, " said Ali Mohammed, 26, a laborer and parishioner who was aiding the injured. "I feel like I've aged 10 years. " ─── “那真是一場大爆炸,”身為工人及教區(qū)居民正在救治受傷者的26歲青年阿里·穆罕默德說:“我覺得我好象老了10歲”。

11、Says the parishioner to the minister who explains that while shaving he was thinking about his sermon and cut his chin: "You should have been thinking about you chin and cut the sermon. ─── 牧師說刮胡子的時候他想著布道所以劃破了下巴,于是教區(qū)的居民說:“你應該想著自己的下巴,劃掉布道辭?!?/p>

12、he attached himself to him as a parishioner, and sought to win a friendly regard and confidence from his naturally reserved sensibility. ─── 醫(yī)生以一個教民隨身份與他形影相隨,并且想戰(zhàn)勝他天性中的含蓄和敏感,來贏得他的友誼和信任。

13、The work of this group is to decorate the church environment so that parishioner may perceive the above idea. ─── 小組的組員便是負責美化圣堂內的環(huán)境,使教友感受到上述的意念。

14、i trust god and strive to be a good parishioner in the parish. ─── 我信仰上帝,努力成為教區(qū)的好教民。

15、That worthy couple were delayed by a portentous old parishioner of the female gender, who was one of the plagues of their lives, and with whom they bore with most exemplary sweetness and good-humour. ─── 這對可敬的夫婦被教區(qū)一個怪老婆子耽擱了一陣,來遲了,老婆子是他們生活中許多個災星之一,對這人,他倆的親切和耐心是登峰造極、堪稱楷模的。


17、his move from st Bart's to st Jude's involved a female parishioner who committed suicide ─── 他從圣巴特教堂調到這里 就因為那里一個女教徒自殺了

18、an ordinary parishioner as i am , i was really flattered to be mentioned in his prayers ! " he said" . ─── 我這么一個普通的信徒,得到主教親自為我祈禱,真有點受寵若驚呢!

19、This parishioner, if it was a parishioner, sounded desperate;but who would disturb the sanctity of the Cathedral of Light at this late an hour? ─── 一個教區(qū)的居民,如果確實是教區(qū)的居民,聽起來似乎不顧一切了,否則誰會在現(xiàn)在這個時候擾亂光明大教堂的圣潔呢?

20、The work of this group is to decorate the church environment so that parishioner may perceive the above idea. ─── 小組的組員便是負責美化圣堂內的環(huán)境,使教友感受到上述的意念。

21、The Pastor and His Parishioner ─── 牧師和他的教民

22、Investigators, however, singled him out and asked him to leave "because he was somebody involved in the investigation," said Byrne, Ivins's former colleague and fellow parishioner. ─── 然而,調查員們將他單獨叫出來,并讓他離開,埃文斯的前同事,同一教區(qū)的居民拜恩說,“因為他是被調查對象之一”。

23、Says the parishioner to the minister who explains that while shaving he was thinking about his sermon and cut his chin: “You should have been thinking about you chin and cut the sermon. ─── 牧師說刮胡子的時候他想著講道的事情所以割到了下巴,于是教區(qū)的居民說:“你應該想著自己的下巴,少講大道理。

24、What the parishioner lost was enormous. ─── 教區(qū)居民的損失是巨大的。

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