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10-03 投稿


polygamy 發(fā)音

英:[p?'l?g?m?]  美:[p?'l?ɡ?mi]

英:  美:

polygamy 中文意思翻譯



polygamy 同義詞

illegal | polyoicous | heteroicous |bigamous | criminal | adulterous

polygamy 詞性/詞形變化,polygamy變形

副詞: polygamously |

polygamy 短語詞組

1、polyandry and polygamy ─── 一妻多夫制和 ─── 一夫多妻制

2、polygamy is a funny thing ─── 一夫多妻制很有趣

3、polyandry polygamy ─── 一夫多妻制

4、polygamy is in china ─── 一夫多妻制在中國(guó)

5、Polygamy in Christianity ─── 基督教中的一夫多妻制

6、polygamy monogamy ─── 一夫多妻制

polygamy 反義詞


polygamy 相似詞語短語

1、polygony ─── 多邊形

2、polypary ─── n.珊瑚蟲群體的附著基

3、polygala ─── n.遠(yuǎn)志,遠(yuǎn)志屬

4、polygams ─── 測(cè)謊儀

5、hologamy ─── n.整體配子;[生物]配子大型

6、polygeny ─── n.多元發(fā)生(說)

7、polygamic ─── adj.一夫多妻的;一妻多夫的;雜性的

8、polygyny ─── n.一夫多妻

9、polygam ─── polygam公司

polygamy 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、For example, Seddiki says, the mosque's Koranic program can teach students that a man can have up to four wives - in accordance with Muslim tradition.But polygamy is illegal in France. ─── 他說,比方說,清真寺的古蘭經(jīng)課程教授學(xué)生,一個(gè)男人可以有多達(dá)4個(gè)妻子,這同穆斯林的傳統(tǒng)一致,但是多妻制在法國(guó)是非法的。

2、A 9th-century outgrowth of Shiism that sought to reform Islam by advocating egalitarianism and by forbidding polygamy and trading in slaves.One of its followers founded the Baha`i faith in 8'3. ─── 巴布教:9世紀(jì)的什葉派教義產(chǎn)物,試圖通過提倡平等主義、禁止多配偶和買賣奴隸來改革回教。

3、Relating to,characterized by,or practicing polygamy. ─── 多配偶(制)的關(guān)于多配偶制的、其特征為或?qū)嵭卸嗯渑贾频?/p>

4、It was not yet strict monogamy, as polygamy was permitted for the leading members of the tribe. ─── 這還不是嚴(yán)格的一夫一妻制,因?yàn)檫€允許顯貴實(shí)行多妻制。

5、The most important thing is that polygamy was allowed to exist in the times, he insisted on only one wife, do not think that only a small insertion is a natural The. ─── 最重要的是,在那個(gè)一夫多妻被允許存在的時(shí)代,他堅(jiān)持只有一位妻子,并不認(rèn)為小唯的插入是自然的。

6、If the polygamy mess gives the lie to anything, its' that America has become a homogenous mass of conformists. ─── 如果說這起一夫多妻的混亂現(xiàn)象造成什么假象,那就是:美國(guó)已成為同一類型人群組成的墨守成規(guī)的國(guó)家。

7、Shakespeare endorse polygamy: he speak of the merry wives of windsor; how many wives do Mr. Windsor have? ─── 莎士比亞似乎是贊成一夫多妻制的:他曾提到“溫莎的風(fēng)流娘兒們”;究竟溫莎先生有幾位太太呢?

8、To the men of the mortal, monogamy means impotence, bigamy means corpulence, and polygamy means beasts. (UTOYXC ─── 對(duì)于塵世的男人來說,沒有情人是廢物,有了情人才算人物,情人太多又變成動(dòng)物。(歌詞)

9、2.In 1822 the United States government passed the Edmunds Law outlawing polygamy. ─── 1822年美國(guó)政府通過愛得蒙德法案,將重婚非法化。

10、"The fact is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially discontinued the practice of polygamy in 1890: 118 years ago. ─── “耶穌基督后期圣徒教會(huì)早在118年前的1890年即已正式地宣布停止多重婚姻的實(shí)行。

11、but there is no doubt that, within the limit set by polygamy, he was genuinely fond of his wife and benefactress. ─── 但毫無疑問地是,在一夫多妻的制度下,他還是真誠地愛他的妻子--這位女捐助人.

12、preferred mate polygamy A form of simultaneous polygamy in which individuals restrict all or most of their spawning activities to only a portion of the mates available. ─── 一夫多妻的優(yōu)先配偶一個(gè)同時(shí)存在的一夫多妻形式,個(gè)體的產(chǎn)卵活動(dòng)全部或大部分有所限制,只有配偶的部分是有能力的。

13、serial polygamy ─── 序列多偶婚

14、The form of marriage that has been approved by more societies than any other through the ages has been polygamy ? one man and many women. ─── 歷史上,最受各種文明與不同社會(huì)接受的婚姻形式,是一夫多妻制。

15、In no way has gay marriage lent legitimacy to polygamy. ─── 無論從哪個(gè)角度來講,同性婚姻都不會(huì)給多配偶制帶來合法性。

16、According to Harmon's "second wife" Cheryl said, she does not believe that "polygamy" family of women are not educated women, are forced to accept such non-traditional marriage. ─── 據(jù)哈蒙的“二太太”麗爾稱,她并不認(rèn)為“一夫多妻”家庭的女性都是沒有受過教育的女性,是被強(qiáng)迫接受這種非傳統(tǒng)婚姻的。

17、They argue that sexuality is intrinsic, while polygamy is a choice with grievous social consequences. ─── 他們認(rèn)為,性取向是與生俱來的,而選擇一夫多妻則會(huì)帶來嚴(yán)重的社會(huì)后果。

18、They were subjected to physical and mental torture,being harassed by systems of polygamy and prostitution,the overwhelming majority of them forced to bind their feet from childhood. For centuries, ─── 她們身心上受摧殘,不僅受到一夫多妻制的壓迫和娼妓制度的迫害,而且絕大多數(shù)人從小被迫纏足,數(shù)百年來,“小腳女人”竟成了中國(guó)婦女的一個(gè)代稱。

19、Polygamy has been around for centuries in many countries around the globe. ─── 一妻多夫在世界上許多國(guó)家已經(jīng)存在了幾個(gè)世紀(jì)了。

20、Ideas: In What Sense is Polygamy Currently Illegal? ─── 多配偶制的非法性體現(xiàn)在哪里?

21、I wonder tho, if society and moral values are being put behind us, would we still think that polygamy is not an acceptable, working, and healthy condition of relationships? ─── 為什么我總是要壓抑著心里的感覺而去憑理智去判斷別人在想些什么、真正在說些什么?

22、(4) Opponents of gay marriage have always argued that opening the institution to homosexuals would put America on a slippery slope[8] to polygamy, incest and worse. ─── 猶他州美國(guó)公民自由聯(lián)盟對(duì)此表示贊成,并稱將“源自虔誠宗教信仰的成人之間兩廂情愿的私人關(guān)系”視為犯罪毫無道理。

23、Between pairing marriage and monogamy intervenes a period in the upper stage of barbarism when men have female slaves at their command and polygamy is practiced. ─── 在野蠻時(shí)代高級(jí)階段,在對(duì)偶婚制和一夫一妻制之間,插入了男子對(duì)女奴隸的統(tǒng)治和多妻制。

24、Its leaders renounced polygamy in 1890. ─── 它的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者在1890年廢除了一夫多妻制。

25、A well-known entrepreneur, Puspo Wardoyo, calls polygamy a responsibility of wealthy Muslim men. ─── 另一位知名的企業(yè)家帕索布?瓦多育則稱一夫多妻制為富有的回教徒所應(yīng)背負(fù)的責(zé)任。

26、Utah was all Mormon, except for the Indians, and the U. S. wouldn't make it a state because of polygamy. ─── 猶他州之前除了印地安人外,都是摩門教徒,而且美國(guó)以前因?yàn)橐环蚨嗥拗撇粶?zhǔn)許猶他州設(shè)州。

27、Meanwhile, Hollywood has put itself in the business of dressing up fundamentalist Mormon polygamy, as though it is nothing more than a sexual romp among consenting adults. ─── 期間,好萊塢已經(jīng)將自己打扮成信奉一夫多妻的原教旨主義者,盡管認(rèn)同此舉的只不過是一小撮人而已。

28、It follows that many folks in Utah aren't as quick as outsiders to blame polygamy for the abuses it masks. ─── 由此看來,猶他州的許多人并不像其他州的人那樣對(duì)一夫多妻制所隱藏的陋習(xí)加以譴責(zé)。

29、Polygamy was tolerated (like divorce, this was allowed because of the hardness of men’s hearts);therefore, a situation such as Moses described was probably common. ─── 當(dāng)時(shí)重婚是被容許的(就像離婚,摩西是因男人的心硬才容許他們離婚),所以摩西所描述的例子可能是很平常的情形。

30、The emergency of polygyny or polygamy is the result of historical, economic and cultural conditions.It should not be analyzed with the dichotomy of advance-blindness, us-other. ─── 摘要一夫多妻或一妻多夫現(xiàn)象的產(chǎn)生是歷史、經(jīng)濟(jì)和文化多種條件作用的結(jié)果,不能用先進(jìn)-愚昧、我族-他族的兩分法做簡(jiǎn)單化分析。

31、Shortly afterwards, the church's fourth president banned polygamy. ─── 此后不久,教會(huì)的第四任會(huì)長(zhǎng)禁止了多妻制。

32、"Persian founder of Babism, a 19th-century religion that forbade polygamy, begging, trading in slaves, and the use of alcohol or drugs." ─── 巴布教派的波斯創(chuàng)始人,該教為19世紀(jì)的宗教之一,該教禁止多配偶、乞討、買賣奴隸和使用酒精及麻醉品。

33、grammatical polygamy ─── 語法多義性

34、Polygamy is illegal in both states, but generally ignored. ─── 一夫多妻制在兩個(gè)州都是非法的,但通常都沒有得到重視。

35、Shakespeare endorses polygamy. ─── 莎士比亞似乎是贊成一夫多妻。

36、He was found guilty of bigamy in American's first big polygamy case in nearly 50 years. ─── 在這場(chǎng)美國(guó)近五十年來的第一樁一夫多妻的大官司當(dāng)中,他被判犯了重婚罪。

37、Taboo_Lite + Polygamy &nojealousy - lowers restrictions but disallows sexual relationships between blood relations, no same sex pregnancy either, but everything else enabled, except kids. ─── 將限制降低了,但是不允許血親之間有性關(guān)系,也沒有同性懷孕的功能。

38、Why polygamy is such a taboo? ─── 同性婚姻合法了,多妻制又如何?

39、marriage system in Qin Kingdom was composed of ranking polygamy for royal family and monogamy for common people. ─── 秦國(guó)婚姻制度包括王室嫡庶妻等級(jí)婚制和庶民一夫一妻婚制。

40、Shakespeare endorses polygamy: he speaks of the Merry Wives of Windsor; how many wives did Mr. Windsor have? ─── 莎士比亞似乎是贊成一夫多妻的:他曾提到“溫莎的風(fēng)流娘兒們”;究竟溫莎先生有幾位太太呢?

41、For this purpose, the monogamy of the woman was required, not that of the man, so this monogamy of the woman did not in any way interfere with open or concealed polygamy on the part of the man. ─── 為此,就需要妻子方面的一夫一妻制,而不是丈夫方面的一夫一妻制,所以這種妻子方面的一夫一妻制根本不妨礙丈夫的公開的或秘密的多偶制。

42、It had made itself master of Utah, and subjected that territory to the laws of the Union, after imprisoning Brigham Young on a charge of rebellion and polygamy. ─── 這座城的建筑設(shè)計(jì)完全和其他的美國(guó)城市一樣,整個(gè)城市象是一個(gè)方方正正的大棋盤,街道又直又長(zhǎng),街口的轉(zhuǎn)角真是象維克多·雨果所形容的那樣,都是“憂郁悲愴的街角”。

43、9.Shakespeare endorses polygamy: he speaks of the Merry Wives of Windsor; ─── 莎士比亞似乎是贊成一夫多妻的:他曾提到“溫莎的風(fēng)流娘兒們”;

44、He said polygamy was God's will. ─── 他說一夫多妻是上帝的意志。

45、Polygamy was a part of the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ─── 多重婚姻是耶穌基督后期圣徒教會(huì)的歷史的一部分。

46、What about divorce, interracial marriage, or the banning of polygamy?Women used to be seen as property, and were married off to the highest bidder. ─── 離婚、跨種族婚姻、抑或一夫多妻制的禁止又是怎樣的呢?婦女過去被視為財(cái)產(chǎn),誰出價(jià)高就賣給誰。

47、Much of the world has given up open polygamy, of course (though the discreet sort remains common everywhere).It is, however, still practised in parts of Africa. ─── 世界上大多數(shù)地區(qū)已經(jīng)禁止了公開的一夫多妻制(盡管私下里還很普遍),然而這一情況在非洲部分地區(qū)依然存在。

48、Take the subject of polygamy. ─── 舉一個(gè)一夫多妻制的主題。

49、polygamy is permitted, sexual relationships outside marriage are discouraged and marriage can only be contracted with the wife's consent ─── 允許一夫多妻制,勸阻婚外戀,婚約經(jīng)妻子同意后方可訂立。

50、He wouldn't admit to polygamy,but he allowed that he'd set up a private school on his property that had more than 100 students. ─── 他不愿承認(rèn)一夫多妻,但他同意出資在他的地產(chǎn)上建立一所能容納100多學(xué)生的私立學(xué)校。

51、ranking polygamy for royal family ─── 嫡庶妻等級(jí)婚制

52、In the aspects of marriage morals, premarital sex act, monogamy, polygamy, and thephenomenon of adopting wives from one's father or brothers areof morality. ─── 在婚姻道德方面,婚前性自由、一夫一妻制、多妻和轉(zhuǎn)房現(xiàn)象具有道德合法性。

53、As the Jeffs case shows, polygamy-rights activists have an uphill public-relations battle.Abuse and coercion are only the most obvious dangers of polygamy. ─── 迄今為止,公眾對(duì)一夫多妻制的反應(yīng)一直都是就事論事而缺乏理性認(rèn)識(shí)。

54、The exact number of the marriage partners was not always specified, as various forms of polygamy were permitted in some cultures. ─── 當(dāng)各種類型的多配偶婚姻在某些國(guó)家得到法律承認(rèn)之時(shí),婚姻伴侶的確切數(shù)目總未有規(guī)定。

55、5.Mohammed was not the man to give an exclusive devotion to any one woman, but there is no doubt that, within the limit set by polygamy, he was genuinely fond of his wife and benefactress. ─── 穆罕默德并不是一個(gè)愛情專一的人,但毫無疑問的是:盡管當(dāng)時(shí)沒有一夫一妻制的約束,他仍然真心真意地愛著他的妻子和恩人。

56、(In the Semitic form) the chiefs, at least, lived in polygamy.... Those held to servitude, and those employed as servants, lived in the marriage relation." ─── 在閃米特類型的家庭中,這個(gè)家長(zhǎng)過著多妻的生活,非自由人也有妻子和子女,而整個(gè)組織的目的在于在一定的地域范圍以內(nèi)照管畜群”。

57、Theory of moral relativism; definition of faith and betrayal; arguments for and against prostitution and polygamy; Russell; Goldstein; debate on local cases. ─── 道德相對(duì)主義、忠誠與不忠、妓女與多婚制的問題、羅素、高斯坦、本地個(gè)案之研究。

58、Why, then, shouldn't the same prioritising also apply to polygamy? ─── 那么,為什么同樣的優(yōu)先考慮就不能適用于多配偶制呢?

59、Never mind that polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. ─── 他們才不管一夫多妻在美國(guó)全部50個(gè)州都明令為非法。

60、However, the effects of polygamy and bigamy in history, relaxation of the feudal manners and also the ruler's taking the lead and advocating are all the important reasons that result in the appearance of the bigamous phenomenon. ─── 而人類歷史上的一夫多妻和二妻制的影響,封建禮教束縛的放松以及統(tǒng)治者的帶頭倡導(dǎo)也是導(dǎo)致二妻現(xiàn)象出現(xiàn)的重要原因。

61、Answer, it is a polygamy, is only in a unit, Other beautiful girls of help on those plain girl will have been quietly We let him explain, he seals again. ─── 回答說,也不是一夫多妻,只是一個(gè)單位里,那些不漂亮的姑娘會(huì)默默的幫助其他漂亮的姑娘我們?cè)僮屗忉?他封口不談了。

62、Uber Taboo + Polygamy is the same as Taboo + Polygamy but allows interactions between everybody and anybody, except kids. ─── 這個(gè)和尚一個(gè)補(bǔ)丁功能基本相似,但是允許所有人之間建立關(guān)系,除了兒童。

63、The definition of marriage is constantly changing.What about divorce, interracial marriage, or the banning of polygamy? ─── 對(duì)婚姻的定義一直都在發(fā)生著變化,比如說,離婚、國(guó)際婚姻以及對(duì)重婚的禁止。

64、At least in the recent past, the French authorities turned a blind eye to polygamy among north African migrants. ─── 至少不久之前,法國(guó)的北非移民還可以一夫多妻或一妻多夫,政府對(duì)此則是睜一眼閉一眼。

65、Aren't our values better than those of the 'primitive' societies that practice slavery, cannibalism, and polygamy? ─── 我們的價(jià)值觀難道不比那些實(shí)踐奴隸制度、食人俗和一夫多妻制的“原始”社會(huì)所奉行的價(jià)值觀更好嗎?

66、Under Islam, polygamy is allowed but only if the husband is able to treat all his wives equally. ─── 伊斯蘭教義允許一夫多妻制存在,但只有當(dāng)丈夫能夠平等地對(duì)待他所有妻子。

67、One who practices polygamy. ─── 實(shí)行多配偶制者

68、The exact number of the marriage partners was not always specified, as various forms of polygamy were permitted in some cultures. ─── 當(dāng)各種類型的多配偶婚姻在某些國(guó)家得到法律承認(rèn)之時(shí),婚姻伴侶的確切數(shù)目總未有規(guī)定。

69、Treason, murder, theft, polygamy, and adultery, are among the many crimes laid to their charge. ─── 叛國(guó)罪、殺、竊、婚和奸淫是他們指控中的一些項(xiàng)目。

70、I don't agree with either gay marriage or polygamy for exactly the same reason: both prevent marriage from fulfilling its primary goal. ─── 我既不同意同性婚姻,也不贊成多配偶制,這完全是基于同樣的理由:兩者都妨礙婚姻實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的基本目標(biāo)。

71、Polygamy and prostitution had a deeply formative effect upon the entire field of sexuality in pre-modern China. ─── 演講大綱:在前現(xiàn)代中國(guó),一夫多妻與娼妓制,深刻地形構(gòu)了整個(gè)性相領(lǐng)域。

72、Why Christians do not allow Polygamy ─── 為甚么基督徒不允許一夫多妻

73、21.No matter how one slices it, polygamy rests on a notion of male superiority and female subservience, as well as a belief that the male is radically distinct from the female. ─── 無論怎么看,一夫多妻制總是基于男人優(yōu)越而女人卑賤這樣一種觀念,以及男人根本不同于女人這樣一種信念。

74、In contrast, with Polygamy, the man could impregnate more than one of his wives at the same time and have limited resources to promote the survival of the many children. ─── 相反,在一夫多妻制中,男人會(huì)同時(shí)使一個(gè)以上的妻子懷孕而要用有限的資源讓多個(gè)孩子更好地生存。

75、He said polygamy was God's will. ─── 他說多配偶制是神的旨意。

76、Why is polygamy condemned in the Book of Mormon, but condoned in portions of the D&C (condemned in others) and still believed to be necessary in church doctrine for exaltation in the after-life? ─── 為什麼重婚在《摩門經(jīng)》里面被譴責(zé),卻在《教義與圣約》里面部分章節(jié)被赦免呢(在其他章節(jié)被譴責(zé)),并且在教會(huì)的教義仍然被相信是死后高升的必要條件呢?

77、Though Iranians fretted about the impact of western sanctions, the government turned its attention to a bill that would facilitate polygamy. ─── 它全然不顧伊朗人對(duì)西方制裁的恐懼,卻把注意力放在一條可能助長(zhǎng)一夫多妻制的法案上。

78、In Yuan dynasty, monogamy and polygamy coexist. People at that time paid special attention to the content and form of marriage certificate. ─── 元代婚姻實(shí)行一夫一妻和一夫多妻并存,在婚姻成立的要件與締結(jié)制度中,特別注重婚書的內(nèi)容與形式的撰寫;

79、Shakespeare endorse polygamy:he speak of the merry wives of windsor;how many wives do Mr.Windsor have? ─── 莎士比亞似乎是贊成一夫多妻制的:他曾提到“溫莎的風(fēng)流娘兒們”;究竟溫莎先生有幾位太太呢?

80、If the polygamy mess gives the lie to anything,its'that America has become a homogenous mass of conformists. ─── 如果說這起一夫多妻的混亂現(xiàn)象造成什么假象,那就是:美國(guó)已成為同一類型人群組成的墨守成規(guī)的國(guó)家。

81、That, as I understand it, is the real substance of polygamy laws as they are currently enforced. ─── 據(jù)我所知,這就是現(xiàn)在對(duì)多配偶制進(jìn)行規(guī)定的相關(guān)法律的指向。

82、Polygamy illustrates this point. ─── 多偶制就是說明這一點(diǎn)的例子。

83、But are we being fair and just in retaining one alternative form of marriage, polygamy, as a crime, when we have legalised another alternative form, gay marriage? ─── 但是我們?cè)诎鸦橐龅囊环N替代形式(同性婚姻)合法化的同時(shí),卻堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為它的另一種替代形式(多配偶制婚姻)是一種犯罪,這種做法公平合理嗎?

84、Does gay marriage, as claimed, resemble monogamous heterosexual marriage more than polygamy does? ─── 同性婚姻如同所被宣稱的那樣比多配偶制更像一夫一妻制的異性婚姻嗎?

85、But the church officially rejected polygamy in eighteen fifty, the same year polygamy became illegal across the United States. ─── 但教會(huì)正式拒絕了十八個(gè)第五十一夫多妻制,同年一夫多妻制成為橫跨美國(guó)是非法的。

86、Should we try a parallel experiment with polygamy and study its impact on children as compared with both gay marriage and opposite-sex monogamous marriage? ─── 我們是否應(yīng)當(dāng)同時(shí)也對(duì)多配偶制進(jìn)行試驗(yàn),把它和同性婚姻和異性一夫一妻制婚姻進(jìn)行對(duì)比,以便研究它對(duì)兒童的影響呢?

87、trioecious polygamy ─── 單全異株式

88、” It is clear that not Aru Qiqie a room, his family presided over the polygamy family. ─── 很顯然阿魯不是妻妾一室,自己主持家庭的一夫多妻制家庭。

89、Do you practice polygamy? ─── 你是否實(shí)行一夫多妻制?

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