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10-04 投稿


misleader 發(fā)音


英:  美:

misleader 中文意思翻譯



misleader 反義詞


misleader 同義詞

pervert | distort | betray | fool | fabricate | hoodwink | gull | delude | lead on | misrepresent | lead astray | take in | misguide | snow | misinform | lie |deceive | misdirect | bamboozle

misleader 詞性/詞形變化,misleader變形

動詞過去分詞: misled |名詞: misleader |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): misleads |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: misleading |動詞過去式: misled |

misleader 相似詞語短語

1、misgender ─── 性別錯誤

2、mispleaded ─── v.不正確地申辯;不正確地辯護

3、misleads ─── vt.誤導(dǎo);帶錯

4、mislayer ─── 誤導(dǎo)

5、misleared ─── adj.沒教養(yǎng)的;條件惡劣的

6、misrender ─── 誤判

7、misreader ─── 誤讀者

8、dispreader ─── n.向四方張開;向各方展開

9、mislead ─── vt.誤導(dǎo);帶錯

misleader 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、"Anyone involved in a decision to mislead the stewards has now left," Whitmarsh - who turned 51 on the same day - was quoted as saying by British newspapers. ─── "決定誤導(dǎo)管家現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)離開,“惠特馬什-誰把51的同一天-稱英國報紙.

2、No raisers or relevant parties concerned may mislead any investor in any way to purchase any subordinated debts. ─── 募集人和有關(guān)當(dāng)事人不得以任何方式誤導(dǎo)投資者購買次級債。

3、The name may mislead one to believe it a state-of-the-art facility, but in Bolivia -- where poverty is commonplace - the decades old institution is now in disrepair. ─── 它的名字往往會讓人錯以為它是間先進設(shè)備完善的醫(yī)院,但是在玻利維亞這四處都貧窮的國家,這間醫(yī)院的設(shè)備早已不敷使用。

4、The Government in the Game of Agricultural Industrialization: Lead or Mislead? ─── 農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化博弈中的政府:引導(dǎo)抑或誤導(dǎo)?

5、"They also had the potential to mislead parents about the potential consequences of consuming Coca-Cola," he said. ─── 同時他還說:“它同時潛在誤導(dǎo)父母們對于喝可樂造成的潛在后果?!?/p>

6、A contrived incident intended to mislead the newspaper. ─── 企圖蒙蔽報界的人為事件。

7、Chinese scientists say that legitimate concerns over GM crops' biosafety should not be used to mislead the public in the name of environmental protection. ─── 中國科學(xué)家們說,對轉(zhuǎn)基因生物安全的合理擔(dān)心不應(yīng)該以環(huán)境保護為名用來誤導(dǎo)公眾。

8、Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. ─── 太24:11且有好些假先知起來、惑多人。

9、To cajole or mislead. ─── 勾引,誤導(dǎo)

10、I"m sorry, Bruce. I didn"t mean to mislead you. ─── 對不起.....我并不是故意誤導(dǎo)你的。(實習(xí)編輯:夏根建

11、Here they remained for 100 years and were vastly mislead into a false ascension that combust their bodies and the region that they existed within. ─── 在這里,他們呆了100年時間,并被極大誤導(dǎo)成虛假提升,最終燃燒了他們的身體以及他們所呆的地域。

12、Select the user to be preselected for login. This box is editable, so you can specify an arbitrary non-existent user to mislead possible attackers. ─── 04選取一個使用者來為預(yù)設(shè)的登入帳號。這是可以編輯的,所以您可以設(shè)定一個不存在的使用者,來誤導(dǎo)可能攻擊您機器的人。

13、Here, the EMB once again tries to mislead the public by sidestepping the crux of the problem. ─── 在這里,教統(tǒng)局又再次迴避問題,誤導(dǎo)公眾。

14、With your help,there will be no desertion now Better we lose the election than mislead the people,and better we lose than misgovern the people. ─── 但有你們的幫助,我們不會放棄。我們寧可選舉失敗,也不愿誤導(dǎo)民眾和不正確地管理民眾。

15、His random, elliptical, occasionally emotional manner of conversation was bound to shock, and mislead, the historians. ─── 他談話時漫無邊際,藏頭掩尾,間或感情沖動的特點,必定會使歷史學(xué)家們感到吃驚和引起他們的誤解。

16、A more determined effort will have to be made to curb the tendency of banks to be reckless with their capital and to mislead consumers. ─── 人們需要付出更堅決的努力,遏制銀行不計后果地使用資金并誤導(dǎo)消費者的傾向。

17、But squeals from Japanese exporters, as well as claims that the government has adopted a new “strong yen” policy, can mislead. ─── 但是,日本出口商反對,政府聲明已采取新的強健貨幣政策,都會發(fā)出錯誤信號。

18、Similarly, the distribution problem as a blocked return of red chips is also an obstacle to mislead the public. ─── 同樣,把發(fā)行方式問題當(dāng)成阻攔紅籌回歸的障礙也是混淆視聽。

19、Jack, mislead by bad companion, get into the drug habit. ─── 在壞伙伴的誘使下,杰克染上了吸毒癖。

20、"Do not let Hezekiah mislead you when he says, 'The LORD will deliver us. ─── 你們要謹(jǐn)防,恐怕希西家勸導(dǎo)你們說,耶和華必要拯救我們。

21、"It doesn't appeal to me to mislead the Roma fans," said Bronzetti. "I hope to know more tonight. ─── “我并沒有誤導(dǎo)羅馬球迷。我希望這個晚上能夠了解的更多。

22、A statistic (e.g., %, mean) standing alone has little meaning and may even mislead. ─── 孤立的數(shù)據(jù)(如%,平均數(shù))沒有多大意義,甚至可能誤導(dǎo)。

23、Kilpatrick stated: I violate the pledge to lie, I such make the goal am mislead the court and the jury, the hindrance and the obstruction of justice am fair. ─── 基爾帕特里克聲明:“我違背誓言撒謊,我這么做目的是誤導(dǎo)法庭和陪審團,妨礙和阻撓司法公正。

24、They use their political allies to scare and mislead the American people. ─── 他們利用他們的政治同盟來驚嚇和誤導(dǎo)美國人民。

25、It must neither mislead nor deceive customers or violate public order or morality. ─── 商標(biāo)不能誤導(dǎo)或欺騙顧客,也不能違反公共秩序或道德。

26、In order to further mislead the Germans, the Allies undertook a series of deception actions. ─── 為了進一步誤導(dǎo)德軍,盟軍采用了一系列的欺騙行動。

27、We should proceed in the compilation of ancient books and files carefully and scientifically so as not to mislead later generations. ─── 對古籍史料的勾稽工作要嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)、科學(xué)地進行,以免誤導(dǎo)后人。

28、Don't let the charming accent and my impeccable syntax mislead you. ─── 不要被我迷人的口音和禮貌用語誤導(dǎo)了

29、Don' t let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him. ─── 不要讓他那種友好的態(tài)度使你誤信他。

30、"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. ─── 因為假基督,假先知,將要起來,顯大神跡,大奇事。倘若能行,連選民也就迷惑了。

31、Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray. ─── 因為引導(dǎo)這百姓的,使他們走錯了路。被引導(dǎo)的,都必敗亡。

32、B: I'm sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to mislead you. ─── 對不起。我并不是故意誤導(dǎo)你的。

33、Such as whether the probativeness, materiality, and reliability of the evidence outweighs its tendency to mislead, prejudice, and confuse the jury. ─── 如是否證據(jù)的檢驗性、實質(zhì)性和可靠性會在價值上超過它使陪審團誤導(dǎo)、形成偏見和混淆的傾向。

34、If anyone says otherwise, they are either trying to mislead you or don't have their facts straight. ─── 如果有人說不是這樣,那么要么就是他在誤導(dǎo)你,要么就是他根本不了解事實。

35、"If it is fallible," he replied, "there is the greater reason that I explain it, lest it mislead. ─── ”正因為它會出錯,“神父答道,”我才有更大的理由來解釋它,以免它誤導(dǎo)信眾。

36、"With Him are strength and sound wisdom, The misled and the misleader belong to Him. ─── 伯12:16在他有能力和智慧、被誘惑的、與誘惑人的、都是屬他。

37、They advise customer that don't go to the crossroad mislead by the fake advertisement. ─── 他們建議消費者不要被虛假廣告引入歧途(誤導(dǎo)).

38、He usually has a quickened delayed blast fireball and a silent mislead spell ready in case he is up against a large group of foes or has to retreat. ─── 他通常會準(zhǔn)備一個瞬發(fā)延遲爆裂火球和一個默發(fā)誤導(dǎo)術(shù),以用來因應(yīng)萬一需要面對大群敵人或者不得不撤退的局面。

39、To lead astray; mislead. ─── 使入迷途;誤導(dǎo)

40、With your help, there will be no desertion now Better we lose the election than mislead the people, and better we lose than misgovern the people. ─── 但有你們的幫助,我們不會放棄。 我們寧可選舉失敗,也不愿誤導(dǎo)民眾和不正確地管理民眾。

41、The affixing of other markings on the product, which are likely to mislead or confuse the consumers or the third parties, shall be prohibited. ─── 商品之其他標(biāo)示不得與驗證登錄商品檢驗標(biāo)識混淆,或使消費者不易辨別商品檢驗標(biāo)識。

42、For many will come in My name, saying,' I am the Christ,' and will mislead many. ─── 太24:5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來、、是基督、且要迷惑許多人。

43、The Government in the Game of Agricultural Industrialization:Lead or Mislead? ─── 農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)化博弈中的政府:引導(dǎo)抑或誤導(dǎo)

44、misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal. ─── 誤導(dǎo)者讓我用鉛代替不穩(wěn)定的金屬。

45、NIV] Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray. ─── [和合]因為引導(dǎo)這百姓的,使他們走20錯了路;被引導(dǎo)的,都必敗亡。

46、You may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of an e-mail message or other content. ─── 不允許使用假電子信箱、冒名任何個人或團體,或?qū)﹄娮余]件內(nèi)容或其它內(nèi)容進行誤導(dǎo)。

47、Their new electronic navigator mislead them down the wrong road. ─── 他們新的電子導(dǎo)航器將他們帶錯路了。

48、Therefore, they have to use a lot of conjectural words, such as "if" and "perhaps", to mislead public opinion. ─── 他們只好用了大量“如果”、“可能”等推測性語言來誤導(dǎo)視聽。

49、But in truth, all these metaphors mislead. ─── 只不過在真實的情況里,這些比喻都有誤導(dǎo)。

50、Do not let Hezekiah mislead you when he says,' The LORD will deliver us. ─── 你們要謹(jǐn)防,恐怕希西家勸導(dǎo)你們說,耶和華必拯救我們。

51、It's just me...mislead by my irrational emotions, vacuousness of being alone...It is all my fault... ─── 女人是脆弱的,她們需要擺脫孤單,她們需要一個肩膀。

52、They use their political allies to scare and mislead the scaresn merce American people, they . ─── 他們使用他們的政治同盟來驚嚇,誤導(dǎo)美國人。

53、They are seeking to mislead us. ─── 他們竭力誤導(dǎo)我們.

54、Dolgorukov was still insisting on his opinion that the French were retreating, and had only lighted fires to mislead them. ─── 多爾戈魯科夫一直堅持自己的意見,硬說法軍撤退了,他們四處點火,只是妄想欺騙我們罷了。

55、People is very easily mislead and very fickle in their view. ─── 人們很容易被領(lǐng)入歧途,而其見解也非常不堅定。

56、A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team. ─── 假動作方向上一短暫的假的或未完成的改變,用以誤導(dǎo)對手或?qū)Ψ?/p>

57、Their main motives were to mislead their company's shareholders and the investing public by dishonestly inflating its equity value in order to protect their own share holdings in the company stocks in a falling stock market. ─── 在股市全面滑落的時候,他們通過不誠實的手段,夸大公司股票的市值,目的是誤導(dǎo)公司股票持有者和廣大的投資民眾,并保護他們自己所擁有的公司股票的價值。

58、Come on! Don't talk through your hat any more! Don't mislead our young person. ─── 你在吹牛。拜托!別再信口開河了!不要誤導(dǎo)我們年青人。

59、Shame on you in trying to mislead people into giving you business.I arg ... ─── For your information, this doesnt sound like 類風(fēng)濕關(guān)節(jié)炎(rheumatoid arthritis) or 靜脈曲張(varicose vein) at all.

60、And she said, Did I ask my lord for a son? Did I not say, Do not mislead me? ─── 28婦人說,我何嘗向我主求過兒子呢?我豈沒有說過,不要欺哄我么?

61、Doctors should know better thanto distort facts and mislead patients. ─── 醫(yī)生應(yīng)該知道不要歪曲事實,誤導(dǎo)病人。

62、If you want to learn Chinese, you'd better learn Mandarin instead of dialect, if you learn dialect from her, she may mislead you. ─── 如果你想學(xué)中文的話,最好學(xué)普通話,不要學(xué)方言,如果你跟她學(xué)方言的話,她會誤導(dǎo)你的.

63、She was trying to figure out, but who cares if it, don't let this kind of shoddy stationery mislead more pupil. ─── 她想弄明白,到底誰管這事兒,別讓這種粗制濫造的文教用品誤導(dǎo)更多的小學(xué)生。

64、Don't let his friendly words mislead you. ─── 別讓他那友好的言詞把你蒙混住。

65、Than mislead you with a lie? ─── 也不愿用謊言欺騙你?

66、Don't let his friendly words mislead. ─── 別讓他的甜言蜜語騙取了你的信任。

67、They are seeking to mislead. ─── 他們竭力進行誤導(dǎo)。

68、So, I take the view, that whether we like it or not, we have to use labels, but not so as to mislead ourselves and others by over simplification. ─── 于是我采取這樣的觀點:不管我們是否喜歡,我們都不得不使用標(biāo)簽,而不致于因為過于簡化,而誤導(dǎo)自己和他人。

69、He doesn't deliberately mislead, but I think what he says should be received with a grain of salt. ─── 他并沒有故意歪曲事實,可是我認(rèn)為對他的話應(yīng)該打打折扣。

70、It was important that Member States not be mislead to believe that all of civil society shared a single perspective on IP protection. ─── 因此,重要的是成員國不能被誤導(dǎo),誤認(rèn)為整個民間社會對知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護有共同的觀點。

71、If his own vanity, however, did not mislead him, he was the cause, his pride and caprice were the cause, of all that Jane had suffered, and still continued to suffer. ─── 如果彬格萊先生本來并沒有給虛榮心沖昏頭腦,那么,吉英目前所受的種種痛苦,以及將來還要受下去的痛苦,都得歸罪于他,歸罪于他的傲慢和任性。

72、They liken the standard for scientific evidence to that for other evidence, i.e. whether the probativeness, materiality, and reliability of the evidence outweighs its tendency to mislead, prejudice, and confuse the jury. ─── 它們將科學(xué)證據(jù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與其他標(biāo)準(zhǔn)相比較,如是否證據(jù)的檢驗性、實質(zhì)性和可靠性會在價值上超過它使陪審團誤導(dǎo)、形成偏見和混淆的傾向。

73、Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible. ─── 她如此冷靜而理智,使他感到驚異,但他并沒有因此誤認(rèn)為她沒有感情。

74、Nevertheless, on the questions of how and why the "anti - Americanism " have formed, most of the American politicians and theoreticians are still fabricating sorts of illiberal corollaries to mislead the public opinion. ─── 但美國國內(nèi)大多數(shù)政客和理論家仍然在"反美主義"形成的原因問題上制造種種偏執(zhí)的理論來誤導(dǎo)美國民眾和國際輿論。

75、Don't quote my words out of context,eg so as to mislead people about what I mean. ─── 對我的話不要斷章取義。

76、Meanwhile his friends did their best to mislead, hip, or even knife the handful of "thief takers" who came after him. ─── 與此同時,他的朋友們會竭盡全力將追捕逃犯的少數(shù)“捉賊人”引向歧途、絆倒在地,甚至加以傷害。

77、The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal. ─── 誤導(dǎo)者讓我用鉛代替不穩(wěn)固的金屬。

78、What you said may mislead your students. ─── 你所說的或許會誤導(dǎo)學(xué)生。

79、The company spread false information as a deception to mislead investors. ─── 公司散布假信息,借以制造假相,誤導(dǎo)投資者。

80、Don't quote my words out of context, eg so as to mislead people about what I mean. ─── 對我的話不要斷章取義.

81、A brief feintor aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team. ─── 假動作方向上一短暫的假的或未完成的改變,用以誤導(dǎo)對手或?qū)Ψ健?/p>

82、A spokesman has said they were not an attempt to mislead. ─── 發(fā)言人說他們沒又企圖誤導(dǎo)。

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