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10-03 投稿


Medici 發(fā)音

英:  美:

Medici 中文意思翻譯



Medici 詞性/詞形變化,Medici變形

原型:medici 名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式:medici

Medici 短語詞組

1、Cosimo de Medici ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 科西莫?德?美第奇;意國公爵;意大利銀行家

2、Catherine de' Medici's building projects ─── 凱瑟琳·德·梅迪奇的建筑項(xiàng)目

3、cold medici ─── 感冒醫(yī)生

4、Mr Medici ─── 梅迪奇先生

5、Lorenzo de'Medici ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 美第奇;羅倫佐梅迪奇;梅第奇

6、Giovanni de'Medici ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 喬凡尼;喬瓦尼·美迪奇;麥迪奇

7、Giulio de' Medici ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] Giulio de'Medici

8、Catherine de' Medici's building pro ─── 凱瑟琳·德美第奇的建筑專業(yè)

Medici 相似詞語短語

1、medico ─── n.醫(yī)師;醫(yī)科學(xué)生;n.(Medico)人名;(意)梅迪科

2、medicide ─── n.醫(yī)師輔助自殺

3、medics ─── n.醫(yī)學(xué)工作者;苜蓿(medic的復(fù)數(shù))

4、mediacy ─── n.調(diào)解;中間狀態(tài);媒介

5、Medici ─── n.美第奇(人名)

6、medical ─── adj.醫(yī)學(xué)的;藥的;內(nèi)科的;n.醫(yī)生;體格檢查

7、medicine ─── n.藥;醫(yī)學(xué);內(nèi)科;巫術(shù);vt.用藥物治療;給…用藥

8、medick ─── n.苜蓿

9、medic ─── n.醫(yī)師;醫(yī)科學(xué)生;苜蓿屬植物(等于medick);n.(Medic)人名;(塞)梅迪茨

Medici 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Their mistake, I fear, lies in their choice of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi as the test site. ─── 這些科學(xué)家們的錯(cuò)誤之處,以我的見解,在于他們選擇了美第奇-里卡迪宮作為觀測場所。

2、Diane's husband died in 1531, when she was 32, and Henry married Catherine de Medici in 1533. ─── 一五三一年,戴安娜三十二歲,丈夫去世;亨利則于一五三三年和凱瑟琳.美迪奇成婚。

3、Medici porcelain ─── 麥迪西軟瓷

4、Brief Introduction of MEDICI Software and Its Application in Ionization Radiation Effects ─── MEDICI程序簡介及其在電離輻照效應(yīng)研究中的應(yīng)用

5、Since the sponsorship of the Medici Family, artists have never escaped from the position of parasitism. ─── 從梅第奇家族贊助藝術(shù)開始,藝術(shù)家就一直無法擺脫寄生的地位。

6、Because he had studied with Lippi and, therefore, subject to the Medici loved and appreciated, and gradually became the Medici court painter in the leader. ─── 由于他曾師從利皮,因此也受美第奇喜愛和賞識,逐漸成為美第奇宮廷畫家中的領(lǐng)袖。

7、ad manus medici ─── (拉)供醫(yī)生使用

8、The designation means that the federal government has not been approved, the Medici bank will not be able to make any major decisions. ─── 這一指定意味著,在沒有得到聯(lián)邦政府批準(zhǔn)的情況下,梅迪西銀行將無法自行作出任何重大決定。

9、Lorenzo used the Medici riches to patronize many artists, including Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, and he remains perhaps the most famous patron of all time. ─── 洛倫佐動(dòng)用麥迪奇家族的財(cái)富資助了許多藝術(shù)家,如波提且利、達(dá)文西和米開朗基羅,他可能是歷史上最出名的贊助者。

10、Conclusion It is better satisfied method to treating cervical lymphoid TB by combination of Chinese medicine and Western medici... ─── 結(jié)論中西醫(yī)結(jié)合治療頸淋巴結(jié)結(jié)核療效較對照組單有西藥治療更滿意。

11、But believe me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people. ─── 相信我吧。所謂瘟疫橫行只是謠言而已,無疑是凱瑟琳·德·梅第奇的手下在煽風(fēng)點(diǎn)火。

12、He is buried in the Medici Chapel in the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. ─── 他葬于佛羅倫薩的圣洛倫左教堂里,一個(gè)屬于梅地奇家族的私人祈禱室。

13、Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is one of the important ways to promote medical value innovation and the Medici Effect. ─── 摘要:證據(jù)醫(yī)學(xué)是促進(jìn)醫(yī)療價(jià)值創(chuàng)新與梅迪奇效應(yīng)的重要途徑之一。

14、PBS Empires: The Medici - Godfathers of the Renaissance ─── 帝國系列之文藝復(fù)興教父-美第齊家族

15、How are Botticelli's later pious paintings, bereft of Medici patronage, to be read? ─── 波提切利后期失去了美第奇家族贊助的虔誠繪畫應(yīng)該怎么解讀?

16、Catherine de Medici of France established a standard at her court of fourteen inches. ─── 法國的凱瑟琳德梅第奇訂立的宮廷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是十四英寸。

17、The practice of this model was introduced by forensic medici examples. ─── 同時(shí) ,通過法醫(yī)學(xué)實(shí)例介紹了該模型的應(yīng)用。

18、Venus of Medici ─── 梅第奇的維納斯像(公元前4世紀(jì)雕塑家伯拉克西特列斯所作, 裸體, 雙手護(hù)身作嬌羞狀)

19、Although this fresco was about a religious subject, the people in it were really members of the de Medici family, wearing their own rich clothing. ─── 雖然這幅壁畫是關(guān)于宗教主題的,但畫中的人物都是真實(shí)的麥德西家族的成員,他們穿著自己華麗的衣服。

20、The first group was injected the medicine into the oviduct and taken the Chinese medici... ─── 結(jié)論:中西醫(yī)結(jié)合治療非特異性炎癥輸卵管阻塞引起的不孕癥有一定的臨床意義。

21、Current situation of the achievement & effectiveness evaluation on medici ne science research ─── 醫(yī)學(xué)科研績效評估現(xiàn)狀

22、A fortified town in the Middle Ages, Leghorn was developed into a flourishing community by the Medici. ─── 中世紀(jì)時(shí)曾是筑有防御工事的城鎮(zhèn)。

23、The two structure LDMOS was compared by simulation with MEDICI software. The result is that their breakdown voltage is almost the same and the thin epitaxial layer LDMOS?s Ron is lower. ─── 通過MEDICI模擬對兩種器件進(jìn)行比較,結(jié)果為兩種器件耐壓相當(dāng),薄外延LDMOS導(dǎo)通電阻略低。

24、I think he was seeing Catherine de Medici's attendant, Constance. ─── 我認(rèn)為他鐘情于凱瑟琳德美第奇的女隨從康斯坦斯。

25、Along with some other Medici rivals-including an archbishop-the Pazzi family decided to murder Giuliano and Lorenzo in church. ─── 和一些別的梅地奇家族的對手,包括一位大主教聯(lián)合,帕齊家族決定在教堂謀殺朱利亞諾和洛倫左。

26、Kohn, who has strong connections to the Jewish community and has long known Mr.Madoff, owns75% of Bank Medici. ─── 柯恩與猶太社區(qū)關(guān)系緊密,認(rèn)識馬多夫很長時(shí)間了,她持有梅迪西銀行75%的股份;

27、Catherine de'Medici ─── 凱瑟琳·德·美地奇(1519-1589,法蘭西女王,查理四世的攝政太后)

28、Leopoldo de Medici started the collection of self-portraits in 1664. ─── 利奧普爾多于1664年開始收藏藝術(shù)家自畫像,現(xiàn)已有1630幅作品,并且這個(gè)數(shù)字仍在增長。

29、In fact,the Medici family was realted to the Pazzi family. ─── 事實(shí)上,梅地奇家族和帕齊家族有聯(lián)系。

30、Purpose To compare therapeutic effects of medici nal vesiculation and moxibustion in anta gonising senility damage in rats so as t o Provide scientific basis for clinicall y selecting the best anti-senility method . ─── 目的 :通過觀察天灸與艾灸拮抗大鼠衰老性損害的療效對比 ,為臨床選擇最佳抗衰老方法提供科學(xué)依據(jù)。

31、MEDICI simulation ─── MEDICI模擬

32、From Italy they came to France and there, in the sixteenth century, much encouraged by the queen, the Florentine Catherine de Medici, they were the rage of the French court. ─── 后來它從意大利傳到廠法國,而且在16世紀(jì),因受到皇后即佛羅倫薩人卡瑟琳·德·梅迪奇的鼓勵(lì)而在法國宮廷風(fēng)靡一時(shí)。

33、Almost immediately,Medici supporters in the goverment demanded and got swift justice. ─── 幾乎同時(shí),梅地奇在政府的支持者要求并且迅速的作出了判決。

34、Farther along, on the left, is Villa Medici, today seat of the Academy of France. ─── 再遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn),左邊是梅第奇別墅,現(xiàn)在是法國高等學(xué)府。

35、The performance of the DGESTD has been simulated by TMA MEDICI commercial device simulator to verify its characteristics. ─── 用TMAMEDICI商用器件模擬軟件對DGESTD特性進(jìn)行了模擬驗(yàn)證。

36、Many have emphasized the role played by the Medici, a banking family and later ducal housefamily, in patronizing and stimulating the arts. ─── 梅第奇家族起初是一個(gè)銀行家族,后來成為了公爵貴族。該家族在文藝復(fù)興期間大力贊助支持藝術(shù)事業(yè),在這場文化運(yùn)動(dòng)中發(fā)揮了重要的作用。

37、The attempted assassination of the Medici brothers in the Duomo in Florence in 1478 is one of the best-known examples of the machinations endemic to the age. ─── 西蒙內(nèi)塔利用家傳的譯碼簿破譯了信中的密碼,發(fā)現(xiàn)了教皇竭盡全力企圖控制佛羅倫薩的證據(jù)。

38、The characteristics of the LDMOS with a linearly graded drift region doped profile have been demonstrated by the 2D semiconductor simulator MEDICI and verified by our experimental results. ─── 用二維器件軟件MEDICI對具有線性變化摻雜漂移區(qū)的RESURFLDMOS晶體管的性能進(jìn)行了數(shù)值分析并由實(shí)驗(yàn)對其結(jié)果進(jìn)行了驗(yàn)證 .

39、Humanity,science and technology make up o f the two indispensable and fundamental constituent parts of medicine.However,the humanistic scarcity in medici ne makes medicine to be halfway medicine. ─── 人文和科學(xué)技術(shù)是醫(yī)學(xué)的兩個(gè)必要的基本的組成部分。

40、In search of his father who has mysteriously disappeared diving in the city, David stumbles across the cryptic trail leading to the long-lost fortune of the Medici. ─── 在尋找神秘消失在這個(gè)城市的父親的過程中,大衛(wèi)一路跌跌撞撞的穿過指引遺失已久的梅第奇財(cái)富的神秘足跡。

41、He does so, partly to record that the decline and eventual collapse of the Medici bank had little impact on the banking system as a whole. ─── 他這樣說,某種程度上是因?yàn)闅v史記載:美第奇家族銀行的衰落及最終崩潰對整個(gè)銀行體系本身影響甚少。

42、The SEU for MOSFET is simulated using the software of the MEDICI two dimensional device simulator. By the theory, a reliable approach is set up for analyzing the device?s SEU. ─── 用MEDICI二維模擬軟件對MOSFET的單粒子翻轉(zhuǎn)現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行了計(jì)算 ,力圖從理論上建立分析器件單粒子翻轉(zhuǎn)的可靠手段 .

43、the Medici, Bourbon, and Borgia dynasties; ─── 最后,作者與讀者分享了自己去疤、保養(yǎng)皮膚方面的成功心得。

44、Bank Medici, which channelled up to $3.6bn into Mr Madoff's asset management firm, said on Friday it would challenge the government's decision to take control of its management. ─── 梅迪西銀行曾將多達(dá)36億美元的資金交給馬多夫的資產(chǎn)管理公司進(jìn)行管理,該銀行周五表示,將對政府接管的決定提起申述。

45、So this is where Catherine de Medici's guards rest. ─── 這是凱瑟琳德美第奇衛(wèi)兵的休息處。

46、Most of the Medici bank's lending was to royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles. ─── 大多數(shù)梅第奇銀行的借貸都是做給王室的,用于支持他們的軍事行動(dòng)或是維持他們奢靡的公子哥兒生活。

47、Method:Investigating the natural resources of medici nal plants in Anhuei and collating and studying the findings. ─── 方法:對安徽藥用植物進(jìn)行資源調(diào)查和資料整理研究。

48、A spokeswoman for Bank Medici said neither Kohn nor the bank had received kickbacks. ─── BankMedici的一名發(fā)言人說,柯恩和該行都未曾接受回扣。

49、Even visitors tired of art won't want to mi the Pitti Palace. Once home to Florence's powerful Medici family, the grand palace now houses three museums. ─── 就算游客們已經(jīng)對藝術(shù)品很厭煩了,他們還是不會錯(cuò)過彼蒂宮。它曾是佛羅倫薩的權(quán)貴,麥德西家族的住處,這個(gè)宏偉的宮殿如今包含了三個(gè)博物館。

50、Objective: To develop a compound erythromyci n nose drops, according to the pathology of rhinitis and characteristics of medici nes. ─── 目的:研制一種新型的固液分體式的復(fù)方紅霉素滴鼻劑。

51、Hotel Medici : Book the best Deal here. ─── 現(xiàn)在就可以拿到絕佳的價(jià)錢!

52、A novel dynamic-state model of an NPT-IGBT with localized lifetime control is proposed and is verified by the 2D simulator MEDICI. ─── 摘要提出了局域壽命控制下NPT-IGBT的瞬態(tài)模型,并與數(shù)值分析結(jié)果進(jìn)行了對比,驗(yàn)證了模型的正確性。

53、Religio Medici ─── 醫(yī)生的宗教

54、The Medici papacy. ─── 美第奇教皇世系

55、For the purpose of developing a light-triggering SiC power switch, characteristics of the SiCGe/SiC hetero-junction photodiode are simulated and analyzed using MEDICI. ─── 為配合光控SiC功率開關(guān)器件的開發(fā),利用MEDICI模擬和分析了SiCGe/SiC異質(zhì)結(jié)光電二極管的光電特性。

56、Even visitors tired of art won't want to miss the Pitti Palace. Once home to Florence's powerful Medici family, the grand palace now houses three museums. ─── 就算游客們已經(jīng)對藝術(shù)品很厭煩了,他們還是不會錯(cuò)過彼蒂宮。它曾是佛羅倫薩的權(quán)貴,麥德西家族的住處,這個(gè)宏偉的宮殿如今包含了三個(gè)博物館。

57、started the collection of self-portraits in 1664. ─── 開始收藏藝術(shù)家自畫像,現(xiàn)已有1630幅作品,并且這個(gè)數(shù)字仍在增長。

58、The Medici family were as effective at using power as they were in spending money on art. ─── 梅地奇家族是利用這個(gè)權(quán)利最有效果的,因?yàn)樗麄儗㈠X花在藝術(shù)上。

59、To research the multiple attribute of the relations between doctor and patient,from the interdependence system of the medicine drugs the medici... ─── 深入研究醫(yī)患關(guān)系的多重屬性,從醫(yī)藥、醫(yī)保、醫(yī)療相互關(guān)聯(lián)的系統(tǒng)深入研究醫(yī)患沖突的原因,仍是我們面臨的長期課題。

60、"They were surprised, but not angry, " Medici said. "They got back in the car and started driving south. " ─── Medici說:“他們很吃驚,但沒有生氣……他們只是返回到車內(nèi)然后往南開走了?!?/p>

61、In Florence, Botticelli was a protege of several members of the powerful Medici family[6] . ─── 波提切利在佛羅倫薩受到了有權(quán)勢的美第奇家族的幾位成員的保護(hù)。

62、The de Medici family,a rich and powerful group in florence,ltaly,hired many artists to work for them. ─── 麥德西家族,在意大利的佛羅倫薩是一個(gè)富有并且勢力的群體,他們雇傭了許多藝術(shù)家為他們工作。

63、Medici family ─── 美第奇家族

64、On Lorenzo de Medici's Art Patronage ─── 論洛倫佐·德·美迪奇的藝術(shù)贊助

65、near the Santa Maria Novella railway station, the Duomo and Medici Chapels and many important museums and galleries. ─── 說明 : Hotel Ester is managed by young, friendly staff, and is located in the historical centre of Florence;

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