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medieval 發(fā)音

英:[?mi?d?i?v(?)l]  美:[?medi?i?v(?)l]

英:  美:

medieval 中文意思翻譯



medieval 網(wǎng)絡釋義

adj. 中世紀的;原始的;仿中世紀的;老式的

medieval 反義詞


medieval 同義詞

benighted | barbaric | gothic | unenlightened | chivalric | out-of-date | feudal | mediaeval |old-fashioned | knightly | primitive

medieval 詞性/詞形變化,medieval變形

副詞: medievally |

medieval 短語詞組

1、Medieval Greek ─── [網(wǎng)絡] 中古希臘語

2、medieval mode ─── [網(wǎng)絡] 中世紀模式

3、medieval dynasty ─── 中世紀王朝

4、medieval adventures ─── 中世紀冒險

5、medieval military ─── 中世紀軍事

6、medieval europe ─── 中世紀歐洲

7、medieval kingdom wars ─── 中世紀王國戰(zhàn)爭

8、medieval Schoolman ─── [網(wǎng)絡] 中世紀教師

9、medieval defenders ─── 中世紀衛(wèi)士

10、Medieval Latin ─── 中古拉丁語

11、medieval games ─── 中世紀游戲

12、medieval madness ─── 中世紀的瘋狂

13、medieval battle ─── 中世紀戰(zhàn)爭

14、medieval shopkeeper simulator ─── 中世紀店主模擬器

15、medieval minecraft ─── 中世紀布雷艇

16、medieval craft ─── 中世紀工藝

17、medieval battalion ─── 中世紀營

18、medieval times ─── 中世紀

19、medieval crown ─── 中世紀皇冠

medieval 相似詞語短語

1、mediaeval ─── adj.中世紀的;中古的

2、medevac ─── n.救傷直升機

3、medical ─── adj.醫(yī)學的;藥的;內(nèi)科的;n.醫(yī)生;體格檢查

4、medial ─── adj.中間的;平均的;普通的;n.[語]中間字母

5、mediaevally ─── 中世紀

6、medievalism ─── n.中世紀精神;中世紀性質(zhì)

7、medievalist ─── n.中世紀研究家;中古史學家

8、medivac ─── 救傷直升機

9、medievally ─── adv.以中世紀的方式地;在中世紀地

medieval 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Henry was one of the least effective of England's medieval monarchs. ─── 亨利是中世紀英國國王中影響力最差的國王之一。

2、In medieval times, church bells were often co ecrated to ward off evil irits. ─── 中世紀時,教堂的鐘常用于驅(qū)趕惡魔。

3、The large village settlement model was one of the important causes of open-field system in champion country of Medieval England. ─── 大村莊的定居方式是中世紀英國平原開闊地帶盛行敞田經(jīng)營制度的重要原因。

4、A medieval merchant guild or trade association. ─── 中世紀商業(yè)行會或行業(yè)聯(lián)合會

5、The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets. ─── 天體要素在古代和中古時代被認為是充滿于月球空間并且是構成恒星和行星的元素

6、He began studying politics and medieval history. ─── 他開始學習政治學和中世紀史。

7、Metal sculptures of the female form recall the medieval chastity belt. ─── 女體的金屬雕塑令人想到中古時期的貞操帶。

8、Visit medieval castles in Normandy and the Loire Valley. ─── 在諾曼底參觀中世紀城堡和盧瓦爾河谷。

9、A political, economic, or social order resembling this medieval system. ─── 一種類似這種中世紀體制的政治、經(jīng)濟或社會秩序

10、An authentic medieval sword. ─── 一把真正的中世紀劍

11、Medieval France, Louis XIV will play in the worst such luxury. ─── 中世紀的法國,路易十四將這種奢侈發(fā)揮到了極至。

12、A medieval village, especially one situated near a castle. ─── 中世紀村莊,尤指靠近城堡的

13、When a medieval moneylender could not pay his debts, his bench was broken in two, sometimes over his head. ─── 當一個中世紀的借款人無法償還他的債務,他的板凳被砸成兩半,有時是在他頭上砸的。

14、The Ponte Vecchio is a medieval bridge over the Arno River. ─── 位于Arno河之上的ThePonteVecchio建于中世紀。

15、The clinking of glassed traces its roots to medieval days. ─── 喝酒時碰杯的傳統(tǒng)可以追溯到中世紀。

16、It is a medieval castle located outside Leipzig in Germany. ─── 二戰(zhàn)期間,英軍積被囚禁在科帝茲堡中,被逼和愛人莉詩分開。

17、A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land. ─── 圣地朝圣者中世紀歐洲的朝圣者,其帶著一個棕櫚枝作為到過圣地的標記

18、MEDIEVAL childhood has had a bad press. ─── 中世紀的童年總是給人不好的印象。

19、He was able to pinpoint on the map the site of the medieval village. ─── 他能在地圖上準確找出那個中世紀村莊的位置。

20、He did complicated pen-and-ink drawings like medieval miniatures. ─── 他畫了類似于中世紀微形畫的復雜鋼筆畫。

21、A connoisseur of medieval culture. ─── 中世紀文化的鑒賞家

22、In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts. ─── 在中古的歐洲,美好地裝飾蛋有如禮物。

23、Medieval painting is not his province. ─── 中世紀的繪畫不屬於他的研究范圍。

24、A man in medieval Germany who had jurisdiction over a particular territory. ─── 伯爵領主在中世紀的德國對某個特定地區(qū)有領土管轄權的人

25、There were genuine and false alchemists in medieval times. ─── 在中世紀,煉金術士真假混雜。

26、Medieval peasants had perfect teeth. ─── 中世紀的農(nóng)民都有一口好牙。

27、The medieval French monks would be impressed. ─── 中世紀的僧侶們會很驚訝的.

28、Knighthood was an idealin medieval Europe. ─── 在中世紀的歐洲,騎士是一種風范。

29、Certainly, the story of Arthur developed a life of its own after Geoffrey's account became the medieval equivalent of a bestseller. ─── 在杰弗里對亞瑟王傳說的解釋幾乎達到暢銷書一樣的效果后,亞瑟王的故事發(fā)展出了自己的特色。

30、A tract of land in medieval England and Germany held in common by a community. ─── 公有地中世紀英國或德國中由村社居民共有的一塊土地

31、The Woman Warrior: Gender, Warfare and Society in Medieval Europe. ─── 中世紀歐洲的社會性別、戰(zhàn)爭和社會。

32、Her speciality is medieval history. ─── 她專修中世紀史。

33、A medieval ruler of a Mongol, Tartar, or Turkish tribe. ─── 可汗蒙古族、韃靼人或土耳其人在中世紀時的統(tǒng)治者

34、Bibliography: Cassidy, FP, Molders of the Medieval Mind (1944). ─── 參考書目:卡西迪,計劃生育,模塑的中世紀記( 1944 ) 。

35、A member of any of the peoples of medieval Scandinavia. ─── 古代斯堪的納維亞人中世紀斯堪的納維亞任一民族的一員

36、A high judicial officer in medieval England. ─── 司法官中世紀時英國的高級司法官員

37、The medieval nominalists denied the reality of universals. ─── 中世紀唯名論者否定一般概念的實在性。

38、A medieval shield large enough to protect the whole body. ─── 大盾,護身罩中世紀時足以用來保護整個身體的護罩

39、Either of two bodily humors, black bile or yellow bile, in medieval physiology. ─── 發(fā)怒液在古代生理學中人體黑色膽汁和黃色膽汁的任一種

40、Medieval fortified saxon church, from Transylvania, Romania. ─── 中世紀教堂圖片 Medieval church.

41、The same thing holds for the guild member in the medieval towns. ─── 中世紀城市的行會市民,也是如此。

42、A fortified or walled town in early or medieval Europe. ─── 城堡早期或中世紀歐洲設防的或有城墻包圍的城堡

43、A medieval ecclesiastic authorized to raise money for religious works by granting papal indulgences to contributors. ─── 出售免罪符的人中世紀獲準出售教會的赦免書而為宗教事務籌錢的神職人員

44、Medieval system, where land was grant by a king to his aristocracy, and by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that each pay a service( or feudal duty) to his superior. ─── 一種中世紀的制度:國王將土地轉(zhuǎn)讓給貴族,貴族再轉(zhuǎn)讓給農(nóng)民。條件是每個人必須向他上級服役或交稅。

45、You will pass a wealth of museums, castles and well preserved medieval towns. ─── 你將經(jīng)過許多博物館、城堡及完好保存的中世紀城鎮(zhèn)。

46、Stop and visit the medieval castle. ─── 停下來游覽這個中世紀的古堡。

47、Of or relating to the Middle Ages; medieval. ─── 中世紀的中古的或與中古有關的;中世紀的

48、A citizen of a medieval European city. ─── 中世紀歐洲城市公民

49、A medieval royal court of justice. ─── 中世紀時皇家法庭

50、Christopher Hitchens, the writer, has called him a “medieval princeling”. ─── 作家克里斯托弗希欽斯也稱他是“中世紀的幼君” 。

51、A wandering minstrel, poet, or entertainer in medieval England and France. ─── 中世紀游吟詩人中世紀時英格蘭和法國的游吟歌手、詩人、或雜耍演員

52、Inquisition of the Medieval Ages devised many demoniac means of torture. ─── 中世紀的宗教法庭創(chuàng)造了許多駭人聽聞的酷刑。

53、Dromon modified to carry the medieval naval equivalent of a flamethrower. ─── 噴火戰(zhàn)艦是德羅蒙戰(zhàn)艦的改進型號,配備大型噴火器。

54、In medieval times, a statue of Venus stood on Il Campo. ─── 在中世紀,坎普廣場上曾立有一尊維納斯雕像。

55、The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble . ─── 他那高尚的榜樣激發(fā)我們大家更加努力.

56、Hugh de Lacy left an equally enduring mark upon medieval Ireland. ─── 休·德·萊西給中古愛爾蘭打上了同樣難以磨滅的烙

57、In medieval times, poets often called the sky "the vault of heaven". ─── 在中世紀時期,詩人常把天空叫作“蒼穹”。

58、Blacksburg 2 is set in a magical medieval world of role-playing game. ─── 介紹:黑堡2是一款設定于中世紀神奇世界的角色扮演游戲。

59、He became the architect of the medieval papacy. ─── 他成為中世紀教宗制度的建立者。

60、Some of the university buildings go back as far as medieval times. ─── 大學的一些建筑物的歷史可追溯到中世紀時期。

61、Medieval isolation also was over. ─── 中世紀式的與世隔絕的現(xiàn)象也一去不復返了。

62、A background of medieval archery games. ─── 一款背景為中世紀的射箭游戲。

63、The medieval keep is called the "Gloriette" in honour of Queen Eleanor. ─── 墻上掛著皇室成員的肖像,歷經(jīng)多年仍保持完好。

64、He was able to pinpoint on the map the site of the medieval village. ─── 他能在地圖上準確找出那個中世紀村莊的位置。

65、Knighthood was an ideal in medieval Europe. ─── 在中世紀的歐洲,成為騎士是理想。

66、A soldier, especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms. ─── 士兵士兵,尤指中世紀時裝備重武器的騎兵

67、Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic. ─── 哥特式建筑的源于中世紀哥特式建筑風格的

68、And she knew that she would have to wear heavy medieval clothes and that her underwear, like her body, would be washed only once a week. ─── 同時,她知道她將必須穿厚重的中世紀衣服,清洗內(nèi)衣和洗澡的頻率均一周僅一次。

69、A medieval coat of mail consisting of metal rings sewn onto leather or cloth. ─── 中世紀金屬環(huán)縫在皮或布上構成的一種盔甲。

70、A cup or plate that, according to medieval legend, was used by Jesus at the Last Supper and that later became the object of many chivalrous quests. ─── 圣杯,圣盤據(jù)中世紀傳說為基督在最后的晚餐上用過的那個杯或盤子,后來成為許多騎士追求的目標

71、A medieval assembly or council. ─── 中世紀時聚會,中世紀時會議

72、What plans do you have for multiplayer in Medieval 2? ─── 多人網(wǎng)戰(zhàn)有什么計劃?

73、Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold. ─── 中世紀的煉丹術士企圖把賤金屬煉成金。

74、In later medieval times, the color was thought to represent purity. ─── 在以后的中世紀里,這種顏色被用來代表純潔。

75、A medieval itinerant singer; a minstrel. ─── 吟游詩人中世紀的流浪歌手;吟游詩人

76、Of or relating to medieval Scandinavia or its peoples, languages, or cultures. ─── 古代斯堪的納維亞的是或與中世紀斯堪的納維亞或其人,語言或文化有關的

77、The poets and "saints" of medieval bhakti appeared throughout India. ─── 中世紀的巴克提詩人和“圣人”遍布了印度。

78、Medieval scientists hoped to invent an elixir to prolong life indefinitely. ─── 中世紀的科學家希望能發(fā)明一種能夠無限延長生命的萬能藥。

79、A member of the mercantile class of a medieval European city. ─── 中產(chǎn)階級富裕殷實的公民中世紀歐洲城市的商業(yè)階層成員

80、As a medieval ruler, you must battle other rulers for land and dominance. ─── 作為一個中世紀統(tǒng)治者,您必須與其他統(tǒng)治者爭奪土地和勢力。

81、This word derives from the medieval Latin secretarius. ─── Secretary一詞是由中世紀拉丁語secretarius派生出來的。

82、It is a perfect example of a medieval castle. ─── 這是最典型的中世紀城堡。

83、He gave a series of lectures on medieval art. ─── 他做了中世紀藝術的一系列授課。

84、In medieval Europe, beans were worn to repel witches. ─── 在中世紀的歐洲,人們佩戴豆子以驅(qū)除巫婆。

85、Wine was very commonly drunk during medieval days because it was one of the only safe liquids available. ─── 葡萄酒在中世紀是一種很普遍被飲用的酒因為它是唯一安全的液體。

86、In medieval times the church held sway over many countries. ─── 在中世紀, 教會支配著許多國家。

87、A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow. ─── 中世紀飛彈發(fā)射器是根據(jù)弩的原理設計的。

88、Do you like the castle built in the medieval time? ─── 你喜歡那些中世紀建成的城堡嗎?

89、Trebuchet: A medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones. ─── 中世紀的一種用于投擲重型石彈的投石機。


除去廣義狹義的定義解釋。我個人認可一個觀點,那就是嚴肅音樂??此瓉淼膯卧~,classic music.classic.古典的,經(jīng)典的,傳統(tǒng)的,都不是很確切。嚴肅音樂更切合它的要義,您看臺上臺下不可能出現(xiàn)哄鬧的場景出現(xiàn)。所以個人認為除去定義解釋,嚴肅音樂比較切合。



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