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10-03 投稿


mints 發(fā)音

英:[m?nts]  美:[m?nts]

英:  美:

mints 中文意思翻譯





mints 詞性/詞形變化,mints變形

動(dòng)詞過(guò)去式: minted |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞: minted |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): mints |動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: minting |名詞: minter |形容詞: minty |

mints 常用詞組

mint condition ─── 嶄新的

mint julep ─── (美)薄荷朱利酒

in mint condition ─── adj. 嶄新的;完全的

mints 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、andes mints ─── 安第斯造幣廠

2、andes chocolate mints ─── 安第斯巧克力薄荷糖

3、junior mints ─── 初級(jí)薄荷糖

4、gold mints ─── 金幣造幣廠

5、sugar free mints ─── 無(wú)糖薄荷糖

6、after dinner mints ─── 飯后薄荷糖

7、sea salt mints ─── 鹽薄荷糖

mints 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、minds ─── n.思想;主意(mind的復(fù)數(shù));v.介意;照顧;留心(mind的第三人稱單數(shù))

2、milts ─── n.脾臟;魚(yú)白;(雄魚(yú)的)精液;雄魚(yú)生殖腺;vt.使受精;adj.繁殖期的;n.(Milt)人名;(英、捷)米爾特

3、dints ─── n.凹痕;vt.擊出凹痕

4、mines ─── n.礦山(mine的復(fù)數(shù));地雷;n.(Mines)人名;(英)邁因斯

5、bints ─── n.女性;少女;n.(Bint)人名;(阿拉伯)賓特

6、minas ─── n.米納斯(印度尼西亞石油市場(chǎng))

7、hints ─── n.暗示,提示(hint的復(fù)數(shù)形式);v.暗示,示意(hint的單三形式);n.(Hints)人名;(匈)欣茨

8、minks ─── n.(Minks)人名;(德、捷)明克斯

9、minis ─── n.迷你裙(mini的復(fù)數(shù));微型計(jì)算機(jī)

mints 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、They learned to mint from the Greeks. ─── 他們從希臘人那里學(xué)會(huì)鑄幣。

2、I'd love some mint and parsley. ─── “我想種一些薄荷和歐芹?!?/p>

3、Bridesmaids' gowns are in-variably cut tothe knee and mostly chosen in innocuous shades of lilac and mint green. ─── 伴娘的禮服總是裁剪到膝蓋,顏色大多是不太刺眼的淡紫色和淡綠色。

4、He declined to say which cities will have the dissolvable mints, but he said they will not be in Ohio. ─── 他拒絕透露,哪些城市將銷售可溶性薄荷煙,但他說(shuō)俄亥俄州不會(huì)有。

5、Or catmint. Aromatic herb (Nepeta cataria) of the mint family. ─── 亦稱貓薄荷(catmint)。唇形科芳香草本植物,學(xué)名Nepeta cataria。

6、You may just buy the mint sets and give them to us for cancellation. ─── 你可以買幾套這樣的新郵票,我們給你蓋銷。

7、Just don't forget the breath mints. ─── 不過(guò)吃完了別忘了嚼薄荷口香糖。

8、Selected Messages on Coinage of the Central Mint by H. H. Kong, etc. ─── 孔祥熙等為中央造幣廠鑄幣事的來(lái)往函電選。

9、Your love will never significantly im-prove because of a breath mint. ─── 你的愛(ài)情永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)因?yàn)楹粑鼛е『傻臍庀⒍酗@著的改善。

10、Their solution?Mouthwash, breath mints and even brushing their teeth after meals. ─── 他們?cè)趺唇鉀Q這問(wèn)題呢?漱口、吃薄荷糖、甚至飯后刷牙。

11、The hospital should make a mint of money tonight. ─── 今晚醫(yī)院要挖個(gè)銀礦來(lái)了。

12、He also performed in Las Vegas at what were then the Mint and the Dunes hotels. ─── 他還表現(xiàn)在拉斯維加斯舉行的是什么,然后在造幣和沙丘酒店。

13、The only other refreshments are mint and strawberry syrups. ─── 唯一的其他點(diǎn)心就是薄荷,草莓糖漿。

14、A: Do you happen to have any mint or chewing gum on you? My breath is bad. ─── 你現(xiàn)在身上有沒(méi)有薄荷糖還是口香糖的?我有點(diǎn)口臭。

15、A member of the mint family. ─── 唇形科植物

16、We also specialize in OEM products, new designed tin and new flavor of mints. ─── 產(chǎn)品分有糖及無(wú)糖兩種,并可根據(jù)客戶的要求。

17、Good idea. I love ice cream. I always get mint chocolate chip. What flavour do you usually get? ─── 好主意。我特別喜歡吃冰淇淋。我總是吃薄荷巧克力味的。你們一般吃什么味的?

18、Kit contains Tuscany Orange, Pink Buttercream and Mint Chocolate lip whips. ─── 一套三支,包裝精美,限量版售完即止。

19、Stepping out in London she wore a mint green skirt and an embellished cardigan. ─── 她在倫敦穿著薄荷綠色窄裙和一件襯飾罩衫。

20、A new variety of Tic Tac breath mints uses a sliding door in the front panel as an alternative opening. ─── 一新變種抽動(dòng)戰(zhàn)術(shù)呼吸薄荷糖使用滑動(dòng)門(mén)的前面板作為替代開(kāi)幕。

21、"Open the whiskey, Tom," she ordered, "and I'll make you a mint julep. ─── “打開(kāi)威士忌,湯姆,”她命令道,“我給你做一杯薄荷酒。

22、She made an absolute mint in the fashion trade. ─── 她在時(shí)裝業(yè)上賺了一大筆.

23、Add a handful of fresh mint and a tablespoon or sugar (or more to taste). ─── 加入少量新鮮薄荷和一湯匙糖(或更多)。

24、Well suck on this dad. Tic tacs only have 1 and half calories per mint. ─── 吮吸這個(gè)爸爸好。旅游業(yè)議會(huì)總可捕量只有1和每薄荷一半熱量。

25、Muddle mint in base of shaker. Add other ingredients, shake with ice and strain into glass filled with crushed ice. ─── 再搖合器底部搗碎薄荷,加入混合原料,加冰搖合濾入有碎冰的杯子.

26、Your love will never significently improve because of a breath mint. ─── 你的愛(ài)情不會(huì)因?yàn)槟闵l(fā)的薄荷氣息而有所改變。

27、You have a mint? Hey, Darryl, do you have a mint? Anybody have a mint? ─── 你有薄荷糖嗎?你好,戴瑞爾,你有薄荷糖嗎?有人有薄荷糖嗎?

28、He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as warden of the British Mint in London. ─── 他決定放棄研究,并于一六九五年接受任命,擔(dān)任倫敦的不列顛造幣廠的監(jiān)察。

29、So that wasn't mint chocolate chip frosting? ─── 噢!原來(lái)那不是薄荷巧克力糖霜啊?

30、She is like mints, like sweet, coolish entrance that is melting, wonderful short-lived. ─── 她就象薄荷糖一樣,甜甜的,涼絲絲的入口即融,美妙短暫。

31、The other half brushed normally twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and took plain sugarless mints. ─── 另一半兒童在一天中用氟化物牙膏普通刷牙兩次并且吃單純的無(wú)糖薄荷糖。

32、For sale is a MINT IWC Jan Ullrich Rattrapante Automatic watch ref 3715. ─── 參考 3715;成色 1 (新);鈦;含包裝盒;含說(shuō)明書(shū);

33、Of or belonging to the mint family Labiatae. ─── 唇形科的屬于唇形科的或與之有關(guān)的

34、Don't mint at it;do it at once. ─── 別只是裝樣子,立刻就干。

35、"Little I" mints has lovely packaging with mirror inside which is patent protected. It is pocket size and easy to carry. ─── “麗特愛(ài)”薄荷糖,以其受專利保護(hù)的帶小鏡子的包裝盒,小巧玲瓏,使女性朋友愛(ài)不愛(ài)不釋手。

36、From the 1860’s into the 1880’s, most of the mints in China were closed or operated only sporadically. ─── 在1860年至1880年期間,由于大部分的中國(guó)鑄錢(qián)局已關(guān)閉或只是偶而運(yùn)作,造成制錢(qián)短缺。

37、English: Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance the rich man's pitfall. ─── 中文:儉省是窮人的鑄幣場(chǎng);揮霍是富人的陷人坑。

38、Today's specials are lamb with mint sauce and moussaka. ─── 今天,我們特別以薄荷醬羔羊肉和希臘茄合款待您。

39、But as white-hot as this business has been, it might not continue to mint millionaires. ─── 但由于白熱化的,因?yàn)檫@件事一直是,它可能不會(huì)繼續(xù)造幣百萬(wàn)富翁。

40、Tea, Lois? It's a calming herbal blend. I learned it from a medicine man in Fiji. The secret is the fresh mint. ─── 喝茶么,露易斯?這是鎮(zhèn)定草藥的混合。我從斐濟(jì)一個(gè)藥商那兒學(xué)來(lái)的。秘訣是這個(gè)新鮮的薄荷。

41、Never have bad breath, always keep mints or gum with you and brush your teeth two times a day. ─── 不能有口臭,隨身攜帶薄荷糖或口香糖,每天刷兩次牙。

42、Brand name of a breath mint, said to provide extra pleasure when used by a person giving FELLATIO. ─── 一種有氣味的薄荷糖的商標(biāo)名稱,據(jù)說(shuō)時(shí)使用它可以達(dá)到額外的興奮。

43、Unmold the mousse on a plate and spoon sauce around.Garnish with strawberries and/or mint leaves. ─── 取出慕斯放在盤(pán)里,勺上汁醬,用草莓和/或薄荷葉裝飾。

44、The mint art further exceeded former dynasties, characters cast by various mints were different. ─── 其錢(qián)藝術(shù)遠(yuǎn)超前朝,各局所鑄文字多有不同

45、Do you have mint chocolate ice ream in pints. ─── 你們有賣盒裝的薄荷巧克力冰淇淋嗎?

46、She made an absolute mint (of money) in the fashion trade. ─── 她在時(shí)裝業(yè)上賺了一大筆(錢(qián)).

47、You can find: lavender,rosemary,chamomile thyme,sage,dill, coriander, lemon grass,mint,and basil. ─── 你可以發(fā)現(xiàn):薰衣草,迷迭香,甘菊,百里香,鼠尾草,蒔蘿,芫荽,檸檬草,薄荷和紫蘇(羅勒)。

48、Ingredient: Hackmatack and mint etc. ─── 主要成份:杜松、薄荷、水解蛋白、絲氨酸。

49、Ingredient: Verbena and mint etc. ─── 主要成份:馬鞭草、薄荷、檀香、薰衣草。

50、The cool and refreshing mint flavour helps freshen breath. ─── 全新薄荷味道,令口腔保持清新怡人口氣!

51、On 18th April, 2001 the last bi-metal 50 Schilling coin before the Euro was issued by the Austrian Mint in Vienna. ─── 2001年4月18日,歐元啟用前的最后一枚雙金屬50先令硬幣在位于維也納的奧地利造幣廠誕生了。

52、Dashan: Good idea. I love ice cream. I always get mint chocolate chip. What flavour do you usually get? ─── 大山:好主意。我特別喜歡吃冰淇淋。我總是吃薄荷巧克力味的。你們一般吃什么味的?

53、They mint to leave tomorrow. ─── 他們準(zhǔn)備明天走。

54、Muddle mint and sugar in glass. Add ice and whiskey. Stir and top with soda. Garnish with lemon wedge. ─── 在杯子中把糖漿和薄荷葉搗在一起,加入冰塊和威士忌,加滿蘇打水,用檸檬角裝飾。

55、Mojito Mash the mint and sugar together. Add the (dark or light) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice. ─── 將薄荷及糖壓碎,入深蘭姆或白蘭姆,及萊姆汁,入冰。加蘇打至滿,以海波杯服務(wù)。

56、Rolex Submariner Ref. 1680 in very mint conditions. ─── 參考 1680;成色 1 (新);購(gòu)買日期 1976;

57、Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance the rich man's pitfall. ─── 儉省是窮人的鑄幣場(chǎng);揮霍是富人的陷人坑。

58、There is mint liqueur, lemon juice, ice and brandy. ─── 它含有薄荷、檸檬汁、冰塊和白蘭地。

59、I kept imagining my husband walking through the door with mints in his pockets, tired from construction work. ─── 在我的腦子中,始終徘徊著丈夫的身影,他口袋里裝著薄荷糖,拖著疲憊的身體從建造工地回來(lái)。

60、Harkness was proprietor of a mint;that is to say, a popular patent medicine . ─── 哈克尼斯家開(kāi)的簡(jiǎn)直就是造幣廠,換句話說(shuō),他專賣一種風(fēng)靡一時(shí)的藥品。

61、"Little I" mints has lovely packaging with mirror inside which is patent protected.It is pocket size and easy to carry. ─── “麗特愛(ài)”薄荷糖,以其受專利保護(hù)的帶小鏡子的包裝盒,小巧玲瓏,使女性朋友愛(ài)不愛(ài)不釋手。

62、That must have set you back a mint! ─── 你一定花了許多錢(qián)?

63、Two boxes of mint and a kilo of cake. ─── 兩盒薄荷糖,一公斤蛋糕。

64、Explosively fruity aromas, varietal nose with notes of fresh mints. ─── 具濃烈而多樣化的果香味,帶淡淡的薄荷清香。

65、She made an absolute mint(of money) in the fashion trade. ─── 她在時(shí)裝業(yè)上賺了一大筆(錢(qián))。

66、Never have bad breath, always keep mints or gum with you and brush your teeth two times a day. ─── 不能有口臭,隨身攜帶薄荷糖或口香糖,每天刷兩次牙。

67、Serve with ice cream. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a sprinkle cocoa powder. ─── 可以和冰淇淋一起食用。也可以用薄荷葉和可可粉裝飾。

68、Frugality is the mint for the poor while prodigality is the trap for the rich. ─── 2節(jié)約是窮人的造幣廠,浪費(fèi)是富人的陷阱.

69、They're made at private mints. ─── 它們由私人鑄幣廠制造出來(lái)。

70、Small Box :Ginger, Oasis,Flora ,Jasmine Black,Eral Grey,Citrus Mint,Chamomile Tisane. ─── 小聽(tīng)包含7種茶:姜茶,綠怡茶,芙蓉茶,茉莉紅茶,伯爵茶,薄荷茶,甜菊茶。

71、Any can apply for to all gold casting cause gold coin or become its metallic piece gold coin dissolve to national mint. ─── 任何都可以向國(guó)家造幣廠申請(qǐng)將其所有的黃金鑄造成金幣或?qū)⒔饚湃艹山饘賶K。

72、Contain mint factors: Cool down the red spots on the face and feel refreshing. ─── 含清涼薄荷因子?清涼舒緩肌膚紅印及護(hù)理豆豆,為肌膚帶來(lái)清新煥發(fā)的感覺(jué)。

73、The Count of the Largess administered the mint, the customs, and the mines. ─── 圣庫(kù)直接管理鑄幣、慣例費(fèi)與開(kāi)礦事務(wù)。

74、Reason: Everton mints, produced in the Liverpool district of Everton, are a popular mint toffee. ─── 原因:利物浦市埃弗頓區(qū)有一家制糖廠做的薄荷味太妃糖很受歡迎。

75、Many coins were cast with stars and moon on the back, mostly from Baohe and Baojin Mints. ─── 其背兼有星,月紋者甚多,以寶河局,寶津局為最

76、The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a packet of mints, and said he wouldn't go out to play until the post had come. ─── 小南男孩約翰尼也上樓來(lái)過(guò),送來(lái)了一盒薄荷糖,還說(shuō)他要等郵件來(lái)了以后再出去玩。

77、His breath in her face was strong with Bourbon whisky mingled with a faint fragrance of mint. ─── 他撲面而來(lái)的的呼吸讓她嗅到了一股強(qiáng)烈的混和薄荷香味的波旁威士忌酒味。

78、Main ingredients:mint,freezing cell,arbutin,hyaluronic acid and aloe. ─── 主要成份:薄荷、冰點(diǎn)因子、熊果苷、透明質(zhì)酸、蘆薈。

79、He put the sugar, mint and a little soda into a tall tumbler. ─── 他在一只高腳杯子中加了糖、薄荷和一點(diǎn)蘇打水。

80、Monica: The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse. ─── 有意思的是,她的坤包里總會(huì)裝一些薄荷糖。

81、You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin. ─── 因?yàn)槟銈儗⒈『伞④钕?、芹菜,獻(xiàn)上十分之一,那律法上更重的事,就是公義、憐憫、信實(shí),反倒不行了。

82、Half the children in the study took two of the medicated mints in the morning after brushing with a fluoride toothpaste. ─── 參加試驗(yàn)的一半兒童,在早晨用氟化物牙膏刷牙并且吃兩種含藥的薄荷糖。

83、And in 1991, the Franklin Mint issued a collectible edition of Monopoly for $550 that included silver and gold pieces. ─── 1991年,福蘭克林錢(qián)幣公司發(fā)行了一套含有金銀、價(jià)值550美元的“壟斷”游戲珍藏版。

84、Like other micronations, Seborga mints its own currency (the Luigino), sells stamps and issues passports. ─── 與其他微型國(guó)家一樣,賽堡爾加也自個(gè)鑄造貨幣,出售郵票,發(fā)行護(hù)照。

85、Medicines used to taste bad, but now they come in many different flavors such as mint, cherry, and chocolate. ─── 以前的藥很難吃,但現(xiàn)在藥物有很多種口味,像薄荷味、櫻桃味和巧克力味。

86、Do you have mint chocolate ice cream in pints? ─── 你們有賣盒裝的薄荷巧克力冰淇淋嗎?

87、He knows mint who speaks least. ─── 大智若愚人只。

88、Rattlesnake bites can be a rubber flavor, mint flavor and taste of metal. ─── 響尾蛇咬傷者可有橡膠味,薄荷味和金屬味。

89、We had a five-course lunch and finished up with coffee and mints. ─── 我們這頓午餐吃了五道菜,最后是咖啡和薄荷糖。

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