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10-03 投稿


penniless 發(fā)音

英:[?penil?s]  美:[?penil?s]

英:  美:

penniless 中文意思翻譯



penniless 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 身無分文的;貧窮的

penniless 詞性/詞形變化,penniless變形

副詞: pennilessly |名詞: pennilessness |

penniless 相似詞語短語

1、pennies ─── n.便士(penny的復(fù)數(shù))

2、pensionless ─── 無養(yǎng)老金的

3、pennines ─── n.奔寧山脈;北乃恩山脈

4、pennycress ─── 菥蓂

5、pennilessly ─── 身無分文

6、pennilessness ─── 身無分文

7、penanceless ─── 無悔

8、pensileness ─── 憂郁

9、deviless ─── 無魔鬼的

penniless 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、All those fair-weather friends of yours will abandon you when you're penniless. ─── 假如你的錢沒有了,你的酒肉朋友還會理你嗎?

2、If he carries on drinking like that, he'll land up jobless and penniless. ─── 如果他繼續(xù)那樣酗酒,最終一定會失去工作,身無分文。

3、He was more or less penniless except for the handsome salary he drew as private pilot to His Highness Prince Ali Yusuf. ─── 他除了擔(dān)任阿里·優(yōu)素福親王殿下的私人飛機駕駛員所得的豐厚薪水,他幾乎是不值一文。

4、At the age of thirteen, Tom was left penniless by the death of his father, so he had his own way to make. ─── 在13歲時湯姆的父親死了,沒留分文給他,所以,他得自食其力。

5、the young, spirited, and penniless Chanel was to be found in the fresh air of the countryside. ─── 充滿青春活力但身無分文的香奈爾,卻置身于鄉(xiāng)間新鮮的空氣中。

6、Everything will change of, is had another a big wound mood regardless how heavy, penniless want to insist all right and all. ─── 一切都會變的,無論受多大創(chuàng)傷心情多么沉重,一貧如洗也好,都要堅持住。

7、A daughter two year-old that century end, crashes into the valley land from the mountain peak, goes bankrupt completely, penniless. ─── 女兒兩歲的那個世紀(jì)之末,從巔峰墜入谷地,完全破產(chǎn),一貧如洗。自此,偏遷市隅,閉門讀書,相妻教女,權(quán)作天倫。...

8、When his mother died in 1884, Du Bois was 16 years old and penniless. ─── 當(dāng)他的媽媽死于1884年時,杜博斯只有16歲大而且身無分文。

9、You want to go to the people who would be by your side when all the chips are down, when you are sick, and when you are penniless. ─── 正像勞累一天帶來愉快的睡眠一樣,勤勞的生命帶來愉快的生活,那樣的生命長久不衰,像一棵富有韌性的常春藤。

10、He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless. ─── 他貧病交加,處境十分困難。

11、Feeling lonely and desperate in life , the penniless old hermit hoped that he would kick the bucket in a peaceful way . ─── 對生活感到孤獨絕望,這位身無分文的老隱士希望以一種平和的方式了結(jié)一生。

12、Were you aware that he is practically penniless, and admitted to me that he came here because his money had run out? ─── 你知道他實際上已經(jīng)窮困潦倒了嗎?并且他對我承認(rèn)來這里的原因就是因為把錢花光了。

13、He lived well, helping the poor, and all other people; he died penniless and unknown. ─── 他生前講道德, 總是幫助窮人以及所有的人; 后來卻一文不名, 默默無聞地死了。

14、His plan came to grief, and he was left penniless. ─── 他的計劃失敗了,結(jié)果他也落得一貧如洗。

15、In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress . ─── 在當(dāng)時的小說里,這一難題常常由最后一頁的重大發(fā)現(xiàn)得以圓滿地解決:原先一文不名的女主人搖身一變,成了巨額財富的繼承人。

16、A lone Confederate agent, without resources and nearly penniless, had just checkmated the frantic pursuit by thousands of men being orchestrated from Washington. ─── 就那么一個孤立無援的協(xié)從機構(gòu),既無人手,也無分文經(jīng)費,竟讓華盛頓政府統(tǒng)一指揮下的、有數(shù)千名軍警參加的抓捕行動幾乎以失敗告終。”

17、Would you rather leave home without your wallet and be penniless all day, or leave your phone at home and be out of touch all day? ─── 你是愿意把錢包留在家里過一整天的窮光蛋生活,還是愿意把手機留在家里與世隔絕一整天?

18、Anyhow I was penniless when I came here six months ago. ─── 六個月之前,我來的時候身無分文。

19、One of them was a penniless young art student. ─── 他們中間的一個人是位身無分文的年輕美術(shù)學(xué)生。

20、Even though you may be penniless, still - have no fear. ─── 就算你身無分文---也毫無懼怕。

21、He feels unfamiliar, also he is penniless and heven't find a job. ─── 他感到很陌生,而且,他身無分文,也沒有找到工作。

22、Antonio (Irons) borrows money from Shylock (Pacino) to help his young penniless friend Bassanio (Fiennes) in his quest to win the hand of the fair Portia (Collins). ─── 安東尼奧(謝洛美艾朗斯飾)為了幫死黨巴薩尼奧(約瑟費恩斯飾)奪得美人歸,硬著頭皮向出名刻薄的猶太人夏洛克(阿爾柏仙奴飾)借錢。

23、My firm in Hongkong went bankrupt and left me penniless, and I could only get home by working my ticket. ─── 我在香港開設(shè)的商行破產(chǎn)了,落得個身無分文,只得靠在船上做工抵償船費才回到家鄉(xiāng)。

24、Because of her medical and her legal bills, she is now penniless and deeply in debt. ─── 由于醫(yī)療費和律師費,她現(xiàn)在身無分文,深陷負(fù)債。

25、"She tried to let me penniless," from the shackles and won the free end of Pavarotti wife complained, he naturally Feeling, this time the truth is really some state. ─── “她企圖讓我一貧如洗”,擺脫枷鎖、贏得自由的帕瓦羅蒂抱怨結(jié)發(fā)妻子,生性率真的他,這一次的心里話也真讓人有些不堪。

26、The scam they were running left many people penniless. ─── 他們的這場騙局讓人們分文不剩。

27、Without your marriage to Lord Barkis. We shall be forced, penniless, into the street. We are destitute. ─── 如果沒有你和巴克斯勛爵的婚姻,我們將會身無分文地被仍在大街上,我們很窮的。

28、Alone and penniless, she told him(Philip) that other man had not married her. ─── 她孤苦伶仃,并且身無分文。她告訴他(菲利普),那個男人沒有和她結(jié)婚。

29、Turn down a billionaire, but would still be with you even if you're penniless. ─── 拒絕過億萬富翁的求婚,但即使你一無所有還是會陪在你身邊。

30、She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow. ─── 她是個極美的姑娘,瑪格麗特·德弗日,當(dāng)時曾使輿論嘩然,因為她跟一個不名一文的年輕人私奔了。

31、But s he is returning to St Louis toyay his debts, his satchel of stolen goods is stolen, leaving him penniless. ─── 可當(dāng)他回圣路易斯償還賭債時,他藏匿贓物的背包失竊,使他落得身無分文。

32、She more than suffered from the disease, she was penniless. ─── 她不僅是飽受疾病之苦,而且窮得身無分文。

33、"" a thus leave it penniless afterwards chalk, three feet four podium barometer, together with the organs, Bork, bork, bork Jiusi very hard, sweat drops of moisture . ─── “一支粉筆兩袖清風(fēng),三尺講臺四季晴雨,加上五臟六腑,七嘴八舌九思十分用心,滴滴汗水滋潤桃李滿天下。”

34、Despite the introduction of foreign capital will enable the team rich overnight, but it can also make the team a day penniless. ─── 盡管外資的引進(jìn)可以使球隊一夜暴富,但是也可以使球隊某日一貧如洗。”

35、'Unfair' bank charges left me penniless. ─── 不公平的銀行費用把我變得很窮。

36、Ding Lei's cummer is a Taiwanese, two people are known in Guangzhou, the Ding Lei in those days just begins to do poineering work, penniless. ─── 丁磊的女友是臺灣人,兩個人在廣州熟悉,那時的丁磊剛剛開始創(chuàng)業(yè),一無所有。

37、Saying that John was badly off is to put it mildly. He was indeed penniless. ─── 說約翰境況不佳是委婉的說法,他其實已經(jīng)身無分文。

38、He was stranded penniless. ─── 他變得一文不名。

39、Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken? down trailer,penniless,alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning his daughter Holly,whom he lost in a divorce. ─── 此時他正住在一輛破舊的拖車?yán)铮頍o分文,孤獨寂寞。由于他在離婚時沒有獲得對女兒霍莉的監(jiān)護(hù)權(quán),這個惟一給予他生活以意義的人也不在他身邊。

40、One day he discovered that his sister was back in town. The man with whom she had run away had deserted her, and she was penniless and pregnant. ─── 一天,他發(fā)現(xiàn)姐姐回到了堪薩斯。原來,帶她私奔的那人拋棄了她。如今她身無分文,懷孕在身。

41、He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless . ─── 他貧病交加,處境十分困難。

42、“Many years ago, a strange little boy from a remote place to be here, penniless, did not know English or Tagalog (Filipino language) what. ─── “許多年前,一個陌生的小男孩從遙遠(yuǎn)的地方來到這里,身無分文,也不知道英語或他加祿語(菲律賓國語)為何物?!?/p>

43、Twenty five years later nine of them ended as follows. Schwab died penniless after living for five years on borrowed money. Instill died broke living in a foreign land. ─── 25年后,他們中的9人就這樣去世了:施瓦布在度過5年借債生涯后身無分文地死去了;英薩爾破產(chǎn)后死于國外。

44、The court took the situation of thesuspect, which is completely penniless as a reason to define the him has the motive to commit a crime. ─── 今次被捕的疑犯一經(jīng)定罪,將面對極嚴(yán)厲的法律制裁,但有錢人若犯上更嚴(yán)重的罪行,卻大多輕判草草了事。

45、Clean and well-meaning is not corruption, not corruption, upright and thus leave it penniless afterwards. ─── 廉潔之意是為人不貪污,不腐敗,一身正氣,兩袖清風(fēng)。

46、Born to an aristocratic family, Pal Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa fled Hungary during World War II and arrived penniless in France. ─── 帕爾?薩科奇出生于匈牙利的一個貴族家庭,二戰(zhàn)期間,他逃離匈牙利,前往法國,到達(dá)法國時已身無分文。

47、He died penniless in Paris. ─── 他死在巴黎, 一文不名。

48、He was in reality penniless. ─── 他實際上身無分文。

49、A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves. ─── 家族的赤貧支脈要比傳自偷雞賊的暴發(fā)戶家族有價值得多。

50、Old Liu might have pots of money and a redoubtable temper but he was no match for a penniless puffer who just managed to fill his stomach. ─── 好吧,隨你老頭子有成堆的洋錢,與天大的脾氣,你治不服這個一天現(xiàn)混兩個飽的窮光蛋!

51、He found himself penniless in a strange city. ─── 在異鄉(xiāng)他發(fā)現(xiàn)自已身無分文。

52、Penniless, but with boundless talent and vision, coupled with the energy of being granted a second chance at life, Hudec made his way to Shanghai. ─── 在國際飯店:京劇表演藝術(shù)家梅蘭芳和影后胡蝶在前往蘇聯(lián)進(jìn)行文化交流演出之前,分別在這舉辦了告別晚會;

53、Once the people who were the owners of lot of lands and other natural resources have now become landless, property less, jobless and penniless!. ─── 曾經(jīng)擁有大片土地和其他資源的人,現(xiàn)在沒有土地、沒有財產(chǎn)、沒有工作、一文不名。

54、I was left stranded penniless in a strange city. ─── 我流落在一個陌生的城市里,身無分文,一籌莫展。

55、STRANGE shy man with a cultured voice but almost penniless stepped ashore in Melbourne in 1934 and unrolled some drawings tied up in a singlet. ─── 1934年的墨爾本,一個靦腆的陌生男人從海邊踏上陸地;他聲音里透著修養(yǎng),卻幾乎身無分文。

56、She had been the lovely Regina Dallas, a penniless beauty introduced to New York society by her cousin, the imprudent Medora Manson. ─── 她從前叫麗賈娜·達(dá)拉斯。雖然一文不名,卻是個美人兒,經(jīng)她的表姐,輕佻的梅朵拉·曼森的介紹,進(jìn)入了紐約的社交界。

57、They'd soon be penniless and homeless if she couldn't find suitable work. ─── 如果她找不到合適的工作,他們很快就會身無分文、無家可歸。

58、He's penniless. ─── 他窮得丁當(dāng)響。

59、Penniless, he begins to write, which is to earn him a living. ─── 他一文不名,開始以寫作為生。

60、Children with his wife left him, he became penniless, helpless, and he once again for advice to the elderly. ─── 妻子帶著孩子離他而去,他變得一貧如洗,孤立無援,于是他再一次向這位老人討教。

61、The man with whom she had run away had deserted her, and she was penniless and pregnant ─── 原來,帶她私奔的那人拋棄了她。如今她身無分文,懷孕在身。

62、He is completely penniless and dosen't know anybody whom he can borrow money from. ─── 他身無分文,也不認(rèn)識任何可以借錢的人.

63、After making his fortune,he fetched up penniless when he died. ─── 他發(fā)過財,死時卻不名一文。

64、He was a widower for sixteen years, and married a penniless young governess about a year and a half ago. ─── 他做了十六年的鰥夫,大約一年半以前,娶了個一文不名的年輕家庭女教師。

65、Jobless and penniless,he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months. ─── 他既無工作又無錢,只好在野外露宿數(shù)月。

66、Qiao Xiaodong instant penniless, so Liu gloat, but to his surprise, surprise, with Qiao Xiaodong WANG Ruo Xuan married. ─── 喬曉東瞬間一貧如洗,令劉成幸災(zāi)樂禍,但令他意外的是,王若萱居然要與喬曉東成婚。

67、Alone and penniless, she told him(Philip) that other man had not married her. ─── 她孤苦伶仃,并且身無分文。她告訴他(菲利普),那個男人沒有和她結(jié)婚。

68、If the breadwinner deserts the family, it will be left penniless. ─── 如果家庭支柱離家出走,那么這個家庭將會一文不名。

69、If is penniless in the end, cannot bear the nature grumble shouts 'mother-fucker', investigates the reason to look for the result, has a look is there had problems. ─── 如果到頭來兩手空空,忍不住自然發(fā)牢騷罵娘,究原因找結(jié)果,看看到底是那兒出了問題。

70、Jobless and penniless, he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months. ─── 他既無工作又無錢, 只好在野外露宿數(shù)月。

71、Making great efforts means possipility but giving up means penniless. ─── 努力意味著可能,放棄則一無所有。

72、And though he knows I'm absolutely penniless he tells me every day about some cheap room he has just discovered in the neighborhood. ─── 他明知我一文不名,可還是每天都告訴我他剛剛在附近找到了廉價出租的房間。

73、He is in reality penniless. ─── 其實他身無分文。

74、He is penniless, and yet he leads the luxurious life of a millionaire. ─── 正當(dāng)他在街頭無奈徘徊之時,兩位古怪紳士的打賭把他從困境中解救出來。

75、She married a clergyman. Penniless. Both parents died. . . of typhus, when the child was but a few months old. ─── 她丈夫是個不名一文的牧師,這孩子尚在襁褓之時,他們就雙雙死于斑疹。

76、I would like to buy a train ticket to go back, if you are willing to help me I have to buy tickets to the good. I was a penniless. ─── 我想去買回去的火車票回老家去,你要是愿意幫我給我買張車票好嗎,我現(xiàn)在是身無分文了。

77、No. -No? -Oh, I see. It's our very own penniless sitar player. ─── 不不?噢,我知道了,是我們那個窮酸的西塔琴師。

78、Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on. ─── 事實上許多著名的影星就是從身無分文的不起眼的跑龍?zhí)椎拈_始的。

79、sit on the penniless Bench ─── 一貧如洗

80、He was more or less penniless except for the handsome salary he drew as private pilot to His Highness Prince Ali Yusuf. ─── 他除了擔(dān)任阿里·優(yōu)素福親王殿下的私人飛機駕駛員所得的豐厚薪水,他幾乎是不值一文。

81、My plan came to grief,and I was left penniless. ─── 我的計劃遭到失敗,我也因此弄得身無分方。

82、In fact, the penniless 19th century painters often paid for their stay with their own artwork. ─── 其實,19世紀(jì)貧窮的畫家常用自己的作品抵押住宿費。

83、He was penniless and very ill besides. ─── 他身無分文而且患有重病。

84、have nothing at all; penniless; destitute ─── 一無所有

85、“If you go on spending money like this, you will find yourself penniless in a month,” my friend said to me the other day. ─── “如果你像這樣花錢,你一個月就會身無分文?!庇幸惶煳业呐笥褜ξ艺f。

86、In 1911, a penniless young music-hall artist left England for America ─── 1911年,一個身無分文,年輕的雜耍劇場藝人離開英國前往美國。

87、"he came back from the war penniless and landed a good job right away.""yes, he has the knack of falling on his feet!" ─── “他戰(zhàn)后回來時身無分文,但馬上找到了一份好工作?!薄笆堑?,他有交發(fā)運的竅門!”

88、Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken down trailer,penniless,alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning his daughter Holly,whom he lost in a divorce. ─── 此時他正住在一輛破舊的拖車?yán)铮頍o分文,孤獨寂寞。 由于他在離婚時沒有獲得對女兒霍莉的監(jiān)護(hù)權(quán),這個惟一給予他生活以意義的人也不在他身邊。

89、She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow. ─── 她是個極美的姑娘,瑪格麗特·德弗日,當(dāng)時曾使輿論嘩然,因為她跟一個不名一文的年輕人私奔了。

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