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10-03 投稿


medicating 發(fā)音

英:[?med?ke?t??]  美:[?med?ke?t??]

英:  美:

medicating 中文意思翻譯



medicating 詞性/詞形變化,medicating變形

動詞過去分詞: medicated |動詞過去式: medicated |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: medicating |形容詞: medicative |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): medicates |

medicating 短語詞組

1、medicating patients ─── 給患者用藥

2、medicating particle ─── 藥物顆粒

medicating 相似詞語短語

1、dedicating ─── 致力;獻身;題獻(dedicate的現(xiàn)在分詞)

2、abdicating ─── vi.退位;放棄;vt.退位;放棄

3、meditating ─── v.冥想,沉思;考慮,謀劃(meditate的現(xiàn)在分詞)

4、mediating ─── 調(diào)停

5、metricating ─── v.把……改為公制

6、medications ─── n.藥物(medication的復數(shù)形式);藥物治療

7、indicating ─── v.表明,要求;暗示;指示;標示;寫明;簡要陳述;顯示(量度);打行車轉(zhuǎn)向信號;有必要(indicate的現(xiàn)在分詞形式)

8、predicating ─── v.使基于;斷言,斷定;(語法)就命題主項闡述(predicate的現(xiàn)在分詞)

9、emicating ─── 排尿

medicating 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、83.42%of 1604 cases who didnt do antemarital medic al examination, had reason that the administration had no demand. ─── 在未做婚檢的1604例被調(diào)查者中,有83.42%的人因主管部門沒有要求而未做檢查。

2、medic aid ─── 醫(yī)療補助計劃, 醫(yī)療補助方案

3、It reassured some doctors that they were medicating an organic disorder, and stirred interest in genetic testing for depression risk. ─── 它打消了某些正在治療器質(zhì)性異常的醫(yī)生的疑慮,激起了(大眾)就抑郁癥風險進行基因測試的興趣。

4、In this program - Medical Office Assistant Diploma Program, students learn how to organize a medical office and are trained to prepare and administer basic medic... ─── 在這個程序-醫(yī)療辦公室助理文憑課程,學習如何組織一個醫(yī)療辦公室和受過訓練,準備和基本醫(yī)療管理辦公室的測試。

5、If you are JP or UK nation, the Medic will be count in the BB6/CV6 requirement if the Medic is on Lv 115 or above. ─── 如果你玩日本或英國,使用在BB6/CV6上的(共享來的)醫(yī)療兵將一樣需要遵守不低于115級的要求。

6、“Ibra will be ready for the start of the season,” said chief medic Franco Combi in today's Press conference. ─── 在今天的新聞發(fā)布會上,國際米蘭的隊醫(yī)孔比這樣說到:“伊布已經(jīng)為新賽季做好了充分的準備?!?/p>

7、Medic Alert Newsletter ─── 《醫(yī)學警戒新聞》

8、Fixed tracking of hours with the medic hub in BFHQ: Medic hub hours shown in BFHQ has been corrected. ─── 修正BFHQ里醫(yī)藥箱的統(tǒng)計信息,現(xiàn)在醫(yī)藥箱的累積時數(shù)已經(jīng)可以正確顯示。

9、Her goal is to explore professionally what she's observed first hand: Art therapy can take the place of medicating children. ─── 她的目標是要專業(yè)的探索她直接觀察得到的結論:藝術治療可以替代藥物治療兒童。

10、Annual medic ─── 一年生苜蓿

11、He sought to be a motorcycle mechanic, but instead he was assigned as a medic. ─── 他想成為一名機車技工,卻被安排當了醫(yī)師。

12、Medic, "When I Was Young" (10/24/55). A menopausal woman thinks her life is over. ─── 《實習醫(yī)生》之〈當我年輕時〉(1955年10月24日)。一位更年期婦女認為她的生命行將結束。

13、Vaccaria pyramidata Medic. ─── [醫(yī)] 麥藍菜

14、He informed them that he had been a medic in World War I and saw amputated arms and legs, and he had noticed that none of them could think. ─── 他說,在一戰(zhàn)時,他曾經(jīng)是實習醫(yī)生并且親眼目睹了許多次切除胳膊或腿的手術,而且他發(fā)現(xiàn),那些東西是不能思考的。

15、TERRAN 8: "TO CHAIN THE BEAST"||- Bring a medic to each of the|| beacons surrounding the Overmind.||- Kill Zerg cerebrates to weaken|| the Overmind's defenses.- ─── 人族 8: "鎖捕野獸"||- 將醫(yī)護兵帶到主宰周圍每個路標。 ||- 摧毀腦蟲以減低主宰的防御力量。

16、Medic: A medic is equipped with a rifle and afirst-aid kit. He has a wide range, a low rate offire, and can heal infantry. ─── 衛(wèi)生兵:裝備一支步槍和急救包。擁有較遠的射程,低射速,并能救治步兵單位。

17、A Research on Culturing the Synthetic Ability of Medic by the Scientific After-class Activities in Pediatrics ─── 兒科課外科研活動培養(yǎng)醫(yī)學生綜合素質(zhì)初探


19、to call a medic ─── 叫醫(yī)生

20、Reverted: When a Wehrmacht Bunker is upgraded to Medic Bunker/MG Bunker/Repair Bunker, it can no longer be garrisoned. ─── 取消修改:國防軍碉堡升級為醫(yī)務碉堡/機槍碉堡/維修碉堡后失去駐扎能力。

21、How can I get them to stop self-medicating with antibiotics for stuff like a bad cold? ─── 我怎么樣才能使他們在得重感冒之類自己亂服抗生素?

22、- Get a medic over here! ─── -叫醫(yī)生來!

23、Chinese medic therapy ─── 中醫(yī)療法

24、And there is debate about the morality of medicating children. ─── 對于用藥物的兒童,還有關于道德方面的爭論。

25、He is a medic, he can help the injured person. ─── 他是救護車上的醫(yī)生,他可以幫助那個受傷的病人。

26、Abelmoschus manihot Medic. ─── [醫(yī)] 秋葵

27、multi - medic courseware ─── 多媒體課件

28、four Medic Seed ─── 4種苜蓿

29、Keywords total flavones of abelmoschus mani-hot L medic;cerebral middle artery occlusion;ap-optosis; ─── 關鍵詞黃蜀葵總黃酮;大腦中動脈結扎;凋亡;

30、A rapid response medic arrived within six minutes, but because her injuries were non-life threatening she had to wait for the ambulance. ─── 一位急救醫(yī)療人員不需六分鐘便到達了,但因為她的傷勢沒有生命危險,她必須要等待救護車到來。

31、Carrying so much morphine around a battlefield proved be a temptation at least one medic could not resist. ─── 對某位意志不甚堅強的救護兵來說,在戰(zhàn)場上攜帶這么多的嗎啡頗具誘惑。

32、Set up by Doctors or Medic in Rural Areas ─── 鄉(xiāng)村醫(yī)生或衛(wèi)生員聯(lián)合辦

33、Paramedics rushed him to the ER. The lead medic stayed back to comfort the wife. He asked what trauma had precipitated the cardiac arrest. ─── 醫(yī)護人員趕緊送進急診室,這時主治醫(yī)生站到醫(yī)生的太太旁邊安慰道:是什么創(chuàng)痛讓他突然心臟病發(fā)?

34、Medic," When I Was Young"(10/24/55). A menopausal woman thinks her life is over. ─── 實習醫(yī)生》之〈我年輕時〉1955年10月24日)一位更年期婦女認為她的生命行將結束。

35、But I was poisoning myself with alcohol and medicating myself. ─── 我是用酒精來麻醉自己,我用藥治療自己。

36、You consider medicating kids with drugs like Ritalin over-parenting. ─── 你認為給孩子服用類似于利他靈的藥物是過猶不及么?

37、Medicating sadness, Keedwell suggests, could do the same - blunting the consequences of unfortunate situations and removing people's motivation to improve their lives. ─── 基迪韋爾認為,對于悲傷的藥物性治療也是如此。這種治療鈍化了不幸遭遇造成的影響,消除了人們企圖改善生活的動機。

38、TERRAN 8: "TO CHAIN THE BEAST"||- Bring a medic to each of the|| beacons surrounding the Overmind.||- Kill Zerg cerebrates to weaken|| the Overmind's defenses.- ─── 人族 8: "鎖捕野獸"||- 將醫(yī)護兵帶到主宰周圍每個路標. ||- 摧毀腦蟲以減低主宰的防御力量.

39、She is very medic at every thing . ─── 她做事有板有眼的。

40、Vaccaria Medic ─── [醫(yī)] 麥藍菜屬

41、ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, a transmembrane glycoprotein in cell membrane, have been proved to have close relationship with the metastasis of tumors by medicating the immune response. ─── ICAM-1和VCAM-1為單鏈跨膜糖蛋白,它們與相應配體結合后,通過參與調(diào)節(jié)炎癥反應和免疫應答,與腫瘤侵襲轉(zhuǎn)移等過程密切相關。

42、The treatment conbining traditional Chinese and western medic ─── 中西醫(yī)結合

43、- The corpsman or medic is able to heal wounded teammates or revive fallen comrades in the field. ─── + 醫(yī)護兵可以治療受傷的隊友或者喚醒倒地的同伴。

44、Waiting at the medic station down the mountain, Joni Corbett knew only what was relayed by radio. ─── 在山下的醫(yī)療點等待著的科貝特僅僅知道收音機轉(zhuǎn)播的情況。

45、Hot fix Rhinestone;ultrasonic bouffant cap making equipment;medic cap making equipment; ─── 主營產(chǎn)品或服務: 專業(yè)制造各種超音波機械 Ultrasonic lace &ribbon;

46、The Medivac Dropship was the controversial replacement to the Medic. ─── 醫(yī)療運輸機是極具爭議的護士的替代品。

47、The herb sold as dong kui zi in Taiwan is mainly the seed of qing ma (Abutilon theophrasti Medic) . ─── 臺灣市售之冬葵子藥材均為苘麻的種子。

48、Lens culinaris Medic ─── 兵豆

49、Anne Simon Simon Webb/Dr.Secare Jim Leard/Captain Lacerio Ken Kramer/Dr.Berube Phillip MacKenzie/Medic William B. ─── 其他演員: Jerry Hardin/Deep Throat Lindsey Ginter/Crew-Cut Man Anne DeSalvo/Dr.

50、Great physicians have, on numerous occasions, maintained that there is no science in medicating people. ─── 在很多時候,偉大的醫(yī)師也主張這世上并沒有可以“用藥醫(yī)治”人們的科學。

51、Her goal is to explore professionally what she's observed first hand: Art therapy can take the place of medicating children. ─── 她的目標是要專業(yè)的探索她直接觀察得到的結論:藝術治療可以替代藥物治療兒童。

52、” It reassured some doctors that they were medicating an organic disorder, and stirred interest in genetic testing for depression risk. ─── 它打消了某些正在治療器質(zhì)性異常的醫(yī)生的疑慮,激起了(大眾)就抑郁癥風險進行基因測試的興趣。

53、they ' re medicating him , linda , so , you know. ─── 他們在治療他,琳達,你知道。

54、Russian purple medic ─── 俄羅斯紫花苜蓿

55、And their(there) is debate about the morality of medicating children. ─── 同時,對兒童使用藥物也會引起道德方面的爭議。

56、There were obviously more chafers near the castor-oil plant than soybean, cotton, sweet potato, peanut, elm, Abutilon theophrasti Medic, there was significant difference between them. ─── 華北大黑鰓金龜對田間籠罩植物的選擇反應 從田間觀察中發(fā)現(xiàn),在蓖麻植株附近的金龜甲數(shù)量明顯高于大豆、棉花、紅薯、花生、榆樹、苘麻,其間差異顯著。

57、Where are the others?" asked a medic. ─── “其他人在哪兒?”一名醫(yī)生問道。

58、The medic asked those who had not had their physical examination to stand out. ─── 軍醫(yī)請那些未受過體格檢查的人站出來。

59、Keywords Pneumonectomy;Thoracoscopy;Combined Acup Medic Anesthesia; ─── 關鍵詞肺切除術;胸腔鏡檢查;針藥復合麻醉;

60、30 Cases of Insomnia with Liver Depression Transforming into Fire Treated by Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medic ─── 中西醫(yī)結合治療肝郁化火型失眠癥30例

61、To ensure the normal physical develop-ment ot persons under age and the health of farmers and herdsmen the preven-tion measure of improving water quality in coordination with medic... ─── 為了保障未成年人的正常發(fā)育和廣大農(nóng)牧民的身體健康,本文提出首先要改水防治,同時配合藥物治療的防治對策。

62、Medic renamed to Navy Corpsman. ─── 醫(yī)生重新命名為海軍醫(yī)務兵。

63、black medic ─── 天藍

64、How can I get them to stop self-medicating with antibiotics for stuff like a bad cold? ─── 我怎么做才能讓他們停止一感冒就自行服用抗生素的行為?

65、Medic International ─── 醫(yī)療國際

66、Studies on the Shandong Province Rural Cooperation Medic Economic Organization Development ─── 山東省農(nóng)村合作經(jīng)濟組織發(fā)展問題研究

67、A method of medicating an animal foodstuff which comprises coating particles of the foodstuff (e.g. feed pellets) with a gel containing tetracycline (e.g. chlortetracycline) and a stabilising agent. ─── 一種將藥劑加到動物食物中的方法,它包括用含有四環(huán)素類藥物(如金霉素)和穩(wěn)定劑的凝膠將該食物的丸粒(如飼料丸粒)包衣。

68、A medic would administer chest compressions to maintain minimal blood flow, and the body would be taken to hospital. ─── 一個醫(yī)師會負責胸部按壓以便保持最小限度的血液流動,尸體然后被送到醫(yī)院。

69、6、The icon on the HUD for a person calling for Medic will now give more information to the medic (if the target is low on health, on fire, etc. ─── HUD增加了新的圖標使得醫(yī)生能夠得到更多關于呼叫醫(yī)療的人的信息(如果目標低血,被燒著,等等。)

70、For years, I read children's books as my comfort activity without quite grasping that I was self- medicating through literature. ─── 長久以來,我都把讀兒童讀物當成自己的舒心活動而卻沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在通過文學進行自我治療。

71、The Platoon Medic has several responsibilities above and beyond what a normal medic has. ─── 一個排醫(yī)療兵有一些在一般醫(yī)療兵之上或之外的職責。

72、purple medic ─── n. [植]苜蓿

73、Chinese medic vocational college ─── 中醫(yī)藥高職高專

74、In a time of war, Maiev felt that Tyrande would have made a far better medic than a leader. ─── 在戰(zhàn)爭時期,瑪維覺得泰蘭德更適合做醫(yī)師,而不是領袖。

75、"Where are the others?" asked a medic. ─── “其他人在哪兒?”一名醫(yī)生問道.

76、Field Medic ─── 醫(yī)生

77、military medic ─── 軍醫(yī)

78、Study on salt tolerance of wild black medic germplasm ─── 天藍苜蓿野生種質(zhì)的耐鹽性研究

79、SCULLY: (sound distorted) Somebody call a medic! ─── 史高麗:(聲音扭曲了)快叫醫(yī)生!

80、The medic who performed the surgery, Professor Mariani, had advised Totti to take the plaque out this summer to avoid potential problems later on in life. ─── 但是,這個手術將需要兩個月來養(yǎng)傷,這將影響托蒂夏天的訓練和休假,托蒂現(xiàn)在決定今年夏天不做手術。

81、“Fight bats and ninja's. Collect coins, extra power, medic, secret documents to open doors and collect antidote to rescue the poisoned emperor.” ─── “蝙蝠和忍者撲滅的。收集硬幣,額外的電力,醫(yī)療,秘密文件打開大門,并收集解藥搶救中毒皇帝?!?/p>

82、Along with our country joining WTO and deepening the reform of the medic... ─── 因此,醫(yī)療機構必須運用合適的價格競爭策略,以獲得競爭力。

83、Get a medic up here! ─── 叫醫(yī)生來!

84、Stories of an Amelia swoop have gathered pace after the youngster underwent a knee scan in Turin on Tuesday, allegedly in the presence of a Bianconeri medic. ─── 關于阿梅利亞的轉(zhuǎn)會傳聞起于星期二,這名年輕人來都靈進行膝部掃描,而據(jù)聞當時斑馬軍團的隊醫(yī)也在場。

85、Women of Miao ethic group consults a medic about gynecologic diseases ─── 一位醫(yī)務人員接受苗族婦女的咨詢

86、The medic that reads undergraduate course in home can apply for abroad the medical graduate student of what university, recommend a few schools that can offer sum scholarship please. ─── 在國內(nèi)讀完本科的醫(yī)學生可以申請國外哪些大學的醫(yī)學研究生,請推薦幾個可以提供全額獎學金的學校。

87、"Done!" said the American. Instantly, he found himself sanding unhurt near the scene."Where are the others?" asked a medic. ─── “成交”美國人說,立刻他就發(fā)現(xiàn)自己安然無恙的回到了事故現(xiàn)場。"其他人呢"救援人員問

88、As a medic, for example, you could put all your skill points into increasing your healing speed and ability, at the expense of improving your weapon proficiency. ─── 因為軍醫(yī), 例如, 您能投入所有您的技能點入增加您醫(yī)治用的速度和能力, 犧牲改進您的武器熟練程度。

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