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10-03 投稿


stonework 發(fā)音

英:['st??nw??k]  美:['ston'w?k]

英:  美:

stonework 中文意思翻譯



stonework 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、coursed stonework ─── 粗石工

stonework 詞性/詞形變化,stonework變形

名詞: stoneworker |

stonework 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、stop-work ─── 停工;制擋機(jī)件

2、to network ─── 到網(wǎng)絡(luò)

3、stoneware ─── n.瓷器;石器

4、stoneborer ─── n.石蟶屬動(dòng)物

5、stonehorse ─── 石馬

6、stoneworker ─── n.石工;石匠

7、stonewort ─── n.車軸藻類的植物;輪藻綱植物

8、stockwork ─── n.[地質(zhì)]網(wǎng)狀脈;非定制品

9、stoneworts ─── n.車軸藻類的植物;輪藻綱植物

stonework 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、"I see you are admiring the stonework of the inn," he said."It is a native art.One pull of the keystone and the whole wall comes tumbling down. ─── “你們一定對(duì)這石頭墻壁很感興趣吧,”老板說(shuō),“這是當(dāng)?shù)氐囊环N藝術(shù),只要拿掉主石塊,整個(gè)墻壁就會(huì)倒塌?!?/p>

2、For example: The main construction of the object for many earthwork, stonework, concrete, metal structure and mechanical and electrical equipment installation projects; ─── 例如:主要施工對(duì)象多為土方、石方、混凝土、金屬結(jié)構(gòu)和機(jī)電設(shè)備安裝等項(xiàng)目;

3、natural stonework ─── 天然石砌筑

4、Research on Detection of Earthwork and Stonework in Complex Site with Comprehensive Exploration Means ─── 綜合勘探手段在復(fù)雜場(chǎng)地土石方檢測(cè)中的應(yīng)用研究

5、crumbling stonework ─── 不斷破裂的石制建筑

6、Experts blamed algae growing on the stonework - and it was closed for five months at the start of 2005 for further work. ─── 2005年,專家又因噴泉石上長(zhǎng)有苔蘚需加以維護(hù)改進(jìn)為由,再次將噴泉關(guān)閉了5個(gè)月。

7、It is believed that Buckingham Palace is among the buildings where some stonework is in a poor state of repair. ─── 據(jù)信,白金漢宮是石造部分急需修繕的建筑之一。

8、The restored stonework melds beautifully with the original architecture. ─── 修復(fù)的石雕部份和原始建筑相得益彰。

9、What a harmonious and inviting place to live. The design details and craftsmanship of the execution are extraordinary. Even the pattern of the stonework is engaging. ─── 這是一個(gè)多么和諧和有魅力的地方。設(shè)計(jì)的細(xì)部與制作工藝都是非凡的,甚至采用了石雕技術(shù)。

10、Key points: when transportation distance of earthwork and stonework is in 100, construct by bulldozers. ─── 方案要點(diǎn):土石方運(yùn)距在100米以內(nèi)采用推土機(jī)施工;

11、Wether the earthwork and stonework computation is correct or not directly affects the road investment and computation of technological and economical programes in road construction. ─── 本文對(duì)路基土石方工程設(shè)計(jì)現(xiàn)狀及存在的問(wèn)題進(jìn)行分析,提出如何準(zhǔn)確、規(guī)范的進(jìn)行土石方數(shù)量的計(jì)算與調(diào)配的具體方法。

12、People from around the world flock to Machu Picchu to admire its stonework and interesting architecture - and ponder the unknowns. ─── 從世界各地來(lái)的人們蜂擁至馬丘比丘來(lái)欣賞它的石藝和有趣的建筑,思考未解之事。

13、vermicular (or vermiculated) stonework ─── 蟲(chóng)蛀形石雕工藝

14、The stonework used to fill Subgrade.Their intensity, particulate diameter and the extending scale should meet the design and procurement document’s technology requirement. ─── 路堤填筑所用石料強(qiáng)度、粒徑及攤鋪層厚滿足設(shè)計(jì)及招標(biāo)文件技術(shù)規(guī)范要求。

15、The Flemish centre of old Lille, with its cobbled streets and gilt-edged stonework, has been scrubbed up; ─── 在古老里爾城市的弗拉芒中心,鵝卵石鋪就的街道和品質(zhì)上等的石雕被清洗一新。

16、Acid rain and polluted air also damage the bricks and stonework of buildings, and corrode the metalwork of steel bridges and railings. ─── 酸雨和被污染的大氣還會(huì)侵蝕建筑物的磚塊和石造的部分,腐蝕鋼制橋梁和鐵軌的金屬部分。

17、crafted with extremely fine stonework. ─── 經(jīng)過(guò)那座小屋之后,你會(huì)看見(jiàn)舉行儀式用的浴池,再過(guò)去則是太陽(yáng)神廟,以極為精致的石工所造。

18、Excavation and Fiu of Stonework of High Grade Highway in Mountainous and Hiuy Terrain ─── 山嶺重丘區(qū)高等級(jí)公路石方開(kāi)挖與填筑

19、Monumental stonework and fireplaces big enough to parallel park Lincoln Town Cars in. ─── 紀(jì)念碑一樣的石雕作品和壁爐,大得可以并排停下好幾輛大林肯車。

20、twenty hundred cubic metres of stonework ─── 兩萬(wàn)石方

21、Error Analysis of Measurement of Earthwork and Stonework Quantities in Dredging and Damming Works of Channel ─── 航道疏浚筑壩土石方計(jì)量的誤差分析


23、The stonework stands out from the rest of the wall. ─── 墻上的石工部分突出。

24、He did the pointing in the stonework himself. ─── 他自己做了石結(jié)構(gòu)的勾縫。

25、It shows where the dwarves got their skill in stonework, but judging by Ulduar they're still a long way from matching their creators. ─── 這里的石雕可以解釋矮人們?yōu)槭裁刺焐褪堑窨檀髱?,但和奧達(dá)爾的石刻建筑比較起來(lái),矮人們的技藝離他們的造物主還有相當(dāng)大的一段距離。

26、the amount of earthwork and stonework ─── 土石方數(shù)量

27、interference stonework ─── 干擾石方

28、After passing the hut, you will find the ceremonial baths and just past them the Temple of the Sun, crafted with extremely fine stonework. ─── 穿過(guò)小屋,你會(huì)找到舉行儀式的浴池,經(jīng)過(guò)它們,就是太陽(yáng)神廟,它以極其精湛的石藝建造。

29、Continue on the winding city paths that take you past its 170+ other buildings with more examples of fine stonework. ─── 繼續(xù)沿著城中蜿蜒的小路前行,你會(huì)經(jīng)過(guò)170多座其它的建筑,展示更多的精湛的石藝。

30、random stonework ─── 亂砌石工

31、Evidence of this influence can be seen in the expensive stonework throughout the city, and the people's pride in their home town. ─── 此種影響力,可從遍布全城的華麗建筑和居民們對(duì)城市的由衷自豪,充分得到佐證。

32、To the east, the tower of St. Vincent's rises into sky, red and fragile, its stonework as delicate as veins of a leaf. ─── 東面圣文森大教堂單薄的紅色塔樓聳入半空,它的石頭構(gòu)造像葉脈一樣纖細(xì)。

33、Quality Control of Stonework in Expressway Construction ─── 高速公路施工中砌石工程的質(zhì)量控制

34、They were swarming around the stonework near the roof of the garage. ─── 它們靠近石造物的住宅汽車庫(kù)被蜂群環(huán)繞。

35、This means there's no grainy, or realistic quality to the stonework. ─── 這意味著,有沒(méi)有粒狀,或現(xiàn)實(shí)的質(zhì)量向石方。

36、Continue on the winding city paths that take you past its 170 other buildings with more examples of fine stonework. ─── 繼續(xù)沿著蜿蜒的城中小徑前行,便會(huì)經(jīng)過(guò)另外一百七十余座建筑,展示更多精致的石工。

37、Close inspection shows up the cracks in the stonework. ─── 仔細(xì)觀察就能發(fā)現(xiàn)這石雕中有裂縫.

38、Scaffolding covers crumbling stonework; ─── 腳手架覆蓋著破碎的石制品;

39、anchoring of stonework ─── 石作錨定

40、For example, this beautiful log cabin home in Canada features surround sound speakers that are built into the stonework of the home. ─── 比如,這個(gè)坐落于加拿大的漂亮原木小屋,它的環(huán)繞立體聲揚(yáng)聲器是被裝進(jìn)家中的石墻里的。

41、Dating back over 500 years, the Chapel features Scotland’s finest examples of medieval stonework and has been described as a ‘Tapestry in Stone’. ─── 500多年以來(lái),羅斯林教堂一直是蘇格蘭中世紀(jì)石刻建筑中的瑰寶。

42、a piece of stonework ─── 一件石雕工藝品 [石制品]

43、The stonework of the tower was crumbling,and the great clock had fallen into disrepair. ─── 這座高塔的石建部分已經(jīng)開(kāi)始瓦解,而那座大鐘早已破損了。

44、cyclopean stonework ─── 蠻石工程

45、In many cases, stonework displayed out - of - doors has undergone serious deterioration because of a number of factors. ─── 梅園石質(zhì)文物由于多處于露天展示狀態(tài),在多種因素的共同作用下,病害狀況較嚴(yán)重。

46、The answer in the exhibition is that, as a young man, Palladio excelled at carving decorative stonework on columns, doorways and fireplaces. ─── 本次展覽會(huì)給出了答案,帕拉第奧年青的時(shí)候就擅長(zhǎng)于柱子、門框和壁爐的石雕。

47、The stonework blasting of this contract uses construction program that combine blasting deep hole and smooth blasting. ─── 本合同段石方爆破采用深孔控制爆破和光面爆破相結(jié)合的施工方案。

48、one million cubic metres of stonework ─── 一百萬(wàn)石方

49、Chengdu Fumeilai Stonework Co., Ltd is a high-tech professional supplier devoted to R&D, design, production, sales and service in connection to artificial stonework. ─── 成都福美來(lái)石材有限公司是一家專注于人造文化石研發(fā)、設(shè)計(jì)、生產(chǎn)、銷售和服務(wù)為一體的專業(yè)化高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。

50、The Houses of Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus, green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework. ─── 工藝師們使用蘆筍、青豆、紅花菜豆,再混以甜玉米生動(dòng)刻畫了英國(guó)國(guó)會(huì)大廈這座錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的石砌建筑。

51、A stunning example of how the landscape can complement the architecture without being a slave to it. The colors, distinctive detailing, and striking stonework are beautifully appropriate to the site. ─── 這一項(xiàng)目有力的證明了景觀可以為建筑添彩而不是作為建筑的附屬。極美的顏色,與眾不同的細(xì)節(jié),精益的石雕工藝都與場(chǎng)地完美的結(jié)合。

52、earthwork and stonework ─── 土石方

53、The theoretical formula by cross-area method for measurement of earthwork and stonework quantities in dredging and damming works with trapezium cross section is derived. ─── 推導(dǎo)了梯形橫斷面的航道疏浚和筑壩工程采用斷面面積法進(jìn)行土石方計(jì)量的理論公式,通過(guò)誤差分析,得出現(xiàn)行計(jì)算公式存在理論正誤差,提出了減少計(jì)量誤差措施。

54、The color stonework was the ancient times civilization record. ─── 彩石制品是古代文明的記錄。

55、I scuffed the heel of my shoe on the stonework. ─── 我的鞋跟兒給鋪好的石頭磨壞了。

56、Inquiring into working out quota of volume of stonework excavating from tunnel ─── 對(duì)編制石方洞挖定額的一點(diǎn)探討

57、A structure of stonework, cement, or other material built to retain a flow of water. ─── 堤為阻止水流而以石頭、水泥或其他建筑材料建造的建筑物

58、e.g. the committee are currently getting estimates for repairs to the stonework. ─── 委員會(huì)目前正在為石制部分的修復(fù)估價(jià)。

59、Stonework layout man ─── 采石劃線工

60、We provide facade consulting services for all types of exterior wall systems, including; custom curtain wall, glass wall, skylights, exterior stonework, masonry and precast concrete. ─── 我們提供所有形式的外面墻體系統(tǒng)的咨詢服務(wù),包括設(shè)計(jì)幕墻,玻璃墻,天窗,石頭和砌塊外墻,以及預(yù)制混凝土板外墻。

61、I really enjoy walking across those old bridges and taking photos of the stonework and people washing their clothes in the canals. ─── 在這些古老的橋梁間穿行,拍拍石街和在河里洗衣物的人的照片,對(duì)于我來(lái)說(shuō)是一種真正的享受。

62、Wood screens and rough stonework are also used on the main facades.The program includes facilities for VIP guests, corporate events, dining, offices and golfers. ─── 建筑立面以現(xiàn)代中式為主要風(fēng)格,既能體現(xiàn)古典蘇式建筑之典雅神韻又不失現(xiàn)代建筑的簡(jiǎn)潔之美。

63、Stonework or brickwork. ─── 石建筑或磚建筑

64、(in carpentry and stonework)tool for making such edges ─── (木匠和石匠用的)斜角規(guī).

65、Not even the upper section of the lighthouse was working right.The ropes had been tampered with and some of them, instead of pulling the plates, pulled down sections of stonework. ─── 不僅上面的部分不能正常運(yùn)作,一些繩子也被動(dòng)過(guò)手腳,其中一些繩子不再是拉動(dòng)板子,而是拉動(dòng)橫梁。

66、A first Christian church was built on the site as early as the 4th Century. You can see part of its patterned stonework floor. ─── 早在公元四世紀(jì),這里建起了第一座基督教堂。你可以看到它部份拼花石制地板。

67、stonework road cutting ─── 石方路塹

68、1. The stonework of the tower was crumbling, and the great clock had fallen into disrepair . ─── 鐘樓的石頭框架搖搖欲墜,那座大鐘也已年久失修。

69、Marine Pipeline Route Deployment and Calculation of Cubic Metre of Stonework in Reef Region ─── 礁石區(qū)海底管道的路由布置及石方計(jì)算

70、All the inside of the house was cedar-wood, ornamented with designs of buds and flowers; no stonework was to be seen inside. ─── 18殿里一點(diǎn)石頭都不顯露、一概用香柏木遮蔽,上面刻著野瓜和初開(kāi)的花。

71、Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus, green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework. ─── 英國(guó)國(guó)會(huì)大廈是由蘆筍、青豆和紅花菜豆與甜玉米混合而成,以描繪復(fù)雜的石雕。

72、An ornamental device, as in stonework or weaving, consisting of stylized vine leaves and tendrils. ─── 螺層一種含有很風(fēng)格化的藤葉和卷須的裝飾結(jié)構(gòu),如石制品或紡織品上

73、Design in the style of a Spanish palace, handmade tiles, stonework and ceramics were used throughout ? ─── 西班牙宮殿風(fēng)格,手工瓷磚,石雕和陶藝貫穿整個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)?

74、The trespasser sat on the stonework ledge of the balcony and looked out, beyond the bailey, beyond thehillock, and beyond the ringed hills. ─── 闖入者倚在陽(yáng)臺(tái)的石質(zhì)護(hù)欄上向外望去,目光穿越居民區(qū),穿越小丘,穿越群山。月光寂靜無(wú)聲,群山也像是摒住了呼吸,等待著他。

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