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10-03 投稿


maintainable 發(fā)音


英:  美:

maintainable 中文意思翻譯



maintainable 相似詞語短語

1、unmaintainable ─── 難于維持的

2、attainable ─── adj.可得到的;可達到的;可到達的

3、uncontainable ─── 不受限制的;壓抑不住的

4、detainable ─── 延遲的

5、inclinable ─── adj.傾向于…的;可傾斜的

6、containable ─── adj.可控制的;可容納的

7、distrainable ─── 不可信的

8、contaminable ─── 受到污染的

9、maintainability ─── n.可維護性;可維修性

maintainable 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio. ─── (汽車的)超速檔機動車輛的一種齒輪裝置,通過降低齒輪比率來減少為將車速保持在一定范圍內而需要的輸出力

2、Plan ahead but maintain flexibility. ─── 事前計劃,但要保持彈性。

3、Descend and maintain Two Tousand Five Hundred feet. ─── 下降到兩千五百尺或兩五洞洞。

4、Maintain 5400m until further instruction. ─── 保持5400米直到進一步通知。

5、They also help us to maintain the machinery. ─── 他們還幫助我們維修機器。

6、It's hard to keep track of (ie maintain contact with) all one's old school friends. ─── 與中學時的所有老校友都保持聯系是很困難的。

7、Is it complex to maintain them after the upgrade? ─── 升級后的維護是不是很復雜?

8、Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer. ─── 和雇主要一直保持目光接觸。

9、Is the code organized and maintainable? Put care and attention into your code. Lay it out so that it's easy to read, update and manage. ─── “代碼便于組織和維護嗎?”——好好核查你的代碼,保證它日后能被修改和升級。

10、If you are going to marry my daughter, I must ask if you can afford to maintain her in the manner to which she has been accustomed? ─── 如果你打算娶我的女兒,那我就必須問問你是否能維持她原來習慣的生活方式?

11、In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. ─── 為了維持身體健康,一個人應該吃有益健康的食品,并經常鍛煉身體。

12、If he can maintain this speed he will win the race. ─── 如果他能保持這種速度,就能贏得這場賽跑。

13、Program generator represents a family of programs , not just a program, the generated programs are more maintainable and correct. ─── 程序生成器代表了程序族,而不僅僅是單一的特定系統的程序,生成的程序更容易維護,也更正確。

14、Utility companies could install and maintain them. ─── 公用事業(yè)公司可以安裝并保養(yǎng)它們。

15、Then, each part stays maintainable. ─── 這樣,每個部件都是可維護的。

16、Maintain peace and calm at home. ─── 在家里保持平和與冷靜。

17、Doing their best to maintain its peace and order. ─── 努力維護臺灣法制而默默耕耘。

18、The two factories maintain frequent contacts. ─── 兩個廠經常打交道。

19、Dianne's solution is simple, easy to understand, and highly maintainable. ─── Dianne的解決方案很簡單、容易理解,具有更好的維護性。

20、How does FTM maintain the pool of active transfers? ─── FTM如何維護活動傳輸池?

21、Agreements maintain motivation and action. ─── 協定能維護動力和行為.

22、However, modularity alone will not be enough to ensure a highly maintainable framework. ─── 然而,單靠模塊化來確保一個高度可維護的架構是不夠的。

23、Maintain a close liaison with Civil Defence. ─── 保持一次與民防短距離的通信。

24、He has to maintain his wife and five children . ─── 他不得不養(yǎng)活妻子和5個孩子。

25、Their work is to maintain railway lines. ─── 他們的工作是養(yǎng)護鐵路。

26、To be admissible or maintainable. ─── 可容許的或可保留的

27、She tried to maintain a low profile. ─── 她努力保持低姿態(tài)。

28、Why do we supply IT maintain outsourcing service? ─── 為什么我們要提供企業(yè)IT維護外包服務?

29、The two nations try to maintain durable peace. ─── 兩國盡力維護持久和平。

30、Assist Engineer to maintain BOM. ─── 協助工程師維護BOM。

31、An attempt to convey or maintain the appearance of refinement and elegance. ─── 假派頭試圖表達或保持優(yōu)雅和得體的外表的努力

32、The practice of marrying the widow of one's brother to maintain his line, as required by ancient Hebrew law. ─── 叔娶嫂制如古希伯來法律規(guī)定的弟弟與寡嫂結婚以維持哥哥的家系的一種風俗

33、They must maintain the rhythm in unison. ─── 兩者必須保持節(jié)奏的合拍。

34、How do you build and maintain plans? ─── 如何建立和維護應急管理計劃?

35、Maintain a reserve of mind and heart. ─── 保留一點私人的空間。

36、Check and maintain STD cost of BOM and process in the system. ─── 在系統中檢查并維護BOM的標準成本及程序。

37、Owning much unprofitable land but lacking the capital to improve or maintain it. ─── 土地多而收入少的擁有大量不能獲利的土地但是又缺乏資金加以改造或維持的

38、How to maintain the advanced nature of the party? ─── 保持黨的先進性的路徑與方法?

39、Eating to maintain vital energy. ─── 吃飯以維持生命力。

40、She tried to maintain a businesslike look. ─── 她想要保持一種有條不紊的樣子。

41、Maintain present heading for a while. ─── 保持一會兒現在航向。

42、Maintain lab equipment well with maintenance team. ─── 協助維護部確保實驗室設備的正常運轉。

43、Maintain the left leg straight on the ground. ─── 保持左膝蓋挺直在地面上。

44、Maintain and enhance self-esteem of the employee. ─── 增強人員自尊心,培育人員自信心。

45、In the sample application, you took an unwieldy stylesheet and refactored it into a much smaller and more maintainable piece of code. ─── 在示例應用程序中,您獲取了一個笨拙的樣式表并將其重構為一段更小更易于維護的代碼。

46、Maintain NPI test network environment. ─── NPI網絡環(huán)境的日常維護以及更新工作。

47、Design maintainable CSS structure. ─── 設計可維護的CSS結構。

48、Maintain good relationship with local tax bureau. ─── 與當地稅務局保持良好的關系.

49、They were determined to maintain their right . ─── 他們決心維護他們的權利。

50、Mankind have been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature. ─── 人類采用一切手段保持生態(tài)平衡。

51、We must maintain keen vigilance at all times. ─── 任何時候我們都要保持高度的警惕。

52、Maintain a proper working posture. ─── 保持良好的工作姿勢。

53、Does the dormitory maintain an injury log? ─── 宿舍是否保留受傷記錄?

54、Maintain 9000m until past the FIR boundary. ─── 保持9000米直到飛越飛行情報區(qū)邊界。

55、On the surface, the most maintainable approach is to eschew DTOs altogether and get one attribute at a time from the client. ─── 從表面上看,可維護性最好的方法就是完全避免DTO,而采用一次從客戶機獲取一個屬性的方法。

56、This cannot be relied on to maintain peace. ─── 不能依靠這個來維護和平。

57、To maintain or affirm against opposition. ─── 反駁針對反對意見來堅持或肯定

58、Stock and maintain warehouse inventory. ─── 儲存并保存?zhèn)}庫存貨清單.

59、How to Maintain Microsoft Windows? ─── 如何維護系統健康?

60、The team managed to maintain a firm face even in times of great adversity. ─── 即使在危難時刻,這個隊仍成功地保持了堅定的信心

61、He is too poor to maintain his family. ─── 他太窮了,無法養(yǎng)活家人。

62、Let you maintain the collection of Java listeners. ─── 允許您維持一個Java偵聽器集合。

63、He is too poor to maintain his life. ─── 他太窮,不能維持生活。

64、He has to maintain his wife and two children. ─── 他必須養(yǎng)活妻子和兩個孩子。

65、You earning enough to maintain a family in comfort? ─── 你掙的錢足以維持一家人過舒適的生活嗎?

66、The army must maintain strict discipline and allow no laxity. ─── 軍隊非講紀律不可,紀律松弛是不行的。

67、Does a good programmer refuse to maintain his code? ─── 一個好的程序員不應拒絕維護他的程序。

68、Some of his ideas are maintainable. ─── 他的一些主張是可維護的。

69、Maintain positive guest relations at all times. ─── 在任何時間都保持和客人良好的關系。

70、He has worked hard to maintain his family. ─── 他努力工作來養(yǎng)家。

71、Don' t maintain your wrong opinion. ─── 不要堅持你那錯誤主張啦。

72、How do you maintain a good friendship? ─── 你是如何呵護友誼的?

73、A warden employed to maintain and protect a forest or other natural area. ─── 國有森林員保護和維持森林等自然地貌的雇傭的看護人

74、Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. ─── 在他如何對待你之間保持一個界限。

75、They are trying to maintain good public relations. ─── 他們試圖保持良好的公共關系。

76、He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike. ─── 他騎自行車不能保持平衡。

77、Here, we know how to maintain our engine, have. ─── 在這裡,我們知道了怎樣保護我們的引擎還有。

78、Do you think our car is maintainable? ─── 你認為我們的車可維修嗎?

79、For to maintain his two brothers and he. ─── 好養(yǎng)活哥幾個。

80、It is necessary to maintain public highways . ─── 養(yǎng)護公路是必要的。

81、code organized and maintainable? ─── 代碼便于組織和維護嗎?”

82、We must maintain an open mind on such questions. ─── 在這種問題上心胸要開闊一些。

83、To maintain the tempo or rhythm. ─── 保持節(jié)奏或旋律

84、She struggled to maintain her composure. ─── 她竭力保持鎮(zhèn)靜。

85、They expend large sum of money in maintain this beach. ─── 他們花去大筆的錢維護這個海灘。

86、He continue to maintain his technical innocence of any indictable offence. ─── 他仍然聲稱自己從嚴格的法律意義上說并未犯有任何可以起訴的罪行。

87、Maintain scrap rate at an acceptable level. ─── 保持廢品率在一個合理的水平。

88、The plan is merely designed to maintain their nuclear superiority. ─── 制定這個計劃只是為了保持他們的核優(yōu)勢。

89、Maintain healthy paranoia about competitors. ─── 對競爭者要保持一種健康的偏執(zhí)狂心態(tài)。

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