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10-04 投稿


mayorship 發(fā)音

英:['me???p]  美:['me???p]

英:  美:

mayorship 中文意思翻譯



mayorship 詞性/詞形變化,mayorship變形

mayorship 相似詞語短語

1、factorship ─── n.因素;要素;因數(shù);代理人(factor的變形)

2、mastership ─── n.熟練;主人身份;控制

3、minorships ─── 副職

4、minorship ─── 副職

5、motorships ─── n.內(nèi)燃機船,柴油機船(略作MS)

6、majorship ─── 專業(yè)

7、misworship ─── 崇拜錯誤

8、mentorship ─── n.導師制,輔導教師;師徒制

9、motorship ─── n.內(nèi)燃機船,柴油機船(略作MS)

mayorship 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、The senator's son traded on his father's name when he ran for mayor. ─── 參議員的兒子利用父親的名聲為自己競選市長。

2、If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it. ─── 如果你要采訪市長,我可以安排。

3、City officials yesterday politely rejected Donald Trump's offer to take over renovations at the Central Park Zoo, but privately said the developer was trying to make a monkey out of Mayor Koch. ─── 市府官員婉言謝絕了特魯普按管整修中央公園動物園的提議,可是私底下說這位地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商是想出葛市長的洋相。

4、Mayor Chen seduced girls how to solve. ─── 勾引陳市長的女孩子怎么解決。

5、You have clout with the mayor, You try it. ─── 你對市長還有點影響力,你去試試看。

6、Mayor Orden walked to the fire and turned to warm his back. ─── 奧頓市長走到火種邊背向取暖。

7、The smallest local political division of various European countries, governed by a mayor and municipal council. ─── 鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)各種歐洲國家的最小地方政治區(qū)域,由市長和市委員會管理

8、Maybe you can't really blame him, but Mayor Koch obviously hasn't looked at himself in the mirror lately, especially when he says President Reagan is a wimp. I guess it takes one to know one. ─── 也許你實在不應(yīng)該責備葛市長,他顯然最近沒照照鏡子,尤其他不應(yīng)該說里根總統(tǒng)是一個窩囊廢。我想他自己一定是窩囊廢才知道誰是窩囊廢。

9、People of every faith attended the mayor's funeral. ─── 信仰不同宗教的人士出席了市長的葬禮。

10、The people supported the mayor, so he could called the tune in city matters. ─── 人民支持市長,所以他能就市政事務(wù)發(fā)號施令。

11、He was elected to the office of mayor. ─── 他被選上擔任市長之職。

12、The city council is presided over by the mayor. ─── 市政委員會由市長領(lǐng)導。

13、The city council is presided over by the mayor . ─── 市政會議由市長主持。

14、He was announced his intention to run against Gorton for mayor. ─── 他已宣布將與戈登競選市長。

15、Mayor Orden had his finger back in his itching ear. ─── 奧頓市長又把他的手指塞進發(fā)癢的耳朵里。

16、He killed the mayor of Panama City's son. ─── 他殺了巴拿馬市長的兒子。

17、She continued as mayor for a second term. ─── 她連任了一期市長

18、He invited the mayor to take the floor. ─── 他請市長發(fā)言。

19、He waited for the Mayor's reply and none came. ─── 他等著市長的答復,市長卻一句話也不說。

20、The mayor inaugurated a new bridge. ─── 市長為一座新橋舉行落成典禮。

21、London has elected its new mayor. ─── 倫敦選出了新市長。

22、The city library was inaugurated by the mayor. ─── 市長主持了市圖書館的落成儀式。

23、They clamored the mayor into building a new park. ─── 他們喧嚷市長建立一個新的公園。

24、He was appointed mayor of the city. ─── 他被任命為市長。

25、The land developer hoped the mayor would play ball on the scheme. ─── 土地開發(fā)投資商希望市長在那項方案上能夠合作。

26、He said that in the capacity as mayor. ─── 他是以市長的身分說那番話的。

27、People had to wear formal evening dress to go to the Mayor's party. ─── 去參加市長舉行的晚會,必須穿上晚禮服。

28、She threw up her campaign for mayor. ─── 她退出了市長競選

29、As a matter of course, he was elected mayor. ─── 他當選市長是理所當然。

30、There is a portrait of the mayor in the city hall. ─── 市政廳里有一幅市長的肖像。

31、He called cousin with the mayor. ─── 他和市長有親屬關(guān)系。

32、One is a former opposition MP and mayor in Guyana. ─── 他們其中一員是前反對黨議員,也是圭亞那的一位市長。

33、He is next in dignity to the mayor. ─── 他的官職僅次于市長。

34、The band played in the mayor and his wife. ─── 樂隊奏樂迎接市長和市長夫人入內(nèi)。

35、It cannot have been that monster of a mayor! ─── 一定不會是那鬼市長說的!

36、He is the deputy mayor of the city. ─── 他是本市的副市長。

37、"I believe you're the salt of the earth, " the mayor told 200 very middle-class-and very pro-Koch-people at the Manhattan Beach Community Group's annual meeting. ─── 在曼哈頓海灘社區(qū)團體年會中,市長告訴200位十分地道的中產(chǎn)階級,和十分擁護葛市長的人說:"我相信各位是最優(yōu)秀、最高尚的人。"

38、The mayor is to speak on television tonight. ─── 今晚市長要發(fā)表電視講話。

39、A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor. ─── 在市長的邀請下舉辦了一場音樂會。

40、Had to concedethe mayor's incorruptible honesty. ─── 不得不承認市長的清白、誠實。

41、Stick to the end, and you'll be selected the mayor. ─── 堅持到底,你會被選為市長的。

42、The band played in the mayor and his wife . ─── 樂隊奏樂迎接市長和市長夫人。

43、Wu Kuo-chen was the Kuomintang mayor of Shanghai. ─── 吳國楨,當時任國民黨政府上海市長。

44、Hanging out of the window he saw the clamant crowd shouting at the mayor. ─── 他將身子伸出窗外,看到吵鬧的人群朝著市長叫喊。

45、He was reading " The Mayor of Casterbridge ". ─── 他正在讀《卡斯特橋市長》。

46、The mayor talk like a vaudeville comedian in his public address. ─── 在公共演講中,這位市長講起話來像個歌舞雜耍演員。

47、He held the office of mayor till 2004. ─── 他擔任市長的職稱直到2004年。

48、He attended in his official capacity as mayor. ─── 他以市長的官方身分蒞臨。

49、They put high store by the arrival of the mayor. ─── 他們對市長的蒞臨非常重視。

50、They called the monument after their mayor. ─── 他們以市長的中字命名該紀念碑。

51、Lesbian marriages approved by Taipei Mayor. ─── 臺北市長主持女同士結(jié)婚式。

52、Only five months ago, Mr Hsieh lost a race for the mayorship of Taipei. ─── 就在五個月前,謝長廷輸?shù)袅伺_北市長選舉。

53、The mayor cut the ribbon to open the exhibition. ─── 市長為展覽會開幕式剪彩。

54、The new mayor delivered his virgin speech this afternoon. ─── 今天下午新市長作了第一次演講。

55、A mayor was a master of management. ─── 一名市長是位管理碩士。

56、He was the first black to be elected as Mayor. ─── 他是第一位被選為市長的黑人。

57、They protested to the mayor that the taxes were too high. ─── 他們向市長提出抗議說稅款過高。

58、He has clasped with the mayor for years. ─── 多年來,他一直與那位市長密切合作。

59、He is elected as mayor. ─── 他被選舉為市長。

60、He is next in rank below the mayor. ─── 他的地位次于市長。

61、The mayor waded into the river to test the current in person. ─── 市長親自涉水到河,檢測水流。

62、Mayor Orden stood, still half dreaming. ─── 奧頓市長站著,一半還是象在夢中。

63、Hmm. You should write to the mayor. ─── 嗯,你應(yīng)該給市長寫信。

64、What do you think ot the new mayor? ─── 你覺得新市長如何?

65、John Cliff is running for the mayor of our town. ─── 克利夫正在競選我們鎮(zhèn)的鎮(zhèn)長。

66、And push technology is there to remind you that your friends are one step away from stealing your coveted "mayorship. " ─── 而推動參與的技術(shù)可以提醒您,您的朋友離竊取您夢寐以求的“市長頭銜”僅有一步之差。

67、Have you heard the mayor is going to resign? ─── 你聽說市長要辭職了嗎?

68、He was thrice mayor of New York. ─── 他三度擔任紐約市長。

69、Mayor Orden, you know our orders are inexorable. ─── 奧頓市長,你知道我們的命令是不可抗拒的。

70、He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor. ─── 他是市長的一個法律顧問。

71、The delegation was headed by a deputy mayor. ─── 代表團由一位副市長率領(lǐng)。

72、Last week she acceded to the mayor. ─── 上星期她就任市長。

73、He is certain that the mayor is without any jot or tittle of blame. ─── 他相信市長無可指責。

74、They nominated four people for Mayor . ─── 他們提名四個人為市長候選人。

75、If you want to interview the mayor,I can fix it. ─── 如果你要采訪市長,我可以安排。

76、A scandal that blackened the mayor's name. ─── 一件玷污了市長名聲的丑聞

77、Soon he was appointed mayor of Shanghai. ─── 不久他就被任命為上海市長。

78、Her husband had been made Mayor. ─── 她的丈夫曾被選為市長。

79、He tried hard to butter up the Mayor. ─── 他拼命地拍市長馬屁。

80、The mayor talks like a vaudeville comedian in his public addresses. ─── 在公共演講中,這位市長講起話來像個歌舞雜耍演員。

81、Just about everyone in town came to hear the mayor speak. ─── 城里幾乎每個人都來聽市長講話。

82、The mayor announced the program. ─── 市長為此節(jié)目報幕。

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