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10-03 投稿


murky 發(fā)音

英:[?m??rki]  美:[?m??ki]

英:  美:

murky 中文意思翻譯



murky 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 黑暗的;朦朧的;陰郁的

murky 詞性/詞形變化,murky變形


murky 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、murky waters ─── 渾水是非不清的事情

2、murky grey ─── 灰暗的

3、murky chasm ─── 陰暗的鴻溝

4、made through the murky water ─── 穿過(guò)渾濁的水

5、murky moral maze ─── 陰暗的道德迷宮

6、murky reputation ─── 陰暗的名聲

7、murky water ─── 是非不清的事情渾水

murky 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、murkily ─── adv.陰沉地;暗淡地

2、mucky ─── adj.臟的,糞的;討厭的

3、murk ─── n.黑暗;陰沉,陰郁;adj.陰郁的;黑暗的;n.(Murk)人名;(德)穆?tīng)柨?/p>

4、murly ─── 壁畫

5、murphy ─── n.馬鈴薯,土豆;n.(Murphy)人名;(英、葡、瑞典)墨菲

6、murkly ─── 陰暗的

7、murrey ─── n.黑紫色;深紫紅色;adj.深紫紅色的

8、mirky ─── adj.黑暗的

9、musky ─── adj.麝香的;有麝香味的

murky 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、A bassheavy, murky and dark phone. ─── 一個(gè)重低音,泥濘,陰暗的耳機(jī)。

2、the murky borderland between history and myth ─── 歷史與神話之間的邊緣領(lǐng)域

3、But, the real estate market still occupied the very murky stage at present, because not greatly a city will rescue the city measure to obtain the thorough reverse. ─── 但是,房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)目前仍處在非常低迷的階段,不大會(huì)因一個(gè)城市的救市措施而得到徹底扭轉(zhuǎn)。

4、But in the global economic murky is because US dollar murkiness, US dollar depreciates every time 1%, affects each barrel oil price 4 to 5 US dollars. ─── 倫敦國(guó)際石油交易所十一月份交貨的北海布倫特原油期貨價(jià)格下跌1.06美元,報(bào)于每桶103.54美元。

5、If Asia is becoming the world's center of geopolitical gravity, it's a murky middle indeed. ─── 如果亞洲成為了世界地緣政治的中心,那也是一個(gè)充滿陰霾的中心。

6、They tend to see the primary market as murky, time-consuming and hierarchical. ─── 他們認(rèn)為一級(jí)市場(chǎng)骯臟、費(fèi)時(shí)而又存在等級(jí)觀念。

7、But then, three years later, the murky details of this operation surface on the front page of The New York Times. ─── 不過(guò),三年之后,這項(xiàng)行動(dòng)中那些不為人知的細(xì)節(jié)將出現(xiàn)在紐約時(shí)報(bào)的頭版。

8、There was a cold drizzle of rain; the atmosphere was murky; it was a melancholy day. ─── 外面下著冰冷的細(xì)雨,氣氛陰暗,今天是憂郁的一天。

9、What made you drag up that particular episode in my murky past? ─── 什么原因使你扯起我過(guò)去那段不光彩的特殊經(jīng)歷?

10、Murky water, hazy sky and dull brown riverbanks.Strained eyes peering into the mist.Ears tuned electronically into the depths. ─── 四周是黑糊糊的水面,昏暗的天空和灰褐色的河堤,搜索隊(duì)隊(duì)員們緊張地盯著薄霧,耳朵上帶著電子檢測(cè)器。

11、As president, Mr Yushchenko failed to break the nexus between politics and business and turned a blind eye to the murky brokering of Russian gas to Ukraine. ─── 尤先科作為烏克蘭總統(tǒng),他沒(méi)能打破政治與商業(yè)之間的連結(jié),并且對(duì)俄羅斯非法在烏克蘭買賣汽油也視而不見(jiàn)。

12、Hence such titles as "cloud-gatherer," "god of the murky cloud," "thunderet," and "mighty thunderer," were those by which he was most frequently invoked. ─── 人們也常稱他為“聚集烏云的神”、“烏云神”、“擲送閃電的神”和“強(qiáng)大的雷神”。

13、In the large central chamber great piles of iron-banded casks and butts were stacked to the ceiling, a murky landscape of rounded towers, and close-hemmed passages. ─── 在這寬敞的中間的房間里,是大堆大堆的鑲著鐵箍的桶,和大酒桶,都堆到了天花板,就象是一個(gè)個(gè)黑色的圓塔,中間只有一條可過(guò)人的小路。

14、He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo “this murkiness, next time murky and under next time murky”. ─── 他表示有信心,維斯菲爾德倫敦店能經(jīng)受住“這次低迷,下次低迷和下下次低迷”。

15、Each dealer seems to have his own opaque pricing scheme, consumers have to endure endless haggling and the financing is murky at best. ─── 每個(gè)經(jīng)銷商看上去都有自己的暗箱定價(jià)策略,消費(fèi)者只能忍受無(wú)休止的討價(jià)還價(jià)而且最好不要讓銷售者知道他們的籌資渠道。

16、the narrow crevice of one good deed in a murky life of guilt(Charles Dickens. ─── 在罪惡糊涂的一生中,僅有的一件好事(查爾斯 狄更斯)。

17、The Tangku area finalizes a deal the newly built commercial housing 299 sets, the deal area 32378.8 square meters, the deal area endures compared to this year first two murky months. ─── 塘沽區(qū)成交新建商品房299套,成交面積32378.8平方米,成交面積堪比今年頭兩個(gè)低迷月份。

18、However drops sharply on all fronts on Thursday bank stock trend still murky, becomes implicates the index bounce the primary factor. ─── 不過(guò)周四全線大跌的銀行股走勢(shì)仍然低迷,成為拖累指數(shù)反彈的主要因素。

19、The murky figure twisted into itself as the fire engulfed it. It hissed and howled. Bits of burning shadow fluttered off in the wind. ─── 那個(gè)黑暗的影子在火焰吞噬它之后痛苦的扭曲著,它發(fā)出嘶嘶的哀嚎聲,燃燒的影子隨著風(fēng)的吹拂不斷地顫抖。

20、The murky water of the Nantah Lake makes me wildly hope to see a barge floating down, as in Tennyson's Morte d'Arthur, carrying three black-draped queens coming to carry off King Arthur. ─── 南大湖陰暗的水讓我有一種希望看到一條船在湖上漂流的沖動(dòng)---就像英國(guó)詩(shī)人丁尼生在《亞瑟王之死》所描述的情景:三個(gè)穿著黑衣的王后坐著船前來(lái)迎載亞瑟王。

21、Geez. I can peer into the murky depths of the future, and yet I always seem to get interrupted during bath time. ─── 唉。我能窺視深邃幽暗的未來(lái),卻不能安安靜靜不受打擾的洗個(gè)澡。

22、But in a region where many cable-TV systems are mom-and-pop companies stringing cable connections to homes, piracy can be a murky problem. ─── 不過(guò),在亞洲地區(qū),許多有線電視企業(yè)都是夫妻店式的小公司,他們要做的就是將電纜連到訂戶住宅里就完事大吉,在這種環(huán)境下,對(duì)盜版問(wèn)題很難做出全面考察。

23、He had a somewhat murky past. ─── 他有一段不清白的過(guò)去。

24、The law here is a little bit murky. ─── 該法律此處有點(diǎn)含糊不清。

25、Meanwhile, accountability under the new law is murky, something experience and common sense have proven to be a significant pitfall. ─── 與此同時(shí),新的法律之下的問(wèn)責(zé)也很模糊,而經(jīng)驗(yàn)和常識(shí)已證明這是嚴(yán)重的隱患。

26、Though details were murky, both were widely surmised to be the work of Sunni Arab jihadists opposed to the governments in both countries. ─── 盡管細(xì)節(jié)尚未明朗,但是兩起襲擊事件都被廣泛猜測(cè)是遜尼派阿拉伯圣戰(zhàn)組織反對(duì)兩國(guó)政府的舉動(dòng)。

27、Aquarium assistant Mike Batt said: "I could see he was dead the moment he arrived because the water was murky. ─── “老實(shí)說(shuō),我對(duì)它能活下去不抱任何希望,因?yàn)樗瓷先ド×恕?/p>

28、It also has two sets of barbels (whisker-like organs) on the upper and lower jaw, which help the fish hunt its prey in the murky waters of large lakes and slow-flowing rivers across Europe. ─── 它們的上下頜上各長(zhǎng)著一套觸須(象腮須一樣的器官),幫助它們?cè)诨煦绲乃蛑胁蹲将C物,因此它們的身影遍布?xì)W洲的大湖以及水流不急的河流。

29、In the winter of 1975, from the murky water off Palos Verdes, California, a sport diver uncovered and raised a large circular stone with a hole through its center. ─── 1975年冬天,一個(gè)潛水運(yùn)動(dòng)員在加利福尼亞州的帕洛斯·弗迪斯海岸外的渾水中發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)很大的圓形石塊并把它打撈起來(lái)。在這石塊的中心有一個(gè)穿透的洞。

30、Because they were worried that vegetables might spoil in the water and make it murky, aquarium officials decided to use harder vegetables such as cabbage and carrots. ─── 但是,因?yàn)閾?dān)心蔬菜會(huì)把水質(zhì)破壞,并且遮住水缸的光線。所以他們決定采用硬質(zhì)蔬菜喂養(yǎng)。例如紅蘿卜和卷心菜。

31、Nonoxygen-producing (anoxygenic) bacteria have bacteriochlorophylls that absorb far-red and near-infrared light, which is all that penetrates to the murky depths. ─── 不制造氧的細(xì)菌,則有細(xì)菌葉綠素吸收遠(yuǎn)紅光和近紅外光,因?yàn)橹挥羞@兩種光能穿透水深幽暗處。

32、An outcast, the Gungan spent his time in the Naboo swampland, surviving on raw shellfish or just about anything else that the murky ecosystem had to offer. ─── 佳佳于是成了一個(gè)被放逐的流民,住在納布的沼澤地里,靠吃生貝殼或者任何那片黑暗生態(tài)系統(tǒng)能夠供給的任何東西為生。

33、After experiencing has reached, murky, and fully suffered the question, 20 year-old Serbian girls needed to construct their psychological defense line. ─── 在經(jīng)歷過(guò)登頂、低迷并且飽受質(zhì)疑之后,20歲的塞爾維亞姑娘更需要重新構(gòu)建起自己的心理防線。

34、Comes under the housing market murky influence, Shanghai installs the profession faces “the severe winter” the test. ─── 受到房產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)低迷的影響,上海家裝行業(yè)面臨“嚴(yán)冬”的考驗(yàn)。

35、08 year ceramic profession truly murky, 09 year ceramic profession or will be drearier. ─── 08年的陶瓷行業(yè)確實(shí)低迷,09年的陶瓷行業(yè)或?qū)⒏討K淡。

36、A while ago, Qu Bo had encountered the unprecedented difficulty, because the murky shape cannot achieve the training set throughout the request. ─── 前段時(shí)間,曲波遇到了前所未有的困難,因?yàn)榈兔缘臓钍冀K達(dá)不到教練組的要求。

37、To avenge Aeschere's death, the company travels to the murky swamp, where Beowulf dives into the water and fights Grendel's mother in her underwater lair. ─── 為了要替亞斯克瑞報(bào)仇,貝爾武夫與勇士們同行人來(lái)到了幽暗的沼澤,貝爾武夫立即潛入水底哥倫多媽媽所住的洞穴中與她搏斗。

38、He had a somewhat murky past. ─── 他有一段不清白的過(guò)去。

39、What historiographical points have been particularly interesting, or contentious, or murky? ─── 什么歷史傳記的觀點(diǎn)特別有趣、或特別有爭(zhēng)議或特別含糊?

40、But that is no excuse for frightening everybody, nor for making an already murky subject much murkier. ─── 因?yàn)闆](méi)有理由去嚇唬任何人也沒(méi)有理由與使已經(jīng)存在的黑客變得更加猖狂。

41、Leaders can't even be sure how much municipalities are spending because local finances have become so murky. ─── 他們甚至還不能確定有地方政府的收支狀況,因?yàn)榈胤截?cái)政很不透明。

42、The rain was pouring, the skies were a murky gray and Mickey's magic wasn't working on the visitors cursing and scampering for cover at Hong Kong Disneyland. ─── 大雨正在傾盆而下,天空陰沉而灰暗,米老鼠的魔法并沒(méi)有起作用,游客們?cè){咒著,奔向香港迪斯尼樂(lè)園的避雨處。

43、She promises judicial and economic reform, more open government and an end to murky intermediaries in the gas trade with Russia. ─── 她承諾會(huì)進(jìn)行司法與經(jīng)濟(jì)改革,讓政府更加公開(kāi)化,并結(jié)束政府在與俄羅斯的天然氣交易中黑暗的中間地位。

44、"the narrow crevice of one good deed in a murky life of guilt" (Charles Dickens). ─── “在罪惡糊涂的一生中,僅有的一件好事” (查爾斯·狄更斯)。

45、London's streets, murky with November fog. ─── 倫敦的街道, 在十一月的霧中模糊不清.

46、HSBC, another carbon-neutral bank, finds the market for offsets so murky that it bypasses all brokers and devises its own projects. ─── 另一家支持碳中和的銀行匯豐認(rèn)為補(bǔ)償市場(chǎng)太過(guò)渾濁,因而繞過(guò)經(jīng)紀(jì)人,計(jì)劃自己的項(xiàng)目。

47、In the Charlton fan anticipated resurfaces when Zheng Zhi can save murky in the team, the accident actually occurred in October 3. ─── 就在查爾頓球迷期待復(fù)出的鄭智能拯救低迷之中的球隊(duì)時(shí),意外卻在10月3日發(fā)生了。

48、Thunderstorms unleash ed floods, leaving at least eight people dead in the southeast with several feet of murky ground water covering parts of Georgia. ─── 在喬治亞州東南部,雷暴引發(fā)的洪水致使數(shù)英尺范圍之內(nèi)被黑暗的地下水所淹沒(méi),至少有八人喪生。

49、Murky She had a decidedly murky past. ─── 她的歷史背景令人捉摸不透。

50、Much of how memory works remains murky. ─── 人腦記憶的大部分過(guò)程仍不清楚。

51、The jewel from the murky pool water ─── 從臟水的游泳池里撿寶石

52、Will unite the murky condition regarding Chengdu sheffey to speak this in the near future is a strong heart needle, will sweep off 12 haze extremely and lets the Sichuan fan see the hope will be. ─── 對(duì)于成都謝菲聯(lián)近期低迷的狀態(tài)來(lái)講這是一支強(qiáng)心針,掃去十二場(chǎng)不勝的陰霾并重新讓四川球迷看到希望所在。

53、In 1934, Dr Robert Wilson photographed a long-necked creature in the murky water of Loch Ness in Scotland. ─── 1934年羅伯特·威爾森博士在蘇格蘭濃霧彌漫的尼斯湖上拍攝到了一只長(zhǎng)著長(zhǎng)脖子的動(dòng)物。

54、Forgotten past. Time sunk in darkness. Deep down in murky water, I touch the soul that has wandered in eternity. ─── 勸誘的聲音不為人知的過(guò)去潛藏在黑暗中的時(shí)間在深深的死水底部我碰觸到在永遠(yuǎn)中徘徊的心靈。

55、Two city transaction amount further withers, demonstrates the investor anticipated pessimistic, market human spirit increasingly murky. ─── 兩市交易金額進(jìn)一步萎縮,顯示投資者預(yù)期悲觀,市場(chǎng)人氣愈發(fā)低迷。

56、From early spring to late autumn, the real scarf a gift to you a bit murky. ─── 從深秋到初春,本真絲巾送給您幾分嫵媚。

57、Four people remain missing in the murky Mississippi River and are presumed dead. ─── 4人仍然下落不明,在陰暗的密西西比河,并推定死亡。

58、In the domestic real estate market murky situation, comes in the US to throw the line to undersell in the Chinese property. ─── 在國(guó)內(nèi)樓市低迷的情況下,進(jìn)來(lái)美國(guó)投行拋售在華物業(yè)。

59、China and Hong Kong are filled with small trading companies noted for their ability to handle these problems using one murky method or another. ─── 中國(guó)內(nèi)地和香港到處都是小貿(mào)易公司,他們所著名的正是運(yùn)用某種陰暗的手段來(lái)處理這些難題的能力。

60、Back in the Senate, fear that cap-and-trade will be painted as a murky, confusing job-killer and a bureaucratic hassle makes Democrats in conservative states nervous. ─── 回來(lái)說(shuō)參議院,擔(dān)心限制與交易法案被描繪為一個(gè)陰暗的,費(fèi)解的就業(yè)殺手和官僚的論戰(zhàn),弄得在保守州的民主黨人緊張不安。

61、She threw it into the river's murky depths. ─── 她把它扔進(jìn)了混濁的河水深處。

62、Because they were worried that vegetables might spoil in the water and make it murky, aquariumofficials decided to use harder vegetables such as cabbage and carrots. ─── 但是,因?yàn)閾?dān)心蔬菜會(huì)把水質(zhì)破壞,并且遮住水缸的光線。所以他們決定采用硬質(zhì)蔬菜喂養(yǎng)。例如紅蘿卜和卷心菜。

63、Next to the murky pool... there's another pool... with clear water and money floating on it... ─── 你走進(jìn)城堡,看見(jiàn)一?游泳池,黑暗的水面上飄浮?很多閃閃?光的寶石,你會(huì)撿起這些寶石嗎?(是/不)

64、The voice coming from the radio was too insistent, the city too incomprehensible, and the driver's murky gaze from behind his yellow glasses too unpredictable. ─── 從收音機(jī)傳來(lái)的聲音內(nèi)容實(shí)在太固執(zhí),這個(gè)城市也令人費(fèi)解,且司機(jī)在黃色墨鏡下的模糊眼神也太不可預(yù)知。

65、From works as the provincial capital real estate market, is being at the compression froth stage, thus has presented the atmosphere which murky and waits and sees. ─── 從當(dāng)省會(huì)樓市來(lái)看,正處于壓縮泡沫階段,因而呈現(xiàn)了低迷和觀望的氣氛。

66、Their parents, in these uncharted and murky waters, agonise over what to tell them of their conception and when to tell it, if indeed they don't decide to conceal it entirely. ─── 對(duì)于他們的身世,當(dāng)他們的父母確實(shí)決定不再完全隱瞞的時(shí)候,卻又不知道應(yīng)該對(duì)他們講些什么,也不知道何時(shí)告訴他們?yōu)槊?,因而惴惴不安、痛苦萬(wàn)分。

67、YES/NO)You enter the castle and saw a pool of murky water with shining jewels floating on it...Will you pick up the jewel? ─── 你走進(jìn)城堡,看見(jiàn)一個(gè)游泳池,黑暗的水面上飄浮著很多閃閃發(fā)光的寶石,你會(huì)撿起這些寶石嗎?(是/不)

68、Aquarium assistant Mike Batt said: "I could see was dead moment arrived because water was murky. ─── 可,幸,當(dāng)只兩英尺長(zhǎng)、7磅重巨型龍蝦剛剛被送水族館后,它就死?!袄蠈?shí)說(shuō),對(duì)它能活下去抱任何希望,因它看去生病。

69、Almost a century after Edison's light bulb, we live in a world that is darker by day and brighter by night.Both light and darkness fuse into a murky arena of grey. ─── 在愛(ài)迪生發(fā)明燈泡一百年后的今天,空氣污染使白晝變暗黑夜變亮;

70、The murky air of Hell, which had been due to inspissated rays of nothingness, cleared as if by magic. ─── 地獄因?yàn)闈夂竦奶摕o(wú)的光線而渾濁的空氣,魔法般地變干凈了。

71、July of afternoon, the hot sun be like fire.The violent sunlight insolate everything be all murky. ─── 七月的下午,驕陽(yáng)如火。暴烈的陽(yáng)光曬得一切都昏昏沉沉的。

72、Synopsis :The murky street, the faintly headlight, a pair of migration's canvas shoe, all of them make the night unpeaceful and turbulent. ─── 作品簡(jiǎn)介:昏沉的街道,恍惚的車燈,一雙移動(dòng)的帆布鞋,讓這個(gè)夜晚有了不安與動(dòng)蕩。

73、The light was too murky to continue playing. ─── 光線太暗不能再玩耍了.

74、He snaps pictures of crippled trees and murky streams, and posts them on the Internet. ─── 他咬斷損傷的樹和黑暗的水流照片,而且在英特網(wǎng)上郵寄他們。

75、Geez.I can peer into the murky depths of the future, and yet I always seem to get interupted during bath time. ─── 唉。我能窺視深邃幽暗的未來(lái),卻不能安安靜靜不受打擾的洗個(gè)澡。

76、She wants to forget about her murky past and move on. ─── 她想要忘記黑暗的過(guò)去重新開(kāi)始。

77、Mexican marine biologist has discovered a new shark species in the murky depths of Mexico's Sea of Cortez, the first new shark find in the wildlife-rich inlet in 34 years. ─── 墨西哥科特斯海深海處發(fā)現(xiàn)的一種鯊魚,日前被證實(shí)是34年中在此區(qū)域首次發(fā)現(xiàn)的新種類的鯊魚。

78、More than half a year comes the purchasing power which the market murky agglomerates, starts from October to have the slow release. ─── 大半年來(lái)市場(chǎng)低迷所積聚的購(gòu)買力,從10月份開(kāi)始有緩慢釋放。

79、Under this kind of murky market quotation, regardless of being the developer or the consumer, must maintain the rationality, do not have the too strong gambling point of view. ─── 在這種低迷的市場(chǎng)行情之下,無(wú)論是開(kāi)發(fā)商還是消費(fèi)者,都要保持理性,不要有太強(qiáng)的博弈心態(tài)。

80、a murky sky over a dark earth; dark all round ─── 天昏地暗

81、Stones and sticks are hurled into the murky water, but within minutes the ranine chorus resumes at previous pitch and intensity. ─── 人們朝水中扔石頭和樹棍,但沒(méi)幾分鐘這些青蛙就依舊嘹亮的叫起來(lái)。

82、Her face was pale and yet as lustrous as marble, and her large ,black eyes sparkled like jewels in that murky cell. ─── 她的臉色蒼白而帶光澤,仿佛大理石似的;一雙眼睛又黑又大,在黯淡的囚房中,寶石似的閃著晶瑩的光。

83、Even if the daily dawn, always a murky sky where there was a life, I was willing to chemical fumes Jimuyuantiao across the layers, in a mood almost worship overlooking. ─── 即使每日黎明,總是在一片迷蒙的天空里出現(xiàn)那一輪生命,我還是愿意隔著層層化學(xué)煙霧極目遠(yuǎn)眺,以一種近乎崇拜的心情遠(yuǎn)眺。

84、She gazed into the murky depths of the water. ─── 她注視著那幽暗的水底。

85、Spokesmen often justify the government’s murky behaviour by reference to the awfulness of the Tigers. ─── 發(fā)言人常常參照猛虎組織的丑惡行為來(lái)為政府的可恥行徑開(kāi)釋。

86、But that is a guess, derived by deducting the timber that can be shown to be legal, a process complicated by the often murky ownership of the original forest lands. ─── 但這只是猜測(cè),是減去合法采伐木材之后的結(jié)果,這一計(jì)算過(guò)程由于原有林地所有權(quán)不清而變得更加復(fù)雜。

87、On lucky Ruddy season performance murky, therefore has absented this summer's European Cup. ─── 吉拉迪諾上賽季表現(xiàn)低迷,因此缺席了今年夏季的歐洲杯。

88、The Quarren evolved deep in the murky oceans of Mon Calamari. ─── 夸潤(rùn)人從蒙卡拉馬里的昏暗海洋深處里進(jìn)化出來(lái)。

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