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10-03 投稿


supernaturally 發(fā)音

英:[?su?p?r?n?t?r?li]  美:[?su?p??n?t?r?li; ?sju?p??n?t?r?li]

英:  美:

supernaturally 中文意思翻譯



supernaturally 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adv. 超自然地

supernaturally 短語詞組

1、supernaturally deficient ─── 超自然缺陷

2、supernaturally good ─── 超自然的好

supernaturally 反義詞


supernaturally 同義詞

unearthly | spiritual | mysterious | ghostlike | magic | uncanny | bizarre | weird | occult | psychic | preternatural | marvelous | eerie | paranormal | ghostly | unknown | superhuman | mystic |mystical | unnatural

supernaturally 詞性/詞形變化,supernaturally變形

名詞: supernaturalist |形容詞: supernaturalistic |

supernaturally 相似詞語短語

1、supernaturalise ─── 超自然化

2、supernaturalises ─── 超自然

3、supernaturalize ─── vt.把…...視為超自然;使超出自然力

4、supernatural ─── adj.超自然的;神奇的,不可思議的;n.超自然現(xiàn)象;不可思議的事

5、supernationally ─── supernationally

6、supernaturality ─── 超自然

7、supernaturalist ─── n.超自然論者;超自然主義者;adj.超自然主義的

8、supernaturalised ─── 超自然的

9、supernaturalism ─── n.超自然主義;超自然力;用已知的自然規(guī)律所無法解釋的

supernaturally 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、We do not need Mai Di to duplicate 35 second miracle time supernaturally brave, also did not count on that he can retain the enough physical strength in fourth. ─── 我們不需要麥蒂復(fù)制“35秒奇跡”時的神勇,也不指望他能在第四節(jié)保留足夠的體力。

2、”) was not a natural phenomenon;it came supernaturally from God. ─── 并非自然的現(xiàn)象,它是從上帝而來超自然的產(chǎn)物。

3、The Harris condition is supernaturally brave, under his score secondary attack's lead, the teammate attacks with irresistible force. ─── 哈里斯?fàn)顟B(tài)神勇,在他的得分助攻的帶動下,隊友進攻勢如破竹。

4、"They're supernaturally predisposed to be in conflict and that's going to make Sunday dinner a little awkward, " Plec joked. ─── “他們超自然的特性會讓她們有些沖突,這會讓他們的周末晚餐有些尷尬。”Plec開玩笑的說。

5、It was not based on a supernaturally revealed body of scripture, and hence very little written documentary evidence survives. ─── 它并不是建立在一個超自然顯示肉身的手稿上,因此非常少寫到得救的書面證明。

6、The boat's PA system gave us some factoids about the Haicang Bridge (the longest suspension bridge in Asia, if you must know), but it's the supernaturally clean underside that really catches the eye. ─── 游船上的廣播解說使我們對海滄大橋有所了解(你應(yīng)該也想知道吧,海滄大橋是亞洲最長的跨海懸索橋)。橋的底面在夜景燈光的照射下,潔凈無瑕,煞是好看。

7、The 40th minute, the Meysey preceding performance snatches brings up the rear challenges card Money once again, was still extended by the supernaturally brave Cameroonian the leg to keep off. ─── 第40分鐘,梅西前場搶斷后再度挑戰(zhàn)卡梅尼,仍被神勇的喀麥隆人伸腿擋出。

8、The Harris condition is supernaturally brave, under his score secondary attack's lead, the teammate attacks with irresistible force. ─── 哈里斯?fàn)顟B(tài)神勇,在他的得分助攻的帶動下,隊友進攻勢如破竹。

9、Pray that God supernaturally visits everyone living in the land with His Shalom. ─── 禱告神透過超自然的方式,以祂的平安造訪這個土地上的每個百姓。

10、At the time of Jesus' second coming, Zechariah foretells that the skies will be supernaturally darkened. ─── 撒迦利亞說耶穌再來時,天空會極不尋常地變黑暗。

11、In 22nd round confronts Chengdu sheffey to unite in the competition, Qu Bo displayed sneaks in supernaturally brave has subdued a ball, from this might see the Qu Bo condition to rise again gradually. ─── 在第22輪對陣成都謝菲聯(lián)比賽中,曲波表現(xiàn)神勇打進了制勝一球,由此可以看出曲波狀態(tài)逐漸回升。

12、These supernaturally STRONG vampires will throw you around like a rag doll if you let them get too close! ─── 如果你離這些超強的吸血鬼太近,他們可以把你像破抹布一樣扔出去。

13、Ask the Holy Spirit to supernaturally reveal Jesus to Oman Muslims as the way to true peace and eternal Salvation. ─── 祈求圣靈以超自然的方式,向阿曼的穆斯林彰顯耶穌是通往真平安及永恒救恩的唯一道路。

14、It is impossible for a person to go without food and water for forty days, but God supernaturally sustained Moses.This time the Israelites passed the test. ─── 一個人四十天不喝水、不進食是不可能活命的,但上帝神奇的維持了摩西的性命,而這次以色列人也通過了試驗。

15、Ask the Holy Spirit to supernaturally reveal Jesus to Oman Muslims as the way to true peace. ─── 祈求圣靈以超自然的方式,向阿曼的穆斯林彰顯耶穌是真正的平安。

16、Even the Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very year last past (supernaturally deficient in originality) rapped out theirs. ─── 即使雄雞巷的幽靈在咄咄逼人地發(fā)出它的預(yù)言之后銷聲匿跡整整十二年,去年的精靈們咄咄逼人發(fā)出的預(yù)言仍跟她差不多,只是少了幾分超自然的獨創(chuàng)性而已。

17、But it's not about vanity: "I'm playing a supernaturally strong character; I need to look that way," Manganiello tells PEOPLE. ─── 但這個角色絕不是花瓶,他告訴《人物》:“我飾演的是個超級強壯的角色,所以我得看上去像啊?!?/p>

18、Although hereafter what posture pursues tightly again and again, reduces the score disparity to only then 3 points, but Dong Jun every one jumps also displays supernaturally brave. ─── 盡管此后何姿連連緊追,將分數(shù)差距縮小到只有3分,但董俊每一跳也都發(fā)揮得神勇。

19、As a human phenominon,the ecological crisis derives from the contradictions between the infinity of ecosystem and the finity of human in supernaturally practical existing pattern. ─── 生態(tài)危機作為屬人現(xiàn)象,產(chǎn)生于人的超自然的實踐存在方式中的人的有限性與生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的無限性之間的矛盾;

20、God could have plowed the fields supernaturally, but He chose instead to use the ordinary means of man to do so. ─── 上帝當(dāng)然可以用超自然的方法耕地,但是祂選擇用人這個一般的方式來耕作。

21、Both sides move fight again, the rocket condition re-enters supernaturally brave, reduced the score disparity gradually, and when the third conclusion fights evenly 80. ─── 雙方易地再戰(zhàn),火箭狀態(tài)重回神勇,漸漸縮小了比分差距,并在第三節(jié)結(jié)束時戰(zhàn)成80平。

22、In Jewish folklore, an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life. ─── 被賦予生命的假人猶太民間傳說中被超自然地賦予了生命而造出來的人

23、It was God of Israel who supernaturally caused the high, double-thick walls to collapse. ─── 耶利哥的居民也會明顯看出,是以色列的上帝奇跡式的使高大的雙層城墻崩塌。

24、Afterward cloth Feng seals the Fannie single tool supernaturally brave. ─── 隨后布馮神勇封出范尼單刀。

25、Although Nawaluo continues to display supernaturally brave, but before the first conclusion, the rad horse Nuoweiqi slam dunk helped Lakers 29-19 to be in the lead ends the first competition. ─── 雖然納瓦羅繼續(xù)神勇表現(xiàn),但是首節(jié)結(jié)束前拉德馬諾維奇的扣籃還是幫助湖人29-19領(lǐng)先結(jié)束第一節(jié)比賽。

26、In February the Holy Spirit led me supernaturally to a special young man named "Edison Chen. ─── 我知道上帝在重建冠希,一個回歸天父懷抱的浪子。

27、Gong Songlin's supernaturally brave performance, lets the club investor speak frankly that this surgery makes the value.??? ─── 龔松林的神勇表現(xiàn),讓俱樂部投資人直言,這次手術(shù)做得值。

28、Under his supernaturally brave display, South Korean cutting edge Xu Yinghao and Japanese cutting edge Keigo Yamashita drops down successively, China obtains two winning streaks the illusion openings. ─── 在他的神勇發(fā)揮下,韓國先鋒許映皓六段和日本先鋒山下敬吾先后倒下,中國獲得兩連勝的夢幻開局。

29、Our country another contestant Jinlong regret is eliminated by condition supernaturally brave Harold, halts 48. ─── 我國另一位選手金龍則遺憾的被狀態(tài)神勇的哈羅德淘汰,止步48強。

30、Pray that during this time of persecution, as in the Book of Acts, the believers will grow stronger, God will move supernaturally and that the church will multiply. ─── 使徒行傳中所記載的,在這段被逼迫的時間,求主使信徒變得更剛強,并且神要以超自然的方式運行,帶來教會增長。

31、It was not based on a supernaturally revealed body of scripture, and hence very little written documentary evidence survives. ─── 它并不是建立在一個超自然顯示肉身的手稿上,因此非常少寫到得救的書面證明。

32、Manna was a sweet gum or resin type of bread that God supernaturally sent from Heaven. ─── 嗎哪是一種神從天上降下的甜味薄并。

33、Murakami argues that war and colonization make people go where one should not be, both physically and supernaturally. ─── 村上認為,戰(zhàn)爭和殖民讓人們?nèi)チ瞬辉撊サ牡胤剑@既是身體層面上的,也是超自然層面上的。

34、Description: A graphic representation of the subject of Poe's most celebrated and tragic narrative poem of the same name, supernaturally lamenting the death of a young lover. ─── 對愛倫坡最著名的悲劇敘事詩同名的生動刻畫,用超自然的手法悼念年輕戀人的死亡。

35、In Jewish folklore, an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life. ─── 在猶太人的民間傳說中,指一個被賦予生命的偶像。

36、Horrid and fantastic boatmen called marraenoloths ply its waters, their skills supernaturally competent. ─── 古怪可怕的冥河船夫努力地劃著水,它們超乎尋常的高超技藝勝任這項工作。

37、Pray that God supernaturally visits everyone living in the land with His Shalom. ─── 禱告神透過超自然的方式,以祂的平安造訪這個土地上的每個百姓。

38、Under Muliniao training, the Iraqi cloth condition is supernaturally braver, the blue-black regiment can also monopolize the scoreboard first place under his leadership. ─── 在穆里尼奧的調(diào)教下,伊布狀態(tài)更加神勇,在他的帶領(lǐng)下藍黑軍團也得以獨占積分榜榜首。

39、Original two person of strength existence certain disparity, but exhorted that actually hits facing Li Xiaoxia exceptionally supernaturally brave. ─── 本來兩人的實力存在一定的差距,但丁寧面對李曉霞卻打的異常神勇。

40、in Jewish folklore,an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life ─── 猶太民間傳說中被超自然地賦予了生命而造出來的人

41、Pray that during this time of persecution, as in the Book of Acts, the believers will grow stronger, God will move supernaturally and that the church will multiply. ─── 如同使徒行傳中所記載的,在這段被逼迫的時間,求主使信徒變得更剛強,并且神要以超自然的方式運行,帶來教會增長。

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