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10-03 投稿


mementos 發(fā)音

英:[m??m?nt??z]  美:[m??m?nto?z]

英:  美:

mementos 中文意思翻譯



mementos 詞性/詞形變化,mementos變形

名詞復(fù)數(shù): memento mori |

mementos 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、demento ─── n.瘋子;精神錯(cuò)亂的人

2、momentous ─── adj.重要的;重大的

3、mementoes ─── n.紀(jì)念品,引起回憶的東西

4、-mentos ─── 曼妥思(指一種薄荷糖)

5、dements ─── v.(尤指因?yàn)槟挲g而)精神衰退;失去理智;n.癡呆癥;患有癡呆癥的人;瘋子;n.(Dement)(美、烏、俄)德門特(人名)

6、cements ─── n.[地質(zhì)]膠結(jié)物,[膠粘]粘合劑(cement的復(fù)數(shù)形式);[建]水泥;膠合劑;vt.接合;用水泥涂(cement的三單形式);vi.粘緊,粘牢(cement的三單形式)

7、memento ─── n.紀(jì)念品,引起回憶的東西

8、beentos ─── 美好的

9、dementis ─── n.正式否認(rèn)(謠言等的);n.(Dementi)人名;(俄)杰緬季

mementos 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、1. A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports. ─── 獎(jiǎng)品,獎(jiǎng)杯(牌)尤指體育比賽中,作為勝利的象征而授予的獎(jiǎng)品或紀(jì)念品,例如獎(jiǎng)杯或獎(jiǎng)牌

2、She presented old mementos to express her deep feeling ─── 唯將舊物表深情

3、A little gift as a memento of a visit. ─── 作為訪問(wèn)紀(jì)念的小禮品。

4、But the fact that we know it for a memento mori justifies us in feeling a certain human pride. ─── 但我們把它看作死亡象征的事實(shí),證明了我們感覺(jué)到某種人類的驕傲。

5、As the years pass, many things change. Today, the only memento from my native land is long gone. I do not even know where it is. Yet why do I still yearn for the native land ? ─── 歲時(shí)更易,人事變遷,到現(xiàn)在來(lái),并此唯一的紀(jì)念品,也早就不知去向了,為什么我還在懷念著她呢?

6、His flight to Sicily had prevented him from getting proper medical treatment for his smashed jaw and he now carried a memento from Captain McCluskey on the left side of his face. ─── 他到西西里來(lái)避難,這就使他那個(gè)被打傷了顎骨無(wú)法得到適當(dāng)?shù)闹委?,到如今,他左臉上還保存著麥克羅斯基上尉送給他的“紀(jì)念品”。

7、We need art to tell us, as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. ─── 我們需要藝術(shù)來(lái)告訴我們,正如宗教曾經(jīng)告訴過(guò)我們的,記得你終將死亡,一切都會(huì)結(jié)束,幸福不會(huì)因否定這一點(diǎn)而到來(lái),只能對(duì)其加以接受。

8、There was probably no irony intended in the choice of memento: a plate emblazoned with a picture of the Great Wall. ─── 當(dāng)局可能并非有心選擇這個(gè)具有諷刺意味的贈(zèng)品:飾有長(zhǎng)城圖案的紀(jì)念盤。

9、boxes for your child's favorite pictures, art work, and mementos. ─── 給孩子喜歡的照片、圖畫(huà)以及紀(jì)念品等準(zhǔn)備專門的盒子存放。

10、only the most important mementos that mean a lot to you. ─── 只選出那些對(duì)你意義重大的東西。

11、memento mori ─── n. 死的象征

12、Do you have many mementos and souvenirs? If so, how much money would someone have to give you to get you to throw them all away? ─── 你是不是收集了不少紀(jì)念品?如果是的話,別人給你多少錢你才愿意把你所有的紀(jì)念品統(tǒng)統(tǒng)扔掉呢?

13、But you have that cool memento of your trip to keep on the mantel and I don't! ─── 但是,你有這種涼爽紀(jì)念您的旅行保持在壁爐架上,我不!

14、"I accept this," he explained, blushing, "as a memento of a very poor young man who was capable of paying a debt without being asked." ─── “我接受它,”他臉都紅了,解釋說(shuō),“作為一個(gè)盡管落魄卻不需提醒便能還錢的年輕人的紀(jì)念品?!?/p>

15、We will have few possessions, and those mostly as keepsakes or mementos. ─── 我們將缺少財(cái)產(chǎn),大部分缺少紀(jì)念品。

16、keystone: A memento specific to one particular geist, symbolizing its bond with the Sin-Eater. ─── 心石:一件針對(duì)某個(gè)特定縛靈的遺物,象征著它和噬罪者之間的束縛。

17、People want to have it.Maybe they want to keep it as a kind of memento or souvenir," Baydan, who has dark hair and weary-looking brown eyes, says. ─── 或許他們會(huì)把它作為一種回憶或紀(jì)念品來(lái)收藏”,有著黑色頭發(fā)和略顯疲憊的棕色眼睛的拜登先生表示。

18、4. "I accept this," he explained, blushing, "as a memento of a very poor young man who was capable of paying a debt without being asked." ─── “我接受它,”他臉都紅了,解釋說(shuō),“作為一個(gè)盡管落魄卻不需提醒便能還錢的年輕人的紀(jì)念品?!笔詹刂刚?/p>

19、As a token of appreciation for the role he played in a divining ritual, an exhausted "rider" receives a memento in the shape of a horseman cut from traditional handmade paper. ─── 作為感謝占卜儀式上扮演角色的表示,一位疲憊的“騎手”收到了一個(gè)騎兵形狀的傳統(tǒng)手工剪紙紀(jì)念品。

20、The Board Chairman of the Amity Printing Co., Ltd. - Dr. Chow Lien Hwa present the mementos to the United Bible Society ─── 周聯(lián)華董事長(zhǎng)代表南京愛(ài)德印刷有限公司向聯(lián)合圣經(jīng)公會(huì)回贈(zèng)紀(jì)念品

21、For a year-and-a-half, every week she stuffed the pages, along with mementos, into an envelope and mailed them off to him. ─── 一年半以來(lái),每個(gè)星期她填滿信紙和紀(jì)念品一起裝進(jìn)信封里寄給她。

22、Please take a picture of me first as a memento of this trip. ─── 哎,來(lái)了。你先幫我在這里拍一張吧,留個(gè)紀(jì)念。

23、Brad, we can't forget to go souvenir shopping! I want a memento to remember Hawaii. ─── 布萊德,我們不可以忘記買紀(jì)念品!我要一個(gè)可以記住夏威夷的東西。

24、Keep a photo or memento on your desk. ─── 在辦公桌上放一張照片或紀(jì)念品。

25、a prize or memento,such as a cup or plaque,received as a symbol of victory,especially in sports ─── 獎(jiǎng)品,獎(jiǎng)杯(牌),尤指體育比賽中,作為勝利的象征而授予的獎(jiǎng)品或紀(jì)念品,例如獎(jiǎng)杯或獎(jiǎng)牌

26、Some do it for the same reason people have always tucked mementos into a casket (or tomb, as in the case of King Tut). ─── 人們常常把遺物卷入棺材里,或者像圖特王一樣卷入墓中。許多人那樣做也是為了同樣的理由。

27、Memento mori. Remember you too, must die. ─── 太強(qiáng)大了,真的吃了一驚加油喲!

28、A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports. ─── 獎(jiǎng)品,獎(jiǎng)杯(牌)尤指體育比賽中,作為勝利的象征而授予的獎(jiǎng)品或紀(jì)念品,例如獎(jiǎng)杯或獎(jiǎng)牌

29、Struggling to pay for medical expenses, Dean auctioned off some of her precious Titanic mementos in an attempt to raise money last October. ─── 去年10月,迪安迫于經(jīng)濟(jì)壓力,拍賣了她珍貴的泰坦尼克紀(jì)念品來(lái)支付醫(yī)療費(fèi)。

30、memorabilia: A memento associated with a person, place, or thing of great fame or infamy. ─── 文物:一件與某個(gè)盛名煊赫或聲名狼藉的人、物和地點(diǎn)相關(guān)聯(lián)的遺物。

31、This year's Spring Festival falls on tomorrow, heralding the beginning of the Year of the Ox.People all over the country have bought various ox mementos to decorate their homes. ─── 在全國(guó)各地,人們紛紛購(gòu)買各種牛年紀(jì)念品,裝飾房屋。

32、All these mementos and documents tell a story about you. They help you remember the past and become evidence for future generations seeking a look at your world today. ─── 所有這些紀(jì)念物和文件講述著您的故事。它們有助于您回憶過(guò)去,并成為您的后代了解您今天生活的證據(jù)。

33、In the markets you could buy tank and gun shells used in the war that had since been decorated to make ornaments - powerful mementos. ─── 在市場(chǎng)里可以買到用戰(zhàn)時(shí)的槍炮制作的工藝品,這真是很強(qiáng)有力的紀(jì)念品。

34、In October last year after struggling to pay for her private nursing home care, she sold some of her mementos. ─── 去年十月,為了償付自己在療養(yǎng)院的費(fèi)用,她只好賣掉了自己的一些紀(jì)念品。

35、The director will be presented with a memento for his long years of service. ─── 主管因?yàn)楣拘ЯΧ嗄陮@贈(zèng)予紀(jì)念品。

36、I got a pretty grade and a memento glass which is marked “the University of Adelaide”. ─── 我得到了一個(gè)不錯(cuò)的成績(jī)以及印有“阿得雷德大學(xué)”字樣的紀(jì)念杯。

37、Crockett kept the cross as a ( memento )of his trip. ─── 克羅基特把這個(gè)十字架作為他旅行的紀(jì)念品。

38、If you’re just dying for a piece of the action, why not a memento that looks right at home in the festivities. ─── 如果你參加奧運(yùn)會(huì)只是想獲得什么,為什么不在慶祝的時(shí)候拿些紀(jì)念品回家去呢?

39、He keep a lock of her hair as a memento ─── 他保留著她的一束頭發(fā)作紀(jì)念

40、Nowadays, I spend more time on things like photo albums, making videos, and organizing mementos, because I realize what a happiness boost these reminders can provide. ─── 如今,我會(huì)花更多的時(shí)間看相冊(cè)、制錄像、整理紀(jì)念物,因?yàn)槲野l(fā)現(xiàn)這些令人回憶的東西是多么能提高快樂(lè)。

41、But before I go, I would like to take along some mementos of my visit here. ─── 但是在我走之前,我想帶走一些東西作為我此次旅行的紀(jì)念。

42、All other mementos of them were buried in Beichuan. (You can see Ian's photos of the recovery efforts, including a portrait of Zhang, in this gallery. ─── 她們的其它所有遺物都被埋在北川下面了。(在這個(gè)畫(huà)廊中,你可以看到鄭永仁畫(huà)的在關(guān)恢復(fù)工作的照片,其中包括一幅張的肖像。)

43、Always needs some warmness, even just only a little self righteous memento. ─── 9總是需要一些溫暖。哪怕是一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)自以為是的紀(jì)念。

44、20.It is a memento, but what it recalls for me is not quite the same to Mother. ─── 它是一件紀(jì)念品,但它所喚起的記憶對(duì)我對(duì)媽媽是不怎幺一樣的。

45、In town last week to promote his new album, he recalled how he once spent several weeks compiling a scrapbook for his ex-girlfriend, with photos and mementos spanning a few years. ─── 上星期在市里宣傳他的新專輯,他回憶自己是怎樣花幾個(gè)星期的時(shí)間為他的前女友編集一個(gè)剪貼簿的,包括很多年的照片和紀(jì)念物。

46、Keep a personal memento or two on your desk, but make sure the items add meaning to your life, like a family picture or an object that makes you smile or reflect. ─── 放一兩件私人紀(jì)念品在臺(tái)上,確保只是對(duì)你的人生而言意義非凡的,比如家庭相片或讓你微笑或感動(dòng)的小物件。

47、a memento; a souvenir; a keepsake; a remembrance; a token ─── 一個(gè)紀(jì)念物;一個(gè)紀(jì)念品;一個(gè)紀(jì)念品;回想;一個(gè)表徵

48、What is true is that she swiped an Anakin-related memento from the set; ─── 不過(guò)她從片場(chǎng)偷走一樣與阿納金有關(guān)的小紀(jì)念品的說(shuō)法是真的;

49、A memento will be given by Sony Corporation to all the finalists. ─── 所有參加決賽的選手將獲得索尼公司提供的紀(jì)念品一份。

50、a precious memento of happier times ─── 幸福時(shí)日的珍貴紀(jì)念品

51、When he got outside the pearly gates,he decided to examine his mementos. ─── 當(dāng)他到達(dá)天堂用珍珠裝飾而成的大門的時(shí)候,他決定看一看他的紀(jì)念品。

52、As the years pass, many things change.Today, the only memento from my native land is long gone.I do not even know where it is.Yet why do I still yearn for the native land ? ─── 歲時(shí)更易,人事變遷,到現(xiàn)在來(lái),并此唯一的紀(jì)念品,也早就不知去向了,為什么我還在懷念著她呢?

53、With the three treasures he winged his way back to heaven. When he got outside the pearly gates, he decided to examine his mementos. ─── 天使帶著這三樣寶貝飛回了天堂。當(dāng)他到達(dá)天堂用珍珠裝飾而成的大門的時(shí)候,他決定看一看它的紀(jì)念品。

54、Mike: Well you know, if I were dad and I wanted to hide the mementos of some tragic mistake, I know where I'd stash them. ─── 邁克:假如我是爸爸的話,有什么見(jiàn)不得人的東西要藏起來(lái),我會(huì)藏個(gè)好地方。

55、the family mementos accumulate in every drawer,the surface of the desk is buried under mounds of paper and the unread magazines threaten to reach the ceiling. ─── 家庭紀(jì)念品塞滿了每一個(gè)抽屜,書(shū)桌也被推到屋頂?shù)奈募蜎](méi)讀過(guò)的雜志淹沒(méi)。

56、Directly below the postcard hang a few baby pictures of myself, mementos of a simpler time. ─── 明信片下面是一些我幼時(shí)的照片,紀(jì)念童年時(shí)簡(jiǎn)單的時(shí)光。

57、It is a very special memento to me, which I display in my office. ─── 他對(duì)于我來(lái)說(shuō)是一件特殊的紀(jì)念品,我把它陳列在辦公室里。

58、After enjoying shaking drum music, if you want to bring this memory to home, you can visit Ten Drum Memento Hall. ─── 在鼓樂(lè)震撼的迴音感動(dòng)之馀,真想把這樣的記憶帶回家,那您就非得在十鼓紀(jì)念品館多駐足。

59、Sadly, old gadgetry, knick-knacks and mementos bearing the name American Bell, Inc. have no marketable value as antiques or examples of American folk art.See also Lucent Technologies. ─── 可惜的是,刻有美國(guó)貝爾公司名稱的舊的小配件、小擺設(shè)和紀(jì)念品作為古董貨美國(guó)民間藝術(shù)的樣品并沒(méi)有什么市場(chǎng)價(jià)值。

60、A temporary space in Tacheles, a 1930s department store-turned-artists’ 4) squat in former East Berlin, has become a donor centre for mementos of break-ups. ─── 塔赫勒斯藝術(shù)中心(由上世紀(jì)30年代前東柏林一家百貨商店改建而成的藝展空間)的一個(gè)臨時(shí)場(chǎng)地,現(xiàn)在成了失戀者手上戀愛(ài)紀(jì)念物的捐贈(zèng)中心。

61、Some people brought with them mementos of those who could not come. ─── 一些到來(lái)的人帶來(lái)了不能親自到來(lái)者的紀(jì)念品。

62、He kept a lock of her hair as a memento . ─── 他保留著她的一束頭發(fā)作紀(jì)念.

63、a memento of our trip to Italy ─── 我們意大利之旅的紀(jì)念品

64、I don't need to see an old 3922 26th Street before we sell the place.I even skipped the part where I return home to salvage my mementos from the garage. ─── 我們老家,26街3922號(hào)賣掉之前我并沒(méi)有要去多看一眼的沖動(dòng),甚至沒(méi)有親自回老家打撈車庫(kù)里的那些紀(jì)念品,而是讓父母幫我打包后從舊金山寄了過(guò)來(lái)。

65、To a tourism it is necessary to purchase more items, one gift friends and family, and second, as a memento. ─── 到一地旅游也有必要購(gòu)些物品,一是饋贈(zèng)親朋,二是作紀(jì)念。

66、More than 90% of my books are in Chinese;and the mementos and knick-knacks we have acquired are, by and large, from China. ─── 我的家里,書(shū)架上,百分之九十以上的書(shū)都是中文的,包括一些小紀(jì)念品,也都是中國(guó)的。

67、king of 4wd,where is your memento and photo? ─── 以下是引用四驅(qū)王在2003-12-322:47:37的發(fā)言:到了到了!上來(lái)報(bào)到!呵呵!

68、To extend welcome and memorize the successful call of the new service, SCT representatives, Mr.Jingdong Chen presented a memento to the master vessels' captain. ─── 為紀(jì)念首航船的順利掛靠,蛇口集裝箱碼頭市場(chǎng)部代表陳靖東向首航船長(zhǎng)贈(zèng)送了紀(jì)念品。

69、Of course. He's taking good care of it. After all, it is the only the memento left from your mother you both last. ─── (當(dāng)然,他還把它珍而重之。因那是你們母親給你們的最后禮物。

70、The museum houses a collection of mementos, materials and documents. ─── 博物館保存著很多回憶錄以及文獻(xiàn)資料。

71、He didn't set out to experience mementos events or live so long. ─── 他沒(méi)有渴望去經(jīng)歷歷史性的事件和活那么久。

72、By the way, mr. Goto would like to present you with this small memento and brochure to remember your visit by. ─── 對(duì)了,后藤先生要給您這份小紀(jì)念品和小冊(cè)子,以作為您這次來(lái)訪的記念。

73、Fans laid flowers and other mementos outside the entrance of the Australia zoo. ─── 影迷們把鮮花及其它紀(jì)念品放在澳大利亞動(dòng)物園入口外。

74、a little gift as a memento of a visit ─── 作為訪問(wèn)紀(jì)念的小禮品.

75、He keeps a lock of her hair as a memento. ─── 他保留著她的一束頭發(fā)作紀(jì)念。

76、He kept a lock of her hair as a memento ─── 他保留著她的一束頭發(fā)作紀(jì)念

77、Now 96, the last survivor of the tragic sinking is selling a 100-year-old suitcase and other Titanic mementos to help pay for her nursing home fees. ─── 如今,由于生活陷入困境,96歲的她不得不拍賣自己收藏的泰坦尼克紀(jì)念品,以支付在養(yǎng)老院的費(fèi)用。這些藏品包括一個(gè)有100年歷史的手提箱等。

78、I find it one of the feather as a memento, but also could not find how. ─── 我想找一根它的羽毛作為紀(jì)念,可是怎么也找不著。

79、As much as possible, living accommodations should be personal and comfortable. Mementos from home may help disaster workers to keep in touch psychologically. ─── 居住要盡可能的個(gè)人化并且舒適。從家里帶來(lái)的紀(jì)念品也許可以幫助災(zāi)難救援人員在心理上與家人保持聯(lián)系。

80、Do you have many mementos and souvenirs? If so, how much money would someone have to give you to get you to throw them all away? ─── 你是不是收集了不少紀(jì)念品?如果是的話,別人給你多少錢你才愿意把你所有的紀(jì)念品統(tǒng)統(tǒng)扔掉呢?

81、From ancient times in cultures around the world, such mementos were intended to ensure a long and healthy life, as long as the lock of hair was kept in a safe place. ─── 從遠(yuǎn)古起,在全世界諸多文化中,用嬰兒頭發(fā)作紀(jì)念物都是為要確保孩子長(zhǎng)命健康,但這綹頭發(fā)要能夠妥善保存。

82、The Chi family are photographed together as a memento of the happy occasion. Pastor Chi Tsung-nan is seen at top Left. ─── 在大喜之日,紀(jì)氏家族合影一張留念。圖左上為紀(jì)聰男牧師。

83、People all over the country have bought various ox mementos to decorate their homes. ─── 全國(guó)各地,人們紛紛購(gòu)買各種牛年紀(jì)念品,裝飾房屋。

84、They gave him a watch as a memento of his time with the company. ─── 他們送了他一塊手表作為為公司服務(wù)的紀(jì)念。

85、deathmask: A memento forged from the remains of a destroyed geist. ─── 亡器:用被摧毀的縛靈殘余制成的魂器.

86、He kept a lock of her hair as a memento. ─── 他保留著她的一束頭發(fā)作紀(jì)念。

87、My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away. ─── 我的朋友在離別前給我一張照片留作紀(jì)念品。

88、Instance and place the contents of the Memento object in it. ─── 實(shí)例并把Memento對(duì)象的內(nèi)容放入其中。

89、Keep special mementos in your journal: event tickets, photographs, flower petals, etc. ─── 將票根,照片,花瓣等特殊的紀(jì)念物夾在日記中。

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