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10-04 投稿


metre 發(fā)音

英:['mi?t?]  美:[?mi?t?r]

英:  美:

metre 中文意思翻譯



metre 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 米;公尺;韻律n. (Metre)人名;(英)米特

metre 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、kilogram-metre n. ─── 公斤米, 千克米

2、metre rule ─── [化] 米尺

3、Candela per square metre ─── 每平方米坎德拉

4、compound metre ─── 復(fù)合米

5、consolido metre ─── 固結(jié)米數(shù)

6、differential head metre ─── 差動(dòng)水頭計(jì)

7、a quarter of one metre ─── 四分之一米

8、colour difference metre ─── 色差計(jì)

9、square metre ─── 平方公尺

10、Newton metre ─── 牛頓米

11、color difference metre ─── 色差計(jì)

12、detonation metre ─── 爆震計(jì)

13、dial flow metre ─── 刻度流量計(jì)

14、cubic metre ─── 立方米

15、capillary flow metre ─── 毛細(xì)管流量計(jì)

16、diaphragm metre ─── 隔膜流量計(jì)

17、consistency metre ─── 稠度計(jì)

18、cohesion metre ─── 內(nèi)聚度計(jì)

19、digital density metre ─── 數(shù)字密度計(jì)

metre 詞性/詞形變化,metre變形


metre 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、mere ─── adj.僅僅的;只不過(guò)的;n.小湖;池塘;n.(Mere)人名;(日)目連(姓);(西)梅雷

2、metres ─── 米;格律

3、mitre ─── n.斜接;主教法冠;僧帽;vt.將…斜接;vi.斜接;n.(Mitre)人名;(西、羅)米特雷;(英)邁特;(法)米特

4、metro ─── n.地鐵;大都市;倫敦地下鐵道;麥德?。ㄘ?cái)富500強(qiáng)公司之一,總部所在地德國(guó),主要經(jīng)營(yíng)零售)

5、metate ─── n.磨刀石

6、mete ─── vt.給予;分配;測(cè)量;n.邊界;測(cè)量;n.(Mete)人名;(意、土、乍、中非)梅特

7、metage ─── n.重量或容量檢定;稱量稅

8、metered ─── adj.測(cè)量的,按計(jì)量的;v.以計(jì)量器計(jì)算(meter的過(guò)去式)

9、metr- ─── abbr.邊際有效稅率(marginaleffectivetaxrates);倫敦地鐵(MetropolitanRailway)

metre 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men's110- metre hurdles. ─── 劉翔奪得了男子110米跨欄的金牌,作為獲得此項(xiàng)目冠軍的第一位亞洲人,他讓全亞洲的人都為之激動(dòng)。

2、A metre equals 39.38 inches. ─── 1 米等于 39.38 英寸。

3、More than half of all sharks are smaller than 1 metre long. ─── 以此類方式捕獲的鯊魚(yú)大半都還不到一米長(zhǎng)。

4、A few days ago our family made a major decision, be in south the house that a 130 square metre buy outside 3 annulus. ─── 前幾天我們?nèi)易龀隽艘粋€(gè)重大的決定,在南三環(huán)外購(gòu)買(mǎi)一套130平方米的房子。

5、Discover beautiful metre from the banality of the intravenous drop. ─── 從平凡的點(diǎn)滴中發(fā)掘美的韻律。

6、They dig burrows in almost every square metre of available soil or live in deep crevices in rock outcrops. ─── 它們?cè)谀芡诙吹娜魏我黄椒矫淄诙椿蛘呱钤趲r縫中的巖洞中。

7、They pack into shaded areas above the waterline at densities of up to 100 per square metre in places. ─── 在某些地方,他們以超過(guò)100只/平方米的密度擁擠進(jìn)海平面上面的陰暗處。

8、His troubled eyes were gazing at the wall about a metre above the level of Winston's head. ─── 他的發(fā)愁的眼光凝視著溫斯頓頭上約一公尺的墻上。

9、A typical wind-powered generator used by the Observatory consists of three blades each about a metre long. ─── 天文臺(tái)所使用的風(fēng)力發(fā)電機(jī),由三塊長(zhǎng)約一米的車葉組成。

10、One hundred centimetres make one metre. ─── 100厘米就是1米。

11、Be you able to cover 100 metre in 10 second? ─── 你能夠在10秒之內(nèi)跑100米嗎?

12、Last year rangers found a 13-foot (4 metre) python with a half-eaten six-foot alligator in its jaws. ─── 去年護(hù)林員發(fā)現(xiàn)一只13英尺(4米)長(zhǎng)的大蟒吞食一只還剩一半的6英尺長(zhǎng)的短吻鱷。

13、One centimetre equals to 0.01 metre. ─── 一厘米等于0。01米。

14、Front seat passengers should maintain a gap of not less than one quarter of a metre between their body and the dashboard. ─── 前座乘客的身體,應(yīng)與儀表板最少保持四分一米的距離。

15、Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band. ─── 短波收音機(jī)用的波段是20–50米。

16、Liu Xiang holds the world record for the 110 metre hurdles. ─── 劉翔是110米跨欄賽跑的世界紀(jì)錄保持者。

17、In a 7800 square metre underground garage and clubs. ─── 區(qū)內(nèi)設(shè)有會(huì)所及7800平方米地下車庫(kù)。

18、Jim defeated Tom by about a metre and won the race at last. ─── 吉姆以大約一米的優(yōu)勢(shì)擊敗湯姆,最后贏得了比賽。

19、Changes in solar irradiance since 1750, the panel now says, have amounted to an increase of about 0.1 watts per square metre of the Earth's surface. ─── 委員會(huì)說(shuō),自1750年至今,太陽(yáng)對(duì)地球表面輻射的絕對(duì)值每平方米增加了0.1瓦特。

20、For example, 15 square metre room should choose 120 cubic meters / hour purifiers. ─── 例如,15平方米的房間應(yīng)選擇120立方米/小時(shí)的凈化器。

21、He stands one metre and eighty. ─── 他身高一米八十。

22、Lux: The unit of illumination. One lux equals toone lumen of flux over an area of one square metre. ─── 勒克司:照度的單位。1流明的光通量分布在一平方米的面積上,其照度為1勒克司。參閱照度。

23、The dog is usually worked on a 10-metre or (30-foot) lead, but the length of lead actually used depends on the terrain. ─── 通常,犬只行于指導(dǎo)手前方10米左右,但實(shí)際的距離決定于比賽的地形。

24、Certain parts of the South American coast probably will see almost nothing but other parts might get a metre or two of wave height. ─── 南美局部地區(qū)可能什么也看不到,但是其他地區(qū)可能會(huì)遇上一到兩米高的海浪。

25、One was only a metre or two from him, the other was further away, near the door. ─── 一張桌子距他只有一兩公尺遠(yuǎn),另一張稍遠(yuǎn)一些,靠近門(mén)邊。

26、One cubic metre weighs from 1000 to 1500 kilograms. ─── 1立方米的重量由1000到1500公斤不等。

27、In our country cloth is sold by the metre. ─── 在我國(guó),布料以米為單位來(lái)出售。

28、The fare shows in the metre. ─── 價(jià)格顯示在表上。

29、But Kiribati is still doomed: “Half a metre of sea level rise is a heck of a lot for islands like that,” says Parry. ─── “半米的海平面危險(xiǎn),就使得很多那樣的島嶼完了。”派瑞說(shuō)。

30、They estimate one square metre of glass will cost only a few cents to treat. ─── 他們估計(jì)處理每平方米的玻璃只需要花費(fèi)幾美分。

31、One metre is 100 centimetres,or thirty nine inches. ─── 一米等于100厘米或39英寸。

32、They planted a tree every other metre along the road. ─── 他們?cè)隈R路邊每隔一米栽一棵樹(shù)。

33、It's only a low wall—about a metre high. ─── 那只不過(guò)是一堵矮墻—約一米高。

34、Related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a metre tall (three feet), lived on fruit and nested on the ground. ─── 與灰鴿和白鴿相似,渡渡鳥(niǎo)身高約一米(三英尺),以覓食果子為生,在地上筑巢。

35、Too deep - One fish species for each metre over 15m per buddy pair. ─── 太深-每次下潛超過(guò)15米將被刪除一個(gè)魚(yú)類記錄。

36、How many species of invertebrates could you expect to find in a single square metre of soil from a European beech forest? ─── 從歐洲山毛櫸林的一平方土壤中你可以找到多少種無(wú)脊椎動(dòng)物?

37、"She was only 12 yuan per metre lace was not about to agree. ─── 劉女士聽(tīng)說(shuō)花邊每米才12元并未在意,就同意了。

38、To Bettie Van Metre this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being. ─── 在貝蒂?范米特眼里,這個(gè)傷兵不是敵人,而是一個(gè)受苦受難的人。

39、The toilet of most other people has volume of a few square metre only, and bathroom and toilet are operable. ─── 大多數(shù)人家的衛(wèi)生間只有幾平方米大小,而且浴室與廁所合用。

40、Is Jim going to have a bash at the500 - metre race? ─── 吉姆打算試試500米賽跑嗎?

41、He is running against many competitors in the 100 metre. ─── 在100米賽跑中,他得對(duì)付許多競(jìng)賽者。

42、He stands one metre and seventy. ─── 他身高1.7 米。

43、Once it was thought that Nanga Parbat ("The naked mountain") was the easiest 8,000 metre mountain to climb. ─── 人們?cè)欢日J(rèn)為南迦帕爾巴特(裸峰)是最容易攀登的8000米級(jí)山峰。

44、The table is half a metre high. ─── 也可以出示一幅世界地圖,讓學(xué)生造句

45、Beijing Yutianneng Na Metre Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 北京宇天能納米技術(shù)有限公司。

46、He ran the 100 metre dash in 10 seconds flat. ─── 他一百米跑十秒正。

47、She jumped over one metre sixty-five. ─── 她跳過(guò)了1. 65米,

48、Refer to the metre for the exact charge. Always ask for a receipt. This helps you track down lost items or the taxi driver. ─── 為保障您的權(quán)益,付款時(shí),請(qǐng)要求司機(jī)提供車費(fèi)收據(jù),以防日后需要追尋失物或聯(lián)絡(luò)司機(jī)之用。

49、She's hoping to beat the world 1000 metre record. ─── 她希望能打破1000 米世界紀(jì)錄。

50、That, in turn, bounces the light down in a concentrated beam about a metre (3ft) wide to produce heat and drive generators. ─── 這個(gè)塔又反過(guò)來(lái)把光以3米寬的光束集中反射到地上,這樣可以產(chǎn)生熱量和發(fā)電。

51、The taxi's metre was ticking away. ─── 出租汽車的計(jì)程表在滴答滴答地走著。

52、The influence of the daily temperature changes can be neglected below one metre depth. ─── 一米深度以下就可以不考慮溫度日變化的影響。

53、Title: The Application of the Practicality Burthen Check Metre at Power Measure in Bengang Iron &Steel Co. ─── 關(guān)鍵詞:實(shí)負(fù)荷;虛負(fù)荷;誤差;修約值;現(xiàn)場(chǎng)電能表校驗(yàn)儀

54、Cost per square metre million in the upmarket residential property market in Shanghai share increasing. ─── 單價(jià)在每平方米萬(wàn)元左右的高檔住宅在上海樓市中所占比重日漸增加。

55、One yard is 3 feet, a little less than a metre. ─── 一碼等于三英尺,比一米短一些。

56、He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. ─── 他從那卷布上剪下一米。

57、To Bettie Wan Metre, this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being. ─── 在貝蒂.范.米特的眼里,這個(gè)傷兵不是敵人,而是一個(gè)受苦難的人。

58、Students are asked to construct a square metre using tape. ─── 學(xué)生被要求用卷尺量出一平方米來(lái)。

59、He was in the seventh heaven because he got a gold medal of winning the800 - metre race. ─── 他贏得了800米賽跑的金牌,開(kāi)心極了。

60、He picked up Charlotte by nipping her diaper and tossed her over his shoulder by more than a metre. ─── 牠咬住夏綠蒂的尿布,把她叼起來(lái),從肩膀上方將她往后丟了逾一公尺遠(yuǎn)。

61、In resembling big the Gemini star city on, already was end goods, monovalent even 8000 multivariate / square metre. ─── 像中大對(duì)面的雙子星城,已是尾貨了,單價(jià)還要8000多元/平方米。

62、He is running against many competitors in the 1 0 0 metre . ─── 在100米賽跑中,他得對(duì)付許多競(jìng)賽者。

63、An unrivalled sharpshooter, at distances of less than a metre their aim is invariably lethal. ─── 在動(dòng)物王國(guó)中,只有射水魚(yú)擁有這種獨(dú)一無(wú)二的,罕見(jiàn)的,無(wú)與倫比的致命武器.

64、Homebred nonstandard shower room collects fees according to computation of square metre unit commonly. ─── 國(guó)產(chǎn)非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)淋浴房一般按照平方米單位計(jì)算收費(fèi)。

65、One was only a metre or two from him, the other was further away, near the door. ─── 一張桌子距他只有一兩公尺遠(yuǎn),另一張稍遠(yuǎn)一些,靠近門(mén)邊。

66、He came in third in the 100--metre race. ─── 他獲得百米第三名。

67、The diagram shows a metre rule pivoted off-centre but kept in equilibrium by suspended mass of 240g. ─── 圖表所示,一個(gè)米尺偏離中心而轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),但通過(guò)掛著240公斤的東西而保持平衡。

68、He will be competing in the 100-metre race. ─── 他將參加100米比賽。

69、The hole must be half a metre deep. ─── 坑一定要有半米深。

70、The Pygmy Hippopotamus stands about one metre high and is native to West Africa. Numbers in the wild have fallen to below 2000 since 1993. ─── 只有1米多高的矮腳河馬生活在西非,從1993年起這種動(dòng)物在野外的數(shù)量不足2000只。

71、A country station between Yiliang and Kunming on the metre gauge Yunnan Railway. ─── 云南米軌鐵路上宜良和昆明站間的一個(gè)山村小站。

72、Second, the pieces larger than 1 square metre single window pane and window. ─── 二是單塊大于1平方米的窗玻璃和落地窗。

73、Chet poses excitedly in front of a 26 metre wind rotor. ─── 一峰站在長(zhǎng)達(dá)26米的風(fēng)車葉前,心情興奮。

74、Then as if nothing has occurredly in Taiwan from payment of one metre away and began to play gambling machines. ─── 然后就若無(wú)其事地坐在離付款臺(tái)一米遠(yuǎn)的賭博機(jī),開(kāi)始玩賭博游戲。

75、He had been checking a farmhouse half a mile away from the Van Metre home, a farmhouse he thought was empty. ─── 他一直在檢查離范梅特爾家半英里的一個(gè)農(nóng)莊,這農(nóng)莊他以為是空的。

76、The sensors can be sited anywhere within a 50 metre range of the control panel. ─── 傳感器可以安在控制面板50米范圍內(nèi)的任何位置。

77、The common aggrandizement floor board with 8 large millimeter goes up on average also achieved 5 yuan / square metre. ─── 8毫米厚的普通強(qiáng)化地板平均漲幅也達(dá)到了5元/平方米。

78、The stateroom ability that has above of 20 square metre only generally speaking considers to buy this kind of sofa. ─── 一般來(lái)說(shuō)只有20平方米以上的大客廳才能考慮買(mǎi)這種沙發(fā)。

79、Don't confuse poetry of regular metre with poetry with irregular metre. ─── 不要把詩(shī)和詞混同起來(lái)。

80、One yard is near a metre in length. ─── 一碼長(zhǎng)度等于將近一米。

81、There are 100 centimetres to the metre. ─── 100厘米是1米.

82、She agreed to take part in the Girls'100- metre race. ─── 她同意參加女子100米賽跑。

83、See that Mrs. Van Metre gets the supplies. ─── 你負(fù)責(zé)讓范米特太太得到這些藥品。

84、Angrily, he leaped down and stood a metre away, scowling at me. "Quit your kidding! You've got a newspaper in your pocket. ─── 嗬! 他惱啦! 一蹦起來(lái),站在離我?guī)撞竭h(yuǎn)的地方,皺著眉頭,偏著腦袋,把我上下打量了一番,說(shuō):“你! 哼,還哄我!

85、O'Brien moved the cage nearer.It was less than a metre from Winston's face. ─── 奧勃良把鐵籠子移得更近一些,距離溫斯頓的眼前不到一公尺了。

86、The melting will cause sea levels to rise by one metre, forcing many coastal populations to move. ─── 冰蓋融化會(huì)產(chǎn)生什么影響呢?它將導(dǎo)致全球海平面上升1米,許多沿海居民將被迫遷移。

87、You are just one metre sixty. ─── 你剛剛一米六。

88、The base of the south face is presently 'under a pressure of 7.4 tonnes per square metre of masonry-- that on the north side is "almost zero". ─── 塔南面的基礎(chǔ)所受的壓力為每平方米大理石結(jié)構(gòu)7.4噸,而在北面卻“幾乎為0”。

89、An Israeli military spokesman said the two-metre-high wall was no longer needed. ─── 以色列軍方一名發(fā)言人表示,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不再需要這座兩米高的水泥墻了。

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