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10-04 投稿


sixtieth 發(fā)音

英:['s?kst?θ]  美:['s?kst??θ]

英:  美:

sixtieth 中文意思翻譯




sixtieth 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

num. 第六十;六十分之一adj. 第六十的;六十分之一的n. 第六十;六十分之一

sixtieth 詞性/詞形變化,sixtieth變形

名詞復(fù)數(shù): sixties |

sixtieth 短語詞組

1、sixtieth birthday ─── 六十歲生日

2、hundred-and-sixtieth ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 百分之六十

3、one-sixtieth ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 六十分之一

sixtieth 相似詞語短語

1、eightieth ─── n.第八十;八十分之一;num.第八十;八十分之一;adj.第八十的;八十分之一的

2、sixteenth ─── num.第十六;十六分之一;adj.第十六的;十六分之一的

3、pitieth ─── 飲料

4、sixtieths ─── num.第六十;六十分之一;adj.第六十的;六十分之一的;n.第六十;六十分之一

5、fiftieth ─── num.第五十;五十分之一;adj.第五十的;五十分之一的

6、ninetieth ─── num.第九十;九十分之一;adj.第九十的;九十分之一的

7、sixteenths ─── num.第十六;十六分之一;adj.第十六的;十六分之一的

8、fiftieths ─── num.第五十;五十分之一;adj.第五十的;五十分之一的

9、sixties ─── n.六十年代;六十多歲;六十到七十之間;六十(sixty的復(fù)數(shù))

sixtieth 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、A minute is one sixtieth part of an hour. ─── 一分鐘是一小時的六十分之一部份。

2、1 Now in the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander the son of Antiochus, surnamed the Illustrious, came up and took Ptolemais, and they received him, and he reigned there. ─── 一百六十年,安提約古兒子亞歷山大厄丕法乃上去,佔領(lǐng)了仆托肋買,人民歡迎他在那里為王。

3、I have the honour to request that the present letter be circulated as a document of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly under item 116 of its provisional agenda. ─── 請閣下在第六十屆聯(lián)大臨時議程第116項(xiàng)下將此函作為大會正式文件散發(fā)。

4、Today is my grandfather's sixtieth birthday. ─── 今天是我爺爺?shù)牧髩邸?/p>

5、We are going to celebrate his sixtieth birthday. ─── 我們打算慶祝他的六十大壽。

6、Leaders of NATO member countries are to meet in the area on Friday to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Iliyas. ─── 星期五,北約成員國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人將于該地區(qū)舉行會議,以紀(jì)念伊利亞斯成立六十周年。

7、A minute is the sixtieth part of hour. ─── 一分鐘是一小時的六十分之一。

8、NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the main subject at the sixtieth anniversary meetings would be the NATO operations in Afghanistan . ─── 北約發(fā)言人詹姆斯·阿帕蘇萊伊說,在60周年會議上,主要的任務(wù)將是北約在阿富汗(軍事)行動。

9、Commemoration of Sixtieth Anniversary Anti-Japanese Triumph ─── 抗日戰(zhàn)爭勝利六十周年紀(jì)念

10、This particular year was Mrs. March's sixtieth birthday. ─── 這一年正是馬太太的六十大壽。

11、In 1894 the Christian women of China decided to present a New Testament to the Empress Dowager on her sixtieth birthday which occurred the following year. ─── 光緒皇帝對基督教開始了解并發(fā)生興趣是在1894年前后,當(dāng)時一名在華的美國人I.T.

12、The two leaders reviewed a decades-old friendship between China and the DRPK, as the two countries celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. ─── 兩國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人回顧了兩國之間數(shù)十年的友誼,今年正值兩國慶祝建交60周年。

13、It's grandma's sixtieth birthday today,the set was very lively.Mother and uncle on the distaff side were very happy,and I've danced for them which received with warm applause. ─── 標(biāo)簽: 翻譯, 日記, 英語今天是姥姥60大壽場面很熱鬧,媽媽舅舅們很高興!

14、I would like to propose a toast to Mr. Smith on his sixtieth birthday. ─── 史密斯先生六十大壽,我提議舉杯敬他。

15、He is to retire on his sixtieth birthday. ─── 他將在60歲生日時退休。

16、For the usage of sixty and sixtieth see the examples at five and fifth ─── 關(guān)於sixty和sixtieth的用法見five和fifth詞條中的示例

17、The United Nations Association of San Francisco organized events to mark the sixtieth anniversary. ─── 4個月后,大部分國家代表同意了憲章,聯(lián)合國合法了.

18、To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the victory,this thesis tries to recall and summarize the formation,features and historic role of the united front. ─── 它充分表達(dá)“我們珍愛和平、維護(hù)和平的堅(jiān)定信念,激勵全體中華兒女為更好地投身實(shí)現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復(fù)興的光輝事業(yè)”。

19、a unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour,or 60 seconds ─── 分,一個時間單位,為一小時的六十分之一或60秒

20、Their company is located on the sixtieth floor in that skyscraper. ─── 他們公司在那座摩天大樓的第60層.

21、The United Nations celebrated its sixtieth anniversary in two thousand five. ─── 聯(lián)合國在2005年慶祝了它的60周年紀(jì)念。

22、He had lovingly presented to his father on the Venerable's sixtieth birthday the massive coffin made of wood from the forests of Liuchow ─── 老太爺六十大壽那天,他孝敬父親一口柳州木壽材。

23、ched your sixtieth birthday. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life. ─── 在您六十大壽之際,請?jiān)试S我向你表示最衷心的,祝你健康、長壽、生活愉快!

24、A minute is the sixtieth part of an hour ─── 一分鐘是一小時的六十分之一。

25、She has worked as an air-hostess until past her sixtieth birthday. ─── 她當(dāng)空中小姐一直到過了六十歲生日。

26、Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday zhufuyu.net. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life. ─── 在您六十大壽之際,請?jiān)试S我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康、長壽、生活愉快!

27、Reconfirms that the Secretary-General will report to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session on the organizational details of the 2006 high-level dialogue; ─── 再次確認(rèn)秘書長將向大會第六十屆會議報(bào)告2006年高級別對話組織事項(xiàng)的細(xì)節(jié);

28、Isan is a studio inside the University of Fine Arts, of the course was that the School of Fine Arts professor, passing his sixtieth. ─── 伊尚畫室是一間美術(shù)大學(xué)里面的,教授課程的是這間美術(shù)學(xué)校的教授,年過花甲。

29、Twentieth, thirtieth, fourtieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth. ─── 第二十,三十,四十,.....至第一百:

30、In the eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the motherland, Liaocheng Tsunehiro material I wish our great motherland good weather and prosperity. ─── 在祖國六十周年到來之際,聊城恒博物資祝我們偉大的祖國風(fēng)調(diào)雨順、繁榮富強(qiáng)。

31、The detection of SAW by laser has entered the upsurge since laser came forth at the sixtieth year of 20 century. ─── 通過綜合國內(nèi)外大量研究文獻(xiàn),對表面聲波的激光檢測技術(shù)進(jìn)行了歸類研究,歸納出了六種不同的測量方法,簡單闡述了各自的基本原理。

32、He died in his sixtieth year, ie at the age of 59. ─── 他在步入六十歲時去世(即實(shí)足年齡59歲).

33、All Catholics who are over fourteen and who have not yet reached their sixtieth year are bound to fast. ─── 答:凡滿了十四歲,未滿六十歲的男女教友,都該守大齋。

34、At the same time, Changchun is also dedicated to the liberation of the sixtieth anniversary of reform and opening up the thirtieth anniversary of the best gifts. ─── 同時,也是獻(xiàn)給長春解放六十周年、改革開放三十周年最好的禮物。

35、A unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth of a degree,or60 seconds. ─── 分角的度量單位,等于一度的六十分之一,或60秒。

36、a sixtieth part of a minute ─── 一分鐘的六十分之一

37、The special award given to Ms Brown on her sixtieth birthday formally recognised the great services that she had formerly given to her profession. ─── 在布朗夫人60歲生日時頒發(fā)給她的特別獎,正式承認(rèn)了她先前在職時所做出的杰出的工作。

38、Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday. ─── 給你我特別的祝福,愿它每分每秒都帶給你健康、好運(yùn)和幸福。

39、NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the main subject at the sixtieth anniversary meetings would be the NATO operations in Afghanistan. ─── 北約發(fā)言人JamesAppathurai說第六十次會議的主要目的是關(guān)于北約在阿富汗的行動。

40、On your sixtieth anniversary, you are supposed to give a diamond. ─── 在你的六十周年紀(jì)念上面,你應(yīng)該得到一顆鉆石。

41、The sixtieth birthday is important for Chinese, but she didn't celebrate with a cake and candles. ─── 六十歲的生日對中國人來說非常重要,但是她并不用點(diǎn)著蠟燭的蛋糕來慶祝她的生日。

42、Isan is a studio inside the University of Fine Arts, of the course was that the School of Fine Arts professor, passing his sixtieth. ─── 伊尚畫室是一間美術(shù)大學(xué)里面的,教授課程的是這間美術(shù)學(xué)校的教授,年過花甲。

43、Police Officer: Actually you can take the subway and get off at Sixtieth street. ─── 警察:事實(shí)上,你可以搭地鐵,在第六十街下車。

44、First, thanks for your coming for our sixtieth graduation ceremony of our school. ─── 首先感謝各位長官與嘉賓撥空前來參加本校第六十屆的畢業(yè)典禮。

45、The sixtieth birthday is important for Chinese, but she didn't celebrate with a cake and candles. ─── 六十歲的生日對中國人來說非常重要,但是她并不用點(diǎn)著蠟燭的蛋糕來慶祝她的生日。

46、Sixtieth Anniversary of Yan'an Rectification Campaign ─── 創(chuàng)新:延安整風(fēng)運(yùn)動的思想基石

47、A minute is one sixtieth part of an hour. ─── 一分鐘是一小時的六十分之一部份。

48、He died in his sixtieth year,ie at the age of 59. ─── 他在步入六十歲時去世(即實(shí)足年齡59歲).

49、In 1637, Granny Xu celebrated her sixtieth birthday. ─── 1637年,徐老太太迎來了她的60大壽。

50、He died in his sixtieth year. ─── 他是六十歲時去世的。

51、Studies in Lie Theory Dedicated to A. Joseph on his Sixtieth Birthday ─── 李群研究

52、We have seedlings grow into trees, but it will always be your students. When you sixtieth year, I wish you evergreen tree of life. ─── 我們從幼苗長成大樹,卻永遠(yuǎn)是您的學(xué)生。在您花甲之年,祝您生命之樹常青。

53、A unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour, or60 seconds. ─── 分一個時間單位,為一小時的六十分之一或60秒

54、drafting a speech on the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist war Commemorative Celebration on behalf of freshmen of the School of Architecture; ─── 代表建筑學(xué)院新生起草發(fā)言,在紀(jì)念反法西斯戰(zhàn)爭勝利60年大會上演講;

55、Certainly, in this sixtieth anniversary year of the February 28, 1947, incident, such a realization is exceedingly important. ─── 的確,在228事件屆滿六十周年的今年,這項(xiàng)體認(rèn)具有非比尋常的重要性。

56、The Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly accepted the resolution in December 2005, and invited FAO to facilitate the implementation of IYP 2008. ─── 2005年12月聯(lián)合國第六十屆大會接受了決議草案并請糧農(nóng)組織推動落實(shí)2008國際馬鈴薯年。

57、Days approaching his sixtieth birthday, veteran Detective Kuo receives a new assignment involving the death of a young girl due to drug overdose. ─── 便衣刑警老郭在六十歲生日前夕接手一件吸毒過量致死的案子,上級主管和同僚虛應(yīng)故事,老郭卻堅(jiān)持要查個清楚。

58、Thus, the first year of marriage is celebrated with paper, while the fiftieth and sixtieth are celebrated with gold and a diamond respectively. ─── 應(yīng)而,人們用紙來慶祝結(jié)婚一周年,而分別用金子和鉆石來慶祝結(jié)婚50周年和60周年。

59、A minute is a unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour, or 60 seconds. ─── 一個時間單位,為一小時的六十分之一或60秒

60、She has worked as an air- hostess until past her sixtieth birthday . ─── 她當(dāng)空中小姐一直到過了六十歲生日。

61、A unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth of a degree, or60 seconds. ─── 分角的度量單位,等于一度的六十分之一,或60秒

62、Today is the sixtieth anniversary of our country's independence. ─── 今天是我國獨(dú)立六十周年紀(jì)念日。

63、Just because of this, the Third Session of the Sixtieth Central Committee of the Party point out firmly that "we must guide the extra rural workforce to transfer stably and sequentially". ─── 但由于歷史的原因及社會經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,當(dāng)前,我國農(nóng)村勞動力的嚴(yán)重過剩已成為制約“三農(nóng)”問題的癥結(jié)所在,成為建設(shè)全面小康社會和構(gòu)建和諧社會目標(biāo)所需要迫切解決的關(guān)鍵性問題。

64、Literati poet who praised youth, pop music stars who sing the youth, those memories over his sixtieth youth, youth seems to be a beautiful symbol of the sacred. ─── 文人騷客們歌頌青春,歌壇星星們唱響青春,年過花甲者回憶青春,青春似乎成了美好神圣的象征。

65、Our next stop was in the Hancock Building, somewhere on the sixtieth or seventieth storey ─── 我們下一個落腳的地點(diǎn)在漢科克大廈第六十層或七十層。

66、We hope to make joint efforts with the national media and do the sixtieth anniversary of the National Day activities related to interviews and coverage. ─── 我們希望與各國媒體共同努力,做好六十周年國慶有關(guān)活動的采訪和報(bào)道工作。

67、Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life. ─── 在您六十大壽之際,請?jiān)试S我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康、長壽、生活愉快!

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