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10-04 投稿


muscled 發(fā)音

英:[?m?sld]  美:[?m?sld]

英:  美:

muscled 中文意思翻譯




muscled 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 肌肉;力量vt. 加強;使勁搬動;使勁擠出vi. 使勁行進(jìn)

muscled 常用詞組

smooth muscle ─── 平滑肌

skeletal muscle ─── n. 骨骼肌;骨肌

muscle strength ─── 肌肉強度

muscled 短語詞組

1、well-muscled ─── 肌肉發(fā)達(dá)的

2、lightly muscled ─── 肌肉輕盈

muscled 詞性/詞形變化,muscled變形

動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: muscling |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): muscles |動詞過去式: muscled |形容詞: muscly |動詞過去分詞: muscled |

muscled 相似詞語短語

1、mused ─── v.沉思,冥想,揣摩;沉思地自言自語(muse的過去式和過去分詞)

2、muscoid ─── n.苔蘚狀的無花植物;家蠅總科下的蠅;adj.苔蘚狀的

3、mussed ─── v.弄亂(衣服或頭發(fā));n.凌亂;爭吵,沖突;n.(Muss)(美)馬斯(人名)

4、muscley ─── 馬斯克利

5、muscid ─── adj.家蠅科的

6、muscly ─── adj.強健的;肌肉的

7、muscle ─── n.肌肉;力量;vt.加強;使勁搬動;使勁擠出;vi.使勁行進(jìn)

8、muscles ─── n.肌肉(muscle的復(fù)數(shù))

9、mushed ─── n.感傷的話;濃粥;軟塊;膽怯;vi.帶狗撬在雪上前進(jìn);vt.粉碎;int.走!

muscled 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、They opened the scoring after 15 minutes when Drogba muscled Scott Dann off the ball, went round keeper Kieran Westwood and turned in his shot from a tight angle. ─── 他們打開了15分鐘后,德羅巴的進(jìn)球時,然后使勁斯科特,圍著門將,在他看來威斯特從狹窄角度。

2、The sleekly muscled racer sports a large wraparound windscreen adding to the impact of the car's size and dynamic appearance. ─── 外觀光滑肌肉賽車運動的大概括的擋風(fēng)玻璃上增添了汽車的外觀尺寸和動力的影響。

3、More recently, UK banks have muscled in to meet demand from clients while more US and European banks are hosting courses in London. ─── 最近,英國銀行已經(jīng)開始滿足這些客戶的需求,同時更多的美國和歐洲銀行在倫敦舉辦了課程。

4、The US has also muscled in to its bilateral preferential trade agreements (nearly all with small, developing nations) conditions unrelated to trade at the expense of their partner nations. ─── 美國還強行在雙邊優(yōu)惠貿(mào)易協(xié)定(多數(shù)是與發(fā)展中小國簽署的)中加入與貿(mào)易無關(guān)、有損伙伴國利益的條件。

5、heavily muscled ─── 肌肉粗壯的白種男人, 猛烈地用力, 肌肉粗壯的

6、Numerical Comparison of the Second-order Godunov Scheme MUSCL and the Fifth-order FD-WENO Scheme for Compressible Euler Equation ─── 五階FD-WENO格式與二階Godunov格式MUSCL的數(shù)值測試與比較

7、Mourinho's team appeared content to hold on to what they had although Drogba muscled his way through to force Reina into a near-post save in the 75th minute and then put a header just wide. ─── 穆里尼奧的球隊堅持住了場面,并由德羅巴繼續(xù)帶給對手壓力,他在第75分鐘迫使雷納再次做出近距離撲救,隨后還有一記頭球攻門。

8、He slowly muscled up the cliff. ─── 他全靠體力攀登懸崖。

9、"Tom Smith is a newcomer, but he has already muscled in the political circles that control the town." ─── 湯姆·史密斯是一個新來者,但已強行擠進(jìn)統(tǒng)治這個城市的政界圈子里。

10、The Construction Craft of Muscled Soil Barricades ─── 加筋土擋墻施工工藝

11、Roy Hall, a well muscled guard headed to Ohio State on a football scholarship, bodied him all over the court. ─── 羅伊?xí)?,以及肌民警衛(wèi)隊前往俄亥俄州狀態(tài)對一個足球獎學(xué)金,健全他都法院。

12、muscl segment ─── [醫(yī)] 肌節(jié)

13、He muscled through the crowd. ─── 他從人群中硬擠過去。

14、The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and, with the rear of the thorax, should swing up in a pleasing curve (tuck-up). ─── 腹部肌肉緊繃,形狀良好,與后胸連成優(yōu)美的曲線(收腹)。

15、Of the three boys, one was big - muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. ─── 三個男孩中的一個體格健碩——渾身的肌肉像個專業(yè)舉重運動員——長著一頭卷曲的黑發(fā)。

16、8.Though most athletes were utterly exhausted by the decathlon alone, Thorpe breezed through both events, his dark hair flopping, his smile flashing, his muscled body gliding along the track. ─── 大多數(shù)運動員參加十項全能一項就筋疲力盡了,而索普卻輕松自如地賽完兩項。他一頭黑發(fā)打顫著,臉上閃爍著微笑,肌肉強健的身體掠過跑道。

17、I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. ─── 我以前常常從我家廚房的窗戶看到她,她強行擠過操場上的一群男孩子,對這些男孩們來說,她顯得那么矮小。

18、Forelegs are strong and straight with long, well muscled forearms. ─── 前肢強壯、直且長,前臂肌肉非常發(fā)達(dá)。

19、The first impression of a good German Shepherd Dog is that of a strong, agile, well muscled animal, alert and full of life. ─── 一條好的德國牧羊犬給人的印象是:結(jié)實、敏捷、肌肉發(fā)達(dá)、警惕、且充滿活力。

20、shoulders : shoulder blade long, strong and well laid back, forming a not too obtuse angle with the upper arm, well attached to the chest, well muscled. ─── 肩部:肩部線條筆直,結(jié)實有力,適度向后平躺,與上臂成鈍角狀,但角度不可過寬。與胸部相接良好,肌肉發(fā)達(dá)

21、The president muscled the bill through Congress. ─── 總統(tǒng)強使這個法案在國會獲得通過。

22、A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash. ─── 一個又大又壯的帶著皮面具,在從他的腰帶里拿出一個一尺長的長釘前給犧牲者帶了一個擋住眼睛的帽子。

23、The two bailiffs muscled him through the door and his frantic shouts echoed through the courthouse for what seemed like an eternity. ─── 這兩名法警使勁地挾他出門,而他那瘋狂的喊聲還久久回蕩在法庭中,似乎無窮無盡。

24、She muscled through the throng of people, frantically searching for David ─── 她使勁擠過人群,拼命尋找大衛(wèi)

25、Your arms are strong and muscled, your back brown, your hands callused from constant pressure and your legs massive and hard. ─── 你的手臂變得更強壯有力,你的背黝黑發(fā)亮,而你的手長出厚厚的繭來,腿也變得結(jié)實粗壯了。

26、Shoulders--The sloping shoulder blades (scapulae) are strongly muscled, yet flat. ─── 肩部:傾斜的肩胛,肌肉發(fā)達(dá),而且平坦。

27、We muscled our way out. ─── 我們使勁擠了出去。

28、"They muscled us, they pressured our passers and they took away our angles," said Coach Phil Jackson. ─── “他們跟我們?nèi)獠麄兘o我們的傳球者壓迫還逼迫我們喪失了視角”,菲爾說。

29、He muscled into the union. ─── 他硬是加入了協(xié)會。

30、When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscl... ─── 天將降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為,增益其所不能

31、Thighs : Heavily muscled. ─── 大腿:重肌肉。

32、These are the poster-boys of the angel world, blond, muscled and shining. ─── 他們都是天使世界中的典范,有著金黃的頭發(fā)和強健的肌肉,閃耀著金光。

33、The rear legs are broad and heavily muscled through the thighs; stifles moderately bent; hock joints are moderately bent and well let down. ─── 后座腿廣闊和重肌透過大腿;扼殺中度排架;福接頭中度執(zhí)意要和好失望。

34、Upper thigh is fairly long, very broad and well muscled. ─── 上腿是相當(dāng)長的,非常寬而且富有肌肉。

35、Noted for stamina, endurance, agility, determination and aggressiveness when hunting, the powerful, well muscled, yet streamlined Plott combines courage with athletic ability. ─── 在打獵時它表現(xiàn)出毅力,耐性,敏捷,果斷和攻擊性,除了力量和強健的肌肉,改進(jìn)的普羅特獵犬還結(jié)合了運動能力和勇氣。

36、What you want when you're down is soft and jiggly, not muscled and stable. ─── 你情緒低落時需要的是軟乎乎和顫動的東西,而不是健壯和穩(wěn)定。

37、Look at yourself.Your arms are strong and muscled, your back sinewy and brown; ─── 看看你自己吧,你的雙臂健壯而有力,你的背曬成古銅色,何等強壯;

38、Even the years of military training had not muscled him into hardness. ─── 甚至幾年的軍事操練也未曾使他增強體質(zhì)。

39、Shoulders are well inclined and very strongly muscled. ─── 肩部適度傾斜、肌肉非常發(fā)達(dá)。

40、Neck: The neck is well muscled, moderately arched, and may have moderate dewlap.The neck, especially in dogs, is shrouded by a thick upstanding mane. ─── 栗色、褐色、藍(lán)/灰色,所有的顏色都可能有或沒有棕色或金黃色的飾斑,而飾斑的顏色深淺不一。

41、They muscled the old piano out of the room. ─── 他們使勁把舊鋼琴搬出房間。

42、You don't have to be a troubled, bullied teenager living vicariously through their overly muscled Night Elf (who will obviously never get picked on) to take advantage of escapism. ─── 煩惱在這里被一掃而空,有些常被欺負(fù)的的少年選擇了肌肉發(fā)達(dá)的暗夜精靈(看起來就不是能讓人隨便欺負(fù)的樣子)作為慰藉。

43、MUSCL scheme ─── MUSCL格式

44、Its upper body is humanlike, powerfully muscled and sporting a pair of ramlike horns atop its head. ─── 上半身則像人類,有著強壯的肌肉和頭頂一對羊角。

45、Shoulders--The shoulders are well laid back, well muscled, and lie close to the body. ─── 肩部:肩膀向后傾斜放置,肌肉發(fā)達(dá),隱藏在身軀里。

46、They are gluttonous and goodly and great.What you want when you're down is soft and jiggly, not muscled and stable. ─── 我的瘦朋友一點兒也不接受我列的這三點,所以他索性出去找活干,把落葉堆在黃楊樹下。

47、I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. ─── 我曾經(jīng)常常從廚房窗口觀察她,她用力擠過操場上的一群男生時顯得那么瘦小。

48、She muscled through the throngs of people, frantically searching for David. ─── 她使勁擠過人群,拼命尋找大衛(wèi)。

49、Forelegs medium length, straight in bone, well muscled, set moderately wide apart and straight from the point of the shoulders as viewed from the front. ─── 前肢長度適中,骨骼筆直,肌肉發(fā)達(dá),從前面看,兩腿間呈中等距離,且從胸部起筆直向下。

50、Terry hit back at claims by Everton's James Beattie that Chelsea could be muscled out of their stride following their 1-1 draw at Goodison Park on Sunday. ─── 特里對埃弗頓前鋒比蒂的言論進(jìn)行了回?fù)?,后者稱,周日在古迪遜公園被1-1逼平后,切爾西的勇猛勢頭將被終止。

51、Lithe and racy, the Ibizan possesses a deerlike elegance combined with the power of a hunter.Strong, without appearing heavily muscled, the Ibizan is a hound of moderation. ─── 柔軟而適合奔跑的身體,依比沙獵犬作為一個獵人,擁有象鹿一樣的氣質(zhì),結(jié)合了優(yōu)雅和力量。

52、Under that muscled body of his he was a mass of quivering sensibilities. ─── 在他那肌肉鼓突的身體下面是一堆顫顫巍巍的敏感神經(jīng)。

53、The thighs are strong and well muscled, bent at the stifles and set true. ─── 大腿:結(jié)實而肌肉發(fā)達(dá),膝關(guān)節(jié)彎曲,且位置正確。

54、Second thighs well muscled and approximately equal in length to the upper. ─── 第二節(jié)大腿肌肉發(fā)達(dá),且長度與第一節(jié)大腿的長度大致相等。

55、heavily muscled, white male ─── 肌肉粗壯的白種男人

56、Neck strong, full, well muscled, nicely arched and of sufficient length to carry the head proudly above the topline when standing at attention. ─── 松獅犬是一種原產(chǎn)于中國北方的古老犬種,曾在中國用途廣泛,作為狩獵犬、拖曳犬、護(hù)衛(wèi)犬。

57、Mainly used for: an assistance drug of general anaesthetics as the muscl relaxtant in the windpipe surgical operation . ─── 主要用于:作為全麻輔助用藥, 用于全麻時的氣管插管及手術(shù)中的肌肉松弛。

58、He muscled his way into the office. ─── 他擠著走進(jìn)了辦公室。

59、She wandered off. We muscled a lawnmower into the car. ─── 她走開了。我們把一臺,,割草機(jī)塞到車上。

60、Body short, compact, close coupled, strongly muscled, broad, deep and well let down in the flank.The body, back, coupling and croup must all be short to give the required square build. ─── 松獅犬體格強健,身體呈方形,屬中型犬,肌肉發(fā)達(dá),骨骼粗壯,骨量足,適合寒冷地區(qū)。

61、Legs seen from front and side, perfectly straight and parallel to each other from elbow to pastern;muscled and sinewy, with heavy bone. ─── 前肢從肘部到腳腕,不論從正面或側(cè)面看都是完美的筆直、彼此平行且有力,骨量充足。

62、Though most athletes were utterly exhausted by the decathlon alone, Thorpe breezed through both events, his dark hair flopping, his smile flashing, his muscled body gliding along the track ─── 大多數(shù)運動員參加十項全能一項就筋疲力盡了,而索普卻輕松自如地賽完兩項,他一頭黑發(fā)撲顛著,臉上閃爍著微笑,那肌肉強健的身體沿著跑道輕捷地飛奔著。

63、The thighs are moderately muscled with stifles that are moderately bent and clearly defined. ─── 大腿肌肉適度發(fā)達(dá),后膝關(guān)節(jié)適度傾斜,形成清晰的輪廓。

64、The American Bobtail is a medium-to-large, naturally occurring, bobtailed cat; a noticeably athletic animal, well muscled, with the appearance of power. ─── 美國短尾貓是一種大中體形,自然形成的短尾貓;一種引人注目的好動的動物,肌肉發(fā)達(dá),有強有力的外形。

65、And why would natural selection have favored the development of little protowings in a theropod equipped with heavily muscled legs for running across the ground? ─── 另一方面,獸足類恐龍雙腿強而有力,在地面上奔馳毫不費力,天擇怎麼會看上牠們的弱小上肢,將它們改造成原始的翅膀?

66、Forequarters nShoulders--Sloping, well muscled and well laid back. ─── 在*近末端處可能糾結(jié)。

67、Substance--Powerfully built, strong boned, well muscled, without any sign of heaviness or clumsiness. ─── 體質(zhì):結(jié)構(gòu)有力、骨骼強健、肌肉發(fā)達(dá),沒有任何沉重或笨拙的跡象。

68、As the truck stopped, she saw the scowling, muscled man with the mustache. ─── 小貨車停了下來,勞娜看到的是個怒氣沖沖、滿臉胡須、肌肉發(fā)達(dá)的男人。

69、Nice to see Yao muscled his way in. And the defender is Shaq ─── 很高興看到姚用力量擠進(jìn)去,防守者恰恰是沙克

70、The back is muscular with firmly muscled loin. ─── 上部是富于肌肉的腰部。

71、His arms were muscled and toned, the skin pale, soft looking and slick with sweat. ─── 他的雙臂富有肌肉,很耐看,皮膚蒼白,看起來很軟,上面全是汗。

72、WITH America in or near recession, the economy has muscled its way to the top of most people's priorities. ─── 美國已經(jīng)或者即將進(jìn)入衰退,經(jīng)濟(jì)問題一躍成立大部分民眾最關(guān)心的議題。

73、He was muscled out of the hall in full view of the press. ─── 他在所有媒體的注視下被趕出大廳。

74、double muscled rump ─── 雙肌尻

75、Upper thighs powerful and well muscled. ─── 第一節(jié)大腿:有力而肌肉發(fā)達(dá)。

76、Strong, with broad thighs and heavily muscled. ─── 結(jié)實,擁有寬寬的大腿和大量肌肉。

77、Strongly muscled and of medium length, with minimal dewlap. ─── 筆直有力肌肉和中等長度,喉部有少許的垂肉。

78、Picudo, a heavily muscled male wrestler, "chokes" Marina de La Paz, who grimaces convincingly. ─── “象鼻蟲”,一個肌肉超級發(fā)達(dá)的男摔跤手,扼住了“拉巴斯的瑪蓮娜”的脖子,后者痛苦的表情說明了一切。

79、On particularly fragile ice, a simple kick of the foot a bit to muscled can lead to the entire structure tumbling down. ─── 他們需要更多的精確和流暢用到技術(shù)工具,在特別的易碎冰的地方,有時候一個很小的踢冰動作就可能導(dǎo)致整個冰面結(jié)構(gòu)的崩潰。

80、The first impression of a good German Shepherd Dog is that of a strong, agile, well muscled animal, alert and full of life. ─── 一條好的德國牧羊犬給人的印象是:結(jié)實、敏捷、肌肉發(fā)達(dá)、警惕、且充滿活力。

81、The chromic edema,muscled atrophy, joint stiffness, and disuse osteoporosis that can result from knee joint immobilization, because of lower limb fracture surgery. ─── 下肢骨折手術(shù)后,長期臥床和膝關(guān)節(jié)制動可引起關(guān)節(jié)腫脹、肌肉萎縮、關(guān)節(jié)僵硬、骨質(zhì)疏松,最終導(dǎo)致膝關(guān)節(jié)功能障礙。

82、Numerical solution of three-dimensional Euler equations using multi-block and multi-grid computational methods was studied with finite volume method. Modified Van Leer upwind flux-vector-splitting method and MUSCL scheme were used. ─── 全機(jī)三維復(fù)雜形狀繞流數(shù)值求解只能采用分區(qū)求解的方法,本文采用可壓縮Euler方程有限體積方法以及多重網(wǎng)格分區(qū)方法對流場進(jìn)行分區(qū)計算。

83、muscled into the conversation. ─── 強行插話

84、A long raised scar ran across his brown chest and down into his heavily muscled abdomen. ─── 一道長長的隆起傷疤越過褐色的胸脯一直伸到肌肉發(fā)達(dá)的腹部底下。

85、He was a broad, bandy-legged little man with a walrus mustache, with square hands, puffed and muscled on the palms. ─── 沉思著,那雙灰色的眼睛有些潮濕。他是一個寬肩,腿有點彎,帶著海象胡子的年輕人,有一雙充滿肌肉的寬大手掌。

86、He muscled his way through the crowd. ─── 他用力擠過人群。

87、Thorpe breezed through both events, his dark hair flopping, his smile flashing, his muscled body gliding along the track. ─── 他一頭黑發(fā)撲顛著,臉上閃爍著微笑,那肌肉強健的身體沿著跑道輕捷地飛奔著。

88、We slowly muscled up the cliff. ─── 我們慢慢地用力攀上懸崖。

89、Perhaps clever marketing could make “double-muscled” fish into a premium product, too. ─── 也許聰明的營銷方式可以使“雙肌”魚也成為質(zhì)優(yōu)價高的產(chǎn)品。

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