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10-03 投稿


laming 發(fā)音

英:[?le?m??]  美:[?le?m??]

英:  美:

laming 中文意思翻譯



laming 詞性/詞形變化,laming變形

名詞復(fù)數(shù): laminectomies |

laming 常用詞組

lame duck ─── n. 投機者;無用的人

laming 相似詞語短語

1、leaming ─── 學習

2、faming ─── n.法明(人名)

3、gaming ─── n.賭博;賭勝負

4、lamming ─── n.在逃,逃匿(尤指逃避警方追緝);v.痛打某人,猛烈抨擊某人;逃跑,逃走;n.(Lam)(美)蘭(人名)

5、lamina ─── n.葉片;薄層;薄板;n.(Lamina)人名;(意)拉米納

6、flaming ─── adj.燃燒的;火紅的;激昂的;v.燃燒;變亮;發(fā)光(flame的ing形式);n.(Flaming)人名;(法)弗拉曼

7、loaming ─── n.壤土;肥土(含有黏土、沙和有機物質(zhì)的土地);亞黏土;vt.用壤土填

8、lambing ─── n.產(chǎn)羔羊,產(chǎn)羔期;n.(Lambing)(美、法)蘭賓(人名)

9、blaming ─── vbl.歸咎;責備;譴責

laming 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Did you see Dirk's Web page? It's so lame, but he thinks it's cool. ─── 你有沒有看過德克的網(wǎng)頁?實在夠差的,可是他居然自以為很酷。

2、He would always help a lame dog over a stile, that was his boast. ─── 他總是對有困難的人幫一把,這是他引以為豪的事。

3、I am lame, you know. We need someone who can move quickly. ─── “你知道我跛腳。我們需要能跑得很快的老鼠?!?/p>

4、Timur was called Timur the Lame--Tamerlane-- from a wound which left him with a permanent limp. ─── 帖木兒又叫跛腿帖木兒,一次負傷給他留下了永久的殘廢。

5、Oh, we may help each other then,@ said the lame man. ─── “哦,那么我們可以互相幫忙,”瘸子說。

6、Yes, having class on a weekend is lame because it's a silly idea. ─── 對,我也同意,周末上課太沒勁了!誰出的這個主意,是夠傻的。

7、He always comes up with a lame excuse. ─── 他總是找一些無聊的借口。

8、BTW, that lame suits you ad really makes me want to puke! ─── 另外,那個“合適你”的廣告真的讓我想吐了。

9、YB Zulhasnan is just a political appointee of the lame duck Prime Minister. ─── 尊貴的祖哈斯南只不過是瘸腳鴨首相的政治傀儡。

10、Under normal circumstances this conflict does not appear to have a seriously laming effect. ─── 在正常情況之下這種沖突不會出現(xiàn)一個嚴重跛腳的(站不住腳的)影響。

11、It pissed me off the way you said, "You re lame. ─── 你說“你真沒意思”的樣子真叫我討厭。

12、Zhi Zhyang's dress. Gorgeous (ok that's lame but I always watch the dresses. ─── 他說,很經(jīng)典,但常常看到這樣的禮服。

13、A lame duck manager cannot bring his business back on to the normal track. ─── 一個無能的經(jīng)理無法把他的企業(yè)重新拉回正常經(jīng)營軌道上去。

14、You're always getting yourself involved with lame ducks. ─── 你總是被一些不中用的人纏在一起。

15、His arm is lame from playing Ball. ─── 他的胳臂因打球而僵痛。

16、It would always limp. It would always be lame. ─── 它永遠都要一瘸一拐的走路,它是個瘸子。

17、Saturday morning classes are lame! ─── 你是說星期六早上上課是個餿主意?

18、Under normal circumstances this conflict does not appear to have a seriously laming effect. ─── 在正常情況之下這種沖突不會出現(xiàn)一個嚴重跛腳的(站不住腳的)影響。

19、GTB:You know how goblins are "usually Neutral Evil"?We think that's so lame. ─── 你怎么知道地精“總是中立邪惡”的?我們覺得這太遜了。

20、You must not tease your little sister about her lame leg. ─── 你不應(yīng)該取笑你小妹妹的跛腿。

21、Unable to hand her over, he only offered lame excuses and was unwilling to come home very often. ─── 他交不出人,也推三托四,不肯回家。

22、The oil and chemical cleaning technology of Tang Steel's laming cast steel and extra-thin banding hydraulic pressure system ─── 唐鋼薄板坯連鑄和超薄帶鋼液壓系統(tǒng)的清洗

23、Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.Algert Einstein, American scientist. ─── 不帶宗教的科學是瘸子,沒有科學的宗教是瞎子。美國科學家愛因斯。

24、He is lame in the right foot. ─── 他右腿跛了。

25、O,draconian devil !Oh, lame saint! ─── 啊,德拉古式殘酷的惡魔!噢,瘸腿的圣徒!

26、It was good of him to help a lame dog over a stile. ─── 他真好,幫助人渡過了難關(guān)。

27、He gave a lame excuse for being late. ─── 他說了個站不住腳的理由解釋他遲到的原因。

28、Much later, the horse is lame. ─── 再過些時間馬就瘸了。

29、He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch. ─── 他的一條腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。

30、You know the rule of the road nowadays: no waiting for lame ducks. ─── 你知道目前的道路規(guī)則是:不等老爺車。

31、He became lame in the earthquake when he was a little boy . ─── 他還是小孩子時在地震中就變跛了。

32、Most people expect the present prime minister will become a lame duck after the general election. ─── 大多數(shù)人預(yù)計現(xiàn)任總理將在大選時競選失敗。

33、Don't give me any lame exc... ─── 下次別給我這么爛的借口.

34、He is lame in the right leg. ─── 他右腿跛。

35、No foreign policy decision can be made because of the lame duck presidency. ─── 因為重新當選無望的總統(tǒng)管轄,無法決定對外政策。

36、Having class on a weekend is lame because it's a silly idea. ─── 周末上課太沒勁了!誰出的這個主意,是夠傻的。

37、The blind and the lame are well cared for in our country. ─── 在我們國家,盲人和肢殘人受到很好的照顧。

38、She's lame---she nearly died of polio. ─── 她是瘸子---那時她幾乎死于小兒麻痹癥。

39、He walks with a stick because he is lame. ─── 他走路拄拐棍,因為他是個瘸子。

40、But he had not gone far when he met a Fox, lame in one foot, and a Cat blind in both eyes. ─── 但是他沒走出多遠,就遇到瘸了了一只腳的狐貍和瞎了雙眼的貓。

41、She turned down the role in the movie because the script was lame. ─── 她拒絕在電影里扮演那個角色因為劇本太古板了。

42、Heathcliff took the handsomest,but it soon fell lame. ─── 希刺克厲夫挑了那最漂亮的一匹,可是不久它跛了。

43、Make Lame Philosophy to smile. ─── 使跛腳的哲學微笑。

44、So he took his lame friend on his back, and they were able to travel safely and happily. ─── 于是他把他的跛腳朋友扛在背上,他們就能安全又愉快地繼續(xù)行路了。

45、A lame leg heavy bundle hampered Joe. ─── 一條跛腿和一個沉重的包袱使喬無法行動自如。

46、He gave a lame excuse for being absent. ─── 他找了個站不住腳的理由來解釋缺席的原因。

47、He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses. ─── 他想用站不住腳的借口為自己的缺席辯解。

48、This kind of music you like is really lame. ─── 你喜歡的這種音樂真沒意思。

49、Lord Laming recommended that local children's services be integrated and a national child. ─── Lord Laming建議需綜合一體化當?shù)貎和?wù)且建立一個全國性的兒童數(shù)據(jù)庫。

50、His lame foot disqualified him from military service. ─── 他那條瘸腿使他沒有資格當兵。

51、A lame attempt to apologize; lame excuses for not arriving on time. ─── 一點也不想道歉; 令人無法信服的遲到的借口

52、The Congress which assembled Monday for its last session is full of what they call "Lame ducks". ─── 國會于星期一開最后一次會議時,有很多所謂的“跛鴨子”議員。

53、I was eyes to the blind And feet to the lame. ─── 伯29:15我為瞎子的眼、瘸子的腳。

54、And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them. ─── 在殿里的瞎子和瘸子到他跟前來,他就治好了他們。

55、Don't lay all the load on the lame horse. ─── 別把希望都寄托在不中用的人身上。

56、Don't use lame metaphors; software is neither art nor brick building. ─── 別用蹩腳的比喻;軟件即不是藝術(shù),也不是磚墻。

57、Help a lame dog over a stile. ─── 幫助跛足的狗越過柵欄。

58、One is deaf another is blind and a third is lame. ─── 一個是聾子,另一個是瞎子,而第三個是瘸子。

59、When citing the debacle in Iraq he is, of course, shooting at a lame and sitting duck. ─── 他引述伊拉克的混亂局勢,顯然是朝著容易得手的獵物開刀。

60、O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! ─── 啊,嚴酷的魔王!噢,瘸腿的圣徒!

61、Next, he sees the pigs and they are all lame and bleeding profusely. ─── 下一步,他看見豬,他們?nèi)渴酋说牟⑶掖罅康爻鲅?/p>

62、As we marched along, the lame boy dropped back. ─── 在我們前進的時候,那個跛足的男孩子落在后面了。

63、He fell off the horse and became lame immediately. ─── 他從馬上摔下來,立刻變?nèi)沉恕?/p>

64、The accident made him lame in the left leg. ─── 出事後他的左腿瘸了。

65、A lame cat is better than a swift horse when rats infest the palace. ─── 宮殿有鼠患,瘸貓比快馬強。

66、At this disenchanted moment a little lame duck of her own breed was welcome to June, so homoeopathic by instinct. ─── 在這樣一個幻想破滅時刻,一個至親骨肉的可憐蟲對瓊說來是受歡迎的,從本能上覺得這是很好的順勢療法。

67、How can I help you?@ answered the lame man. ─── “我怎么有辦法幫你呢?”這瘸子回答說。

68、You play like a lame camel. I am the skirmish master. ─── 你像一個瘸腿的駱駝一樣,我才是戰(zhàn)斗的大師。

69、As laming on left leg, he walk limp. ─── 他左腿跛了,走起路來一瘸一拐地。

70、Bah! You talk a good game Mansoon, but your sleuthing abilities are rather lame. ─── 呸!你說的還挺好,曼索恩,不過做警犬的功夫你可不怎么樣。

71、You fight like a lame camel you are losing me this war. ─── 你像一個殘廢的駱駝一樣打仗,你正在輸?shù)暨@場戰(zhàn)斗。

72、Do you know why I didn't want to go to the show? Because I think it is lame. ─── 你知道我為什么不想去看這場演出嗎?因為我覺得太無聊了。

73、The ailing motor industry is a lame duck that the government has helped in the past. ─── 境況不佳的汽車行業(yè)一直是政府補助的“跛鴉子”。

74、She was lame in her knees with the gout, and, therefore, seldom stirred out of her room, so sometimes wanted company. ─── 她因患痛風,膝蓋留下殘疾,行動不便,很少出屋,有時便希望有人陪伴。

75、Back where the cars decide, where the lame star limps an endless milehave i gone too farinside my mind? ─── 回到那車去往的地方蹣跚的星光顛過無垠曠野我的思緒是否已飄的太遠?

76、Having been long sitting there, I have to knead the lame muscles of my legs. ─── 因為在那兒坐了很久,我不得不按摩我那僵硬的腿部肌肉。

77、It is only because all others are lame too that no one recognizes the fact. ─── 僅僅因為其他的人也是這樣,所以沒有人認清這個事實。

78、To punish her, Zeus gave her to Hephaestus (Vulcan in Roman mythology), the lame and ugly god of the forge. ─── 為了要懲罰她,宙斯把她嫁給赫斐斯塔司(即羅馬神話中的伏爾甘),他是個又瘸又丑的鍛冶之神。

79、Export MP3s with the optional LAME encoder library. ─── 導出MP3文件,使用可選的LAME編碼庫。

80、A lame man obtained some money from several benevolent persons by making a pretext of being a returned soldier who was disabled in the war. ─── 一個跛子謊稱是戰(zhàn)爭致殘的士兵而從幾位好心人那里弄到了一點錢。

81、If you came just a tiny bit earlier you'd have caught the lame Pew, a well-known pirate. ─── 只要你再來早那么一點就能抓到瘸腿保,那個有名的海盜。

82、One is blind, another is deaf, and a third is lame. ─── 一個是瞎子,另一個是聾子,第三個是瘸子。(作主語)

83、He would always help a lame dog over the stile, that was his boast. ─── 他常常對有困難的人幫一把,這是他引以自傲的事。

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