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10-04 投稿


marginate 發(fā)音


英:  美:

marginate 中文意思翻譯




marginate 同義詞

marginate 詞性/詞形變化,marginate變形


marginate 反義詞


marginate 短語詞組

1、Anaplasma marginate ─── [醫(yī)] 邊緣微粒孢子蟲

2、marginate-depressed ─── [醫(yī)]凹緣的,凹緣杵形的

marginate 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Petiole and leaf margin glabrous. ─── 葉柄和葉緣無毛。

3、He said the visitors had deserved their win although the margin was narrow. ─── 他說客隊(duì)獲勝是應(yīng)該的,雖說比分相差不大。

4、A thirty percent discount would slash our profit margin. ─── 三成的折扣會大幅壓縮我們的毛利。

5、The general price level declined by small margin. ─── 價(jià)格總水平小幅下降。

6、Write down a note on the margin of the page. ─── 在頁邊空白處寫上一注解。

7、Put a mark in the margin to show the omission . ─── 在頁邊作個(gè)記號表示有遺漏.

8、Secure order even sacrifice margin. ─── 即使?fàn)奚麧?,也須保住訂單?/p>

9、Does the margin change with currency traded? ─── 保證金交易是否改變貨幣?

10、Margin requirements also provide traders with su tantial leverage. ─── 保證金也給了交易商以極大的財(cái)務(wù)杠桿的便利。

11、He left early and caught the train by a good margin. ─── 他很早動身,有充裕的時(shí)間趕上火車。

12、But when it comes to price, CRTs beat AMLCDs by a wide margin. ─── 但當(dāng)談到價(jià)格時(shí),CRT遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)低于AMLCD。

13、The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual. Costs escalated beyond all expectations. And few were privy to the problems because the program was financed in the secret part of the Pentagon budget. ─── 廠家對合同投的標(biāo)似乎較一般低得太多。成本節(jié)節(jié)升高,超出任何人的預(yù)料。由于該計(jì)劃系五角大樓秘密預(yù)算所支付,很少人知悉問題的同情。

14、The margin of time for averting crisis was melting away. ─── 可以用來消彌這一危機(jī)的些許時(shí)光正在逝去。

15、Labellum obovate, large, margin incurved. ─── 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,彎曲的邊緣。

16、In fact, in general it is possible for the margin to go negative. ─── 事實(shí)上,總的來說保證金有可能為負(fù)數(shù)。

17、A margin of freedom or variation, as of activity, time, or expenditure; latitude. ─── 余地,余裕自由或變化的余地,比如行動、時(shí)間或花費(fèi)等; 回旋余地

18、Further reduction impossible as margin already dangerous. ─── 利潤已無法保證,再讓價(jià)已不可能。

19、A street lantern reddened the margin of the quay. ─── 一盞路燈照紅了河岸的邊石,

20、He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds. ─── 他比其他運(yùn)動員早10秒鐘到達(dá)終點(diǎn)。

21、The current value of all commodities held in a margin account. ─── 保證金帳戶中所有商品的現(xiàn)有價(jià)值。

22、 雙語使用場景

23、Sit on the margin of a lake. ─── 坐在湖邊。

24、Leaves undivided or 3-lobed, margin serrate. ─── 葉不裂或者3裂,邊緣有鋸齒。

25、Smith passed into the military academy the narrowest margin. ─── 史密斯以十分勉強(qiáng)的成績考入陸軍軍官學(xué)校。

26、Click the margin type that you want. ─── 單擊所需的頁邊距類型。

27、Afraid your practice entail extra expense if continue and affect our margin. ─── 你們的做法恐怕會引起額外損失,這樣下去會影響我們的利潤。

28、To inscribe or enter in the margin of a page. ─── 在書頁邊上作注釋或記錄

29、The output of13 major products has increased by a wide margin. ─── 13項(xiàng)主要產(chǎn)品都有大幅度增長。

30、We would also like to have some information on buying it on margin. ─── 另外,我們想知道哪些資料買了可以有賺頭。

31、He was elected by a narrow margin. ─── 他以微弱多數(shù)當(dāng)選。

32、Labellum deep red with yellow margin. ─── 唇瓣深紅色具黃的邊緣。

33、NRight The width of the new right margin, in pixels. ─── 以像素表示的新的文本右邊距寬度。

34、Put a mark in the margin to show the omission. ─── 在頁邊作個(gè)記號表示有遺漏。

35、A column of text set with a ragged right margin. ─── 一段右邊緣參差不齊的課文

36、The profit of $480 will be credited to his margin account. ─── 在每日結(jié)算制度下,張三保證金戶頭會增加480元。

37、You can note down your comments on the margin of the MS. ─── 你可以把意見寫在手稿頁邊上。

38、He inserted a comment in the margin. ─── 他在頁邊加了評注。

39、Leaves simple, hairy, margin serrate. ─── 單葉,有毛,邊緣有鋸齒。

40、Make notes on the margin of a page. ─── 在一頁的頁邊空白處作注解。

41、Our profit margin is very low. ─── 利潤率很低。

42、The corporation's bottom line is a good profit margin. ─── 公司的基本要求是好的利潤。

43、He made some notes in the margin. ─── 他在頁邊空白處做筆記。

44、It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percent. ─── 其誤差率在正負(fù)3.2%。

45、He is on the margin of death. ─── 他已瀕臨死亡。

46、He passed the exam by a narrow margin. ─── 他勉強(qiáng)通過考試。

47、You can note down your comments on the margin . ─── 你可以把意見寫在邊兒上。

48、Providing a margin for error or shortcomings. ─── 仁慈的容許有錯(cuò)誤或缺點(diǎn)的

49、Head margin The margin at the top of a page. ─── 書頁上邊的空白部份。

50、Initial Margin See Independent Amount. ─── 初始保證金請見獨(dú)立金額。

51、He passed into the university by the narrowest possible margin. ─── 他以極微的分?jǐn)?shù)之差考入了大學(xué)。

52、He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin. ─── 他從那些猛獸口中死里逃生。

53、He noted on the margin his disagreement with the author. ─── 他在書頁的空白處寫下了和作者不同的意見。

54、Where is the northern margin of the Indian plate? ─── 印度板塊的北緣在哪里?

55、National tax revenue grew by a large margin every year. ─── 國家稅收連年大幅度增長。

56、The profit margin on fruit and vegetables is lower than last year. ─── 今年蔬果的毛利率比去年低。

57、The body has a 3 centimeter margin (on all sides). ─── 主體部分的四條邊上包含了寬為3厘米的邊界。

58、Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams. ─── 在我的夢的邊上那像白霜一樣。

59、Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages, such as a document title, page number, or data. ─── 在有印刷文字的頁面底部空白處出現(xiàn)的文字,如文件標(biāo)題、頁面號碼或日期等。

60、Margin calls for and disposal of collaterals. ─── 三、擔(dān)保品之追繳與處分。

61、They were an old couple living on the margin of respectability. ─── 他們是一對老夫妻,過著幾乎是不太體面的日子。

62、Leaf apex usually acute; calyx lobe margin ciliate. ─── 葉先端通常銳尖;萼裂片邊緣具緣毛。

63、Export picked up by a large margin. ─── 出口大幅度回升

64、He backed the car into the space with a narrow margin to spare. ─── 他將車倒進(jìn)一個(gè)非常窄的停車位置。

65、Could you obliterate these letters of the margin? ─── 你能用涂改液涂去這一頁邊上的這些字母嗎?

66、NLeft The width of the new left margin, in pixels. ─── 以像素表示的新的文本左邊距寬度。

67、Smith passed into the military academy by the narrowest margin. ─── 史密斯以十分勉強(qiáng)的成績考進(jìn)了陸軍軍管學(xué)校。

68、The margin of flesh around a wound. ─── 傷口的邊緣圍繞傷口的肉邊

69、Head margin: The margin at the top of a page. ─── 頭白邊:書頁上邊的空白部份。

70、He made notes anyhow in the margin. ─── 他胡亂注了些眉批。

71、Leaf blade margin sharply serrulate. ─── 葉片邊緣銳有細(xì)鋸齒。

72、She asked me to leave a margin when I write . ─── 他告訴我寫的時(shí)候要留邊兒。

73、With the margin irregularly toothed, as if gnawed. ─── 葉緣具參差不齊的齒,好象被啃過似的。

74、He is on the margin of bare subsistence. ─── 他正處在挨餓的邊緣。

75、Principle 3 rational people think at the margin. ─── 原則的3,人們在差額上的合理思考。

76、Pandas are on the margin of extinction. ─── 大熊貓已瀕臨絕種。

77、Labellum obovate, large, apical margin undulate. ─── 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,頂端的邊緣波狀。

78、A curved margin of a highway was reflectorized for safety. ─── 為安全起見公路的彎道邊上裝設(shè)了反射鏡。

79、He passed into Sandhurst by the narrowest possible margin. ─── 他以最低錄取成績考入英國陸軍士官學(xué)校。

80、You leave yourself an enormous margin. ─── 你必須讓自己保有相當(dāng)?shù)木彌_。

81、In this instance, the only known is our actual profit margin. ─── 在這種場合下,唯一能知道的事是我們實(shí)際可得的利潤

82、You just get improvements on the margin. ─── 你只能作點(diǎn)邊邊角角的改進(jìn)。

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