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10-03 投稿


matriarchate 發(fā)音


英:  美:

matriarchate 中文意思翻譯



matriarchate 同義詞

matriarchate 詞性/詞形變化,matriarchate變形

形容詞: matriarchal |名詞: matriarchalism |

matriarchate 反義詞


matriarchate 相似詞語短語

1、matriarchic ─── 母系的

2、matriarchates ─── n.女家長制社會;母權(quán)制時代;母系社會

3、matriarchs ─── 女家長;女統(tǒng)治者;受人尊敬的婦女(matriarch的名詞復(fù)數(shù))

4、matriarchy ─── n.母權(quán)制;女家長制;女族長制;母系氏族

5、matriarchal ─── adj.母系氏族的;女家長的

6、patriarchate ─── n.任期;宗主教區(qū);主教的職位

7、matriarchies ─── n.母權(quán)制;女家長制;女族長制;母系氏族

8、matriarch ─── n.女家長;女統(tǒng)治者;女負(fù)責(zé)人;受人尊敬的婦女

9、patriarchates ─── n.任期;宗主教區(qū);主教的職位

matriarchate 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、A while ago some fool offered a Matriarch's Whip for sale on the black market. ─── 前面有些傻子在黑市上賣女族長的鞭子。

2、ZERG 9: "THE RECKONING"||- Destroy the Protoss base within 30 minutes.||- Recover the Matriarch and Zeratul.- ─── 蟲族 9: "清算"||- 30分鐘內(nèi)摧毀神族基地。||- 找回女酋長和澤拉托。

3、Some make a moral case for their holistic vision: that children have a right to see their mothers occasionally, even if the matriarch is a lawyer. ─── 一些人聲稱她們的總體考慮是基于道德:就算做母親的是律師,孩子也有偶爾看看母親的權(quán)利。

4、"There is something amiss here.The Matriarch has always been a wise and gentle soul.Though there is some merit in her decision, this is very unlike her. ─── “這里面有些事情不對勁. 女族長一直以來都是明智且寬容的, 雖然她的決定不無根據(jù), 但這真的非常不像她.

5、“I was born into a family where we care about health,” said Helen An, the matriarch of the family, who is also head chef.“I learned Eastern medicine from my grandparents. ─── “我們生在一個關(guān)心健康的家庭,我從我的祖父祖母那里學(xué)會了東方藥學(xué)”,海倫.安說,她現(xiàn)在是一家之長而且還是主廚。

6、The al-Rimthal family is headed by matriarch Ilaya. ─── 這個al-Rimthal家族由女族長Ilaya為首。

7、Dark Templar: I am sure the Matriarch will be eager to hear your tale as well. ─── 黑暗圣堂武士:相信女酋長也會對你的故事感興趣的。

8、The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house. ─── 女族長所能判處的最重刑罰是流放。

9、My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s. ─── 20世紀(jì)50年代我們家住在紐約,當(dāng)時祖母是一家之主,也是一個令人敬畏的刁悍女人。

10、We want the Zerg to have the Queen, the matriarch of the Zerg empire. ─── 我們希望蟲族能有女王---蟲族帝國的女族長。

11、 雙語使用場景

12、The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young.In some cases it may include one of the matriarch's sisters and her offspring as well. ─── 這個母系社會由母象和她的孩子組成,有時候也有可能包括母象的姐妹及她們的后代。

13、Robyn Erbesfield is a matriarch of modern sport climbing. ─── Robyn Erbesfield是一位現(xiàn)代攀登運(yùn)動的女族長。

14、I can hardly believe this! You've killed your own matriarch! ─── 我難以置信。你居然殺了你的首領(lǐng)!

15、It is now the matriarch of a veritable family of Mars spacecraft. ─── 另外,火星漫游號已繞軌一年多,它會測量地下含水量并拍攝紅外線影像。

16、bemoaned Thio Su Mien, their 71-year old matriarch. ─── 她們71歲的女長輩黃嗣綿感嘆說。

17、Kerrigan:I can hardly believe this! You've killed your own matriarch! ─── 我真不敢相信!你殺了你的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者!

18、Clan females are all related, and can trace their ancestry to a common matriarch. ─── 家族中的女性都是有親戚關(guān)系的,而且可以追溯至一個共同女家長;

19、My grandmor was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s. ─── 20世紀(jì)50年代我們家住在紐約,當(dāng)時祖母是一家之主,也是一個令人敬畏的強(qiáng)悍女人。

20、Researchers said they came to this conclusion after watching how elephants on a Kenyan game reserve behaved towards a matriarch(3) who fell ill and died. ─── 研究人員說他們是在觀察了肯尼亞保護(hù)區(qū)里的大象如何對待病逝的“女家長”后得出這一結(jié)論的。

21、She may not be much of an athlete, but according to the letter writer, this Kenniston family matriarch can "run circles around anyone twice her size and with a heart four times more full of love!" ─── 她也許離運(yùn)動員的要求相去甚遠(yuǎn),但推薦人在信中說,這位肯尼斯頓家族的家長能夠“超過身材比她高一倍的任何人,而且心地?zé)o比善良”。

22、It is this male-leaving behavior that highlights the matriarch elephant family ─── 這種"走婚"行為形成了母系族大象家族的特點(diǎn)。

24、They have countless tales of being held captive by the matriarch or the single women who want them to settle down. They ultimately confess to the females they are married--to their bikes. ─── 他們有無數(shù)得到女主人或單身女人的青睞,要他們定居下來的故事,但他們最后都不得不坦言相告他們結(jié)婚了一一同他們的自行車結(jié)婚了。

25、In Tanzania,primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo,a troop's 50-year-old matriarch. ─── 在坦桑尼亞,原始生物學(xué)家對黑猩猩的行為進(jìn)行了研究。他們記錄了一只叫福婁的黑猩猩的死亡過程。福婁是一個黑猩猩群落中年近50歲的女族長。

26、The dying elephant -- named Eleanor by the researchers from Britain and the United States -- was first assisted by an unrelated matriarch from another family. ─── 當(dāng)這位被英美兩國研究人員叫做埃莉諾的大象快要死時,另一個象群中扮演“女家長”角色的年長雌象首先跑來幫助她。

27、Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists. ─── 原子科學(xué)家居里夫人不僅僅自己是左撇子,她作為女家長,他們一家子都是建樹斐然的左撇子科學(xué)家。

28、An elephant family is ruled by a matriarch (older female), and generally consist of her female offspring and their young ─── 大象的家族是由一頭年高的母象來控制的,由其生育的母象和幼象組成。

29、In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch. ─── 在坦桑尼亞,原始生物學(xué)家對黑猩猩的行為進(jìn)行了研究。 他們記錄了一只叫福婁的黑猩猩的死亡過程。 福婁是一個黑猩猩群落中年近50歲的女族長。

30、An elephant family is ruled by a matriarch (older famale), and generally consist of her female offspring and their young. ─── 一個大象家族由一個女家長管理(年長的雌性),一般由她的雌性后代和年青的小象組成。

31、Each house consists of a bonded group of neraphim made up of several related families and one matriarch. ─── 一個家族是由幾個有血緣關(guān)系的家庭組成,由一位女族長統(tǒng)治。

32、In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch . ─── 在坦桑尼亞,原始生物學(xué)家對黑猩猩的行為進(jìn)行了研究,記錄了一只叫福婁的黑猩猩的死亡過程。

33、Mr. Singh, who has a reputation as a brilliant technocrat rather than a savvy politician, has been the trusted choice of Congress Party matriarch Sonia Gandhi. ─── 辛格總理的健康狀況引起了政治關(guān)注。他的國大黨領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的聯(lián)合政府管理著這個世界上人口最多的民主國家,印度將在5個月之內(nèi)舉行選舉。

34、Red Riding Hood entered the cottage and said, “Grandma, I have brought you some fat-free, sodium-free snacks to salute you in your role of a wise and nurturing matriarch. ─── 小紅帽走進(jìn)小屋說,“外婆,我來看你了。我?guī)砹艘恍┟撝瑹o鈉的小吃,這能讓咱家的頂級營養(yǎng)專家滿意吧?!?/p>

35、In some cases it may include one of the matriarch's sisters and her offspring as well ─── 有些情況下,有可能包括母象首領(lǐng)的同胞姐妹和她的子女。

36、The group's silver-haired matriarch quietly reigned over the gathering, with everyone else poised to supply her needs. ─── 這群人中的銀發(fā)祖母安靜地主宰著這個聚會,其它每個人都準(zhǔn)備好了滿足她的需求。

37、Within each house, the rule of the matriarch is law, and her rule can be harsh. ─── 在家族之內(nèi),女族長的話就是律法,她的統(tǒng)治也可以很嚴(yán)苛。

38、An elephant family is led by a matriarch, with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd ─── 大象的家族首領(lǐng)由一頭母象擔(dān)任,她是象群內(nèi)最年長和最有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的母象。

39、Behold! The Matriarch has come unto us! ─── 發(fā)現(xiàn)密室。戴曰:小樣兒,新來的吧?

40、A matriarch dies and family relations are put to the test. ─── 家族中的女性長輩去世,全部成員與家族里的關(guān)系被攤開來。

41、When the matriarch dies, one of the oldest offspring takes her place ─── 當(dāng)領(lǐng)頭的母象死后,由另一頭最年長的后代母象取而代之。

42、It spoke of a practical woman;a matriarch widely credited as the core strength of her family;a grandmother now facing the prospect in her twilight years of raising her three young grandchildren. ─── 這是一個務(wù)實(shí)的女人,一個被普遍認(rèn)為是家庭中堅力量的女性族長,一個將在晚年撫養(yǎng)三個年幼孫子的祖母。

43、Meanwhile, in the sprawling white farmhouse next door, Catherine Beatty,84, Jacob's grandmother and the matriarch of this clan, is setting out a huge homemade meal of ham, corn, milk, biscuits, macaroni, fresh fruit pie and coffee. ─── 與此同時,在隔壁隨意搭建的白色農(nóng)舍里,雅各布84歲的祖母凱瑟琳.貝蒂正在把自己烹制的豐盛餐點(diǎn)擺放到餐桌上。

44、The Motherly Matriarch (Mazu) cult began in the coastal areas and has lasted for one thousand years. ─── 對慈祥的媽祖女神的膜拜開始于沿海地區(qū),并已延續(xù)了一千年。

45、It appears in the Old Testament as Ephrat, where Rachel the beloved matriarch of the Jewish People, the favorite wife of Jacob, died during childbirth. ─── 它是作為奧發(fā)拉特而出現(xiàn)在舊約上,是猶太人至愛的女家長雷切爾,雅各至愛的妻子,從孩童時期一直到去世都所在的地方。

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