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10-04 投稿


mooted 發(fā)音

英:[?mu?t?d]  美:[?mu?t?d]

英:  美:

mooted 中文意思翻譯






mooted 詞性/詞形變化,mooted變形


mooted 常用詞組

moot court ─── (法學院學生實習的)模擬法庭

mooted 相似詞語短語

1、footed ─── adj.有足的

2、hooted ─── n.鳴響;嘲罵聲;汽笛響聲;vi.鳴響;大聲叫囂;vt.轟趕;呵斥;n.(Hoot)(芬)霍特(人名)

3、mooned ─── adj.月狀的;月亮般的;以月亮圖案裝飾的;v.懶散度日,浪蕩;出神,發(fā)呆;以屁股示人(moon的過去式和過去分詞)

4、booted ─── v.猛踢;啟動(電腦);鎖?。ǚ欠ㄍ\嚨妮喿樱挥兄?;穿上靴子;防守(地滾球)失誤;騎馬;引導裝入系統(tǒng)(boot的過去式及過去分詞);adj.穿靴的;(踝骨)覆蓋著羽毛的

5、mooter ─── 發(fā)動機

6、smooted ─── 悶死的

7、looted ─── n.戰(zhàn)利品;搶劫;掠奪品;vt.搶劫,洗劫;強奪;vi.洗劫,掠奪;搶劫

8、moored ─── adj.停泊的;系泊的;v.停泊(moor的過去分詞)

9、mooed ─── v.(牛)發(fā)出哞哞聲;n.牛叫聲;(非正式)討人厭的婦女;n.(Moo)(美、加、挪)莫(人名)

mooted 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Frankfurt and even Paris were mooted as possible usurpers of London's crown. ─── 在人們口中,法蘭克福、甚至巴黎都成了可能奪走倫敦皇冠的篡位者。

2、3 per animal has been mooted in Ireland while Denmark is discussing a levy as high as ? ─── 3的稅,而丹麥也正在討論,是否要對每頭奶牛征收高達的?

3、The point is moot anyway, i'm fairly positive the top four seeds will be the same as they are now and we'll play Utah in the semis. ─── 總之這個問題很無聊。我很確定,西部的前四號種子到了季后賽還會是這四個隊進半決賽的,我們會對陣爵士。

4、moot point ─── 爭論點, 懸而未決的問題

5、I don't know if it was a ghost she saw, or if it were someone who could climb like an orangutan, but it's all a moot point now. ─── 我不知道坎迪是不是看見了鬼,或者有人能像猩猩那樣爬上樓去,總之一切都沒有定論。

6、In current language teaching, particularly vocabulary teaching, one of the moot frequently used ways is to use the grammar-translation method. ─── 摘要外語實踐教學中的詞匯層面最常見的方法就是利用翻譯對比法講解意義。

7、Many of the SEZs mooted may simply be property deals. ─── 很多經(jīng)濟特區(qū)的建設(shè)僅僅被看作是房地產(chǎn)項目的開發(fā)。

8、She was at her desk, as usual, writing one last letter to an old school friend, a prominent businessman, or a member of the Ancelstierre Moot. ─── 她仍然坐在桌前,和平常一樣,寫著一封信,對方或許是她的老校友,或者是一位成功的商人,或者是安塞斯蒂爾議會議員。

9、In this case, however, "since none is being imported, it's sort of moot," she said.Ms. ─── 她還表示,在偽造血蛋白一事上,既然沒有進口,就沒有必要討論。

10、More promising may be mooted government support for credit insurance. ─── 一個更有前景的措施是政府出面提供貸款信用保證。

11、Despite opposition from some scientists, the idea that the dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid that slammed into Mexico's Yucatan peninsula has won general acceptance since it was first mooted in the early 1990s. ─── 很早就有科學家認為恐龍是因為受到小行星撞擊墨西哥尤卡坦半島的影響而滅絕的,盡管這一觀點遭到了一些科學家的反對,但自從20世紀90年代初首次提出以來,就贏得了廣泛的贊同。

12、The planned merger with Iberia, the Spanish airline, looked as if it would be a winning combination a year ago when it was first mooted. ─── 在一年前,與西班牙伊比利亞航空公司(伊航)的合并計劃被首次提出時,似乎真是一個完美的雙贏組合。

13、To offer all participants of the 11th World Scout Moot the opportunity to see the different community development projects and to experiment then in activities related. ─── 展示童軍運動如何透過世界各地的童軍在各種領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展計劃,來協(xié)助社區(qū)的發(fā)展。

14、The one factor that could change all the experts' and analysts' predictions is if, as is being quietly mooted in some quarters,a greenhouse tax is imposed on energy. ─── 一個因素或許能改變所有專家和分析人士的預測(正如部分人士悄悄討論的):向能源征收溫室效應稅。

15、moot question ─── 懸而未決的問題, 有待進一步解決的問題

16、The government has mooted reforms that would reduce May Day observance to a single day and distribute the rest over a series of one-day holidays for the traditional Tomb Sweeping day, Dragon Boat festival and Mid-Autumn festival. ─── 政府已經(jīng)在商討對假期進行改革,準備將五一長假縮短為一天,將剩余天數(shù)分成一系列為期一天的假期,如傳統(tǒng)的清明節(jié),端午節(jié)和中秋節(jié)。

17、The subject, for most Singaporean investors , is actually somewhat "moot", as the availability of "offshore funds" to them is greatly restricted. ─── 對許多新加坡投資者來說,“岸外基金”是個有點不著邊際的課題,因為他們能投資的岸外基金非常有限。

18、"It's been mooted for many years from Fifa that Great Britain should have a team in the World Cup. ─── “蘇格蘭,愛爾蘭還有威爾士都不想成為英國隊的一部分,英格蘭也不希望這樣。

19、Of course, the offense made all of that moot in a hurry, and that's another luxury -- one that an extraordinary offense can provide. ─── 托瑞爺說:”一個系列賽中輸?shù)?場比賽對我們來說太奢侈了!

20、And whenever reform of the UN Security Council comes up, its name is always among those mooted for a possible new permanent seat. ─── 只要聯(lián)合國安理會提出改革,南非總會出現(xiàn)在新常任理事國候選名單上。

21、The end of the draft in the 1970s made the point moot. ─── 70年代結(jié)束征兵役制使我這個觀點沒有實際意義了。

22、mooted draft ─── 提交討論的草案

23、moot court ─── n. (法學專業(yè)學生實習的)假設(shè)法庭

24、For example, changing the netmask may make some routes moot (including the default or even the route to the host itself) and the kernel will delete them. ─── 例如,改變子網(wǎng)掩碼可能使某些路由失效(包括默認的路由甚至通向主機本身的路由),于是內(nèi)核會把這些沒用的路由刪掉。

25、Higuchi Ichiyois is the moot distinguished woman romantic writers in Meiji times in Japan.She died young, but her romantic novels have profound influence on Japanese literature. ─── 摘要樋口一葉是日本明治時期最杰出的浪漫主義女作家,她的生命雖然短暫,但她浪漫主義的小說創(chuàng)作卻為日本文壇寫下重重的一筆。

26、Therefore,it is expected to be one of the moot economical processes with which the products could be produced industrially on a large scale. ─── 產(chǎn)品純度高,能耗低,有望成為大規(guī)模工業(yè)生產(chǎn)該產(chǎn)品最經(jīng)濟的路線之一。

27、He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted. ─── 弗蘭克表示,有關(guān)從國會正在考慮的OTC市場改革措施中豁免外匯交易的提議,不會被采納。

28、They mooted Australia as an alternative should South Africa's organisers fail to get their act together. ─── 他們提出,一但南非組織者組織失敗,將由澳大利亞來代替。

29、In 2007 when Mr Correa first mooted the idea that the world should pay Ecuador not to exploit the ITT oil this was widely dismissed as half-baked. ─── 2007年,科雷亞總統(tǒng)首次提出“世界應為厄瓜多爾不開發(fā)ITT石油付賬”這個想法,但大多數(shù)人覺得不成熟而不予考慮。

30、Constructing the Real-life Scenery Moot Teaching Model, Cultivating the Practical Law Talents ─── 改革法學教學模式,培養(yǎng)實用型法律人才

31、Personal views on the teaching of moot court ─── 關(guān)于模擬法庭教學的幾點體會

32、Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong army. ─── 擁有45萬士兵的大軍的計劃被提出供討論。

33、Well-informed analysts know that PPP calculations are a poor measure of a country's potential military base, but with the corrected China PPP statistics, the whole question is moot. ─── 博聞的分析人士都知道,購買力平價數(shù)據(jù)不是衡量一個國家潛在軍事實力的好方法,但從修正后的中國購買力平價統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)來看,整個問題不再具有討論價值。

34、A bid for Dimitar Berbatov, the Tottenham Hotspur forward, has been mooted, with Louis Saha likely to be sold or sent out on loan. ─── 一份為托特納姆熱刺隊前鋒迪米塔·貝爾巴托夫的出價已經(jīng)在討論了,路易·薩哈很可能被賣掉或是租出去。

35、Neither man is widely mooted as a presidential candidate, at least not yet. ─── 三人中沒有一個能引起廣泛的作為總統(tǒng)候選人的討論。

36、He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy. ─── 他爭辯說這項議題已變得毫無實際意義,因為董事會已經(jīng)改變了政策。

37、Compared to the other romantic composers in 19th century, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy is one of the moot important. ─── 摘要在19世紀浪漫派作曲家中,德國的門德爾松無疑是最重要的作曲家之一。

38、Another bold idea, mooted more by observers than by those who would have to wield the axe, is dismissing forthwith any MP found to have fiddled. ─── 另一個大膽的構(gòu)想,由觀察者而非那些必須揮舞斧頭的人所提出,是馬上開除所有被發(fā)現(xiàn)有欺騙行為的議員。

39、"Moot point," he reminded me. ─── “重點。”他提醒我。

40、Such as singing competitions, Moot, host competitions. ─── 如唱歌比賽、辯論賽、主持人比賽。

41、moot point question ─── 懸而未決的事

42、moot men ─── [法] 實習法庭辯論者

43、The subject, for most Singaporean investors, is actually somewhat "moot", as the availability of "offshore funds" to them is greatly restricted. ─── 對許多新加坡投資者來說,“岸外基金”是個有點不著邊際的課 題,因為他們能投資的岸外基金非常有限。

44、To buoy house prices the package includes a rescue plan for distressed mortgages more generous than anything previously mooted. ─── 為了防止房屋價格的繼續(xù)下滑,措施將比預期更有力地對處于危難中的抵押物進行挽救。

45、West Ham flop Javier Mascherano had previously occupied the top spot on Juve's wish list, but it is now being mooted that he will instead join the Reds ?C freeing Sissoko for Juve. ─── 先前占據(jù)尤文轉(zhuǎn)會清單第一名的是西漢姆的哈維爾?馬斯切拉諾,但是現(xiàn)在有傳聞說他將加盟紅軍利物浦,這樣西索科就能轉(zhuǎn)會尤文了。

46、A 29-year old young man, Moot, has taken the first ranking, but the press covey that the automatic operation or hacking of his fans has raised a problem. ─── 一名29歲的青年,模擬法庭,采取了第一的排名,但記者柯維,自動操作或黑客的球迷提出了一個問題。

47、It avoids some of the unwelcome language (from a Western standpoint) that was initially mooted. ─── 它避免了最初提出的一些不受歡迎的語言(從西方的角度看)。

48、Perhaps surprisingly, PhRMA now supports most aspects of health-care reform being mooted, from universal coverage to restructuring the insurance market. ─── 也許令人驚訝的是,美國藥品研究與制造商協(xié)會支持當前討論的醫(yī)改方案的大部分內(nèi)容,從醫(yī)保的普遍覆蓋到重組保險市場。

49、In any event, at our three marketable-but permanent holdings, this point is moot ─── 不論如何,我們?nèi)矣篮愕墓蓹?quán)投資在這點是不太可能發(fā)生的

50、When the paper first mooted knowledge gradually, we think provide more close to the essence of life rooted deeper aesthetic education resources to the community. ─── 當紙知識逐漸開始萌芽,我們思考提供更貼近生活本質(zhì)同時深化美學扎根教育資源給社會大眾。

51、Clemence said: 'It was mooted at one stage but it was never a serious conversation. ─── 克萊門斯說:“關(guān)于門將選擇的問題上雖爭論不休,但這從來不是一個嚴肅的議題。

52、Undoubtedly, many people will question moot's worthiness of the title World's Most Influential Person. ─── 必定,許多人會質(zhì)疑全球最具影響力之人這一頭銜的價值。

53、8.Westmoreland:I don't want another.Besides, it's a moot point.She was grandfathered.Once she's gone, no more pets. ─── 我不想要別的,而且還有一點,她是免受新法規(guī)限制的,如果她不在了,就不會再有別的寵物可以帶進來

54、Under the Market Economic System, TV rating is the moot crucial criterion to judge whether a program is good or not. ─── 摘要在市場經(jīng)濟體制下,電視節(jié)目的收視率成為衡量一個欄目或一期節(jié)目好壞的最關(guān)鍵的指標。

55、But the points he raises for Canada are far from moot. ─── 即使如此,他向加拿大提出的觀點可不是簡單討論一下就可以了事的。)

56、A move to England has been mooted since the January transfer window opened, and the Daily Star Sunday claim he has snubbed a move to Portsmouth. ─── 1月他很可能轉(zhuǎn)會英超,英國媒體爆料,他剛剛拒絕了樸茨茅斯的報價。

57、At some time in the near future, they said, today's debate over whether it is morally acceptable to create and destroy human embryos to obtain stem cells should be moot. ─── 在不久的將來某個時間,他們說,今天的以創(chuàng)造并破壞人類胚胎以獲取干細胞在道義上是否可以接受的辯論將變得毫無意義。

58、The London Stock Exchange, owner of a thriving retail-bond exchange in Italy, has mooted plans for a similar platform on its home soil. ─── 倫敦證券交易所,意大利促進零售債券交易的所有者,已初步提出了一個針對家庭級別的相似的平臺。

59、Whether or not, in the event that Chiang Kai-shek is defeated, these people will be allowed to keep heir arms is a moot question. ─── 將來打敗蔣介石以后,是否還允許民眾擁有武裝,那就不得而知了。

60、Many of the SEZs mooted may simply be property deals. ─── 許多頗有爭議的經(jīng)濟特區(qū)可能僅僅是房地產(chǎn)交易。

61、But it yesterday declined to say how much it intended to raise through the mooted issue. ─── 但機管局昨天拒絕透露打算通過這項仍在討論中的計劃籌集多少資金。

62、It's been mooted Inter may cover a percentage of the striker's salary to smooth the move. ─── 國際可能負擔部分工資來使得轉(zhuǎn)會成行。

63、"I don't think I'm allowed to have sole charge of two small children," I said dubiously when their mother first mooted the idea. ─── “我覺得我不應該獨自照顧兩個小孩,”當他們的母親第一次跟我討論這個想法時,我向她提出了我的質(zhì)疑。

64、So if someone's not throwing a punch, if someone doesn't run out there and enter into a fight, I don't see, I think it's a moot point. ─── 所以如果沒有人故意沖撞,如果沒有人跑出來打架,我不清楚,我想這些都是假設(shè)而已。

65、He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted. ─── 弗蘭克表示,有關(guān)從國會正在考慮的OTC市場改革措施中豁免外匯交易的提議,不會被采納。

66、"The Moot sits tonight, and it is possible Corolini will present his Forced Emigration Bill. ─── 她站起身,輕拍著封好剛剛寫好的信。

67、But it yesterday declined to say how much it intended to raise through the mooted issue. ─── 但機管局昨天拒絕透露打算通過這項仍在討論中的計劃籌集多少資金。

68、On June 2, 3, 2008, there will be a second trial of this case in the Moot Court Room of CUFE. ─── 2008年6月2,3日晚七點,中央財經(jīng)大學模擬法庭將上演對此次案件的第二次審判。

69、Bart Chilton, the commissioner most adamantly in favour of these limits, said the mooted rules "actually err on the high side" . ─── 最堅定支持實行這些限制的CFTC委員巴特?奇爾頓(BartChilton)表示,這些擬議中的規(guī)定“實際上偏向于寬松”。

70、She read Browning aloud to him, and was often puzzled by the strange interpretations he gave to mooted passages. ─── 她向他朗誦勃朗寧的詩,卻常因他對他們探討的段落作出的新奇解釋而感到困惑。

71、moot a case ─── [法] 提出一個案件供辯論

72、Organized by the International Law Students Association ILSA, the Jessup Moot is the most prestigious competition of its kind in the world. ─── Jessup國際法模擬法庭比賽由國際法學生協(xié)會主辦,是世界最權(quán)威的國際法庭比賽。

73、In any case, the anticipation of a looming conflict between the real and the virtual is moot at the moment where the two can be made to coincide, become each other's mirror image. ─── 在任何的情況下,當虛擬跟真實可以同時呈現(xiàn)、替代對方的時候,海市蜃樓再也不是期待。

74、Decentralisation is widely mooted as a device to improve the democratic process of governance and the equity and/or efficiency of resource allocation. ─── 摘要分權(quán)管理作為改進治理的民主進程和資源的公平分配或有效性的方法而受到廣泛的討論。

75、It was a fair question at the time. Last summer made it a moot one. ─── 當時,這還是個公平的問題。可去年夏天(冠軍)讓這個問題變得毫無意義。

76、In 1987, he initiated China’s first ever television moot by organizing two telecast events on Shanghai TV for secondary school students. ─── 1987年,首創(chuàng)電視辯論賽,連續(xù)舉辦兩屆上海市中學生電視辯論賽。

77、Moot court teaching activity has been widely applied in legal education, but it has many problems actually. ─── 摘要模擬法庭教學活動在我國的傳統(tǒng)法學教育中被廣泛應用,但卻存在著諸多的問題。

78、moot point. ─── n. 尚在爭論中的論點

79、Case teaching method in legal education can be employed in various ways such as classroom discussion, trial watch, moot court and multimedia teaching to meet the teaching requirements. ─── 摘要案例教學在法學教育中具有重要的意義。根據(jù)教學需要,可以采用課堂討論、觀摩庭審、模擬法庭、多媒體教學等多種案例教學方法。

80、Even if we accept that to be true, it is a moot point. ─── 即使我們接受那是真實的,但是這還是個爭論未決的問題。

81、Currency baskets, SDRs, even internationalisation of the renminbi, have been mooted, but not the obvious alternative. ─── 一籃子貨幣、特別提款權(quán)(SDR)乃至人民幣國際化,種種建議相繼出籠,惟獨不提明顯可以取代美元的歐元。

82、True,all this planning becames moot when the 40-minute trip takes two hours because of a track fire and a wino who gets caught in the door? ─── 如果大家有實在有需要上下文的說一下。看誰說的好誰的積分給的多。

83、moot trial ─── 實習審判

84、The idea has been mooted before. ─── 前進行電視辯論的主意也拿出來討論過。

85、The plans are yet to be fleshed out in detail, but three changes have been mooted. ─── 上述計劃尚需具體內(nèi)容的充實,但有3個變化已被納入討論范圍。

86、The planned merger with Iberia, the Spanish airline, looked as if it would be a winning combination a year ago when it was first mooted. ─── 在一年前,與西班牙伊比利亞航空公司(伊航)的合并計劃被首次提出時,似乎真是一個完美的雙贏組合。

87、It is a moot point between the bundle theorist and the substantivalist whether there could be a co-consciousness relation that would produce an experientially united mind. ─── 在捆束理論家和物質(zhì)主義者之間是否存在一種并存關(guān)系,這種關(guān)系能產(chǎn)生出一種經(jīng)驗上一致的心靈的這種觀點是無實際意義的。

88、The question of changing the club's rules was mooted at the last meeting. ─── 修改俱樂部章程的問題在上次會議上提出審議了。

89、Local reaction was mixed when the town first mooted the idea of spearheading Japan's zero-waste movement. ─── 當初鎮(zhèn)子提出要帶頭推動日本的零廢物運動的設(shè)想時,居民的反應并不一致。

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