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10-03 投稿


monte 發(fā)音

英:[?mɑ?nti]  美:[?m?nti; ?m?nte?]

英:  美:

monte 中文意思翻譯




monte 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 始于西班牙的紙牌賭博游戲n. (Monte)人名;(英)蒙特(教名Montague的昵稱);(意、葡、瑞典)蒙特

monte 常用詞組

monte carlo ─── 蒙特卡洛(摩納哥城市)

monte carlo method ─── n. [統(tǒng)]蒙特卡洛法

monte carlo simulation ─── 蒙特卡羅模擬

monte 短語詞組

1、del monte gold ─── 德爾蒙特黃金

2、four-card monte ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 四卡蒙特

3、Rosa, Monte ─── 羅扎峰(阿爾卑斯山的第二高峰, 位于瑞士和意大利交界處)

4、hit-or-miss Monte Carlo ─── [計] 射中與否蒙特卡羅法

5、Monte Carlo n. ─── 蒙特卡洛(位于摩納哥)

6、quasi-Monte Carlo method ─── [計] 擬蒙特卡羅法

7、castel del monte ─── 蒙特城堡

8、del monte forest ─── 德爾蒙特森林

9、Monte-Carto simulation ─── [計] 蒙特卡羅模擬

10、Madrigal del Monte ─── 德爾蒙特馬 ─── 德里加爾

11、El Monte n. ─── 艾爾蒙特市(美國加利福尼亞州西南部一城市)

12、Monte Carlo method ─── [計] 蒙特卡洛法 ─── [化] 蒙特卡羅法

13、three-card monte ─── 三牌賭一張(將明牌 ─── 三張翻轉(zhuǎn)并打亂位置, 賭者將賭注下在其中一張上, 看是否賭中)

14、Monte Bianco ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 勃朗峰;白朗峰;勃朗峰蛋糕

15、Monte Cristo ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 基督山伯爵;基度山;基督山酒店

16、Monte-Carlo model ─── [計] 蒙特卡羅模型

17、monte-jus ─── [化] 壓氣升液器; 蛋形升液器

18、Monte Carlo simulation ─── [化] 蒙特卡羅模擬

19、Monte-Carlo method ─── [計] 蒙特卡羅法

monte 相似詞語短語

1、montre ─── n.裝飾音管

2、conte ─── n.小故事;n.(Conte)人名;(英)康特;(意)孔特,貴族頭銜“伯爵”;(法、葡、西)孔特;(幾)孔戴

3、monty ─── n.(澳新口)必定的事物(尤指賽馬時必贏的馬);n.(Monty)人名;(英)蒙蒂(教名Montague的昵稱)

4、motte ─── n.叢林;n.(Motte)人名;(日)物袋(姓);(德、法、英)莫特

5、monde ─── n.時髦社交界;上流社會

6、montes ─── n.(Montes)(美、西、阿、墨、巴)蒙特斯(人名)

7、mote ─── n.塵埃;微粒;小錯;n.(Mote)人名;(英、法、塞)莫特

8、month ─── n.月,一個月的時間

9、moste ─── v.(古語)可能,也許(mote的過去式);n.(Moste)(美)莫斯特(人名)

monte 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、He remembered the Count of Monte Cristo. ─── 他想起了基督山伯爵。

2、"My child," said Monte Cristo, coloring, "allow me to take back that purse? ─── “我的孩子,”基督山的臉紅了,“允許我拿回那只錢袋吧。

3、"Come, come," said Monte Cristo, "confess honestly that you have not perfect confidence in Thomson & French. ─── “好了”基督山說道,“您老實承認(rèn)您不十分信任湯姆生·弗倫奇銀行的負(fù)責(zé)能力吧。

4、We use the C programming language to do the Monte Carol simulation. ─── 在實際計算過程中,本文用自編的C語言程序來實現(xiàn)蒙特卡羅模擬。

5、At Monte Cassino he was determined to repeat his earlier performances. ─── 他決意在卡西諾山再顯本事。

6、"My horses," said Monte Cristo. ─── “我的馬呢

7、Monte Carlo Simulation of SAT in Three Dimensional Lattice ? ─── 三維格點中SAT鏈的Monte Carlo模擬

8、Monte Cristo took off the wig which disfigured him, and let fall his black hair, which added so much to the beauty of his pallid features. ─── 伯爵脫掉了那改變他相貌的假發(fā),垂下了他那漆黑的頭發(fā),使他那蒼白的臉頓時英俊了許多。

9、We use Monte Carlo method to get the relationship between dipolar interaction and magnetoresistance effect. ─── 利用蒙特卡羅數(shù)值模擬方法分析了該體系中偶極相互作用對系統(tǒng)磁電阻效應(yīng)的影響。

10、What caused the explosion in Monte Grande? ─── 什么引起來蒙特·格蘭德鎮(zhèn)的爆炸?

11、He had heard young Mont call his father a pig-headed Morning Poster-disrespectful devil. ─── 他曾聽見小孟特稱他父親是一個思想閉塞的《晨郵報》讀者--真是個目無尊長的小畜生。

12、"Something of this I heard in Epirus," said Monte Cristo; "but the particulars are still unknown to me. ─── “這件事我在伊皮魯斯多少聽說過一些,”基督山說道,“但詳細(xì)情況我并不知道。

13、Hearing the name Monte Cristo, Dantes was filled with joy. ─── 一聽到基度山的名稱,丹尼斯內(nèi)心充滿喜悅。

14、He went on holiday to Monte Carlo and blued all his money. ─── 他到蒙特卡洛度假,把錢花得干干凈凈。

15、really , " said monte cristo , lowering his voice , " you do not appear to me to be very enthusiastic on the subject of this marriage . ─── “說實話,”基督山說道,壓低了聲音,“照我看,您好象對這樁婚事并不十分熱心?!?/p>

16、"Bah," exclaimed Monte Cristo, "that's a fine reason to give. ─── “噢

17、"I have the power of so doing," said Monte Cristo. ─── “這種事我有辦法?!被缴秸f。

18、"I beseech you, madame," replied Monte Cristo "not to spoil Ali, either by too great praise or rewards. ─── “夫人,”基督山答話,“我求您別寵壞了阿里,別給他太多的稱贊和報酬。

19、Monte Cristo had already seen the breakfast-room and the salon on the ground-floor. ─── “樓下的餐廳和客廳基督山已經(jīng)看過了。

20、Cristo loomed large in the horizon. ─── 基督山島隱約地聳現(xiàn)在地平線上了。

21、"You should furnish him with some of course," replied Monte Cristo. ─── “您當(dāng)然應(yīng)該給他一點嘍?!被缴交卮稹?/p>

22、He broke the bank at Monte Carlo. ─── 他在蒙特卡羅的豪賭使銀行破產(chǎn)了。

23、"Peste! let us not lose such an opportunity," returned Monte Cristo. ─── “真的,那我們不要錯過這個機(jī)會,”基督山答道。

24、He tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo. ─── 他已經(jīng)把賭本全輸光了。

25、"With the Count of Morcerf," answered Monte Cristo. ─── “跟馬爾塞夫伯爵,”基督山答道。

26、"You seen incredulous," said Monte Cristo who repeated to Ali in the Arabic language what he had just been saying to Baptistin in French. ─── “你不相信嗎?”基督山說道。他把剛才用法語對巴浦斯汀說的那番話又用阿拉伯語向阿里復(fù)述了一遍。

27、Monte Cristo wrote two or three notes, and, as he sealed the last, the steward appeared. ─── 基督山寫了兩三封信,當(dāng)他封上最后一封的時候,管家出現(xiàn)了。

28、"No," said Monte Cristo; "since, as I told you before, I do not wish to comprehend it. ─── “不必了,”基督山說道,“因為,我剛才已經(jīng)告訴過您了,我并不想了解它。

29、"And now, gentlemen, I wish you good-morning," said Monte Cristo. ─── “現(xiàn)在,二位,我祝你們晚安?!被缴秸f道。

30、They are elated at their hard-own success at Monte Cassino, where fighting was very severe . ─── 他們對于在卡西諾山峰經(jīng)過苦戰(zhàn)獲得的成就感到自豪,那里的戰(zhàn)斗確是非常激烈。

31、"It is well," said Monte Cristo. ─── “很好,”基督山說道。

32、"Ah, true," observed Monte Cristo; "I recollect now. ─── “啊,不錯,”基督山說道,“我想起來了。

33、On 28th May, Montoya scored the second in Monte Carlo. That was his last F1 podium finish. ─── 五月28日,蒙托亞獲得了摩納哥大獎賽的第二名。那是他最后一次登上F1的領(lǐng)獎臺。

34、Heilbroner's theory has become doctrine in some economics textbooks: for example, Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological rural development projects as inhibiting constructive change. ─── 海爾布隆納的理論已經(jīng)成為一些經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)教科書的教條:例如,蒙特·帕爾默認(rèn)為非技術(shù)性的農(nóng)村發(fā)展項目阻礙了建設(shè)性變革。

35、The same analysis are performed at PYTHIA Monte Carlo sample. ─── 產(chǎn)生的事件樣本作了同樣的分析,并用所得結(jié)果與實驗結(jié)果,以及華家照等人

36、Villa Monte Bello from the hotel to walk a few steps you can reach large shopping malls, cinemas and banks. ─── 從蒙特韋約別墅飯店步行幾步您就可到達(dá)大型購物中心、電影院和銀行。

37、"Faults or crimes," responded Monte Cristo with a negligent air. ─── “過失或是罪過。”基督山以一種隨便的神氣回答道。

38、monte cristo raised his head once more , and this time he was calm as a child awaking from its sleep. ─── 基督山再一次抬頭來,這一次,他的臉平靜得象剛睡醒的小孩子一樣。

39、"What was the name of your old master? " said Monte Cristo. ─── “你的舊主人叫什么名字?”基督山問道。

40、German 14th Army build entrenchment on monte cassino, to defend on Allied attack! ─── 14德國軍隊建設(shè)對鞏固蒙特進(jìn)犯,保衛(wèi)專職攻擊!

41、"And M. de Monte Cristo, King of China, Emperor of Cochin-China," said the young imp, looking slyly towards his sister. ─── “這位就是基督山伯爵閣下,中國國王,安南皇帝?!蹦切☆B童狡猾地望著她姐姐說道。

42、Mont Saint Michel is a must-see! ─── 圣米歇爾山是個必游之地!

43、Upon the eighth day he discerned a small vessel under full sail approaching Monte Cristo. ─── 到第八天,他看見有一艘小帆船扯滿了帆正向基督山島駛來。

44、Photo taken in Spring 2007. Le Mont Saint Michele, France. ─── 2007法國南方諾曼第區(qū)的圣密蜜雪兒山.黃昏的景色.

45、Founder of the Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy, and father of Western monasticism. ─── 義大利蒙特卡西諾本篤會修道院的創(chuàng)辦人,也是西方基督教修行制度的創(chuàng)始人。

46、"These are but indifferent marbles in this ante-chamber," said Monte Cristo. ─── “這間前廳里的大理石像太普通了,”基督山說。

47、Michael Schumacher was honoured with an FIA Gold Medal at the end-of-year prize-giving in Monte Carlo on Friday night. ─── 國際汽聯(lián)(FIA)2006賽季頒獎典禮在摩納哥舉行,已經(jīng)退役的七屆世界冠軍得主邁克爾·舒馬赫被授予了金質(zhì)獎?wù)隆?/p>

48、However, Monte Cristo only made a sign to apprise Ali, who, understanding that danger was approaching from the other side, drew nearer to his master. ─── 但基督山卻只作了一個手勢通知阿里,阿里懂得危險是在從更衣室那方面過來,就向他的主人挨近一點。

49、Finally, by employing Monte Carlo integration, the abundances are estimated unbiasedly. ─── 為了證明該算法的有效性,本研究設(shè)計了模擬試驗和真實影像試驗。

50、NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation. ─── NPDMC是一個我國研制的多群中子和光子耦合輸運的三維孔道計算蒙特卡羅程序。

51、E quelli partirono dal monte Hor e si accamparono a Tsalmona. ─── 以色列人從何珥山起行,在撒摩拿安營。

52、"Ah," said Monte Cristo "the evening of the 3d of June, 1829. ─── “啊,”基督山說道,“一八二九年六月三日傍晚。

53、"Leave them," said Monte Cristo. ─── “隨它放在那兒好了,”基督山說。

54、"Oh, the voice of nature," said Monte Cristo. ─── “噢,俗話說父子天性呀?!被缴秸f。

55、Monte Cristo took off the wig which disfigured him, and let fall his black hair, which added so much to the beauty of his pallid features. ─── 伯爵脫掉了那改變他相貌的假發(fā),垂下了他那漆黑的頭發(fā),使他那蒼白的臉頓時英俊了許多。

56、Today is all yours to explore the great outdoors at Mont Tremblant! ─── 今天你可以盡情探索蒙特朗布朗的大自然!

57、Born in Tilden, Neb., he grew up in Helena, Mont. ─── 哈伯德生于內(nèi)布拉斯加州狄爾登(Tilden),在海倫娜山(Helena Mont.

58、Mont Blanc is the highest peak in the Apls. ─── 勃朗峰是阿爾卑斯山脈中最高的山峰。

59、"Yes," answered Monte Cristo "happily, yes, conscience does remain; and if it did not, how wretched we should be! ─── “是的,”基督山答道,“是的,幸虧還有良心,要是沒有了它的話,我們將痛苦到什么地步呀!

60、"Alas, sir," said Monte Cristo "this spectacle is neither strange to my eye nor my thought. ─── “唉,先生

61、Monte Carlo algorithm plays an important role in macromolecule science. ─── monte Carlo算法在高分子研究領(lǐng)域占有相當(dāng)重要的地位。

62、Oh. " said Monte Cristo " it would be quite superfluous for you to tell me, for I already know it. ─── “噢,”基督山說,“您告訴我也多余,因為我已經(jīng)知道了?!?/p>

63、"I beg your pardon," interposed Monte Cristo. ─── “對不起,我沒聽清楚?!被缴讲遄斓馈?/p>

64、We studied the phase diagrams of S= 3/2 and S=2 Blume-Caple model by using Monte Carlo computer simulations. ─── 利用計算機(jī)Monte Carlo模擬,研究自旋S=3/2和S=2 Blume-Capel模型的相圖。

65、The day after Monte Cristo had called upon Danglars, the mysterious lodger entered at ten o'clock in the morning instead of four in the afternoon. ─── 在基督山拜訪騰格拉爾的第二天,也就是瓦朗蒂娜出喪的那一天,那神秘的房客在早晨十點鐘進(jìn)來了。

66、He was disagreeably surprised to see his own valet de chambre, whom he had not brought, that he might not inconvenience Monte Cristo. ─── 他緊張地在院子里看到了他自己的貼身跟班,他并沒有吩咐他跟來,恐懼使基督山感到不便。

67、A: I have a Ferrari 599 and a Maserati Quattroporte in my house in Monte Carlo and another Quattroporte in Sao Paulo. ─── A:我在蒙特卡洛的家中有一輛法拉利599和一輛瑪沙拉蒂-夸特羅伯特,在圣保羅還有一輛夸特羅伯特。

68、Sleepwalker , Symphony Of Destruciton , A Tout Le Monte ...this certainly is a night to remember! ─── 臺下酒瓶,煙頭,打火機(jī)亂飛,只是觀眾內(nèi)訌,臺上的連一個酒杯都沒挨上,感嘆現(xiàn)今場地秩序好多了!

69、Monte Carlo is a good choice to compute the problem of global illumination in the field of realistic image synthesis. ─── 在真實感圖形生成領(lǐng)域里,蒙特卡羅方法是計算整體光照問題的極佳選擇。

70、Do you have high hopes for Monte Carlo? ─── 你對蒙特卡洛抱著很高的期望嗎?

71、"It was a sublime and charitable thought," said Monte Cristo, "and the whole world should applaud it. ─── “這真是個崇高仁慈的念頭,”基督山說,“全世界的人都應(yīng)該贊美這種思想。

72、Rendez-vous on September 1st at 18.30 on the CHAMPIONS PROMENADE in Monte Carlo (Esplanade Grimaldi Forum). ─── 卡洛斯中產(chǎn)生。9月1號頒獎典禮,答案將正式揭曉。

73、He was disagreeably surprised to see his own valet DE chambre, whom he had not brought, that he might not inconvenience Monte Cristo. ─── 他緊張地在院子里看到了他自己的貼身跟班,他并沒有吩咐他跟來,恐懼使基督山感到不便。

74、As he thus reasoned, Monte Cristo walked down the Rue de la Caisserie. ─── 基督山一面這樣沉思默想,一面順著凱塞立街走。

75、But the Count of Monte Cristo surrounds me with every paternal care, and I am ignorant of nothing which passes in the world. ─── 基督山伯爵象慈父般地對我愛護(hù)備至,我對于外界的事情無所不知,雖然我是在我的臥室里觀看這一切。

76、The literal meaning of Montelucci derives from latin Mons Lucii or Monte Luci: is the Mountain of Light. ─── Bucine -配有 兒童活動場所 的酒店:The Fattoria Montelucci has a long and fascinating history.

77、The principle of Monte Carlo method and its application are introduced. ─── 介紹蒙特卡羅方法的基本原理及其在計算物理中的應(yīng)用。

78、Hotel Monte Sella : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在網(wǎng)上預(yù)定您在歐洲的旅館.

79、The dual-species model is based on the Monte Carlo simulation conjoined with the embedded atom method(EAM)potentials. ─── 雙粒子模型的基礎(chǔ)是描述原子之間相互作用勢為EAM(embedded atom method)勢的Monte Carlo模擬.

80、"Oh, heavens," exclaimed Monte Cristo, "can my suspicions be correct? ─── “哦,上帝,”他喊道,“你讓我在心里隱約想過的事情難道是真的?

81、Monte Cristo pressed on that pure beautiful forehead a kiss which made two hearts throb at once, the one violently, the other heavily. ─── 基督山在這個純潔而美麗的額頭上吻了一下,這一吻使兩顆心同時跳動起來,一顆是劇烈地跳,一顆是沉著地跳。

82、Next up is the start of the clay season with Monte Carlo in mid-April. ─── 在四月中旬,紅土賽季即將在蒙特卡羅拉開序幕。

83、The most frequently employed method in reliability analysis is Monte Carlo Simulation MCS . ─── 中文摘要蒙地卡羅模擬是可靠度分析中最常用的方法;

84、"And that is the case," observed Monte Cristo. ─── “的確如此,”基督山說道。

85、"A great pity," said Monte Cristo. ─── “太糟了

86、"My dear sir," said Monte Cristo, "I understand your emotion; you must have time to recover yourself. ─── “我親愛的先生,”基督山說道,“我理解你這種感情,您需要有些時間來適應(yīng)您自己。

87、Using it,we develop a software by Monte Carlo to calculate the internal radiation dose. ─── 利用該數(shù)學(xué)模型,通過蒙卡算法開發(fā)了計算內(nèi)照射劑量的軟件。

88、Latterly based in Monte Carlo Newton went on working to the end. ─── 后來居住在蒙特卡羅的牛頓一直工作不輟。

89、Built in 1839, Monte Rosa is the oldest hotel in town. ─── 1839年成立的馬特羅莎是鎮(zhèn)內(nèi)最老的飯店。

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