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tableland 發(fā)音

英:['te?b(?)ll?nd]  美:['tebll?nd]

英:  美:

tableland 中文意思翻譯



tableland 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 高原;臺地

tableland 詞性/詞形變化,tableland變形

動詞過去式: table-hopped |名詞: table-hopper |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): tablehops |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: table-hopping |動詞過去分詞: table-hopped |

tableland 相似詞語短語

1、bareland ─── 比爾詹德

2、Lakeland ─── n.多湖泊地區(qū)

3、arable land ─── 耕地;可耕土地

4、Falkland ─── n.??颂m(人名);??颂m(地名)

5、table lamp ─── 臺燈

6、Matabeleland ─── n.馬塔貝萊蘭(地名)

7、cablelaid ─── adj.三股反搓的

8、Cleland ─── 克萊蘭德(男子名)

9、tablelands ─── n.高原;臺地

tableland 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、With a mountainside as the back and a tableland in the front, ─── 你看,后面靠山,前面有案臺

2、In the case of Lah-si-piang tableland, the traditional agricultural development mainly is commercial crop under the conditions of higher terrain and poor water resource for quite some time. ─── 在卓蘭鎮(zhèn)西北側(cè)的壢西坪臺地個案中,由于臺地地勢高燥、水源不足,日治以來的農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展都是以經(jīng)濟作物為主軸;

3、Shanxi bauxite, a paleresiduum or paleresiduum RE bauxite, is aggraded-sedimentated on the carbonate tableland of North China which is weathered over a long period. ─── 山西鋁土礦是堆積-沉積在長期風化的華北碳酸鹽臺地上的古風化殼型或古風化殼型稀有稀土鋁土礦。

4、Cultivation Methods of Capsicum Planted in Plastic Film Greenhouse for One Crop a Year in Dry land area, Dongzhi Tableland of Gansu ─── 慶陽董志塬區(qū)辣椒塑料拱棚一大茬栽培技術(shù)

5、Landforms type ,including mountainous region, hills, tableland plain and coast landforms are coastal to still have 126 islands. ─── 地貌類型包括山地、丘陵、臺地平原和海岸地貌等,沿海還有126個島嶼。

6、9 from Aroer on the bank of the Wadi Arnon and the city in the wadi itself, through the tableland of Medeba and Dibon, ─── 是從阿爾農(nóng)谷旁的阿洛厄爾起,包括谷中的城邑,全默德巴高原,直到狄朋;

7、This paper introduces the system framework of the Loess tableland data warehouse item, the hardware and software environment, and introduces particularly about the practical problem occurred in designing and the resolve method. ─── 摘要介紹了黃土高原植被數(shù)據(jù)倉庫項目的系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)、軟硬件環(huán)境,并詳細介紹了項目設(shè)計過程中遇到的一些實際問題和解決方法。

8、population transfer to tableland ─── 人口塬面化

9、So, this fruit is called “Snow Golden Fruit”, also named “Tableland Holy Fruit”, whose formal name is seabuckthorn. ─── 于是人們稱此果為“雪域金果”又尊稱為“高原圣果”,學名叫沙棘。

10、Legend of seabuckthorn: It is said that there was a primitive tribe, they exiled the horses in sick to the shrubbery of the wild snow tableland. ─── 金果傳說:相傳,古代一原始部落,人們將疾病纏身的馬放逐于雪域高原山野的灌木林中。

11、tableland tea ─── 臺地茶

12、Tsai, H., Huang, W.S., Hseu, Z.Y. and Chen, Z.S., (2006) "A river terrace soil chronosequence of the Pakua tableland in central Taiwan", Soil Science, 171(2): 167-179. ─── 葛滿龍(2006)新社地區(qū)河階地形與地下構(gòu)造關(guān)系之研究,臺北,國立臺灣師范大學地理學系博士論文,185頁。

13、Xianyang tableland ─── 咸陽原邊坡

14、thick loess tableland ─── 巨厚黃土塬

15、Thermal Engineering Calculation of Air-Conditioned Passenger Cars on Tableland and Discussion on Testing of Air-Conditioner Sets ─── 高原空調(diào)客車熱工計算和空調(diào)機組試驗問題探討

16、The northwestern tableland area has a continental plateau climate with long and chilly winter and cool humid summer. ─── 西北高原地區(qū)是大陸高原氣候,有漫長而寒冷的冬季,涼爽而濕潤的夏季。

17、The tableland types can be summarized as follows: the epicontinental tableland, the epicontinental oceanic tableland, the isolated tableland, and the restricted marine tableland. ─── 臺地類型可概括為陸表海臺地、陸緣海臺地、孤立臺地、局限海臺地四大類。

18、tableland railway ─── 高原鐵路

19、And pray the Lord to plant my feet on higher ground, on heaven's tableland. ─── 不過早晨主給了我一首久違的詩歌。Higher Ground。反復(fù)吟唱的時候,它釋放和提升了我。

20、carbonate tableland ─── 碳酸鹽臺地相

21、Analysis of Environmental Isotopes for Groundwater in Pediment Tableland Region of China's Western Northeast Plain--Exemplified with the Middle Upper Reach of Taoer River Basin ─── 東北平原西部山前臺地區(qū)地下水環(huán)境同位素分析--以洮兒河流域中上游為例

22、Late-glacial and Holocene climate change recorded in loess profile in Weibei loess tableland ─── 渭北旱塬黃土記錄的晚冰期以來短尺度氣候變化

23、8 And beyond the Jordan east of Jericho they designated Bezer on the open tableland in the tribe of Reuben, Ramoth in Gilead in the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan in the tribe of Manasseh. ─── 在約但河東岸,耶里哥東面,在曠野高原里,勒烏本支派內(nèi)指定了貝責爾;在加得支派內(nèi),指定了基肋阿得的辣摩特;在默納協(xié)支派內(nèi),指定了巴商的哥藍。

24、In order to study the physiological indicators used in scouting for engine drivers on tableland railway, 500 engine drivers working in Xining substation of the railway were tested. ─── 摘要為了研究高原鐵路機車乘務(wù)員生理選拔指標,確定生理指標鑒定標準值,選擇西寧鐵路分局西格段機車司機500人進行指標體系鑒定試驗。

25、High Yield Cultivation of Stropharia rugosoannulata in Tableland Area ─── 高原地區(qū)大球蓋菇高產(chǎn)栽培技術(shù)研究

26、Vegetation types and their evolution at the lava based tableland of Jingbohu lake ─── 鏡泊湖熔巖臺地植被類型及演替規(guī)律

27、tableland highway ─── 高原公路

28、The landform evolution of Xianyang since the end of Qin Dynasty contains two aspects,the northward moving of the Weihe River bed and the changing of the edge slope of Xianyang tableland. ─── 秦末以來,秦都咸陽地貌演變包括渭河河道北移和咸陽原邊坡地貌變化兩個方面。

29、The forests have changed into bare little hills; the riverbed has become a high tableland . ─── 森林變成了光禿禿的淺山,河床變成了高高的臺地。

30、Conventional tomostatics cannot reach the reasonable accuracy in processing the data from crooked wide line geometry in Loess Tableland. ─── 常規(guī)層析靜校正技術(shù)用于黃土塬地區(qū)彎寬線資料處理難以達到合理的精度。

31、Every year, over half of the billion-bedload influx to Yellow River from Yellow soil tableland comes from North Shaanxi. ─── 每年從黃土高原輸入黃河的十幾億噸泥沙中,有一半以上來自陜北。

32、An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land;a tableland. ─── 高原高的,比較平的大片土地;高原

33、Soil Erosion Regularity Since Holocene in Shaoling Tableland of Chang'an ─── 長安少陵塬全新世以來的土壤侵蝕規(guī)律研究

34、Test report of the best sowing time of the root of membranous mile vetch in tableland in Xun Yi ─── 旬邑塬區(qū)黃芪適播期試驗通報

35、reporters, Lo Wu District, the original projected first tier tableland over 400 residential units launched in June, is now deferred to the third quarter; ─── 據(jù)記者初步統(tǒng)計,有羅湖區(qū)的,原預(yù)計第一層臺地400多套住宅6月推出,現(xiàn)推遲到第三季度;

36、Based on the environmental peculiarity of Qingzang tableland,analysed the geological disaster type and its disservice to the safety of Golmid-Lhasa oil pipelines. ─── 立足青藏高原地質(zhì)環(huán)境,分析了格拉管道地質(zhì)災(zāi)害的類型及給管道安全造成的危害。

37、ZHU Tongxing, HUANG Zhiying , HUI Lan. The Geology of Late Permian Period Biohermal Facies in Upper Yangtze Tableland[M]. Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 1999(in Chinese). ─── 朱同興,黃志英,惠蘭.上揚子臺地晚二疊世生物礁相地質(zhì)[M].北京:地質(zhì)出版社,1999.

38、21 and the other cities of the tableland and, generally, of the kingdom of Sihon. ─── 高原上各城市,和在赫市朋為王的阿摩黎人王息紅的整個國土。

39、Study on Physiological Indicators Used in Scouting for Engine Drivers on Tableland Railway ─── 高原鐵路機車乘務(wù)人員生理選拔指標研究

40、Keywords West-to-East gas transmission project;soak-to-erosion loess tableland;ecological hydraulic structure protection technology;environmental protection; ─── 西氣東輸工程;濕陷性黃土源;生態(tài)型水工保護工藝;環(huán)境保護;

41、So, this fruit is called "Snow Golden Fruit" , also named "Tableland Holy Fruit" , whose formal name is seabuckthorn. ─── 于是人們稱此果為“雪域金果”又尊稱為“高原圣果”,學名叫沙棘。

42、Tableland Area Resistance Amend and Blower Selection ─── 高原地區(qū)阻力修正及風機選型

43、Study on Soil Erosion Since 8500 Years in Bailu Tableland of Xi'an ─── 西安白鹿塬約8500年來土壤侵蝕研究

44、Commissioning at tableland ─── 高原試車

45、Research on running performance and productivity of loading machines under tableland circumstances ─── 高原環(huán)境下裝載機運行性能及生產(chǎn)率的研究

46、abrasion tableland ─── 剝蝕基巖臺地

47、So, the summit of this mysterious tableland remained unvisited, and fascination and intrigue continued to grow. ─── 因此,這個極具神秘色彩的高原之巔一直就沒有人造訪過,人們對它的向往與興趣繼續(xù)高漲。

48、The earthquake-induced landslides distributed in the tableland surface, gentle slope hills and tableland of the valley, is consistent with the cave dwelling and the engineering construction. ─── 地震在塬面、緩坡丘陵和川臺地上所造成的崩塌,與窯洞住宅和采礦業(yè)的分布基本一致。

49、The paper investigates not only the influence of tableland circumstances on the matching performance and integrative performance but also the varying laws of power and economy of loading-machines. ─── 本文以高海拔缺氧為主要環(huán)境特征對人體的影響進行了分析和探討,同時提出適應(yīng)高原的主要措施和對策。

50、Physical Features: Tableland and alpine valleys make up the main landform of the prefecture. ─── 地理特點:阿壩地形以高原和高山峽谷為主。

51、8. Night slowly reached the tableland . ─── 夜,款款地來到高原上。

52、The main trend of the loess in Changchun tableland is: gradual debasement from the Northeast to the southwest. ─── 長春的黃土臺地底板從大趨勢上來看是:從東北部向西南部逐漸變低。

53、Hsiao, P.-T.(1967)Seismic study of the Taoyuan tableland, Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 5, 63-79. ─── 蕭寶宗(1967)臺灣桃園臺地的震測研究。臺灣石油地質(zhì),第5號,第63-79頁。

54、Zhang J, Wang Y G.Characteristics of carbonate evaporation tableland edge deposition in early Feixianguan epoch at hekou region of Xuanhan in Sichuan[J].Natural Gas, 2003,23(2): 19-22. ─── [2]張靜,王一剛.四川宣漢河口地區(qū)飛仙關(guān)早期碳酸鹽蒸發(fā)臺地邊緣沉積特征[J].天然氣工業(yè),2003,23(2):19-22.

55、The oil and gas fields dominated by carbonate are mainly distributed in the shallow tableland with luxuriant living beings. ─── 摘要以碳酸鹽巖為主的油氣田多分布在生物繁茂的淺海臺地上。

56、More than twenty miles from Capernaum, on a tableland overlooking the wide, beautiful plain of Esdraelon, lay the village of Nain, and thither Jesus next bent His steps. ─── 站在迦百農(nóng)外二十多哩路的高原上,居高臨下,俯瞰寬廣的耶斯列平原,風景絕妙。那里有個名叫拿因的村莊,耶穌接著往那里去。

57、If stand Gong pawn mountain on look down at first gulf, can see the tableland in gulf and the king issue ridge that is linked like a millenary giant half body that roamed in sea picture. ─── 如果站貢當山上俯瞰第一灣,就會看見灣中的臺地和相連的王期山梁如同一只在海中遨游的千年巨人半身像。

58、Experience Strengthening Management of Scientific Research in Military Hospital of Tableland ─── 高原軍隊醫(yī)院加強科研管理的體會

59、The coldest area is in the plateau area of Tasmania and southeast corner of the tableland and mainland. ─── 最冷的地區(qū)在塔斯馬尼亞的高原地帶及臺地和大陸的東南角。

60、Analysis of High-yielding Cultivation Effect of Hokkaido Buckwheat Planted As Filling Crop in Fall in Loess Taiyuan Region(Tableland Area) ─── 北海道蕎麥品種在黃土臺塬區(qū)秋播填茬的豐產(chǎn)栽培效應(yīng)分析

61、Qingyang Town, the territory is mountainous, the western region only has a little flat tableland. ─── 青羊鎮(zhèn)境內(nèi)全是山區(qū),僅西部有少許平緩臺地。

62、east of the Qingzang tableland ─── 青藏高原東部

63、The northwestern tableland area has a continental plateau climate with long and chilly winter and cool humid summer. ─── 西北高原地區(qū)是大陸高原氣候,有漫長而寒冷的冬季,涼爽而濕潤的夏季。

64、the tableland areas ─── 高原地區(qū)

65、New South Wales southern tableland ─── 認為,新南威爾士州南部高地

66、Ecological Mechanisms of the Effects of Vegetation Restoration on the Controls of Non-Point Source Pollution on Barren Tableland in Dianchi Watershed of China ─── 滇池流域荒臺地植被恢復(fù)工程控制面源污染生態(tài)機理

67、Keywords Small scale air separation unit;Mobile type;Commissioning at tableland;Operating guideline; ─── 小型空分設(shè)備;移動式;高原試車;操作要點;

68、For example, the eastern North China tableland is Early Paleozoic restricted oceanic tableland, while the western is the Paleozoic epicontinental tableland. ─── 如華北臺地,其中東部為早古生代局限海臺地,西部為古生代陸表海臺地;

69、The birthplace of Little League baseball in Taiwan is on tableland above the glittering Luye River. ─── 少棒發(fā)源地就座落在風光明媚的鹿野溪畔臺地上。

70、Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Huangtu Tableland, from every mountainside, let freedom ring. ─── 讓自由之聲從黃土高原的每一道山丘響起吧!在每一道山坡上,讓自由之聲響起吧!

71、The land is composed of gravelly tableland and clay soil. ─── 土壤主要由礫質(zhì)臺地和粘土組成。

72、Coupled Effect for Supplies of Water and Nutrients to Crop in the West of Weibei Rainfed Tableland ─── 渭北旱塬西部作物水肥產(chǎn)量耦合效應(yīng)研究

73、Researching flow in aspirating lines in altiplano environment can offer gist of designing air aspirating lines of HSASD(High Sensitivity Aspirating Smoke Detector)at tableland. ─── 通過利用高原環(huán)境模擬艙對高原低氣壓下制氧系統(tǒng)的性能研究,得出了大氣壓力對制氧機流量和氧體積濃度的影響規(guī)律。

74、According to the analysis of rocks features and sedimentary environment, the section pertains to carbonate tableland facies.Invasion of the sea began on the early stage of Liangshan formation. ─── 通過對該地層中巖石特征及沉積環(huán)境等方面的分析,認為該區(qū)在研究層段內(nèi)屬于碳酸鹽臺地相。

75、Revision of the productivity and consuming rate of fuel of asphalt batch mixer under tableland circumstance ─── 間歇強制式瀝青砼攪拌設(shè)備高原生產(chǎn)率及燃油消耗率的修正

76、Night slowly reached the tableland. ─── 夜,款款地來到高原上。

77、Keywords Eucalypt;Tableland;Woodland;Disturbance;Recruitment;Restoration; ─── 桉樹;臺地;疏林地;干擾;更新;恢復(fù);

78、Strategy of Summer Vegetable Production, Sale and Development in Tableland Region in China ─── 中國高原夏菜生產(chǎn)銷售及其發(fā)展對策

79、An elevated,comparatively level expanse of land;a tableland. ─── 高原高的,比較平的大片土地;高原

80、The gravitational center of farmland and orchard moved to the northwest tableland, while those of forest land and grassland moved to the southeast gully land. ─── 土地利用的空間遷移方向為農(nóng)地和果園向西北方向遷移(源區(qū)),林地和草地向東南方向(溝壑區(qū))遷移。

81、The comprehensive monitoring and control centre system of Qinghai-Tibet railway line is put forward to be built, in order to guarantee the safety operation for the high-class tableland railway line. ─── 摘要 為了保障青藏鐵路一流的高原鐵路安全運營,提出了建設(shè)青藏鐵路綜合監(jiān)控中心系統(tǒng)。

82、tableland and mountainous areas ─── 高原山區(qū)

83、To inquire into the management of the scientific research in the military hospital of the tableland, it is expounded in this article that the regarding high the management of the scientific research; ─── 為探討高原軍隊醫(yī)院科研的管理工作,本文闡述了高度重視科研管理工作;

84、Seismic acquisition with a swath of lines in area of loess tableland ─── 鄂爾多斯盆地黃土塬區(qū)多線地震采集技術(shù)

85、It is built nearby tableland and ditches with three surfaces facing ditches and one surface leaning hill. ─── 依塬傍溝而建,三面臨溝、一面靠山,地勢偏僻險要。

86、This product is 100% pure juice , made of the wild seabuckthorn on snow tableland. ─── 本品是以生長在雪域高原上的野生沙棘果為原料制成的100%純果汁。

87、All architecture on the tableland is defensive, all monuments are like forts. ─── 在這高原上,所有建筑樣式都是防御式的,所有遺跡都像要塞。

88、This product is 100% pure juice , made of the wild seabuckthorn on snow tableland. ─── 本品是以生長在雪域高原上的野生沙棘果為原料制成的100%純果汁。

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